HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-10, Page 16•rtr•ti 7.‘ k r 4 •'444 41. , • • PAGE 'SIXTEEN" ormc LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LucKNOW, oNirmtio wEDismsoAY, P.tho OVVV!..VITtr Your Support 4.11s equested For The Lucknow and .DiSbict Lions, Club ridy, Saturday, October 12, AT BROWN'S STORE, THE FORMER aiket Store Building ns members are canvassing this week for donations for the Ruminage mid Bake Sale.. Work •In Lucknow and District• During the past few months the Lions Club has spent the following amount of $1,366 from their Welfare Account in this dstrict: Orthopedic Shoes ........ • $ 29.00 Knee Caliper and Shoe Alterations .$.57.00.. Child's Wheel Chair .$131.67 Specialists examinations on eyes and limbs .. .$ 25.00 Eyeglasses , . ....... , ............. $104.84 Leg Brace ... . $ 28.50 Eye operation . $125.00 Retarded Children donation . ; $100.00 National Institute for Blind .... . . . . $100.00 Lucknow Boy Scouts „ . . . $ 25.00 Band Uniforms . . . „ . . . . . . . . $160.00 Red Cross Swimming Instruction . . . . $480:00 $1,366.01 ALL PROFITS FROM THIS RUMMAGE SALE GO INTO THE WELFARE FUND! YOUR ISUPPCIRT IS IMPORTANT! AGENT FOR .K1NPARDINE CLEANERS . • • • . , ree Pick -Up 'lout DeliveryMonday and Thursday • Space Donated .13yr:'.• • Ladies' -said Meal's Wear Lucknow . PURPLE GROVE •Miss Marlene GaWl.ey; Miss . Mary Anne McCosh and 'Miss •Katharine Godfrey of Toronto' spent the week -end at their home. . Mrs. JeanQuigley of London spent the week -end 'with Mr.. & • Mrs. Ralph Hill. • Mrs. John Colwell and Mrs. Donald McCosh visited ,IVIrs. Frank Dore• . Mrs. George Emerson, Mrs. Gordon MacDonald • Alls. Pete,r Leeson and lona, Mrs. Francis Boyle, Mrs. , Frank Dore and Dianne, Mrs. Gordon Patterson • attended a jewellery demonstra- , tion by Mrs. Gibson at the home of Mrs. .Ccil Sutton or.Friday evening. ' • Miss Margaret Robertson:spent Wednesday •with Miss Annie 'Mc- • Lod, Lticknow. • The community was saddened to -hear,'of the sudden.passing of Gordon Arnold. on' Saturday.. Gordon,' is the son of Mr. and • • M.S. William J,. Arnold. • Mr. and Mrs, Victor Gawley • and Gladys were recent visit , ors 'of 'Mr.. • and Mrs. • Orvile TroWse„. Tiveton. • Carolyn and Janet 1'c:water vis- ited •Mrs. Gordon. ,Patterson, • Dr. James EmersOn of Cha•ing- Cross, Mi. and Mrs. John Bell of Kincardine Were Thankgiv- • ; ing .guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo„ Exnerion and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matheson •and. family .of Chesley. were 'Sun- day guests of Mr.. and Mrs. Mor ford Ma.cKa. , .0 Mrs' Don •Chadbourne spent Sunday with Mr. and IVIr.s. Vic- tor Gawley; Bryan BoYie entertained this friends/ On ThUrsday evening,. johnie Collns, Ronnie and Jm- iney. Dore, David, Allan ,and R • it • •By :The Sentinel THAT Joe Conley is proud of • the• five -headed. cabbage pro- duced ,in their Outram ,Street garden. Joe, says. Sour of the .beads are hard, with the. fifth ,.just startingto forin., , •• THAT • Linda Currie, age , 5, dauhter'of Mr. arid Mr; Bob CUrrie 'of. Lucknow 'returned last Wednesday after under- going surgery at Sick Chil-.1 drew'. Hospital, London,. THAT Donald Scott of aViii,ch- • elton,.Sask.,..son of Mr. .and Mrs Robert Scott of Ashfield . , recently underwent 'an.appen- dectomy in Moose Jaw, hos-, • pital. • • ,,,,s . . .THAT .we regret having to put, • off the writing of John Wesley .11ericlerson's obituary until the , . next issue, THAT. the annual 'fall. , Stocker sale 'at the Lucknow. • Sales Barn is seheduled for .next Monday. •• • '. • Margaret Robertson , and Mr. Donald Robertson 'spent Satur- ay evening. with Mr..and Mrs. Goldie Huston; • • • • iCongratulations • to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Raynard (ne Norma. Murray) on, the arrival of a baby girl. •. ' • Mrs. Harvie . Thompson was hostess to Purple • Grove Insti:- tute on Wednesday evening. Mrs. William Arnold gave a report of the . Grey -Bruce Area Convent- ion held 'M Southampton .recent- ly. • s• Miss Eva Culbert and' Mr. Lorne Culbert visited Mr. and • Mrs. Currie Colwell. . • Mrs. Garnet 'Henderson • and Sandra, Mrs. Kelvin Henderson, Joan. and :Patsy, Mr. 'and Mrs, Donald Owens and Bonnie visit- ed and Mrs.. Donald Gillies Misses Ena and • Lilian Mac- Kenzie Kincardine spent Tuesda With Mrs. Morford' MacKay, Miss Eva Culbert is one of the lucky 'ones still picking raspber- ries, . Mr.. and Mrs. Francis Boyle, Bryan, Bonnie; • Kerry, Heather spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Alexander, Pinerton. '• • 'Mr. Norval Stanley, Mr. Mil- ton Stanley,, Ms. Helen Swann 'visited Mr. •-and Mrs... Russell Stanley,. Mr, . and Mrs, • Pete Peterson, Mr. and Mrs, Wilfred Traher, Larry, ."' Allan, Carol Ann . and Mary Ellen, 'Mr. and Mrs. Le- land 'Stanley, •Linda, Susan and Trudy visited 1VIrsHelen Swann. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Misch of Walkerton spent Sunday eVen- with Mrs. Frank Dore. and family. • Mr, and Mrs. Claude Dore were Sunday visitors of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Rhody. • Ur, and' Mrs. Hector Knight visited • Mr. and Mrs. • William Wayne • hody„ Dale, Lynn, Arnold.," Wayne and Brent Armstrong. • Mr.• Calvin- Robertson, Miss Is Your Lucknow Fruit NEAREST TO YOUR IBANK & POST OFFICE Shortoil*, • 'lbs.. 41 Super Sale. .Schneider's. For AIJ Your Baking. Boo Illighland:Prldi Coffee, lb. ' 6! ..0..:Fclusiire Top Seller. Feature. Kleenex Tissue Sale . 6. pkgs.-91 Regular Or Real .Low Puy.. . . • Breakfast Club 'Jam .2..jars 7! a ' • Raspberry or Strawberry: feet* Added.. Feature. Macintosh Apples 6q1. bkt. 51 Red, Pntario Fancy Qualit3r. Low, Low Price HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL FRESH FRUIT 'A VEGETABLES ARRIVING DAILY. LETTUCE, -CJ ERY, TOMATOES, TURNIPS, ETC. %tines Effective We .Sell For Less 'October 11, 12.. 13, Phone 119, tucluto THAT.. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Burrell THAT Roy Haldenby„ RJR. 2, aged. The , driver escape( 'who recently took over the Mayfair Restaurant,. left the • Village on Tuesday to look • after. other 'business interests. 111r. and Mrs. Wilson Loder are again in. charge of,. The May- fair for the time being at least ?MAT first year 'students at Lucknow District High, School • were0subjected to the annual ceremOniei la.si Wally Matzarike Of .cmsley with'ihe''climax !being a nake la°nd6n, distriet.fieldmart for the Canadian Order Of. Foresters, ariee"' dewn inain street .• LAA neon wedhesaak. caped serious injury last Friday •at the noon hour, when he lost THAT John. F, Henderson of control Of his car. and 'crashed LucknotVhas joined the W 0 intoa hydro pole: •A, the O1H.A and 'the- Q. was:Lproceeding IVI:H.A. as a referee and • iS north towards liolytoOd, and anticipating' a busy season while 7still within the .village ahead as :a hackey. !referee. . limits, just to the south of Wm. THAT !birthday parties Were in. StiMson's home, hesomehow got order last Weesday,.Oetober off the ' road Onto :te shoulder of 3rd. Billie Hall, soh' •of Mr. the east 'ditch. The gras.s*as wet and Mrs. Elwin Hall, cele- and slippery and the ° driver ap- .: brated . his 7th birthday With parently could' not right the • • SriendS;:. The same day Ian. vehicle. • .• , • Montgomery, son of. Mt. and ..,Just south Of the. Stimson Mrs Gordon Montgomery, had hpme, and across the road 'from patty M observance of his the residence of Alex MacLeod, 6th. birthday •- he struCk a hydro pOle snapping THAT Mr and Mrs..' Ewart Tay- It off- at the base and his the • •lar were pleasantly .surprised centre. The top half of the pole at afaMily gathering at the came t9 rest in it's original verti7 Glen 'Walden ''last ,Wednesday. It.' hoine -of, Mr. and 'Mrs. heloeodlisostilutihni;Idititothpe,Owfirethecicesaer I • was Mr. and Mrs.' Taylor's 40th'to their originalheight wedding . anniversary, , and all The [front righf, of the car .and the&r• faMily . and IVIrs. Taylors the hood were extensivelY dant- Kincardine joined. the local staff of theBank of Montreal • • last Week. , • • Crashed Hydro Pole Sna d 0 • brothers and sisters were there • minor ,injury. Had the Pols through the windshield a! wires down.on the. car, no more seridus irrjury woul( resulted. • ••• "' KINLOSS Mr. and Mrs. Jak N,0 Suzanne, and Janie Of C and: 'Allan MacDougall of ern University were 0Tha ing' guests witli Mr. an Lloyd MacDougall and C Mfr.. and Mrs: Jelin° D. Cay.tigavisited Sunday wi William • MacIntyre and Ross- ' Thanksgiving visitors' w !MacKenzie families, secon included: Dr.. and Mrs. MacKenzie and 'Mrs.' MacKenzie and ,Mj.ss MacKenzie of •Toronto. .Mr.• and 1VIre. Ira Dicl boys. visited Sunday af with Mr. and Mrs John Of He. 'Bay. • •Youg people from th home.. for:. Thanksgiving Miss Helen Campbell' of ener, Mis.s' Betty Hama Niagara Falls, .Sandy Ma and:Allan MacDougall o ern ,University, Buc Toronto. U.niversity and Dickie of Waterloo Univi niimiiis to honour themmosImssusimsolomminoispo.unimisisiossysmil THAT Miss Brbara. Murray of Ryerson Institute in Toronto. 'spent the week -end with' her • parents Mr. and Mrs. P.. A. Murray of Kialss.. Barbara is taking 'a second • year. course I. • in '• hme" economics.. . ....: THAT George, Webster son . of • • .. an s. Harvey e ster of ,torn .is . a Member of .the • crew of ' theCanadian navy shp,. Athabasoan, • which had a part' in the recent sea res • cue operation ',in the' North ,Atlantic, when an American • transport -Plane came down on ° the ocean. ' • ' THAT local bowlers took advan- tage of, a good evening 'last • week to hold a local tourna- ment with Jim Cameron plac- ing first; Fred Jackson Second, Jack ,Fisher third and. W. 'A. Schmid fourth. , ' THAT Miss. Mary Struthers of Toronto spent . the past two bscription Paid? • weeks with relatives in the .community. Mary suffered a Keep In Mind The Kinloss Boy Scouts SHOOTING MAUI' For 150 Large Roosters At' flolyrood, Satuidny, October The roosters have been raisedin pairs duri the summer by the. 60 Cubs and Scots in Kinlo Township, and will make juicy eating for • dead eye dicks" at Saturday's .shoot. • se oi O is now able to get about rea- SlaCe. 'Contributed By: ,.rni fractured hip last April,: but • , •Webster .It Mack" 111.11 . sonably well. .. ' si ei oi • ' afh a4 ol ert Fisher were received into. .. Phone. SY:14 1°CALOCALC' REST HARDWARE • ' • Dennia and Mr. and Mrs, Rob- • the church membership by . . transfer of certificates: •, . • Isiligutirtimiligmegng milisamossafiaaaminfinillaillillilli THAT at .the: Sacrament' service • in the Milted Church 'on Sun-' • day, Mr. and Mrs. • Donald