HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 101,
THE LUCKNOW sracrukrEL, Luc:x.140w. orrrAilo
• • wropNESDAY; OCT. 3rd,, 1962 •
• .
Fall Fair Prize Winners
•(Continued frOm page six). San, Mrs, L. Arnold; corsage;.
GROUP DISPLAYS Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Jouwsma,
Bride's Display Kairshea Mrs. Arnold; miniature arrange -
Women's Institute; St. Heien's ment, Mrs. Murray, Mr. J. Ar-
• Wornen'S Iiistitute; Lucknow nold, mrs• W. Henderson; mums,
Women's Institute. Mrs. Salkeld,., Mrs. Jouws,me,..
4-H Horne .Making Class -7 Mr. 0..IVIcCharles; aster buffet,
Record hook, • Mary Andrew, Mrs. MoCharles, M. Hutchinson,
Grace McDougall, Karen Car- Mrs. Jouwsma; snapdragon ar-
• ruthers; Zipper, 'June Ackert; rangement, Mrs. Jouwsma, coffee
Poster, Jo Anne Alton, Kair- table, Mrs. L. Arnold, Mrs. a.
shea 4-H Club. • eld, Mrs. McCharles; dining
'table, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. "S..
HIGH. SCHOOL Hunter Ch.urch basket, Mr.t.
HOME ECONOMICS CLASS Salkeld, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. JOuw-
. Grade': 9, cotton skirt, JudY sma; annuals, Mrs; Salkeld, Mrs.
Reid, Isobel Husk; grade 19, Murray, Mrt. Jouwsma, peren-
w°01 skirt, Sandra.*Camermi, Mrs; MurraY, Mrs. Sallv;
„Marilyn Thacker, Donna Hogan; eld; basket •roses, Hunter,
grade 11•°, summer. dress, Sheila Mrs. 1VIcchakies,, Mrs. ,Salkeld;
Karen Carruthers, PhYl- • dish ..garden, mrs,, • iviecha,ries,
Its Bradley; grade .11, and: 112, Mrs. Murray; Mrs. Jouwsma;
• winter liSs7s, Thane jamieami' sPecial occasion, Mrs: Salkeld,
B'everleY BAthwell, Sharon (Y- Mrs. Jouwsma, • Mrs: aVIcc.harlea
PorMell; grade 'id and 124 &lin- Class Winners, Mrs. Salkeld,
mer dress,' 'Beverley Bath,well, .peints; mrs. Stewart Hunter„
Jean •BOnnett, Elizabeth Finlay- 35 points. . :
son; trade 9, cotton blouse, Bet-. : . •
ty Mathers, Marilyn Henderson, PUBLIC k SCHOOL
'SW• Hoffman; Miscellaneous• COMPETITIONS..
hand worked. •articles, Mary El- VEGETABLES
len ' Sheills, Barbara • RathWell,
Jtidy Webster..
L. ". Salk -
. •
Landscape • in water ColoUrs,
Mrs. 0. 1VIeC1iarle.s, Mrs. J. Mc-
0harles;, other ' water colour
painting,, Mrs. 0. ,MeCharles;
original oil landscape, HarVey,
Wightman,. Mrs: .Glen Walden,
Mrs. Q. MaCharles; animal or
• bird oil. Painting, Wightritan,
Mrs. J. PleCharlet, Mrs. P. A.
Murray, • "flowers oil painting,
. Mrs., E. Taylor, Mrs. Q.
Charles, Mrs. - , 1VicCharlei;
oilpainting by number, Mrs,
• W. .Heimpel, Mrs. S. Hunter,
:Harold Cooper; • amateur col-
oured. snaps, . Ruth Thompson,'
MTS. 0. 1VIcChar1es, Mrs.
Hunter; amateur black and white
Snaps,' Ruth Thompson, Mrs. O.
'Mrs. • 'Arnold;
• driftwood • centre piece, Mrs. 0.
IVICCharles, Mrs. John" Emerson;
'.•Mrs. J.-MeCharles; tooled
er work; Mrs. ' 0. McCharles;
MeCharies; Original.. ceramiq,
' .Mrs. 0. MeCharles; moulded
cerarnic,s, krs. O. 1VIeCharles;
thanksgiving centre piece, Mi.s.
T. Salkeld, Mrs. ,Jouwsnia, Mrs.
J. •McCharles; lan.dstape in • pas-
tels; Miss • Beatrice 11.4eQuillin,
Mrs., a McCharles; animals,
birds in. pastels,Miss •
Mrs; O.' MeCharles;
Henderson, Mrs: J.
les; chair. seats, ,.Mrs.
Charles.,•.• • .
• Class 'winners, Mrs. 0.. Mc-
• ,41 Charlet, 154.painth; .I.VIrs. J. 'Mc -
Charles', 19 paintt; B. Mc
Quillin, • Rtith Thompson, H.
, •
Wightman, 10 points each.
• crisoni" tomatoes; Ivan Craniton, nold, Rosalie Maantyre, South
America map, any grade, Betty
FLOWERS ' ' Betty Schneller, 'Yvonne ,Eken-
Asters, Mel Hutchinson, Rip- swiller,, June Alton, plums, Al-.• Wall Susan Arnold, Shardn
Stanley, Donna • Burt; explorer
ley, Mrs. Stewart Hunter, Ar- an Andre*, Elizabeth
mow, Mrs. Oliver McCharles; Douglas IVIiller, Alex Fischer. a • .
Ritchie, picture story, Joanne Hayes,
Upon request of the Artificial
Ice Committee, the Chesley Kins-
men have pledged $1,000 to the
ice fund to be paid before next.
July, The Chesley 'Committee
has about *1 d" 8,90G on hanof an
Objective of *2,5,909 and it is
• understood nothing/ , will he
done until all the money is in
Donatians biy private inclivid-
• .uals .and clubs to the new con-
. munity centre at Port',Elgin,
that has risen Irom the ashes of
the old rink, now' total $42,253
• .with'.over $1000 in pledges due
within the next year or so.
. The Elmira Swimming Pool
coMmittee recommends! enclosing
the pool to prolong the swim-
ming 'season. There •was an at-
tendance ,of over. 18,00 at the
• 'pool this season with an operat-
ing deficit of. about $1,000,
al ' - • * * * • ' • '.
leen Hagan, Margaret D eman, ,
Elliott, Graeme Elliott, Ray El.- Joanne " Greer; grade .4, Carol ,rabid skunk was recently
Beets, Ivan Cranston; Jamie A
liott; •carrots,, June Alton,. Nazi. seBrimowenn,er;Bgornanid: &, Nancy
KBeirtkty- shot at Gla.*Mis*.
0 Ritchie, Susan Arnold, l'in- land, Bob Humphrey, Pamela Looks now as if Dennis Riggin
as Marriott; onions, 'Ivan Cran- Wilgen;.grade'.6, Brenda Hewitt, of Kincardine will share the De-
ston, Barry Morrison, June. Al- Hugh Johnstone , Marie Brooks; trot Red Wings .net this season
ton, Lynn Clayton; potatoes, grade 7,Barbara McQuillui, with Terry Sawchuelc. DennistDemus
Gary • Austin, Ivan.. Cranston, Larry Farrish; • Marion Reid 'hat been plagued With eye in -
gra e Jur es. an wore a y ,. . . .
cabibage Linda Marriott Ivan '' ri • .' • •
I •
W. A. "BUD"
Ted Cc;oper and - Linda Dillon; d 8 Ja et Carruthers Shar- ' i ' d , 'mask recentl
, - , an Mowbray, Donna Corrin. in an exhibition game with the • ' ' •
' .
L) Cranston, Joanne Harnilton, Jack , • • • ° •
41* . •
The Caseuf the #
Poor little Mister Redbreast,
He's pretty lonely. He's'also
pretty chilly. Righf now
heShould be hob-nobbin with
the other robins down in •
sunny Florida. But no. He kept
"puffing off" his travelling
• plans The'rnoial? "He who
puts off till tomorrow what he •
should do today could be
badly nipped by Jack Frost."
Inquire now at your /
Cooperative about CO-OP
Sunglo Fuel Oil Service ...
-it makes every house a home.
Inviting. Comfortable. Warm.
Patronize your Co-op...you
benefit by its very existence.
When you belong to and
patronize your Co-operative:
YOU are helping to MAINTAIN
fair and equitable prices in this
age of rising costs.
Brome; PIIMPkin, Nancy Kirk- CRAFTS AND HDDD/Es: Wharf: he held •scorelets. C04;4)
land, Ivan 'Cranston; Gregory ' Grade S 1 and 2, animal model • PRODUCTS
Susan Arnalcr,' Sharon, Itintoul, 'Edith Whitby, Ellen 'O'Donnell,
Kevin Murray, Glen' Dickison, a Greenock
Hunter, John Holeak; cucumbers, from vegetables,
Township,. youth, who suffered fUEL OIL PROPANE ' GASOLINE
Karen Gaunt, CranstOn. I Ruth 'Brooks, 'Steven ,Hall; grade' severe headinjuries and . was . ,
FLOWERS . : • to'. 8, lawn ornament, Ivan
Clayton, .2Gary. 'Austin; Gregory grade 5. to 8 any other 'Wood •
Cameron as a resiiit' of a motor accident
West' of ltiversdale• 'now mak-
Asters, Betty ,Lynn Cranston,Douglas
unconscious for ...a..lang period, • , ••
Hunter; zinnias,. Graeme Elliott,
Edith Whaby, Linda Marriott,
Gary Austin; cosmos 'Nancy
article, Tonuny Nicholsoing n,
mie Hallam, Eleanor Whitby, turnedpoo recovery. . to the home of his par-'
Walter Diekie; grade 5 to 8,' ents, Mr/. and Mrs. Tom Diekison.
Ritchie,. Elizabeth...Ritchie, -Ros= any lernbroidered article, Lynda: A * * *.
alene 'Phillips, 'Robert . MacMil-. Cameron, Susan, Arnold, Eleanor delegaticiriot .the TeesWater
lan; annuals,'Janet Carruthers, Whitby, Rosalene ',Phillips; name .Ratepayers' Association, organ-
' Ken ..Phillis, Addin Dawson, plate, .' any grade, Doug ' CAMP-
ized to have a
" voice in the
pro -
Gregory Hunter; African mari- bell,. Eleanor Whibbymutic noteposedsewage project,. met re.
..• ...
goldt, Lynn. Clayton, Linda..Mor- book . cover,' Marian Wall; ; Sus- cently withHonFred caw;
Minister of Municipal Affair In.
-riottneather-HewGregory--?-an'-Arnald, Faye lienry-f-Patr-1,-
pr ,view of.the objections, Mr. Cass
Hunter;,,Freneh marigolds; Greg- cia 'TaYlOr; poster accident
4tated •a public hearing Would
• d e i Joan Pe Y
,ory Hunter. Susan Arnol , v rit on • • • rcWanda
'Graeme Elliott, • Jamie Elliott; Hunter, Brenda Hewitt, Nancy
Lucknow District
Phone Lucknow
A. • . . • . .
be, called, and. if With good rea- . •
son there was sufficient opposi-
tion, a vote. of the ratepayers'.
Would be held.
table centre, Gary, Austin,'•Lynn, Saunders; . health , poste,r, U.S.S. ..
Clayton, Brenda .Hewitt, Janet No, 112.., West Wawanosh, Wanda 4 ,
Jean •• Sutton, Douglas ' Miller,. --;....
Spy apples, Allan'. Andrew; Donald Satmders,
. .. .,
, , . • . ,
4 • l
. . .
• ' . • . .
, • .
Hamilton, gladioli, •Ray Mliott,, Hunter, Eiairie Murray, Joanne
Rosalene F'hiilips; Gregory Hun- Hamilton; . poster advertising
ter, Gary' Austin. '' . fair, No. 12 West . Wawanosh,
FRUIT ' - •' ' ' , • Wanda Hunter, Janet 'Carruthers;
Man percy;• Mac os red Ai
'larr Andrew, Douglas Miller, Su- Grades 5 and :,6, outline ex- •
sari Arnold; other fau; Allan ex-
plorer map, Murray Morrison, • . . . . .,
• ,•
Andrew, Douglas 1VIiller, SY"' ' De/e1.10' Sharon Rint°111'
Clayton; pears, Allan • Andre*, Brenda. Webiter; grades 1.:•and
Do u las , Miller' L urin '8' "nial3 ''af CanaCla' Ar-
g , a e or- . .
caetuts dahlias, NITS:
eld, Mrs: Hunter; show ' dahlias,
Karen Gaunt, Mrs. Cyril Camp-
bell, Mrs. Hunter; . dahlias,'6:
blooms, Mrs: Alex Hackett,'
P. A. Murray, Mrs. Jim Arnold;
john: Emerson; . dahlias, 'Porn.
' • pom, Mrs. LlOyd. Arnold; dahlias,
• 10•,blOorns, Mrs. Jahn Emerson;
Mrs. Salkeld; calendulas, Mrs.
Otte _Jouwsma, Mrs. 0. McChar-.
les, Mrs, Arnold;' red glad,.
. • 'Mrs. Bryce 'Elliott, S. E. ,Rob-
• ertson; white 'glad, Mrs. S. Hun-
ter," Mrs. Elliott; mauve glad,,
Mrs. ,Elliott; Mrs. .0. McCharles;
glad,, S. E, Itobertson,
Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Ilackett;.
iature glads, Mrs... Elliott, Mr,t,
• O. McCharles; African marigold,
. Mrs, •Salkeld, Mrs: Jouwstna,
•• Mrs. Hackett; • French marigold,
'Ruth ' Thompson, Mrs. p. Me -
Charles, Mrs. Emerson; Petunia,
Mrs. S. Hunter, Mrs.',•Emerson,
, Mrs. L. . Arnold; nasturtiumt,
• Mrs. Salkeld, 'Mrs. •Jotiwsma,
Mrs:, Hackett; zinnia, Mrs. 'Salk-,
eld,,Mrs, L. Arnold, Mrs. Jouw-
sma; small zinnia, Mrs. P. A.
Murray, ,Mel Hutchinson, 'Mrs.
• Jouwsma; rose, Mrs.., Lorne
Woods, "John MacKenzie; Ai -
an violet,Mrs Alex Hackett,
' S. E. Robertson; cacti, Mrs.
• Murray, Mrs. 5. Hunter, Mrs.
-O. McCharles, Mrs.:jauWsrna;,,
•geranAlmo Nits. Hackett, Mrs;
.•. '1VIUrray, Mrs. S. Hunter; caleaus,
*an rcy, atsv Ui11Ofl.
Utility fowl, any breed,. Bob ,SCIENCE
Thompson, John' Collins; -light Spatter • .work; Valerie Morn-.
breed fowl; Bob Thampsozi, June kngstar,' Barbara WhitibY' Ray
Alton, Stewart' Alton:. bantams, Elliott, Lynda Walden; an°nrited
Bob Thompson, Joan Thony- cleay leaves,y/
son, • Graeme •Danna For-
ster; . pigeons, Graeme Entt Clayton, leave'Sin. books, James
Jamie Elliott, Roddy MeDonagh,. Laidlaw, patsy,. MoCharle.s,
Iay Elliott; rabbits, ',Nancy Rit_ erine • McLeod,1 Donna Elaine
•chie, Elizabeth Ritchie, Joan
Thorripion, Ray Elliott; guinea
pigs, Joari.ThoMpson, Glen Mor-
ningstar, Jamie Graeme
Elliott; unusual pet", Joan Thom-
pson, Gary MacKenzie, ',Sandra'
c,.at, Arthur, Breckles,
Marion • MacDonald, iEllen O'-
• Donnell., Graerrie Elliott; 'dog,
George MacDonald, Brenda Hew
itt, Florence . MacLennan, ,John
Collins. •'
Goats ; Jamie Elliott, Tom
MacDonald,: George' IVIactfon-
aid, ,Denise Norman; larnih Doug, eanOr Whitby, Janet Bushell,
mewhinney, Ken metvolinney; Joan Dillon,' Patricia Thompson;
market hog, Stewart Alton, gradeand8, scene in Pastel;
Douglas Alton, Allan Gardner; Donna Corrin, Joan 'Percy' ,joah.
Brian.. Gardner, Elaine. Gardner. IVlacKenzie, 'Brenda •Hewitt; un -
beef calf, Murray Mewhinney; usual • art; /can Percy, Laurin
Ricky Pritchard, Eugene rit 1Viorrison, Sharon, Stanley,
chard; dairy caLt De macKentie. 12 West Wawanosh; rural school
art display; S.S. 12, Wet Wawa,
WRITING 'nosh, Mrs..Robert Gilchrist, Bel,
Grade 1, Anne Ackert, Kathy last, No. 2 KinlOss;' school pro.
Joynt, Ken Farrigh; grade.. 2, ject; Kiniots Central -SehOol,
Carol Webster, Kathy Gibtbn grades 1 •and 2, Belfast; ;Kinless,
• Mrs. Si Hunter, S E , Robert- Ruth 'Whytoekr grade 3, .latb,...,1No. 12 'tWest Wawanosh,
Ritchie. mounted weeds Lynda
McGee, ponald Johnstone, Shar-
on Rintoul, Brenda _Webster;
Wildlife scrapbook, Marybelle
Hunter; insects, Dale Gann -111e,
.Margaret , Bushell.
. . . .
Grade 1 and 2, cut-out, Gary
IVIagoffin, Ricky 'Leader, 'Marian
McGee, John Henclerson, Linda
Henderson; grade 2 and 4, ac-
tion picture, • 14yrida 'Walden,
Valerie Morningstar, Dianne
Wagner, Mary Anderson; grade
,and 6, flower in colour,
DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) .
• .
. Repairs 'to All Makes of Cars and Tractors
•3 Licensed. Mechanics • , •
. . .
. .
. .
' r. • ... . „ , • . „
At 1:30 p.m.
Accommodation for 500 Head
Lucknow Community Sales Barn
Phone Ripley 164-r-11, or Lucknow 300