HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-10, Page 15WE E$• .. , goz, loth ...no
HA.ILLAM. ,-,- in Kincardine Gen-
eral Hospital, on Monday Octo-
ber 8th, to Mr° and Mrs. Fred
Haslam of Kincardine, a daugh-
ter, a sister for Mary and Linda,
JOBN'STON• at "Victoria Hos
,pital, London, . • on. Sunday,. ' Sep-
tember 30th, 11962, to Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Johnston ((jean Stan-
ley) a daug,hter,, Donna Jean, a
brother for Dayl4,.
$Q . WALD .At the Wingharn.
Hospital on..T.hursday, September
27, 1962, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Howald, R..R.. 5, Lucknow, a
daughter. •
' Miss . Mary O'Neil, ' Mrs. Pat,-
atrick Mchv,.oy and children of
Chicago. visited - Mr. ° and : '.Mrs.
Robert' Howard last .week.
. 'Mr. Leon Sullivan, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim .Morrison and son, John
visited relatives and friends. on
Thanksgiving• • day. •
Visitors aver the holiday week-
end were Mr. and Mrs. Joe: Mar-
fin, Mr. Frank Hogan, Mass Flor-
ence Lambertus, • Mr. and •Mrs.
Clarence Doherty and family..all
of ;Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Moss of Woodstock,. Miss Alice
Dalton, Miss. Mary 'Lou Drennan,
Mr.. '` Kerry Hogan, Mr. Arnold
Marsman, Mr. Jim 'Martin.' .of
London, Mr. and Mrs. Joe .Mc-
Intyre • •. and Marilyn, Mr,. and•
Mrs. Collins., (nee. Elaine Mein-
tyre):. and , family •of :Brantford,
Mrs. Gus, Kinahan of St. Mary's,
Mr. and •Mrs, D., J. Brown- and
Donald of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs.
Jack . Fitzgerald and family of
Stratford, Mr, and. Mrs. .Bruce
Hansford; .of' Galt, Mary and
Michael Ryan, Mr. and Mrs, Wil-
fred Hogan of Toronto,
(Contiinued From Page 1)
Thursday, •Ashfield 49,• Ki'nloss
41, Lucknow 8, West Wawanosh
28. Ripley gave Gaunt 13 of a
majority with Huron Township
leaning to • McCutcheon by ,76
votes compared .to a 219 -vote
Majority, for Hanna in 1919.
' youngest Member
Murray Gaunt 217, son of Mr.
:and 'Mrs. Andrew Gaunt 'of West
Wawanosh, will be the youngest
member . at Queen's Paris when
the Legislature convenes in . No-
v`ember, . . .
The win in Huron -Bruce ' con-
tinues a trend' in byelection re-
sults over the past few• ;months,
as• the Liberals gained a seat in.
Renfrew, South, retained seats in
Brant and Kendra and cut• Con-
servative majorities in two Tor-
onto ridings to. 48 '.and 25• votes
respectively.. •
Victory Parade.
As a 'Gaunt victory became
evident -: his •. majority at one
time reaching .1,100 'votes, before
settling 'back •: to around 700
jubilant party .Workers and sup-
porters gathered at: the Liberal
headquarters in W irigham where'
a victory maroh was. organized:
Music was supplied by the, Luck -
now and ''Brussels Pipe aBands.
After the Wingham parade, Mr..
Gaunt; was •whisked. through the
riding in .a victory cavalcade that
wasn't, completed until the early
hours.' of Friday morning.
Pledges. Service
The two..candidates mounted .a
car on a •service ' station lot across
from. the: Liberal • Committee
Rooms to address the crowd.
Murray Gaunt shook hands with
"a • worthy opponent: who ,had
conducted a • clean ' and hard-
fought campaign :and was a good
'Mr. McCutcheon congratulated
Murray and remarked that they
•had met and shook hands so of-
seri during the • campaign;. that
they may have been ' suspected
of "being in cahoots, but .. as it.
turned out we • weren't.'; He said
it had been •a pleasure . to 'be a
candidate and he'• had met many
wonderful ;people Mr 'MaCutch-
eon invited everyone to ;danees
in, 'Wingha i and at Brussels.
Boss Whioher, Bruce Liberal
M.P.P congratulated both, and
said it was not a personal defeat
for Mr.. • McCutcheon, • but a 'de-
feat for the Tory machine in
Ontario, and he' predicted. a Lib-
eral. win in the whole province
(nothing. 'He concluded: "Deep
down. I feel a debt 1 can't repay,
and ,all I can do .is to serve you
all to the best of my ability."
Here is how 'they voted by
Municipality . Gaunt. •MeCut..
Ashfield 4031 B54
Brussels ' ..,. .
E. Wawanosh
Howick ... ;, , ,,,,,,,,, 612., 537
Huron ,,,, 298 374
Kinloss •.:._ . �_ 304 . 26a..
Grey 418 439 '
Lucknow ' 28171 • 279 =
Mildmay . 276 • 100
Moir s 318 ' 467
Ripley 136 122
Teeswater ..,r, 241• ' • • 236
Turnberry .. 345. ' 296
W. Wawanosh : 321 ' • 298
Wingham .. ::.......730 744
6807 dole.
111 254
168, 608.
494 279
• 774. • . 235,
254 244
276 246 •
Advance Poll
Wingham 66 . '57,
t ,Ripley .14
Brussels .,, 151
Mildmay 10
12, .
. 6911 =6202,'
when the general: elution is. Bypolling divisions the 'vote.
called, . ' . in '. neighboring municipalities
Murray. Gaunt .said it was'. a wa as follows:
honor to represent the riding & LUeknow • Gaunt McCut.
he was accepting his election as
a duty, to, serve all' the people,
Liberal or Conservative.
, He 'expressed his thanks to all
who had worked for him, with- '
out whom he could have done Ashfield
111 • 69
66 96'
3 • 110 • . 114
' it■■■■mu■im■ssimm.ie•u•ii■•■•u■•ii•■■Os■■us ans uu■■■mimummu •••i••••••••R • .: 1
N. w. 3
• i; .:.L:: ■ '4
■'' 5
: •
. ..• Come , To'• The ,
- .7
: '• f�A11itD1�''l1 �c A 1.Ciif!',' ..
c��•=k' O' . 2
■ ' • 3'.
Lucknow, 237; Ashfield; 184;•
West Wawanosh, ,112 and Kin-'
loss 215. • •
M. Robertson's death cccur-
red while. iii office and the seat
remained vacant until a wartime
election was .called' in August.
of 1944, . when • John Hanna was
first elected ' with a scant 15x6
vote' majority, hi a three -corner
contest with Hugh ,Hill, , Liberal
and, 'Henry Lantz,, C.C.F.
In 1945 Mr. Hanna was re-
elected by over 2000 votes over
W. J. MacKay,: Liberal, W C.
King polled over 1300 votes as
a Car candidate • in this 3 -way
battle,. .
In 1948 Hugh, . Hill cut deeply
into • the Conservative majority
when 'Mr. Hanria' Won by . less.
than 340 votes.
In 1951 .when the Progressive:,
Conservative government 'soared.
in popularity, Mr. Hanna was
returned with a 2400 -vote . ina-
j or, ity over Elmer iFarrish; with.
.all municipalities in this dis-.
trict voting strongly for Hanna,.
with the ' Lucknow • majority
climbing to 200;
In 19515 ',Hugh =Hill again op-
posed, Mr: Hanna losing . put by
close:to 1'; votes, and, in 1959
the popular" :John. W: Hanna
known as "The Senator" won the.
last contest' . he wasto live to
see, when 'he bested Rae'. Watson
by 1,300 votes, ,
287 279. •
Congratulations ratulations : to :