HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-11-07, Page 4• PAGE FOUR. 1 THE LUCKNOW .SENTINEL, L CRN4 • ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV..7th, 1;962,' WANT ADS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES -- First Insertion: 2c per word, rninymum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions,. 1 I2 c per word, minimum. 40c. ' Notices, Cards, of Thanks. and Coming vents, E minimum 75c. 'In ' Memorams, minimum $1..00. 25c extrafor replies to The Sentinel Billing charge of • 10c for each till rendered. S©OTO�FH PINE ,CIiRISTMASFORSALE trees. Every tree carefully sel- • FOR SALE 40 yearling cat -t • .tle averaging 700. 1b6. for sale or will. ' put out to feed. Ernest Ackert, phone 304, . Lucknow, STRAW TOR SALE --100 bales, Thomas Rivett, Dungannon, phone 4L • FOR SALE - 3i Lacombe York first litter sows, bred to . far- 'row ar'row in January; also one slight- ly, lightly Bused. ' electre-pain. Harold Tanner, Lucknow, phone ' 330W, • FOR SALE -- Norge Oi1 Stove and W Ingham Clippercook stove in. perfect.='condition. Apply to Harold. Fairish, 'Lucknow. PIGS, .FOR: SALE =- 12 pigs. Herb- Bucktori, R.R. 6,• Lucknow, phone 26-r-10, .Ripley. • FOR SALE man's 120 bass key board, Frontelini "accordion,� 9 treble and 4 bass switches, 1960 model, $150.; and 1?iincess gui- tar, : good Condition: '$40.; 1952 Pontiac, $40.; Glen Hodgins, phone Bervie'' 2337: CORN FOR SALE iKilndried and cob, 'corn from the 'Ridge - town -Chatham Area in 5 -ton ge • truckload lots. Jim • :Mac'Ewan, • Kinloss, phone 210, Bervie.'... • ected. For quality as well as lowest . price order, :direct .from Georgian Bay Tree Farms, Owen Sound, phone FRankiin 6-6254. GOING OUT • OF BUSINESS: Known throughout ' Ontario and northern U.S.A. as one of • the district's largest •and finest dew-- ellery and gift stores, '!Filsinger's of Goderich entire tremendous" stock of •Jewellery Watches - China -Diamonds -Gifts etc, pis' thrown on the market for. what it will.. 'bring.. The latest in cost-. ume jewellery going at bargain prices 6-8-10 transistor radios; values from .$32:50 to so.,90 now $19;95 ` to $39.95. Binoculars, Bar- ometers at ibig. discounts. Eng- lish dinnerware greatly reduced. Hundreds of -beautiful gift items. .:You • Will marvel at the var iety ' and you"11, • marvel. ' at' '. the low low ;prices, Baby lockets reg. $2:50 • now' 98c. Stainless steel •flatware sets of ' the finer. quality reg. $21.50 now .$10:95. Others. . reg: x;50. ; ,n•ow: $1.3.95: All watchand: diamond ring prices reduced to clear them out last. Entire ,store, .just • one.. big bargain counter: !It's :a SELLOUT. to the bare walls. .: FILSINGEWS, GODERICH. ' FOR SALE. - girl's three-piece • "Little ` Nugget" Boat set, size •FOUND 6x. Mrs, Jilin • Aitcheson, R1, Lucknow, phone 8744. • •WHO LOSfrtheir garbage can •-on . Hallowe'en Night? .Contact HOUND FOR s./. APPly Mrs: Grace Johnston,'phone' 201, to Dick McQuillin, R.R., 3, Moly- Lucknow; , rood, phone. 27-r=26, . Ripley. MUSIC* 'LESSONS - for `anyone interested in . lessons ` on ' Satur- day afternoon;; Ihave openings for three; also one .afterfour on :Friday:' Mrs. ' •C. Shaddick. FOR • SANE -- ' .prize winning leather goods,- 'sewing, . smocked dresses, cushions, crib quilts and other.' items 'shown.',at local Fairs,. Mrs: Oliver 1VfcCharles, Lochalsh, phone. Ripley: 164 'r=4 SERVICES ANYONE NEEDING A SEPTIC TANK C = We have: modern equipment, reasonable. rates. Call R. E. Forster, mantis facturer of cement septic tanks and well -tile,. phone 2P, Luck- :21W- . , AUTOIytOTIVE ,,Mechanical' and' body repairs,' Wheel alignment ' and balance, Window replacement, Radiator repairs: Protect against, rust with Undaspray. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No: 8 Hwy. Phone JA 4-7231 Goderich, 'Ontario FOR . SALE ' =., eomplete. hockey• equipment ', fitting anyone.: from 15 years. and yup: Walter .Arnold, R.R. 2. Lucknow,. phone 64-r-2 FOR SALE litter: 'carrier, track and ban ers Universal milking ma bine, pipe ne, pump and buckets;; also 350 'Red -Sus-' sex. and 400 }'oneggers •pullets, .5 .months, • Franke, . Alton, phon 67-r-15, Dungannon. MOUSE ' . FOR , SALE on Quality Hill, 'Lucknow, . �5-room bungalow, with' fire -place, . sun- room, full. size basement, oil • furnace •• and in perfect condi • tion: Immediate possession. •Mrs,• Bill Cummings, :phone 911, Luck - mow. BOXED. CHRISTMAS CARDS. .by Rust'Craft now on display at Finlay .Decorators, ' phone 218, T FOR SALE . 1 Aberdeen Angus Bull, '9 months old, ,off Reg: Stock. also a ' Beatty shallow well, pressure system . complete, belt drive, , used very little. Leonard J. Chisholm, phone Dungannon. ' BEST. PRICES in .. tractor. ' tires: Fresh cement • in • stock at 'all times, 'good. discounts, •on large . • ordersForrmos`a No. 1 hardwood slabs in truckload lots. Bruce! MacMillan;. Lucknow:.. SA -VEE TIME AND EXPENSE, . Iave • 'buyers "coming to you." 'Use Sentinel "Want . Ads." ' FOR SALE -= Transite Pipe, all sizes in stocks Special • 8" culvertt .tile, 35c a Moot' .P'ollock. Electric, Ripley, . phone 190. FOR SALE' - One forced air circulator fora furnace,. com- plete. Contact • Charles Wilkins, R.R. 3, Lucknow, phone 69-r-1, VENTS CASH BINGO A Cash, Bingo will be, held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, November 8th at 6:45 p,rn, 12 regular games for $10., 3 • share -the -wealth. $50 Special game must gc. BAALE aND TEA Abake Sale anwill be held on .$aturday, November 10th, at 2:30'p.m. in the Murdie store, formerly -occupied iby El- don Wraith, under the, auspices of the Lucknow Women's Insti= flute,. •. DON'T : FORGET A:FEtIc/TIO APPLIiCA'TION'S: for the posit- ion of assistant arena manager will be received by the under - .signed . to NOVernber 1,0th, 1962. Salary commensurate`. with qual- ifications and experience. • . E. I. Agnew, Secretary, Lucknow. Arena Committee FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT •,- 8 -rooms 'and bath, 1/ miles west of Lucknow. Apply • to Russell Rit- chie, R R •' 6; Lucknow phone .._. . 10-r-7,. Ripley: '" : NOTICE • NOTICE NOTICE:• 'Legion Members '.are asked to. Promote the sale of the Nov:etn- ber 9th draw tickets in order to make the draw a success. NOTICE - A Court of Revision on the. Assessment Roll `compiled in 1962 fthe hof 'V4i'est Wa- wanorosh wTownsil•1..beip held at the Township Ilan, West Wawanbsh on Tuesday,' November 12th, 1962, from. 10 a.m, _until` 12 .moon: • J. .F.... •FORAN, .Twp. Clerk R,R: 2, •Aulburn,. Ont• St. Andrew's Ballunder the • auspices of •Kairshea Women's Institute '-on Friday, November TENDERS .WANTEDED 30th, :. BAZAAR AND TEA Zion United. Church. Women. will thold a Bazaar, Bake; Sole .& 'afternoon' tea in the Legion Room's,.. Lucknow,, on Saturday, November ` 17th` at . 2;30 ' p.m: owes or ny en r not necessarily accepted. • • E: • H. Agnew, Secretary, 'Lucknow Arena'. Committee FILTER' QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, Ph Henson 696-r-2 VACUUM. CLEANERS Sales ai}d 'Service Repairs and bags for • all models of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned machines of, all makes for sale. BOB .PECK, Varna, Ontario,' Phone . Hensall. 696=r-2 CUSTOM BUTCHER G. Beef and pork soId , in any quantity, Custom. butchering ` ' in Government . • licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday.. Beef from • Monday through' Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic, tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and .cleaned with mod- ern equipment. All work guar-. , anteed. • Louis Blake, , R 2 Brits - SOS,. phone 442-W-6. AUCTION SALE Allan 'MacIntYi e Licensed Auctioneer tingannon.: ' Lucknow Phone ,209-r-41 TENDERS 'will. .(be received by• the undersigned, to Novemlber. 14th, 1962, for ' refreshment booth privileges -in the Lucknow••: Arena for the '1962-63-• winter ANTED HORSE WANTED wish • to. buy horse or have use of it for winter, Eldert Geertsma, R.R. • 6' Lucknow, • phone Ripley 11-r-23. HELP ,WANTED - Good girl. to • live in is, a . mother's helper, located on Highway 10,. south of • Brampton. • Will exchange re- ferences.. e-ferences.• Call Mr. Grice, .` R.R.. 6, B t 'n h n Co k ill ' 277- 0848'.. HAY WANT good mixed. hay: Any quantity over . 400 bales, John Hildebrand` --phone-• Dungannon ,18-r1-10. . LOST LOST cattle beast, 604 or 700 pounds. .:Strayed off :Henderson farm. Anyone knowing of it's whereabouts;' contact Andrew. Ritchie, 11.11, 7, 'Lucknow, .phone'' 76-r-1; :'Dungannon. LOST '-- A logging. chain, Mon- day; afternoon ibetween Tom Hackett's .Sr., 12 .Con: :Ashfield,. and Lucknow. •'Wisll "finder -please. contact Pete.Cook, R.R. 3,'•Luck now; phone 61-r-18, Dungannon. "LOST" -a "yellow gold wedding ring • set with' : small• diamonds. A;reward is offered for ,any in, formation leading to its recov- ery. BOX: S,. The 'Sentinel.' STRAYED = one • 800 .to 940. Ib. steer with prominent crescent 'shaped cut in lower left ear. Mrs.. D: F•. • Anderson, phone t.68 -r-23, Dungannon: .. STRAYED'' a heifer ,• to the farm ,:of .Lloyd Moffat, ,'Cbnces- sion '8, Kinloss Township Own- er may . haiVe *same by proving property ,and paying ' expenses; call • in Morning, • . '■ HAN OYER �® ■ AUCTION of .fresh and sprang- ■ . ing' cows and Heifers ,and calvei. TENDERS'' Will : be received by the undersigned up to Saturday,. November • 10th forseupplying.: of fuel oil for the .school term at S.S, .•ITd: 13, Ashfield.; ' ' ' Lowest. or an/y tender not nec- essarily •accepted. • Wm. Rutherford, Sec:,.; ° R.R. 2; Lucknow.. The annual meeting . and tins key- supper for 1VlapleGrove L.O.L. 1044, will be held on Thursday, November. 8th .at'. 7 p,mn. in Zion Hall. All rnembers are' asked to attend; CLERK'S NOTICE • OF POSTING' OF VOTERS'. LIS! Voters' List 1962, Township of West Wawanosh, County Huron Notice is hereby 'given ' that I .• have complied with : Sectio n 9 ,of .. The Voters' Lists ' Act, .1951, and. that I have. posted up at at• .my. office, R.R. 2, . Auburn, on the 29th day of 'October,.. 1962; the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said 1V Municipality• at .Municipal Elections and that such list reinains there for in spection. And I hereby call' upon afl voters 'to • take immediate pro,' ceedings to have any omissions or errors corrected according . to law;, the last day forappeal be- ing the ,12th' day• of November; 1962. . Dated 'this 29t1i day of 'Octs- ber, 1962. •J F. Foran, .Clerk of the Township '-of West Wawanosh. TENDERS FOR TRUCK CLERK'S NOTICE . OF FIRST POSTINGLIST OF VOTERS'.: . Voters' List, 1962, Village of • I�deknow,. County': of Bruce. Notice is hereby given 'that. I have complied with Section.9 af the Vetere' :Lists Act, 1960, -and that 1 iYave • posted up at my 'office :at /Lucknow;• the ;9th day of Getaber,• 1062, the 1stof . all persons " entitled ',to 'vote the said 1VMi.nicipality at munici- pal elections 'and .that such' list remains there for ; inspection. ' . And 1 thereby call upon all. voters/ to ' take.. iriim ed•i ate #o- ceedings to have any omissions. or errors corrected .according to law, . the last •day for appeal be, iiig .the 12th:' day of' N•oti ernber, Dated this 99th day of ,Octo- ■ ' ber, 1962. • . E. H. Agnew, Clerk of that Village of; Lucknow. Sealed '• tenders 'will be receiv-- ed by the undersigned for ,the' supplying'. of truck for ' .tte .Hu - ton Huion County Library 'Co=operative, Specifications may .be 'secur- ed secur-ed . from the undersigned: Tenders to Close . 12:`00 noon: November. 19th, 1962. " Lowest or any, tender not ;nec nec- essarily accepted. John G.. Betty, Secretary,. Huron . County Library Co-operative `Board, Box 640,;Goderich, Ont Jerry: 'Who 'introduced you . to your. wife? James We just' met. I :don't. blame anybody.. limmiummimmusiiimmarsais ■ eAE �A<® 1 •. ■ m • ■• ■ a- ■ ■ a a R co. � ' STD • E .,•,• ' ■ • AUCTION .SAI a P a - a ■ j this Friday. and every, Friday NAIIrA T Memberofthe GreyBruce■ 2:00 •pin. •at Bervie ,Livesto. O. CrAdI+nrc ■ Real Estate Buard:. ■ ■ S,al.es. very. springer uaran- •■ ■ ted D liver ,$3:Q0 .a head. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of JOHN ' WES- LEY HENDERSON, Deceased.; All persons having • claims against the estate of John Wes- ley Henderson,' late' of the Towivn ship of Kinloss, .an't'he County of Bruce, Retired Farmer; deceased, who', died on or about the 29th day of September 1962° are here- by notified, ere-bynotified to .send full 'partneri- lars of, "their claiins to the under-, signed Solicitor for the. Execu-• tors of the Estate On or before the -23rd day of Novemmber 1962; after which date the Estate will be distributed amongst those persons' entitled thereto,having regard only 'to the claims' of Which the •Executorsshall then have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 27th• day of Oeteber, 1962. R. ' W; .. ANDREW, Listowel, Onto. Solicitor for the Executors. •, Ask One -Of' Our Agents • ■ , How -YOU 'Can List Your r. u} . Property As A Multiple . a' . Listing. is ■ • N I "We Sell Rural Ontario" 200 ACRE FARM NEAR ■ . Lucknow, level, . stone -free, ii •: well • • drained,-- 195 .'acres. • m workable,'' 2 storey, 8 -room ■ II • brick 'house, cornpletely ■i'. • modernized,good barn with si loose stabling: • Full price ma • only •$20,000.00.• • No. • 562. ■ ■ ▪ 1. EVERETT PENNINGTON. ■ ▪ Phone ' 392=8064 Teeswater ■ W ■. or �P+bone . fatiover 870. i ■ a` AUL S..,STAtut & CO ' '� _ C. •Johnstone, P • Llrnited to Mrs . C. i■iraiiisi�ini■B■i:■ i Is Your Subscription Renewed. ATJCTION' SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE . o: choice •Shorthorncoins and young cattle at the. :farm of, William Patterson, Lot , 16, !Con. 12, Hurn Township 3 'miles• north of RiP' ley 'on .Thu rsclay, .Novprnher 15th at 1:00 p:m, Sale due to -ill health, .no 'reserve. Ste .bills for. list and terms. W'tn. Paterson, prop,; D B. Blue, auc. CARD OF. THANKS Mrs. Derma Carter wishes to inoere .ti}i,anks,d express hers appreciation for all • thou who (a; were so very 'kind. 'and help, ww•as in bed far the past six while she _eeks. Special thanks