HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-31, Page 4sa • • • PAGE FOUR THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, L11.471INOW, ONTARIO: WEDMSDAY, OCT.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 5Oc. Repeat Insertions; 1 %2c per word. minimum 410e. Notices. Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum. 75c- • In Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for treples ,to. The Sentinel. Billing charge of 100 for each billrendered. !TYPEWRITER FOR. SALE --Un.- FOR SALE der•wood No. 5 in good . working condition, ,42 keys or 84 charac- tte - ,good for student practice.'OR SAID; 45 Bray Rock 'pul- lets, ready .. to lay. Howard Bas- Apply to Mrs. Tom MacKenzie ' ger, R. 3, Lucknow, .,pbonne Dun- Lucknow_ Bannon 6578. FOR SALE 6 Western steers, about 800 pounds. Bill Kema- pyn,• phone Belvue 2274." GARS FO/1: SALE - 19555. Met- eor Niagara, 1954 Meteor .Gag- storm _ ara, above average,, N. ' W. WIRY- fuel to pay for themrnsedvoe lin ' der the.. auspices of St, ;Marys, tersteiin, Lucknow. •years 'thane- Stosan wandows °sore 1.aicknow rind Sit: Aangustiame Par- FOR ; little I s -lilacs , an mvesttnnent, not an ashes. estimate the cost', Of sstornn eHFE;E4 , fuse. �'' �Let uses green winter outfit with 'fur windows for your home. Fr BAKL� SALE A111D TF,A ablf at once Garanrrare Apart �: ' ser-viice, ,no Obligation.. By .placing A bake' sale .end tea ovumit he sate 6s, Mrs. jack Mac- - , - manents, •phone . 183, aLucknow. . Keitzne,• R. - 3, l u imow, phoneheld ora Satugdaly, November ---.. '65-r71, D anaom . your order'anOW you can be ;as- ;Oth Timm. 'tthe .Murchie store form- HOUSE : FOR RENIT at Holy- > scared of delivery before •winter_ Briy .o upieiiMby. 'lIldon Wraith, arood, Emcdern co weo>ences. Ap_ FOR BAA - Colemnan.. ce Jolhn. W. Henderson Lumber Liu- ,under'' the' : auspices of the Luck -1 ply. Ernest. Ackert, Lucknow, 'heater,.. 3;000 BT[T Billy -Col Phone 1 r.0 - Lucknow now Women's Tpstitutte. > 'phone 304_ linson, 'Shirttail,. phone 12-r-4,' Dungannon • Sr'OBDO .WINDOWS Save 15 to 35 . percent , on fuel -costs- 13y using.. Stun NITindows (either wood or alto ilium) you �•4-rN"�l,-i��'A�`1yP1f^i+OGtn'ty3@� . MING EVENTS APJA:TATI CASH' BINGO APPLIiCATIONS for the posit- A- Cash. Bingo wall ' be bed in len of assistant arena manager the • Lucknow Legion •, Hall on will be received by the under - Thursday, November ,1st; at 8:4:5 , signed 'to November "l'Oth, 1962, P.M- 12 regular• games for .$10,, Salary comMensurate with quaI- 3. 'share -the -stealth. 5591. Snecial i of cations and experience. game axnetst, �^ E H..,Agriew; Secretary„ s. Lucknovay Arena ieoznmittee HOT' 7.`>)riyF 'SUPPER � _ .. These . rzIll• . be , . ".a hot turkey . supper at Nile United 'Church on Thursday, November .14 Sip- per•` starts at 5:30- Adults $x140, FOR RENT- heated apartment. children75,C••• ApDEV at - derson Apartments, TtbR.SEY SUR'PER ; • ,. FOR RENT NOTICE • : NOTICE: Baton classes will one o'clock . instead of the , second ; class aIs an hour earlier .on t day, November .3rd. NOTICE 'Legion. -Members art promote the sale of :ti ber 9th draw" tickets i Make the draw a suc, • NOTICE photic 1'83 Lucknow i A Court . of Revisit ' Assessment Roll comps can. save up: to 35' percent on ., onA turkey supper will; e heldld ; iiOUsE FFR „RENT •- 8 -rooms :for 'the Township of Tuesday, November your ' present fuel costs. Actually and bath, 1 armies• west of ! wanosh Will 'be he -. t giO_ a_�e Lucknow, _._ _ Lucknow. Apply to Russell Kit- Towrash'i Bali, West P ch e, R.R. 4,.--Lucknow, phone on ' Tuesday, INoven 10-r-7, Ripley- 1962, from. 10 .a.m. u n i J. F. FORAN, T HEATED A�AI;bTMi�T'I`-•avail ,. R.R. 2, Au , FOR • : SALE single mattress,• • litre: new. Apply to Mrs.. Welling- ton Henderson, phone 1457R,' • in ' Lucknow- CORN FOR SALE Kiln dried, and • cob corn from the Ridge- town -Chatham Area in 15 -ton & truckload lots. Jim. MacEwan, Kainloss, phone '.214,, Bervie. • FOR SALg girl's blue,. = 'ter coat, .size 8-+9 ' .years, good Condition- Appy Mss. 'Thornas NOTICE 'RE-OPI Lanes !Store, I,Uth of Ashfield Townshil open to serve you sere previous Iine of: G.Oi NG OUT. OF BUSINESS: AND BAKE S general march di an A7�1'AIt A,IrE' � ;.appreciate a 'Share of B 'Keown tthroughout 'Ontarno and ' .uecl ruow ..'Ladies' AanxiIliiaary, mires-northerrn Lf SLA. ars orae :of tans LOST. Branch 30p win mold at Bazaar` distrncrs largest and finest jaw end . lSake Svelte , in' the Legion eit'gRAV11D: .- to .. the farm • of elllery and gift Stores, F'ilsnn�,er''s ,1ia]l ori !Saturday, November' 2 Of :,Godernch. 'entire ttaennenndOus ° , Brei h Wake; ,R _ 7, I.ueknow, • tat • 23� • ; Arran; ' I$®naneittnade R�aikirng • stock. of Jewellery - Watches -":end tea 'table- i a" '500. lb. Steer Owner can have hinter-.Diamonds,=hGiftts etc_ is 1. , .. same •by Pn b�riing ownership thrown on the market for what.. BAZAAR AND. 'B,AKE SALE paying `costs. it will bring- The latest in cost- Sit. IBelens United Churc$n 1.: . izme jewellery going at' .bargain.i Women will •hold .a bazaar and LOST a:attie beast, 60 o'r. 700 prices. 6-8-10 transistor ra "os,, bake sale' in' the- Legion Rooms}, pounds: Strayed off: Henderson farm•_ •, Anyaone knowLng of its,. values from $32.50 to 00 n Luclsrrow, on/ Saturday, : Novem- p. wT--'aiDmuts contact Aridr1 S ; $19..95 • to' $39'95_ Binoculars, .,Bar- r• ter 3rd at 239 p_mm. Afternooai ommeteas at big discouutts Ling tea' •with -salad plate.' Rif 'hie, R.R. i, f eackno , phone 'I6 -r•1, Duangannotn,. • NOTICE. Court of Revision .ff Assessment. Roti for ship 'of Kinloss will the ''Kinross Towrshi Monday, November •5 '2:001 pan. Gordo Town lish dinnerware greatly irediuced_'y AUTION SALE Magaf n, Luc Ow Hundreds of beanrtiifu1 gift items • F'OR SALE: d •• steers . weight -You will rna r el at the'. var- around 1„000 pouted Goa+ loan nettyp: amid ypois",11Il miar•vel at the L• ns' 1 'Lnckmow � one Ilow Ilow prices- B aby ]lrck i ts rAUCTION. SALE ' ' reg$2:50 now 98c_ • StanrnlessAtCTION SAL this Fri day al=64-r-21. " Steel ' flatware setts of the finer ! tern oon,, November 2nd' and ev- quality .,rig_ $21.50 now $10..95-`1 ery Yriday at 2 orcleck at Bernie ai Others reg ' x:50 ,now $13.95.1' Lnv'esttock Sales,.. of good fresh All wat•b and dnaenow ring.' and,"sprnrng?ang' . cows' and 'heiffers Prices r.:edu, tto clteaar.. thein Out and. .calves.: 'All •springers gupar- ;fast., Entire store, just one big fa am teed% . delivered $3.00, a head.. bargain counter.. It's a 'SELL-OUT to".. the bare *sing. • a GEWS, GOD/ ROCg tlpp TEND -ERS FOR SALE ; litter ' carrier, track and h gees; - Universal nit lknng m shin, pipeline„ pump and bucktts;. • : a!so 350 Rted=Stns sex and 400 oneggers •`pu>altlletts„ 5 months„-,Fiank Alton, phone 674 -45„ Dungannon: FOR, SALE - 17 -inch ; Mo to rola TV and. Rotator.: May be seems at :M Soloamomi's Ra ''o 'amid.' TV int Luckanow. Owner' Mrs E: Car- ter„ arter, R.R.,5, Lucknow: HOUSE '=FOR .'SSA -- ®ml Qualiituckraow, 5-r'oorn bungalow, ,With' f Ilre-place;, • ;sten- roomm,, fUU size . basement, • oil • fiernaace. and in perfect' 'condi- tion_ Immrnediate 'po sesinon:' Mrs Bill Co>ninmnngs, phone X97,, Luck- now. ' BOXED/. CHIifS'T'111fAAS . CARDS' iby Rust Crafft snow on display at F rdskir Decorators, phorne ; •21'8, Lucknow. FURNITURE BUYS ' space savers;, Chesterfield •smites,, ,111111- 1Fnmii��$ned ffurniltuure, : appliannceS. ,chrromme sets, chairs, ]lamps„ ;brroadloom�i rugs or Wall to wall Carpet, all alt best prices,. finan- cing arranged Johnst s,nne . and Son •iFanrnittune,, phone 76, Luck SERVICES `AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical aur$ . body ,repairs, Wheel sill a si ,, „ens and balance, 11 ` i ndow replacement, > Ras iator repairs. Protect agairnit rust i Undaspr-aay. DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service FYo: 8 Hwy- Phone JA • 4-7231 �I Goderricln, Ontario II. BEST • PRICES in tractor tires. Fresh nerut rn stock at allll is to ie , . good discounts on: large orders .• Formosa No.. 1 : hardwood& skbs lin ttruc klload]t Ilona. Bryce Ma¢-lilllain, Lucknow. • FILTER QUEEIyt. • Sales• anid Senrrice. BOB PECK, Varna,' Ontario, l Phone Iiensalll 696-r-2 VACUUM c EANfERS aIlcow_ • i. ' .Sales and . Service• and . rty (330') feet ■h ,11 7- ■ •' hundredt FOR SALE pinrebre yam* Repairs. and. bags for a1.1 m els 1 tEhereoff_": B ori )etety Iii dt=' ��• water •wzt ooit6 house c p tiLr, Seat-rind-a-ha1ff. old,• regist- If Of vaacttnum i clleamers and polishers- Such sealed tenders shall state a• dlerrnrzed " • rand 1• CLERK'S NOTA POSTING • OF • VOT Voters' List, 1962, . P of the Township c , : County of Bi i CARD' OF :. THANKS Notice. is, IherE by t I have complied wit; !Stewar t• Laves ,'washes to • ex press his sincere thanks to all who so kindly remembered shim G in various:Ways • while 'she was a patient in Victor^a Hospital. Special'thanks to Drs .rtorrin McKim and also to Mr. John King and the Reverends ,Wright, Jennings and Hicks for • •their arts oft the Voters' ,List ' A 1r have posted up at rn Kinloss on the 2 October„' A.D., ;;1962, all persons .' eligible • the said municipality. a :.Elections and that s mains • there - for inspE And I 'hereby ca voters' ta. take • in) ; ceed ngs. to'. have an omissions, corrected a law, the • Iat day for ing ' the 15ttl , day of A.D., ' 1962. • Dated this. 22nd tober,. '1962. ; • : G. H. Wall, 'C Township R.R.3, ' H, 1 spawim ^QRS :will be ;:re- n is • ' d- r Sr*bszeptIorr. Renewed? atoll cetvedfl by:. the undersigned .up, - uentil 5'; :p.m.. of 'Saturday time •lw 1.snsiesupinhsswwnnaertll „ third Allay of 'N(onrenmber* .19692 •for ■ the lands described a s ,foil rs: "In the Township of Huron in the Counntty of Bruce, and Pro_- vnnce:. of . ' Ontario and' . being b e composed .of FIRSTLY,, . the west half of • Lot nuunber� ' nineteen (19)i in the fifth 'concession of .a, the said . Township, of Huron, SAVING AND''EXCEPTING the .; `. c as northerly nine'hundred and Mne- a� iffy (990') ffeet: ,i ereM,, SECOND- :i LY the east .half of lot •mimrnber. twenty (20)'in .:the ' ,fifth conces- U ■ " gram f the, ..said Township • of is Huur°on,, SAYING AND . xCEP'i'- ING the northerly .silt hundred a 'and sixty (660') feet •ther'eoff, and THIRDLY' the west, •half of lot ( ■ number twenty .((20 m the fifth ft concession. . off the said Township r Member: of the Grey -Bruce • r Real Estate Boar& • Ask .... e Of: ur . 4ni How Orr'•otn CannO"]i.M ge`ouitsr Property As A 1 cultipl'e • s >i, is -ding_ . • ■ itliVe Sell Rural Ontario" w of ' Han>ronr 8,taill'1#1�1i(s A1N D ' . .13 CFyPI PIING the • nnar Ail) . thzee ` :150 ' Acrd farm near ,Tees n r. era with paapers; also 2 -cow ,Reconditioned machines off .'all . ' highest. bid- large baarrr 1a0yc3� and ad- fa . a mmakes for •salla.: _ .the Inn r prra:e which the , . portaiblle . • :mmnllknng g : pay for the said t! ditrori 45x40• •1crose Stabling, . ffiachin8 ' p•desP � willing to mons old. L -•Yarn der �D �em & ! , BOB • P)64"Fi, Vaarna, Ontiari% aannds.• li'lWonEb e�aiIll 696->r2 , , . _ •Incense in barn eernen;:t• air he•.Tn Son, R_ 3., Lt ow. "phone ,1 -r- , .. T`he • •h ghest or: any Other iter- : silo; :drive 'e • shed, 100 acres • r t• • 17, Ripley. SCOTCH .11INE CHRISTMAS =' • trees. Every tree carefuelllyq sel. 'ected_ 'FOr (plabttyy' as well as lowest. Price "orderdnreet front' Georgian Bay Twee Faints, mins, Owen " Sound„ phone FRainlidin ' - ; • FOR. SALE - `site Pipe, all sizes in stock 'Special 8"• culvert tile„ 35c a tfooL POIlloCc E11edtria:;, m !H Iley,, eme 1 ANYONE NINO A MIMIC 'TANK. 'CLEANED ,.., Web hare nmonerrn equipment„reasonable rates,. Call IL E, Forster„ manu- facturer nu-fact rr ' of cement septic tanks and well!. -tile„ phone •29, Luck- CIISTt'OM BUTCHERING Beef "and pork • soi!d In any quantity., Custom bidchen:inng in Government . licensed abattoir, Pigs every "iniesdlayc. Beef from. Monday through Thursday..., BUTTON% MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKs CLRANED Septic tanks, cess pecnls • etc.„ pumped and cleaned •withmod- ern etu t' . " •entt :. An work guar- anteed. uaranteed. •Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels.. phone ' 442-wt6, ' • AUCTION SALE Alheae li aelInt ore Licensed •lSoneer. Lucknow Phone .209-r-41 tiler- a it necessaar gy' accepted, , ■ workable second • growth. at Upon being notified that 'his • bush With, good trout sealed •tender 'is accepted,. .tthe ' stream; Price, d to sett at i bidder '•shall• there neon .deposit •5 °ark t4ro. 2-427. s' with the undersigned ten (10%) as per cent, of tine purchase money.. • • REDS of ' . Farin s, ai The remainder of the purchase � hon eS and business pro- it Price shall die paid within a; t>r pert ies: 'Send .50C for' Adam- 0 " date ,cif 'acceptance,' . it , t'Ilne • catalogue. purchaser fails to cornnpty With : e the • Conditions aforesaid, or any NI. EVERETT PENNINGTONIS . of theme, thine .deposit shall beA.• • Teeswater� forfeited and the . prernises� may at Phone '382-6664 • et be • resold: • • ' I ■ Lot Ai:gern>~ period azf thirty days front the n' moth` 96 page. picture w. DATED at 'ane 7i.'d>virrship of tAran tliis lith d Of October, PAVI� � ST`AlIR� & 'CO ■. H „ day B Limited i A D ToHatuover° . • 7.77.7. -- Phone a7u Lk Clerk„'+urs , ToWnn rip of Hine assn ei•Rrsfr[iad0i fnasg TENDERS itsJ ERS 'will ,!be'. .the undersignedto i0ath, 1962; for.. booth pprrvilegesin' t :Arena for' . the' ;106 season. ' Lowest ' ; or • any • necessarily accepted F•. E H. Agnea Luckr'W Areri, TENDERS will be • to November 6th, •l stallaton of an oil St. Helens united Cl Lowest or any terse essarily accepted. • Lorne . Pinecrest Nursing 1 Member ASSOCIATED HOME of 'Ontar 1 , 24 -Hour Super, 'A Registered Considerate` Person For Elderly and ( Persons, Eitcellent• Home -C' Box' 220,. LUCKNOW