HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-10, Page 6112,7,7-22122
Residence Qualification Of Voters
The ligior 'Licence Mt.
• iteitdati.;. 2411
"Every man arid every WoMan.
Who 'at. the tiMe .of voting,
and has been ordinarily
'resident ;m the, municipality. .
for, a . periOd of.. 2 Months
next preceding the date hiked
for 'taking any vote under •the •
provisions of the Act is .qual-
ifiecl as. to residence.".l '
, •
Letters To Editor
We have just disposed ,of
election, an election which ex-
cited the voting interest of 04%
'of the eligible voters of the rid -t
ing of 'Huron-Bruee. We now
face another election of sorts,
but one which should, excite
the voting interest of bhe entire
WO% of those, concerned. We. are
asked to put our stainp, of ap-
proval, or otherwise, on the in-,
troduction of the. sale of liquor
lin outlets other than ,government
storesY The town .of• Lucknovir
has been ,accused by agr. Wm•
'Buckingham in .his poem of tak-
ing One step back Not so Hund-
reds of steps have •beentaken
in reverse, but not by the 'ay.;
erage • resident. Has . there , been
a delegation .of taxpayers •wait -
ink on council begging. for the
chance to buy.liquor by the glass
in .easy,. pleasant? surroundings?
Ithink not! 'Pressures' have come
frominterests, other than theirs
to have: these backward steps..
Is'www 411w111"". taken....... •
. .
. aguaeve:ibivrie'die; jttern: gown of
WEDDING,. BELLS tchi hat,
gloves and shoes, with a corsage
-• 1111111.DOCII :--- SYM,ONDS Pf ongolden carnatis.
The marriage took Place at the.
home of Rev. c. D. Cox, . Tees- Mrs' Dorothy.1°assicly of My'
ersdale, was bridesmaid Wearing.
water, on •Saturday, .September.
• 29th, of Dorothy Florence Sym -bronze and black . arnel,• with
matching accessories. Mr, Wil- '
fred Cassidy of Riversdale, was
groomsman. . / •' ' '
• On their return •from a wed -
1 speak as one who, from ex-
perienee, in a large centre, has
:bOth -witnessed. .personally and
read reports about the results of
easy liquor, after the foisting on
the ,public without the .chance of
a vote • on 'the question of liquor
lounges, by the ,Ontario Liquor
Out-of-Contr�l Eoar4 .1 have of-
ten seen youngsters -still in their
teens; rolling out of. these loung-
es, having been served into semi-
•• pods, daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.
William R. ,SymOnds, Walkerton,
to 'Neil Alexander Murdoch, 'son
.*f 'John A. Murdoch of,Walkerton
and the late 'Mrs. Murdoch. Rev ding trip, Mr. and Mrs. ,Murdoch
Chas. D. Cox. officiated. • will reside .in :Walkerton. • •
• - • .
• • 01
' tik •
unconsciousness, :by .unscrupulous
bartenders, and then 'proceed to
flow, behind the wheel of .their1.
cars and •take to the. road: How •
many innocent persons, young &
old, are.' killed or kinjured is - a.
moot point' for these '' killers
many times are 'in • too, great. a
stupor to realize what they have
done ' and weave along. on their '
Merry 'way. . .'.. , ' ••
.• ' . Our police. news is increasmg-
•:. . Er ly occupied''kby .the tuiSaVoury age suit 'resulting from injury or
death arising ••from • the • use of
• : results of .this easy
drink. Kil- liquor? 'kGET:s.Who pays for the
ai ' lings,5robberies, .hit:-and:4un .ac-
confinetrient, hospital, Upbring-
:' . Cidents, property damage,li-----viola- ing of a baby, and the heart
of many if your daughter
a tion of girls and women, •
:. U.
with or without intent to kill, • &
— or sister is violated as a result
thousanjls of cases o • pu c 4- of the use of easy liquor?. YOU.
turbances are .all by-products °f
None -of these _costs or expenses
this' thing to. which we are ask- are recoverable from • tax reven-
ed to vote yes, I Say vote, 110.
IN . vve are told that .a yes vote •
Iles; they cOme out •of everyOneS
ket . ' • -
•. +ET
in will attract new business, to our
You, the motets, have recently,
- : village' The kind of 6usin*essil turned down the' employing of
•- viill ',attract is best kept
. as 'la': a full-time constable 'for the
away froth Lticknow as possiblegeneral'.protection from Our all,
• ...It will not only attract business, too •high rate of .rowdyiSin. and
it will also attract the drinking vandalism, the drinking. drivers
• elements from miles around when "• trusing i
our streets, the more or t is "possible to drop in 'and less
. ■ buy liquor as you'would -milk, t- *public 'drinking where ..emp-
4, bottles are left scattered
.ffee ' soft drinks and when •
. co ,. • or . t around town, even On the. main
• 2 these elenients, are .attracted and i
street sidewalks. I tell you that
it •• inflamed -by the easy liquor here, if this question receives a yes
' 2 we too, will ibe laced with all. the. -majority, we will . not have to
unsavoury 'results of 'easy liquor. employ one policeman, . ' but per,-(
, .
• , ■ ,We, as .parents and grandpar-. haps : thrge. This is something
• •
. ,
ents have an. obligation to give else that will , not be covered by
our young people the, 'best start the increase , in tax revenues.
in life of. vrhich we are capable. 4
'474. Yr)
•• • ..NopcE
Interru i n
, •
• . • • affecting . ••
• Dates ,and Time,
Thursday October 18th
Frain 1:30 p.in. To 4:30 .
, • • . . And
Thursday October 25th
From 1:30 p.m.. TO 430 p.in:
(Weather Permitting) •
The interruptions are necessary to increase
the capacity of the. Holyrood Sub -Station
and to install larger conductors on the main
feeder. between Kinloss and Holyrood.
Any inconvenience to our customers is •sin-
cerely regretted.
Manager, Ontario Hydro,
VVingharn Area
■ .
Nowadays fire fighting is a complex business,'
with no end to what the fire fighter needs to is
is know. Water, only spreads an oil fire, and fires
■ involving new exotic fuels have to be fought with
specialized skill and cunning. One thing the fire •
fighter knows above all else the fire that doesn't •
start is the best fire"he fights.•1:
■ .• , ,
• •
• ' . • ' ' . •. : 'cocktail bort of hotels' and .ino-
• Prevention Is Youro . b Too
... .. • ,...
..... . . ,..
•„. •
■ In the last 10 years .Mare than 5;000 lives were lost :I
■ .
m in .. fires ' (Many of them, young 'children). More than I:
• ,1::(1,10,000..hornes ' were. destroyed or damaged: Mpre', •
than . one BILLION dollars, in property was consumed. •
ia• A.• disgracel .
■ Pi tragic picture —7-a. , • h . , ■
, • a
• Good rule: THINK ABOUT FIRE.. . . wherever .you
• The tempe ate use, and, the as.
buse, of liquor, which is a part
of- our society today i7iliether we '
want it or. not, Should be taught
in • bhe •proper surroundings of
the home, not in the• dimly lit
• If We want to ,suffer bhe
obnoxious by-products of easy
-liquor, then a liquor lounge is
for us. If Ave -want a • decent corn-.
munity in which to Jive, raise
our •farnilies, and look after our
older citizens, then Wingliam is
•the •closest we should allow 'this
liquor question to come to Luck-
, • .
• ' George uk, -Newbold.
James Bell; age gl, Passed
away at the Carruther's Nursing •
Home on 'Wednesday; October 3,
was \born- in Huron Town:
ship on, January 11th, f881.
The funeral •ser -vice was con-
ducted at the. Mclennan .Funeral
Hozne in Ripley . on Saturday by
Rev. Donald MacKenzie.. Inter-
ment was in 'Pine River eerne-,
He is survived .by ,one sister,-
Mrs. James .(Annie)* of
Brantford. •'
are Dont Don't give. fire a place to start!
: This space is spo ed by 1Lucknow Fire De- ■
• partment during Fire Prevention Week, Sunday Oc-
tober 7th to Saturday,!October 13th; in the interest °
N ■ of fire prevention. '
■ ■
tels. Liquorlounges, cars and .
hotel and motel .roomS are the
worst bedfellows, -leading 'tor
much that is not worthy in life.
• Do- you, therefore, :want to be
a contributing factor -kin the plac-
ing • -of' stumbling blockand
• temptation before our . .YOung . .
• people when they are not strong ,
•enough or inature• ' enough to
meet them 1 stieceSsfully • Do you
want t� ethitribute tO the down- •
' fall of those adults to whom this
'liquor question is -a kproblern? If. •
, you- want to ' ibe 'guilty of con-:
tiribUting to juvenile, or adult- de-
linqueney then. vote . Yes: • If yoti
feel that: there is•no place in our
• corrinitinity for liquor lounges &
the .crime, trouble and misfor- -
• time they breed, then vote No.
We, are' led to believe that
the -business that • is attracted
will Increase otir ,talc .revenue, .
This' may be true An part on the
surface. But there are • other
things that we are not told. Who
pays 'for dad's car df his son gets
liquored up , and demolishes • it? .
YOU. Who pays for the property
damage 'done by drinking vand-
als. YOU, Wiho pays the
• '
Lucknow Fire 'Department
• Ge0,ge Whitby. chief - Stuart Collyer, .secretary.,
m • . • , •
■ •
• The ApPointinent of
Mk.:..J.:.....14'..OR:Epc:. •'..'.....
..,...Liacknow,eaturio..,.. •• • . • .• •
. . .• •
Phone 49-k, Lticlino*. • .;••••
,... . . •
aS.: "otot: .SP17::...'Agent.'oia....0)!...solo :of. :.
. ,
. .
• •• .•
. •• • umnrED
350 Ray St Toronto 1:1P' hone: 362.4133