HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-10, Page 10•a
W. A. "BUD"
Too many people .are looking
for less •to do, more .tiine to do. it,.
and more ', pay for not .getting it
South Kinloss W.M.S. • •
Mrs. George Lockhart was
hostess to South. Kinloss W.M.S.
at her home with Mrs, Ross 'Mac-
Millan and Miss Martha Suther-
uther The o
land as directors. 'Mrs, i of Evanston," , Zll., a occurred on
MacKinnon ^presided • sand Mrs.�. at
W; F. MacDonald. read comes_ •Se�ppenvber 18th,
pondence including .several invi-
tations ito meetings of neighbour-
ing societies, : also ' fetters of
thanks. Scripture lesson was read
by Mrs. MacMillan and the
study was from - lst.. Thessalon-
sans Chapter. 5,. Rc41 call was
answered by a verse with
"Thanks."` ' Special 'speaker. for
this ' Thanksgiving meeting. was
Mrs. Jack Pollock ' of Teeswater
who spoke of the imrportance • of
acknowledging , God at. this.
Thanksgiving time and at ' all;;
times and .being ready to answer
the call' service with every
tale 't we ess ' ,She was in-
.n �� i National
Eby Mrs.. Evan Keith & Years at, the F rst
Bank ,of
Clhicago.. ,
was thanked by Mrs. Douglas ' •
Graham who presented a gift. 'ter pf MtheK eevening sCammem-
Mrs. Rod . MacLeod 'had . charge!'.. e ' of
of the prayer circle and Mrs. WM. 'irst Methodist, Church and the
1Vlaolntyre had the offertoryIUniversity fiuild. ,
prayer. Mrs. Sash Nicholson, • a l Survivors include a , brother,,
At" .Evanston
death f a native of Ash-
field, Miss Ada. R. MacKenzie?
•w> N :B_.AX '.:OGT; lahh,,
Evanston ` hospital. She was 71.
Miss. MacKenzie . retired last
•$eptember. as, business librarian
in 'Deering ; Library.. ori the
Northwestern campus after .+10.
years'. service. •
Miss MacKenzie was born in
Ashfield • Township., She was ' a'
daughter of • Mr, and Mrs. Ken=
neth MacKenzie of the 12th
concession. •Miss MacKenzie
attended Lucknow : Continuation
school"`and graduated from Strat-
ford. Normal School: She taught
grade school in. " Canada before
going .Ito ' Evanston . nn 192E and
then 'worked, ftr more than "20
For sound counsel and ` a ' fair -price on a monument
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'Phone "638-w.
all . mygood.friends who su PPorted
me" at the .Huron -Brace, polls last Thugs -
day, ' I express 'rry . heartfelt thanks.
o' those party workers .,who' ; gave their
time.: and 'energy so willingly, : I cannot
in . words 'fully ,express my appreciation
for their , wonderful efforts.,
Thank you, Electors` of Huron-
for all you did to make
the bye -election a significant
Liberal victory.
Murray aunt.
William : J. •• Victoria, B,C., . and
two sisters, Mrs Aline J.. Wyne-
ken, . of ' " Evanston,' and.. Mrs.
(Cleon . Rummell, Oxnard, Cal.:
A memorial . service'. was held
Friday, Septenaiber .21st in: the
;chapelof. 'First 1VIethodist. Church I. BROWNIE:NEWS
with the Rev J; Richard Dress,
officiating. Burial was,'?private 2nd Brownie Pack•
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Beavers mate for life, and their homes ,
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of. Sun Life's many services for thesecurity and protection
Of yourself and those you love: Let me tell you about these services.
Phone :Wingham 717--w-4
The 2nd Pack Brownies, met
gat the Library 'on Tuesday and
from. there they hiked to :Mae.'
Mllaii's . farm, east of _ town.
There were fourteen Brownies
and . threeguiders. enjoying . the
pleasant. autumn weather. LDonna
Leader . counted the most kinds
Of trees on the hike, .out to the
farm.` Fairy ' Ring .:was held ibe-
side a • stream.. The: two . sixes
then divided for a. Treasure
litmt ,whieh took them exploring
through :the .bush. The •Lepre-
thauns reached the Treasure
first, but shared . thepeanuts;
with the whole pack. Paclde
taught the Golden Hand Brow-
nies howto. lay a fire while.
the ,Bar 'Brownies .and .Tweemies
gathered fuel. Hot dogs and
roasted Marshmallows were en-
joyed' " before hiking `. for home:
The 1st luc knovy• Brownie
Pack. met Wednesday,`.. October
3rd with Carol . Campbell asf
f ornier . member, as . a • visitor
brought • greetings from her
church, in ; Moose jaw. :Readings
were contributed by . Mrs. 11.
Dawson and by .' Mrs. Frank
MacKenzie. At ' the close of the
meeting the directors and host-
ess served hitch.
W 1VI.S.' Presbyterian Church
The ?Oct ter Meeting was . `held.
in.'.the Sunday "?School, room of
the-••:ohjurch with the president
Mrs.' Clair Agnew presiding. • Mrs.:
Emerson gave the Bily1e Study on
neighborly. spirit' -= '.bringing out
the point that even • among church
people : the :neighborly spirit of
kindness is la.cking. Mrs. Finlay
son. reported . on the bale, asking
members ' if. `' they 'I had not '' con-
'tributed, to do so•' at once. Mrs.
Agnew, and Mrs: ,Finlayson of
fere& lunch 'for'•Missioii .Band.n'
October....The Sectional .meeting
is" to be held .at:• Ashfield on Oc-
tober' 25th. The menvbers' • are in-
vited ° to) •the • Whi.tecjhurch Thank -
offering 'on Wednesday, October
17th ,and to Dungannon. ons • 1Fri
• day, Octdber ' 26th. • Members be
came Mystery Mothers for the
C.G.I.T. Roll call was:' answered'
by a' verse' With the Word 'Thanks.
Mrs. Russell was . in charge of
'the Mission ;Study on : British
Guinea. She told •of .the chal-
lenge of the church 'of that conn-.
try. ' She. •also • reviewed the study
,book • .on. British :'Guinea and Cal-
led , on . Mrs. , N. J. MacKenzie,
Mrs. Nelson, Mrs. .Sherwood,
Mrs. Simpson, Miss Carrick and
Mrs. Porteous. • .Prayers • were 'of-
fered - by Mrs. Cook and Mrs.
Adams. • Mrs. : • tittle . 'read::
ings on . Cheery. Thoughts. ' and
Sunshine: • Cheer: Mrs. , Agnew
closed. the meeting ' With prayer.
LtOnn Saturday;'October icow United Church'H6th •a•
rally was held in 1Viirimich. • Re-
gistering • from iLuckriow were
Dorothy sand Ross Hallam, Keith
Kaiser, Wallace Houston, Mr. &
After being '. . divided: intd
,groups, baseball and.' volleybball
were played until 6:00. After a
'pot luck supper • a, very humor—
umorous sing, song followed. Henry
Sawatsky, president ` of •Ham-
ilton Conference Young • Peoples
gave suggestions ori how to lin-,prove the meetings. lie als
suggested at; list of books ,'which
are very • useful for. Hi -+C groups.
A Worship service was held af-
ter discussions,' •
There is to be a'rally on
19, 20' 21st of . October in Galt.
Further information . ,about • this
be disucss
meeting on' Sunday' evening.
Pour Subscrptioi Renewed?
Toadstool Fairy.
Inspection • revealed •bh:
but , a few Brownies had
ties correctly secured wit
knots While in Fairy Rin
Brownies congratulated
and 'Carol on •passing the,i
den Hand test. Saxer stripe:
presented 'tow +Brenda Jardin
Second . stripes to Lynda
and . Margaret Chester.
Brdwn Owl showed the
some slides of her: trip
don, Paris and '. Rome , The
nies appeared very interes
asked" :many irxtelligeht •qui
about the .places in the pi
The meeting closed :with :
ride . .Salle and Chimes: an
missed -through the Magi
rel. •
In the spring, nine :older
nies planted pumpkin see
the intention of ...selling th
duce and giving the more•
ed to . the . "Save the C
Fund." The pumpkins : ar
ready for 'sale and anyon
irig to Purchase. one :may
delivered by: asking any B
of "the.lst•'Paek.•
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