HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 15WrDNESDAY, OCT. ard,„ 1903; THE' SENTINEL, LaJCICKQW; ONTARIO 1iiimemenumummimosimmmsams•••••••••■•1 iNow Is' The 'Pale To Install 1" I NASH ALUMINUM 1. WINDOWS and DOORS O make yOur home ,st installing NASH. s. dows • alurnhium. These units are comfortable and- more attractive -by aluminum combination, doors and made of heavy guage extruded si , , ti ter R.C. Cemetery. FORMER KINLOSS 06••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••••,••••••••• RESIDENT. PASSES • • • • FI • .rare•!Krae-• •••• CLEARING' AUCTION 'SALE. • 11 mer, bel'Oved wife of the. late George White, occur -mil in Wingham Hospital' on Saturday, September 22nd in her 79th. year. The funeral was he from from, Sacred Heart church in Tees - water on' 'Tuesday, SepteMber '251th with requiem mass at' 10:00 aln. Interment wad. 'in TeesWa- 1 ' Cut Fuel Sills UP To 307 • • • „. WE INSTALL AND SERVICE WHAT WE SELL STEVVART'S Aluminum Sales • 1 101 ..Victoria St. - • Phone "collect JA 4-8821 • suassiampassaws••••••••••••maina••••••••••••••ina- Oied ,tejon After,' • Returning Home. MRS. JOSEPH WHITBY • Little. more than a week .atter she had .returned ."home", death: came suddenly to: Mrs. ,Joseph whitby; in Wingham ,and is- trict Hospital on Thursday, Sep- tember alth. She ,was 84 Mrs. Whitby, had made her home in London fin. close • to ten years 'with her, daughter, Mrs.' . Rase Knight. 'On -August 9th she • suffered ' a 'fractured. hip, just •the day after she .had obsertied her 84th birthday.' A short time prior to that Mrs. Whitby had left; the hospital following an, • eye .operation. , She had 'suffered. consi4erakile distress since -the hip injury & on,Septernber .iutth was brought .to Pinecrest Manor, Liicknow; hopeful that her conditiOn might However, within a week it was, necessary, to take her to. Wingham hospital where her death occurred two days • later. • . • , Mrs. 'Whitby of. English par- entage, was the dormer :tinily Mender Shinn and was born. at Halifax,. when her. 'parents cam to Canada,' While .her father was "Stationed at Halifax as a 1Pri- -, ,vate hi the First.g3attalion• of the 20th Foot 'Guards. • Mrs. Whitby returned to Eng- land With her parents while an. infant.' There in' 1902 she Mar- ', n Joseph !Whitby, who • came to Canada in 1914,prior to the -'- outbreak .of World War I; and. was soon 'in -uniform '-afterwar was declared: Mrs. Whitby. came •out in 1915; and in 1816 her hus- band sailed for 'overseas service. He returned. here following his discharge .and and- • Mrs.: Whitby made their. honie until his death 1953. 'Mrs . Whitby had,aince then been :in London. • • The funeral service was held at the .MacKenzie Memorial ChaPel, on Saturday. afternoon, conducted by -Rev.• '.Wilfred Wright 01. St.. Peter's Anglican Church. Interment„was-in-G-reen- . hill cemetery with her fiVe sons, and sen-in-lawSidney .Rouse, acting as pallbe'arers. The' mother of nine childre,n, Mrs. Whitby is survived by five son d and tire daughters, Fred of Detroit, Wise of London, Sid- ney, George and Russel'of now, Ted of .Winghazp. and Eve- lyn (Mrs.. :Rouse) of .Camp. Bor- e . . • She Was predeceased by her husband, a .daughter Lilly who 'died in England before . her se.- Cond birthday and a daughter Ivy who died in LucknoW ,in 1928. „ • ." • 1 0.• • DUNGANNON ,Mr. and Mrs, Sari Sherwood, and. son. Ernest of Carlow and. Mrs. Leonard •.Crawford; Wing - ham, visited , Sunday with Mr: and Mrs.. W,• A. Culbert..It was Mr. •Cubert's birthday: We -wish )him many more hirthdaYs an family gatherings. • Of Finance Co. RepossessIoni; Bankrupt Stock, Bailiff*. Seizures, And Personal Consignments Of Modern 110, Household Furniture, Televisions, Appliances And • Brand New Clothing, on 1 Tuesday Evening Ociober 9th I I. . at : p•rn. • • I. Bluevale Community Hall .‘ • 4 miles east, of Wingham on 86 highWay • CONSISTING OF THE .FOLLOWING Large radio and record player, 2 -piece foam rubber zipper- • chest freezer, large 'console model organ, combination • 1-. • • • ed cuShion, chesterfield Suites, bedroom suites, • •• complete with boxsprings and mattresses, 5 TV set.,s, • d 2 -piece davenport suites, • kitchen•snites, autorriai--"' • Mr. and Mrs. James Wiilso spent the: weekrend with the +laughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dav Durnford and children of Vkra On Monday of this. week, Mr Ethel McDonald attended th funeral of, her sister, Mrs. An Brown ef Ripley. Mrs. .1VIcDon ald Was. accompanied by he d'aughter, Mrs. Wilfred'Pent- land . an. her niece, Mrs.. Frank • Pentland. Interrnent:was made in Lucknow CemeterY..• • . Uri, Lorne Ivers has sent $t12 lo the:, Canadian. Bible" Society headquarters at ',Toronto. She thanks the collectors and donors an this district for. 'the support given. • , . Hold • Anniversary • . The weather was ideal on Sunday for • .the ,United Church anniversary services at, 11 and. .1:30 p.m.. The church was decorated lovely.vcrith „mauve' & yellow. chrysanthemums" on each , prettiest costuine, Jean StotherS; • • • ic- AD washer and dryer, refrigerators, and electric ranges, n • conventional washer, two 39" continental beds, plat- ' ir form rockers, Coffee and step tables, tri -light and ta• - id 6. ble lamps," hostess and. arm chairs. Other odd pieces - of furniture, quantity of brand'new clothing, plus': • many more iterns which will. be released before sale E. day but not available for publication at this time. • n • TERMS CASH on sale day. Cheques accepted • • ., ✓ 3% sales tax in- effect. . fp Franklin Buuckt Auctioneer,, R.R. 2, Gadshal, Ontario. • l••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • Legion Makes • Three Donations tticknOw Branch of the Carra- dian Legion; ,No. 30,9, have don- ated. .$100 towards tn0. cot .of swirnming instruction supplied children of this ;area at the Tees - water ' swimming pool this 'past. summer. At last Ttiesday's'meeti the Legion- alsc; . voted, $15I • to :the : Children's Aid. .Society; $25 to the, WhitechurCh -Ball team:: and transferred , $100 froth. the ,general :aceoinit. to.. the ' poppy fund. • • • • • Present • at.''the meeting were zone, corrimander, Doug Andrews Of.. Clinton; district cornmander, •Ace Bateson Of Wing -ham, 'dis- trict welfare and. Seriiice .hurean: officer, George Inglis.. of *Belniore, district . menibership. chairman, D�n Adams • of Wingharri.- "P. • The LircknOw 'Brand:I.-Was •pre- sented . with certificate, in •re... Cognition, of .showing increased •• mernbershiP, „ . ,.• • •: •• ...• ' ' :BIRTHS MURRAY Kiricardinehos- pital on Wednesday, Septerriber4 .26th, to John and Amelia Mur- ray; RR: 3; Holyrood, a daughter, Dianne Louise, a sister for .Deb- bie and Davi-d. y , • ELECTION WEEK -$PC1ALS M DONALD'S. STORE' KINTA1L GRAHAM WAFERS, Reg.. 35; now ...... AMBER HONEY, produced in Ashfield at Wm. Reid Apiary, : , 4 lb. tin 85c • •, HOSTESS POTATO CHIPS, Reg. 49; now. . 39c. ROYAL INSTANT. PUDDINGS . . 3 for 25c Try Allen's exciting new; FRUIT -JUICE .FLAVOURS Pineapple -Orange & Orange -Apricot, can 29c MO DETERGENT; reg. 95c (wit4c6uP°11) • 5°c 4KEEIsl'CAGE PLUMS, .105 oz. can ... : 99c SOtJ1) MIXES, Campbell's Red Kettle . , 2 cans 35c TOILET TISSUE, Vanity '4 roll pack 45c WILLIAMS JAMS, by the case, 12 9. -oz. jars of assorted flavours $2.50 WARFARIN, 1 Ib. cafeteria box 69c • Values Effective October 4th, 5th, 444.6th, Phone 12-r-7, Pungannon . ' • t •':t f Ip rabbit family,. Angus :Stingel; •Pet cat family, Roden e Pentland, Debbie- }lodges; Best decorated side .of lovely bouquets Of re gladioli and White chrysanthe. mums. The latter- collectiOrk was in memory of the late MT. and Mrs. Herbert,' Alton, placed by their granddaughter, Mrs. ' :Bill Bradley 'of Goderich. Rev.; N. L. Gostonyti preached, to a large audience. Guest soloists were Mr. Ralph Henderson,. baritone; God erich & Miss PeggY 'Gordon, con • bicycle, .Nancy Errington, Bern- . ice Thompson, Clair McWhinney; 'Best decorated, ,tricycle; ',Billy Mole, ' Valerie Park; Joanne .Thompson,' Steven Park; Best decorated doll buggy,- Ann- Er-. rington,', Penny Reid, ,Barhara Blake; Boys best 'cowboy cost-: ume, Marsha Hodges Cathy Sto thers, Garry Caesar; Boys best Indian ' costume, best costumed Couple', Susan. Park, and Audrey Errington. 'Steve Caesar and Jim. Stothers and Don Henry.'Girls trait°, Toronto, each giving :two numbers. In: the evening, Rev. R. McLagari, a 'friend of long standings, or Rev. N. L. Gostonyi, preached at night. The choir 'was assistedby the Liiclt, now mixed quartette composed. .of . Mrs. „Wesley Joynt, Mr.; and Mrs., Rayriard Ackert and ' Mr. Eldon.Henderson with accompan-• St Mrs. Rhss Mr.. and Mrs. T. Anderson • had as recent visitors, Misses Hazel and Acta/Webster, Luck - now :and Mr...and. Mrs. 49herti and son John and iMisEpear- son of:.Toriinto, " • Wayne Br n, after spending' three weeks - at Clinton 'Air School, has left for Winnipeg and iwill continue. on to MoOse Jaw for further studies. •Miss Peggy.Gordon, TOronto, and Mrs.. DorothY MeKenzile, also of Toronto were •on: SUnday, guests • of ..Mr, and , Mrs. Otto HOW' Country Fair . Despltethe showers last Fri- day the Dungannon school 'went ahead with the Country Fair and there was a' good atteridanee. Mrs. M. Durnin and .1.W.. Rod' Jewitt, the teachers had everyr, thing wellorgariized,' kr; Elton Culbert.and Mr. Ron Jewitt ran off the contests. Mrs. Wilbur. BroWri, Mrs. 'Lorne :Ivers : and Miss ISTa 'Carr Were the judges, Hot. -.o.f.Fee, .tea,, -cookies, pie' and hot dogs went well with, Mr.s. Eon Culbert, Mrs. Chas. Fow- or • and' Mrs.; John: Spivak Ooking after this .department. Mr;• Hugh McWhinney • and Victor Black were in* the eniar room with saleable ar- ioles and at the wishing well. The proceeds will go towards he eXpense, of- skating' and' a us-. trip. The :contests were as allows: Best • pet rabbit, „Allan 'ark. Anne Errington; best et cat, Valarie ,Hodges, Paul lack; Pet. pigeons, Marsha Hod- es and Donna Pentfarid; Pet , 1Carl Anderson, „Colleen Parks. GirlsErrington, Sandra krtin$tO'n and ' funniest ', cestume, I:Vannes %Donna Pentland.. Best dressed i doll, (blonde):Beverley Culbert 'and. Carolyn Hines-; ((dark.), . Sur .• ' , san Park,. Barbara Blake. " • • The races. were run off on Monday afternoon. Running race 7 years 4' under, . Barbara Blake and Don Henry; 9 -years arid uncl, er, .' Randy: Henry, and: Sandra Errington; years arid 'under,' girls) Dianne Rivett, , Colleen Park; (boy.i>. Doug:. Henry, Garry Caesar. 15 years..& Under .(girls) Donna Pentland; Valerie Hodges,. (bor.§), Carman Fielder and Allan „ 'Park. Three-legged race, senior • room, Carol 'Anderson- and Peggy Hodged,, Doug ' Henry and F.'atil Black, Donna: Pentland 'and ,Pat Eedy; Mariane Reid and •Bever- ley Culbert; Three-legged. r,ace, room, Bonnie Schultz,, • Heather Park, Joanne Thomp- son; Nancy Errington, Anne %Er- rington, Sandra Errington,:john ny.Stanbury, Randy Henry;. Sack Race, 1 and. 2, Don Henry. and Fern .Eggleton, .3 and 4, Anne .Errington and Morley Reid, 5 and 6, peggy. Hodges, Sharon. . Spivak, 7 ••and' 8, Valerie Hodges, Mary Lou, .Henry.. Wheelbarrow ,race, senior, Paul • Black; Doug Henry, Jean. Stothe•rs, 'Arlene • Culbert. Wheelbarrolw, race, jun- ior„ Anne Errington; Sandra Er- • •.,. rington, Randy HenrY'& Johnny . Staribury. • • ' •• Nigr..Ken Hodges arrived home ' from .Winghain Hospital the lat.= ter part: of. last week after ani operation. : : • Mr. and: Mrs. Ernest 'Harris of Sarnia visited :en ',Sunday With ;Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brown, • Visitor Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs; Cecil' Blake were MiS8 Dor- othy Douglas, Camp Tamitii, For rnosa and Mis Christine Carr , rick; Lucknow, Mr. and Mts.Ot- to Jotrwsrit , Annie, Reni, Jbhn. of Winglra • Prem er Visits Holyrood • Farm F, arm problems may well. have ' been the subject -discussed when John .Robartt, 'Premier of On- tario: (centre) and George cutcheon (left) called '• at the. • • . „ Holyrood farm, of Lloyd Ackert ' ins: week, while touring the rid- ing: • • • ; '1 -hat 'P Lloyd. of coarm. with. the' fOrk, 1 ' • • • • • , . • • . •