HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-10, Page 9• • :that ugly display of race hatred at. the University of Mississippi, •on being 'a citizen in the land 'of the maple : leaf, . the rye whiskey, the • devaluated dollar, and 'the naked Doukhobor. . ' If there's! one thing. we ' Can-, adian are, • it's completely to1- eraut, of` races; .religions --and colors different from our own. It's • pretty heart-warming, 1 ` can. tell, you, to be a member ' of a nation that is . utterlywithout prejudice. . I 'don't=.knbw 'why the .rest sof the world can't be'• like us. Look. at those 'South. Africans. Many of , them just : hate black •people Look . at those Congolese. Many of them just hate .white 'people.. • •We 'don't hateanybody. Oh, we have our little pee eadilloes. After all,'. we're human. I mean.,, you`,can.;carry• this junk too,. far..., We recognize •the. fact,. for. example,. that the : darn Ito - man' iCabholics. ; (or• the heretical Protestants) are ,out to get: 'us under their thumb, that.:they've; gone too far; at last; and, 'that they've. ..got to, . be stopped .some- *here.: WEDNESDAY;, O,T. 10Th THE LUCKNQW'• SENTINEL',, 14,1CKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE. My isn't it nice 'to • be,, pure?! Isn't it satisfying to.' sit bacic and deplore'? Isn't 'it grand. 'to be a clean cut, liberal -minded,' Unprejudiced,. 'tolerant Canadian, !when racial strife breaks out' in another country? $.1 couldn't help. congratulat- ing myself, when I read .about .We realize that while Negroes are definitely human beings, there's no point in irritating our American tourists by letting the. black people stay at our tour- ist our- ist resorts: After all, business is business.;. w to get. 'out ,• frGm Wider. uder.the• ! ASHFIELDLocalTeacher' At ohrumjubsta#to•omiend didanczeras.yor pklng to ,make a living, alley came. ' (Too late for last, week). Craf'ts out here bause there w:as Bowesa Colin owes ;and Keneth' Convention potato famine .in; Ireland, or MacKennzie spent •lastweek-end they were on the dole in. Eng, with their aunt,, Mrs. Philip land, or ,the porridge ,was mighty Gour in Batavia. thinin iS•cotlan•d, .or somethin • Mr. and Mrs. 'George Foster worthwhile, like that,' _ • and Donna sof' ;Rodney vidited But I • think ' the .. one ' thing, on Sunday with .Mrs. G. Kitson.lac hat r highlights the tolerance and Mr on. and Mrs.Charlie "lather- ton d fil visited with Mrs. that. oracial prejudice of Can- 'family .visited above all others,, is the David YlacMurehy on .�Sun•day; way w, e have treated .', our na-• • ;Rev. , .Mr. Walden from. the Jive Indians. This is where the 'Bible,. ,'Society Was guest, �s'peak- true benevolence of the broad - This at . Ashfield, Presbyterian minded liberal-thinkingCan- Church on Sunday, a The death occurred in Kin - leprous stands out •like.• . a=uh-- • leprous nose, cardine Hospital of Annie . Robb, widow of • the late • Richard Did we crowd there: into tiny Brown;.. The • ..deceased was .born. reserves, as the Americans did, in.. this 'communityand lived after' we'd proved we could lick .host . of her ' ife ere till she ,them? We1'1; 'yes, •we did, • act- moved to Ripley. some 'years ago. We know perfectly well that. wally, But . we paid 'them cash She was in her 80th year: She Jews are . just as good as,any- ,for the lairds we. took away.. is y body. Smart, • too. But ';• let's. Well • . , ••survived by' one daughter, , not exactly cash, : maybe, Mrs Merton Avery and several iness, The'`y, ' seem, • to like it; sort' note.. And do you know• , keep them in the clothing '.bus but . •a good, long-term • Pro/Ills- grandchildren Lets not allow • more than a few spine of •those Indians still re - of them into medicine or den --- • - as much as 'r .77 a year, tistry. Let's not have any' of CHURCH NEWS them in our .big,, national banks ;IN_ I TEREST ALONE? or insurance , companies; -They re . And. it wasn't . that we : took. Lucknow United Church `') too dang smart for'. their 'gown away their good land:. We just The • third regul .r Meeting of good. took a lot of :old. 'cattle' ' pasture the.' Zucknow. Ha -C iGnoup • .was. Speaking of foreigners --of and crop land that they weren't held in the Fellowah'ip' Room, course, • we don't call therm: fbr- 1 using .anyway, and we handed Of the church: A • !prayer; then eigners, as some. , people • do; over :to them •. some dandy high, a sing -song' opened the meeting. they're ethnic : groups; or New rocky land, and some : good, fer- In. ; ' the • business plans were Canadians, Or. bloody Europeans` tile.swamps, for .their reserva'- made to go, •to. Miramichi' on, — I. don't think there's another 'tions. Saturday October 6th. June '!Ac-• country: in the world • that •gives;' * *, *4 keit !had the .topic, and; showed Do them a warmer. welcome. Around • thea film "A Christian ,and His .we 'deny, Indians their election time, rights? Not for a -minute. Every Money.' Questions car :.it were mush admit• that it's rather time we get involved. in a 'war, then discussed, .. Mary . Murdie annoying that .: some . of these we let' thein comparativenewcomers.to our like white peo ' o'inA :. ' ,had. the sed worswhipith: TThapse.• : meeting •. t e : • .,ple`harmy, just w • country don't seem to.get into . Why;- ' in some of' ` our : more - Dave You Renewed:' Your Sub- scription? the' sp' g that' enlightened • • grit of the thing ., Some g provinces; Indians of'•,them'seem' to,- think that' a can/ o' .in the.ubs and get .Mikloski' • is'just as'' good as a gP McClo.skey;. . ' •• Not that he isn't, pf course. But —well, ; You., :know, •" *; .k.* ,lot df• . these people' •don't seem to realize thatour ances- quicker ' than whisky or • small tors didn't/.'come out ,here just pox. .drunk, 'just like .white people. And, --a final mark of our inter.- est in their Welfare—we are now letting them go to .school with our ` own children.Theis will ;probably , finish' • them' off r. 1 1 Yes••sir, at •,•makes you•. feel pretty downright warm all over, when •you 'realize that we . Can- adians. 'don't have a prejudiced bone.in our. bodies. -Except, may:. • be, Our leadbone. • • 'ell your mu�r�my it's the The ,Saugeen District Indus-. trial Arts and Crafts teachers. met in Thornbury District High. Sohool for the annual fall Meet- ing. Present were: President; Bob Vivian, • Wingham; J 'Vice Pres.., Norm •Marshall, Kia car.-- dine; Sec-Treas., Addison Black,. Thornbury; Howard Clark, , Ar- thur, Charles Rogers, Durham; John GiLbank, Listowel;; Bobs Doucett, Lucknow Bill, Moody,` Mount. Forest; .Gordon Gibson, Orangeville; Lloyd S•canrow,, Dufferin ° P.S., • Owen' Sound; 'Bob. 'Walker, • West Owen Sound; Jim' Westlake, Shelburne; Ed Beard, Wingham.; Ken Weido and • Bill Myers, ;Mit chell. As each 'teacheridentif led , ihirnse1f he described • his shop and his working •condi:t'ions and problems; 'in . return.:he :received, advice and suggestions -from other risen' who had been re- quired to solve similar - .diffi. culties. • The first afternoon discussion centred' around pupal , projilcts,;' illustrated with coloured 'slides 'and a visit ' ' to 'the, Thornbury shop. Following. this the topic. of written . examinations came up ' . and after a lively debate Norm Marshall, .Charlie Rogers: and Bob Doucett were appointed as a committee to gather Infor- mation ,for a future dthcussion. The. progress . of the new Vo, catioial programme !brought out. some, interesting Information.:.. Gordon.,. Gibson , described the Changes taking: place in. 'Orange- ville; Bob. Vivian and Ed Beard. told of the. activity *in Wingham; and John Gilbank. reported from Listowel. "Were you a good boy at the party, Willie?" 'Yes, mum, I .said I was sor- ry . every time 'I I. spilt .something mon the tablecloth." • telephony ma. 92 Our men will' be visiting' homes and busiiiesse& in Lucknow soon they''l.be installing... your new .• dial, telephone sets. "Dial Day'" will be .December . 2nd, '19.62. On that. day; too; the • new '7 -figure telephone .numbers ` will become effective. `' All . these 'numbers will ' start.. with' the figures ,'528.,. Ask our . installer to tellyou about' ;the "convenience of EXTENSION..PHONES in yoyr home.. Installed in. kitchen, bedroom,' den` or hall, these :.handy phones. gave steps 'and time! They're., available in' .'beautiful •`colours to harmonize with . your .decor, And for the very latest in telephone 1u,ufr, : take a look at the beautiful, little "Princess s- the one that •Eights ' up when you :dial: We 11 keep you posted as •the wo-rk of your new ser- vice progresses. • s• • I, . C. LUKE, Manager: THE BELL TELEPHONE, COMPANY.. . • OF• CANADA. • • • • `.3 41 .4. • it • •