HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 12•
Centennial $en.ke.s Mcirked 'Sunday
At Calvin United' Church St. Heleiis
• The centennial .anniversary of
the formation of .:the ~Calvin con-
gregation at. St. Helens was—ob-
served' on •Sunday with large
• . co ngregatiotns, morning andeven.
Many- former members 'of, the-
the"congregation as • well as many
friends"attended both services.
Beautiful floral r ememlbrances
were placed in the. auditorium;
At the .morning service spec
al music was sung by the choir
4 -with' a solo by Mr. E. W. Rice.
fiieu. C. Jardine of Wingham was
--guest minister: at- the .Morning
service and Rev. C. • Lewris' of
• .Auburn was guest minister at,.
•the 'evening service, Each had an
insipiring message. Rev. B ' ?F.
(Green,,. minister Of thechurch as-'
.sisted at both° servies and ex-
tended a welcome to- the visitors
and appreciation to those . who
. contrjbuted' to the success of this
memorable occasion; ..
In. . the evening the ,Harbour, -
Aires of Goderich contributed,
several . numbers • and . ' added
greatly to the• impressive service.:
The :.St: Helens :ladies served
lunch • (following the:. evening
service' when the . Harbouraires
again delighted the gathering in
+the Sunday. School room. of the
church:. • •
The memorial , flowersin the
sanctuary, were placed in . •mem
'ory of Mr and Mrs. R, J. Woods
the family;. in memory of:
avid Todd by wife .and fanciily;
an memory of Mrs. W. A ' Miller
'by' "' husband and family and m
..memory of the Pioneers by Mrs.
W. I. Miller, andher sister, Miss
Wilhelmine ` - Rutherford, Their
grandfather Hugh .Rutherford,
-who had been an 'elder in Scot-
1and, ` was the first elder in this
area even before the ;formation
ref • the ,St.. Helens>. congregation,
the guest book which ;was
signed by many :: visitors, • and a
potted �plant, • were in • memory
of Mr.. and •Mrs: • Robinson Woods
and, were presented by the fa-
mily A gift of money was pre-
sented to the icongregation by
Mrs. Stanley Taylor of Victoria
. (Elizabeth Miller)* in ~memory of
her sister, Mrs. W. A, Miller,
Rev, Oliver S•tra'pp brought
greetings on behalf. of his, bro-
. they, Bev,: H. W. Strapp, from
the Lucknow 'United Church con-
ong +egation. This greeting was ex-
tended at the social gathering
following the .evening s•ervice, :.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Graham 'of •
Fordwwich were' •.Sunday . guests of.
Mr. •and Mrs, E. W. Rice.
• Mr. ,and Mrs. Roy Hawley of
`Oshawa : spent, the week -end
with n her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lorne . Woods,
Mr, and. Mrs,, Gordon Miller
and Larry of London spent the.
week -end with . their :parents;
Mr. and 1VIfs, Chester Taylor and,
Mrr:. and MOs W. 1.. Miller:
1 Mr, and Mrs. ,Fred.,' Thompson
and sons returned . from a months
vacation . in Western ' Canada.
Fred has received his: release °•&
is now beginning as an instructot
at London 'Flying Chub, •
• F.IiL. Keith Black of. Summer-
;side„ P. E.I. is on, a week's leave'
and is visiting `MTs.. Black and
•sons, ;
[.:.The' October 'meeting of ' :the
H W3I: will be held at .the home
of Mrs. 'Perry Hodgins on
'Thursday „ 'afternoon... Hostesses,
Mrs Perry Hodgins , and "Mrs.
'Jac'k Ackert: Roll call; Industries
t in . which women participate.
a Motto, ,One is never rich enoug
to bewithout a neighbour. 'T
ie•, Industry . keeps. .the . body
healthy,., the Mind. clear, . the
heart whole . and'. the purse full..
Directors, MTs. P. A. Murray &'
Mrs. Tom ;' Hodgins
Misses Sandra. Percy : `and
Laura Breckles of Toronto` spent.
the week -end at their 'respective
homes, "
Mr. W. E. Haldenby returned
home after visiting with rela-
tives and friends 'at the Soo.
Mrs, J W, Colwell spent a few
days with her .sister, Mrs. Annet-.
la Bushell at Lucknow_
•Our School' was fortunate in:
winning several prizes at the
Lucknow Fall lFair , which was
held on Thursday. A number
;from here also attended Ripley
and • Teeswater Fairs on Satur-
We • extend sympathy to Mr;
John' Robb in the .passing of his
sister; • the late
' Mrs. Brown
whose funeral washeld from the
McLennan : Funeral biome, at
On F.icA'ay' evening neighbours
'gathered at the home • o,f Mr, '4E
Mrs. Ernie Kempel. to • bid :them
farewell before, leaving for Kit
chene't .where :they will .,reside,
Mrs.; Charlie ;Hodgins. of Wing -
ham visited during . the week
With Misses Edna & May. ,Boyle.
Custom Butchering
.MondaysHogs,. $2.00 is by. 4:00 p.m.
Cutting,' and Wrapping, 2c pound; •
We Do Curing and SMOking ..' Beef, Pork and Lambs'
Sold "Whole, Half or . Qu ater . . Fore Better Service,'.
And Lower Prices , Calle. Ripley 100,
Glias: Hooisma, Prop.
Unsurpassed in Beauty and Value
Repr, sentative
Ross: 'MacLennan'
Phone Si
On ' Wednesday night the 'quiet-
ness ' sof 'the Wingharn, . Bowling.
Lanes was .broken when ,the
Lucknow, lDungarinori teams.
started the 1962763, season. ,
The .Beavers led by Marion and
Donald MacKinnon . followed ;last
years pattern and downed , the
Chipmunks' for 3, games.. Lloyd,
Ashton rolled . over the ,:600 .mark
also., • Franke Hawthorne put up.
•the`I best: effort for the Chip
'On alleys 3 and 4 the Cy -others
won 2 games , from the short-
handed, Tigers: Charlie. Anderson'
, was "high for, the. iGophers , with;.
685 ,and Bill. Stewart: rolled' 634
for ,the Tigers.
The: Zebras : and Pole Cats
scored 2 • points each. the Zebras
winning the first. two ,games and
the Pble Cats .wo f .the last.game,
and the , gin fall ,by 6' pins...Ruth
Jardine rolled' 61$ and . Mute
Sanderson scored high' for the
Pole ,:Cats with: 6:: flat.
Thursday night the Cubs. (bat-.
.tied' with :the Squirrels ;an4 took
4 points. Harold Errington,-: Jack
Caesar. and Dick Parks were in
their usual, form With. 'respective
scores of 628, 621 and. 611.' Ernest
Button *as.' the 'topscorer for.
the Squirrels with .614 •
• Jack Fisher and Mel: Corrin
led , the' attack for ` the Coons -to
take 3 point's ' from .the Lions:..
John . Parks was high for: the
losers '•
The Kangaroos led by Ray and
:Betty Gannon ' 'ran rough shod
over . the: short: handed • Woiver
ines • to ' take • 4 points. Marie
Johnston was top for her team.
.. flew faces ,for the, .first weeks
bowling .are, Audrey Gall' for .the:
Chipmunks; Fred Pierce for the
.Zebras, Edna. aid .,Elwin ',Petrie
for the Lions,Omar. and ' ,Dora
Brooks • ; for the Squirrels, ' ,Ray
and Betty. Gannon: for the iKarig-;
aroos and John • ,Helrri for ' the
for the . Wolverines:
• Standings: '
Beavers 4; ,;Clubs .4; Kangar-
oos 4;, Gophers 3; Coons 3; Zeb-
ras 2; Pole Cats 2; . Tigers 1;
Lions :1; Chipmunks 0; Squirrels
0; Wolverines 0.
Fillet Marie Fraser'`s'Guide'to thr'
World bf Canadian Cheese
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It's the' .fresh -mix with the balanced protein base.
Whether you have your own grains' or we supply
them, we can -custom blend the finest fresh -mix you can
buy right here at the mill . . using National Coneen' •
trate, .`ofcourse.
P.S. You'll like • using National's freshmix Calf
Concentrate, too! : r
nfants .Baptized
# Olivet Service
Olivet ; United Church .was • fir-
led on Sunday,; September 30th,
tirhen Reverend: Douglas Dunlop
conducted ', a balitismal service
for Elaine Helen, daughter of Mr.
and 'Mrs. Alan MacTavish; • Joan
Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. . and
111,Iirs,. Robert Osborne; Paul Doug-
las,' son of Mr. 'and Mrs. Gerald
Colling; Jeffery Douglas, son, Of
Mr. 'and Mrs. 'James . MacTavish
Jr: and Brant Harry, 'Son of Mr.
and Mrs. • Harry Coiling. Fol-
lowing' the worship service an
address and presentation :were '
made to , Mr. and Mrs.. Dunlop,
Alastair . ,and Judith, prior to.
their leaving 'the • church and
conzrnunity. Mr. and Mrs. Dun-
lop both replied graciously,
/ , Rev. Oliver Strapp Will be in
' residence at the, United • Church• •
Manse' in 'Ripley until a minister,
is .appointed.: .,
Mr. Gerald &Ding was struck
by a train while driving a truck
at Moncton on Wednesday, but
was 'not: seriously injured.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson
and sw•ater
Mrs. Bert Me.l CoiliofTeeng, Ernie enMdr, Shaand-
roil were dinner. 'guests of Mr...
and Mrs. Harry Lolling ;and 'fa-:
milt' on. Sunday
Rev. Duncan- MacTavish .' of
London, visited. with • 1VIr. ,and
Mrs. Alex MacTavish . on :Wed-
nesday. , ;
' Mr. ' and; Mrs. Harold:, Stacy. &
family ' pf. Toronto• .visited on
Sunday with .gr. and Mrs. Ray-
mond Hamilton and .family.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Cory
spent theweek-end with Mr. &•
Mrs. Norval' Stewart and attend-
ed the' Ripley Fall Fair on . Sat,
• , A number oze 'exhibited
iri 'the Kincarfrdine, Luckheretiow and
Ripley fair... '1Virs .John, MCChar-
les'; placed second in total pants
Mrs, O: McChof ch
at both Lucknow and 'Rip Y
alah whininliverg by ' aarles few poiLonts,
Mrs. +John McCharles w ori ,the
Domestic. Shortening . cake sp h'
ial and 'Mrs. Mel
Domestic ,pie` special.
The juniors Clover Valley
school placed fifthof in the square
dance competition at' Ripley,
those taking, part :were: .Mafy.
Anne •MacTavish, Ronald, Mc"
Guire Janet. Geertsma, Steven
Henry, May White, Michael Ha;"
milton,' 'Mary MacChar.'les and
Jimmie . Geertstna with Pity
MacCharles .and Janet Haniilton
calling off: