HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-07, Page 5WEDNESDAY, Na(r., 74.11; 1962 For Cieun, Easy Drying VISCOUNT CUSTOM DRYER • . , .7 - • • • • . LUCKNOW SENITNET, wacNow, ONTARIO • Sudden fall Showers, blustery winds, snow, frost sleet — all add up to difficult ,and frustrating • drying conditions at this time of year.. But youll laughat the weather with a new ' 1962 Co-op Viscount ,Dryer SIINSWIAT SPECIAL . • , , • Buy Now From November 3rd to, December 15th And You'll Receive , • • An Eiectric Blanket. . Absolutely .• Free $29.95 Drop In and See the , Co-op Viscount Dryer with features you 'want a a price that's right LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP ••Mime Lnacnow' !GE IFWE, tiend •'Nephew's. Funeral Friday M. Janes Wraith of; town • atteatled the trilateral of her • phew.CharleS Knight of.,98 liykeit Crescent, Le:aside, on Fri- day. Mr. Knight, ;;;srhio was in: his 519th .year, passed away quite Suddenly.. His widow is the former An- • Wraith, of Walter• ' Wraith, a former editOr. iof ' the • Luclinow 'Sentinel. Mr.. Wraith •preceded 'A. a 'MacKenzie who tame from Teeswater in 1999 to :take ,over 'The Sentinel. • Left •to .thOurn besidei. .his • wife, are tWo daughters,. •Mrs. Robin Hyslop (Eleanor)* of 'Chat- ham, N.B., and Mrs. Murray Aimer (Charlene) of Leaside. .Brownie News 2nd PAROWN121E PACK •/. • .• • The 2nd Pack 'Brownies held hallovire'en party on 'Tuesday in plac.e of their regular. ineetink.: Everyone w in *costume in- cluding the• thre :drarn es.. Were tairy Ring was held4.a.hrl 100133 col,lected: • • Lunch was serve d bY. the .guiders' followed- iby ''peatrat scramble and a candy treat .• • ' Hanna. IVIen's. Wea.r in Wing - ham -has been • Init.:chased by Clare Cantelon who has manag- ed the. store for many year:S. lathes' wear departinent • was previbusly sold to Mr. mid Mrs.' DeWitt :Miller. ,11011.L • In Mi./heart :of downtown . Tome.° facing Allan Gardens • Close to finest shopping and, entertainment centers, major hospitals and subway.• ' • Beautif.ulli appointed' rooms and suites: Dining •Roorn. Television. Children FREE. Moderately $0:50. Sngle Priced from Qtet!Prci • 4:50- DoLibie , • ' :Clouporicy fiederick funnel), Gen. Mgt. • • , * CENTRALLY LOCATED AT Telephone: 368-4823 ,j06.jary:is St. Toronto, Canada •N • / taanimamoussamasimuliamessaluliossosalimilmitipialiai ... Ta , , .Part In flow„ Is. ..• The_ : Tinto_ .. '. To InstA • . I it . . . . . • . . is, :,. New Services! Nik•Sil :ALUMINUM ' .... • : - • . .., York. ..... ,. , oimoroll NEWS.. .,• 11: • us, ' ' • ' WINDOWS and DOORS .. • Iv.l.s. Tem iiorwi,.. was bastes, . ..-. for the Anglican Ev • Work.-.; er's on Tuesday afternoon when,1 a quilt was .quilted, this being A wok meeting. Mrs. Prert Nich-; . Z. Make yiour Iii • wne conifortabl: and mome attraclive by NASH, atismenT".,,um. „ comisinatiort. doors. „ aad.: wadows. alson presided for the dqVOtiOrkailiL : These =its niade of heavy tune extrodedi at • ;' . " Cut Fuel ',ails Upt To 30% • n t P.' WE INSTALL - AND SERVJCE WHAT WE SEW • • •STEINARTI Sales • E r 101 Yi401.4St., tiliffeei 414; 4401 • part whach. began with the hyriilt '131est are .the lnare lakeP:ri.,77.' Prayer follovied, Miss May 139,31k read the scripture, Psalm 34. The word for the roll call 'Was "Thanks," Mrs. FTTold Heiden - by gave the 1/W1:Etat/M.; Mrs. .11:onald Thacker,. secretary • gave the financial Statement.. lit was decided to send a C treat inbot the Big Trent Lake: ,bale and tl:te Moosonee School, bale that will .bek packed. on! Thursday afternoon next, at the W.A. meeting which be Tiled, at. the, antral.; The Meeting 4clos-i ed with, prayer and re fr ents' were served by tale .hostess.. Mm..' Harold galdenby gave the •cow.- tesY rethat•ks. Mrs. ..Tack•ewitt is tlae• NTovember Mrs. katherine CoNins and tile: pupils• of Mar school had a plea-' sant afternoon •arranged Wed- nesday.. At the Annual ae'ea Party for • . and friends din the section. Mrs. Col.: lins welcomed the liaailiOs. and I'VEiss Edna Boyle played ..the grand march, when all of the pupils and pre-school rhilcireni paraded in cOsturne. Joilin parr, Rtisiell Hewitt, •3211s. George Graham and Miss . May Boyle were juges"• ecl prizes as follow*: Best Co pie iOr Trio -4 doctor and 'Margaret and Ilea Bush - 2nd (A cliVas.horse), Joan Per- cy, Brenda Hewitt; Brian Perci Pe-SchOl lst, •CHURCH NEWS Anne AuShelli.2ard, Tommy Mk; Ion. Grades • i-4,„ •Best • 1Farray I• • . • .• c.?:)stume, '4.Skatigt'Y whet; eittl Lucknvar • -16-C Group 411 lap Oita .. +V -;amaimmassommmoiniaimminvinunnimilimasimmummaimurna Black at tliii32‘ NEI•NS BRIEFS • Mr. and Mrs. Art Hod_ of; • Con. Itk, visited ....Fray with] 3.71r. and Mrs. James Hoighis'Sr-,i •FRom NEA•y . Mr. and ,Mrs, Don ell and • MI family also; visit/ell SUIldaY at the . liodgins home. . • We are pleased to leport that, Leenald St4:11210, Who underwent Surgery at Sound htepital IS =taking•a favorable recovers, and expects to be home ha a few;clays. Members of anis- fa- mily spent Sunday with him. Mr..• and 3.1ffs. Tom McDonald,, South Line, •vis' ited Sunday with Mr. and Ms. -'Stwriile37. Mrs. J.. W. Colwell iis-ited Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Don McCosh, Purple 'Grove. • tat t+Tf.• Wattertoes population has reached 4639 mark and the assessment has tapiltetti $1408,616. * * * + , Excessive speed vrad the am- Aition of the iroad were factors in the traffic death of Pe Dippel, 23, near Walkerton late last June.• The jpity expressed the belief that Bemnatl vr.n7iinv-z was the tritiver• of the car, 'contradictory evidence. Tezt,17113312y was that 11rz had at• first said he was the driver and then denied. having said so. Mrs. Alex Percy a.nd Mrs. pen Haldenby visited Sunday wi 'Mrs. William Stanley at Clinton ospitAl Mr.. and Min Grant' IVIacoon- ald ,and boys of Kincardiate itedi Sunday with Mr. 'and Mts. Alex Percy and Wayne. + 00 cosbinae,. Gorden Dilloar41. Thefrayarith,•mileettimg- • ome-made costume! Wae Percy7-Best---Bo Lnis• Nicholson Grade& 5-8, Best Fancy cOstanne, Janet Bushell; Best Comic costume, .parrs, Namenibsr; pile of songs that were learned 0, Mitt was held on Sunday eten*g at 'MO p.m. h the . fellowship. torma7 :During•Itie some riet-A7 :were i to the gilati(p. These Were ,.+11 44 f.1 0 0 I I r• made costume., jpan• Reny,. •at Galt. On December 26th we Brenda ewitti•• Best . • Bought, costume, Heather witt: 'Best Jack °Lantern, 1st, Joan 2nd, wIfirmaY Schindler.. Bren- da Hewitt the Jr.` Red president, tookcharge of. -the program whiC3i began wit 0 imenabels-'wese23.1- Rev- fl SUm-141 •Canada: Patiy Dillon read ,'the ck'secl the 3111etillg Wit" bene. 1141 ION III, at going. to Toronto to a hor7. key .gapne• when TorOnto play .againSt Detreit. te.7-111,44 thetop* iBarbara • • • wpm and .Sirrirley 'Newbold .1-,e.ad, the 'scripture. There were 114 min:Of the previous meet - g. Reicitations Were given by 'Margaret Bushel% Marjorie: ;tint,. Geordie Haldenby: Readings by Barry FIRldenby and. eitty Schneller...Contetts, Janet Bildt- ell, Janette lickertswiller, Wayne Percy.. Riddle*, . Man Sz. Worure Eckerst.swiller songs by the Junior pupts, anal' tisio One ...bY the Senior pupils. •Luntla was served .bY lVirs. and the Pupils ana ain0A, ple44.azat Attetnicmt .i.xiblagult '17.1) 'a close withIP: og 'The NatiOnal Anallen.• • . •• The Presbyterian COngregation helda pot luck sUPperat the charCh .on. Friday enng. The Rev.• N. McCombe of Ripley was the guest speaker.. An enjoyable tintWas had by all. ' • • Reir..)'6... Benson' COx is this week enjoying a \visit in. New, :York with, fornier hiends there and ..ialsb Participating in 'spethal 'church services in he to churches where, ,,he...nainistered while residing New .York. Nit. and Mrs. :George TN:Wet- by returned 'to, the village on Friday., ,atter 'spending "the mer months in, (!ttaWa;. where George WaS 240oitie4 456P1 The: Standard Pa?ving CompanY.' ' A number fit= hen .3ttete the Turkey dinner at St. .Jkohnis Church,. Bervie oaPriday even- ing; , Under tibe glass• +of the , • , • The 'WA, ting 'be at the • Church on. Priaiay affernoon, The Evening W. --rs and W.A.. "will pack the MisitorearY 3bes; The Anglican serVice',Will be' cancelled ,on Sunday, nett aS Cnbn ,13.• Strptp is guest prea- Cher at the, Retnevbratee $tl'- v4ce at Hanover. • • , Mrs: ai1ian C6x Vent the week -end With s Margaret • udiammarszkooru:- • dictic,ra. • • 'Tine November meeting vf the 17..C...W was, held 4 'the home of Mrs. Hugh ile-riTity with 21), ladies an irifildren prepent 'The In/wide:at, mts. Cooke he (charge af..the meeting.. Mrs. E. Zinn gave two chapters frOME1 The: StllIliiy NYE&'the scripture was taken from Colloisians Mrs. L. MenarY had an. iiitelesting reading on the tri-MaTem et ipng K0271g. Plans were inade 'IVO cater to. the Lions scupper on Novem- ber th.. The -holiday envelopes. 'were turned In at this meeting.• The meeting (*sea vital hana an prayer.; • MIP~.0.4104P44.04.01"4"11104.......~.11 1. o. 41 • •• Wcyn't Evaporate' Nica-ronosive Contains inst-inbisitors LUCKNOW mama Co-op Moue 71 •Ludamer • •.ESSO SERV10E FOR TOP QUALITY AlLAS BATTERIES • DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes in Stock), • AT REASONABLE PRICES! • • Repairs to A1 Makes of Cats nod TraciotS • 3 Licensed Meamnics 44 • 11+ •