HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 9'WEDNESDAY, OCT, 3rd, 1962 "Who Are Menacingly Sees. Club Goat tographer Billy Chisholm; 10 year -=o1 -d son'o r. and Mrs. Grant )Chis holm' :of Lucknow .' Proudly • led and dragged the Lions Club goat in the Fall . Fair parade last. week. 'Billy .has . considerable 'trouble. with Vicky. (the goat) who ' was not accustomed to .marching in parades and ' who Was itching ,to get. to Brian. Howlett's back yard where she spent ,her first:tv ci eek : of life in ..Lueknow..Lions Members, Who.. are absent. from .meetings, h'at'e theirnames thrown .in . a hat and the , unl'uc.ky one drawn, provides pasture: for the '-goat ':•for, the ,.next two weeks Brian .How- lett was the `.first Lion' to", hold this honour. —Sentinel Photo. DUNGANNON (Too Late For ; Last Week) The C.G:LT. met 'Monday night in the church led' by.' Patricia Eedy,:.past president.. Mrs. 'Herb Finnigan, leader, gave the , theme "Freedorri in , the Spirit."' Rev. N. L. Gostonyi 'eond.ucted 'elec.! tion .of officers •which are asfol lows: President; • 'Diane Erring ton•, vice-pres., Doreen Culbert; secretary, Bonnie' 'Culbert and treasurer, iLyrida Hodges . and pianist;,.Patricia,Eedy. ,Four • girls Betty' Irvin, Diane . ' Errington, Patricia Eedy and Valerie Hod ges told of their: Work • at caalp this summer, giving . anoutline of the .schedule arid. '•their ex - per ien cgs. c10>ng theyeY adv is= ed all girls to rake an effort to • attendattentP the church campnext Year, Y The C.G.LT. ' is made up ef.a combination of 'girls from, Nile, .Port, Albert and Dungan- non, There were 'eighteen pre- sent. Assisting • Mrs. . Finnigan will i1Se Rev. Mrs: IV. L. Gostonyi and 1VIrs;, Melvin `Dickson., Rev. Ross McDonald, Hensall, was the iguest speaker at Erskine Pr'esbyterian',Church, on Sunday at 11 a.m. and" 7:30 p.m.' :rn' the morning, Rev: McDonald gave a Thanksgiving message . "In ev- erything/ give thanks.". Mr, , and. Mrs.. Phillip Steer .gave two duets,.:Ivory Palaces" 1&: '"Down l:'rorn His dory." In the evening Rev; Mr, McDonald • ,r hose his text. 'from' Matthew 6,' 34 verse, Take there fore no thought for the Morrow. for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.. Sufficient ' tanto the day is the evil there of. • The choir sansang an anthem,, The. Christ , of Galilee Read',. Mr. and `M .TanHrid, n Of. Toro'nto,• Were .week -,end vis- itors .at the home of Mr, . and Mrs. Victor Errington: Visitors on .Sun:day were.; Mr•;,John Hen.' d'erson,• Paramount, Mr. '.. Ward • Sellars,'; Brussels, • Mr. Andy. Rheil, Stratfoi5d and Mr. and Mrs... Ross Errington '•and; • family of `St. Helens, . ' • M:iss , Elea'nor. Alton of •H'amil ton• was home with her parents, Mr.arid Mrs, Harvey Alton >.' • Mrs.. Leslie Schultz,• who ,und— erwent an operation:at St.• Jos- eph's • Hospital, London, `•two. weeks ago " had sufficiently: red-. `covered to return home •dn Mon-. :day. We hope she. will 'have beat ter health. • Rev. Wilfred Wright ' of St. Paul' Anglican Church, ;will ` address at .the. 'give- his final . g Dungannon Church, •on. Sunday, i 9.4 ' m I n Se tem�ber. 30th • at , p . i -vest eveninga combined Har, • the. , _ . Service,. will be conducted •V1C . Hom es e r at_ Ripley at: '8 p.rn,:. Mr. and M,rs, Will .. Elliott; New Lik'eard returned home 'on' . Sunday 'after a 'visit with ; the Y' , , Caesar � Will �.�attets. 'sister. Vlr,. a PURPLE GRO'JE ,Friends are sorry to' know Mr, 1 Robert�'McCrsh i in 'Kincardine Hospital and :t .isl .him • a, speedy 1 recovery. I • ' . Mrs. Frank Dore, .Ronnie and iDianne were Sunday visitors' of Mr, anc Mrs. Gerald wBrind'ley. ,._..'Miss Marvelle Scott. Toronto, •I Mr.' and Mrs. Mac Lane, • Mrs [John Colwell, Mr. and, Mrs. Wal-, ter Forster and family, Mr. Roy Fraser, Mr; and Mrs.'Gordon Patterson, Miss Mary '.Anne Mc= • Cosh, To:ront•o, visited. Mr.,..and.. M,1, D'on'ald' �VIcCoS)1. . I;`fir, and Mrs. Edburt Bushell. • Prow :SENTINEL, LUCKNOW Vent Monday in London. Nancy,Ronnie, Dianne, ' Mrs..' Frank Dore attendeda reception for her niece ' Mr; and Mrs. Fred Beiman in Walkerton ' on friday evening. Despite • wet weather a good crowd turned out. to RipleY on Saturday afternoon. When the president Mr. Francis Boyle opened the Fall Fairr, Mrs. Donald Dore,, Taznm'e, Cathy, •' Vickie and ,i)'rankie spent the week -end with • Mr. and ' Mrs. William Wood, Wats. ashene,• • '. Mr. Wally Misch, Mrs, Ed - hurt Bushell. and Katherine, Mrs, Morford MacKay and' Shirley 'visited • Miffs, ' Frank Dore. • The fourth- meeting of ' the Purple -Grove Baby Dolls met at Mrs. Cecil.. Sutton. on' Sept.- 20th ept.20th at 8 • ''.o'clock. We opened the meeting with, the 4-H Pledge and Ari'n MacKay read `the min- utes. of the last meeting. Six, members answered' the roll call. Next meeting will be at •He,lein, ,' McFarlan's on • September 264th.. 'Mrs, Alvin Blackwell showed how to attach ' a ruffle and ■ the designs of dresser scarves. Mr. and Mr. Gordon Patter- ONTANIO PAGE NINE ■ .tU. ■ A.1.r..0...1..4..41■4 144 .■/1.•r..i1M! •q ■. ■ ■ ■, fr}' { s. M ■ ■ IN ,..,.,..,..:...,,,...:,..i...,,..,,,,:.:‘,.:. y . ..• f.,• .. ■ _.._ 11.11, ,. - .. 4114 , . ■ ■ ■ ■ BEST PRICES ■ �.... a On Purchases Of ■■■• CIIESTERFIELDS o '4 • n• ; ■ end ■: t•. UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE E ■ • ■ S"ee Oa For Your Selection. Of ■ ■. Fall :and Winter Furniture . ' Buy. now for comfort, at Christmas • and . the ' Winter' '' months ahead, ■ ■ ■' Drop. '•In And, : Look Over Our Selection . Of CHAIRS NI' .., ▪ CHESTERFIELDS And DAVENPORTS; And .: • Your, t Other • • Furniture Requirements.• • • • * * "■ 4• ■ ■ r: ■■.■■Ni.•■.■•si■.■■.■■■•■■rt'lsi.■.•■■sir■•■■■0■■■si•bo son, Mr. and Mrs..Andrewv Pat- ■ terson spent- a day. in London. Mr. Gordon Arnold, :Western._ University London, spent • the week -end • ' with Mr.' ..and. 'Mrs. William Arnold. • ' 'Mr. and Mrs. CCiaude • Dore were Sunday. guests of Miss. Vera Dore / Ing:lewood. • . 'A 'number attended• • the re- ception: for Mr., and .Mrs.' Bob. McNain. in :: Kincardine ' on ' Fri - Mr. and Mrs. Gordon,.. Mac'- • Donald and • Mary Helen .visited Mr: and Mrs, Tony Vasey and Michael of 'K'itchener,. 'Mr and ' Mrs.. Leonard :St<an=' ley, :Mary ' arid, 'Marie,` Miss :Helen: St'anley, and Miss: Eunice''Stanley of Windsor, •Mr,'and Mrs. Glenn Stanley, . Dick, David and . Anna Marie and Mrs. Ida Storey. of Russell, " Manitoba visited : Mr.: Milton Stanley. • Mrs.. Donald MoCosh spent a' couple ' •of :':days with Mrs. ' Ani ''netta Bushell, Lucknow. .r Lochalsh Native DiedAt Age Of : 86 (LOCHALSH.;'NEWS) ..' Mr. and ;Mrs..Mac ,•Fiinlayson: of Toronto and Miss • Barbara Fi'rilayson :of Guelph : spent.. the Weekend 'at , the honie:•' o#' Mr. and. ' :Mrs, Gordon Finlayson. •., Mr and 1VIrs. a A. MacLen nan spent the'' week=end in'Lon- don.: Marion :MacLennan af' Toronto. and ' :Mr. and Mrs.;: Bruce Miller of Palmerston. spent 'the Week- end at 'the home' .of.•Mr. and Mrs" Emile MacLennan. ■ • aeHENZIE FURNITURE STORE Phone 181 WcknPw /.. 1Vir. Dungan ':MacKenzie: and • A duet was sung by Carol Brown Oliver Barkwell. ,arestill'patien'ts in hospital in *Ingham :while Donald: MacKenzie . has returned home. Froin hospital. Visiting .with • Mr. and Mrs. Oliver MbCharles over the week- end Were eek-endwere ' Mr. 'John Magill of East Douglas,. Mass.,' Mr. and Mrs ••'Allan Mc'Charles.o` Toron- to; • Mr. :and • Mrs. Donald Mc - Charles and 'Scott of Brantford. Sympathy is extended to `th ,rnl+ayson family in the passing of .C'hri'stine • Finlayson in • her 86th _year at her home in Cali•. f.ornia.. Miss Finlayson was . a sister . of the. late . ban. Finlayson of • Lochalsh. • • CHURCH,: NEW5.: Victoria .Mission Band • There were.. twenty six mem- bers present at the :meeting. held ,in the/: church basement' The openin. hymn *as 768, . follow- ed by the: Scripture reading' 'by Beverley 'MacDonald,: 'Several of the. 'members read sentence Prayers, followed' by: the .offer- tory 'prayer by Jim ' MacDonald. • and Donna :Mullin,:. after which all the 'members : joined •in a chorus, ; Mrs:. ` Little introduced the 'speaker, Miss `Dorothy.. Doug-,_ las,who is home from LO -Masa. Sh'e told 'them of ways of living . and customs in China, and .also ,explained Ways of .education, •' Jimmy. • Hendersan thanked the • speaker..Hymn 719 Was sung.. & the meeting was • closed'. 'w'ith _rayer +h3MisDouglas dun. ° was served St; Marys C. .L.,. ' Luckn Wow • .St. Augustine's and St. Mary's C.W.L. members joined together, at the St. Augustine ,Parish Hall. 'for the October.' League • meeting, Monday,.. October ' lst. Mrs. Redmond opened the., meeting i with praYer. Several ladies from each .Parish council offered- 'to go as :delegates to the Deanery meeting to .she held Wednesday, October 3rd at Hesson, Ontario. •PIans`' fur ";the fowl .'supper . do be . held ... N'oveinlber.,, 6th were 'well discussed, by the. •eighteen ladies , pre•sefit. After the closing' prayer, lunch was 'served by :the host- esses ''in charge. •: '• 1U 1i■.i 011111 11anami■i■.■i1■'i.a ■misapiiuna■,i■,i., �■■■■■aa■i■■■*nl■■■viii■i■■■ ■ •• Theaiaxie 500 G •■ i 441▪ 4. ■ ■ ■ 4111 ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ ■ . i •.S:•.{' is ":$':: .+.$.:•\;• r . ``:�'ti':++` 1144. •. . rek%?. .i:}... �!,2: ... :• ..; •: :;:; ; 1111 1114 . •:i::.:.::Lc :�}:„• �� r .::.: ..1. ..{ •11•X.• . h•: Lr ■ ;2'c .....a:ii�..s3, R!...?:C'..}.f.�..ffs35.'�s..{a...::;fi>�Ccia.,:.}`..:::..s'°�..�ii.. s� .�v�, '�'S'•.:�5•>h�.�:`'+k:::`�:':.. :'s�ia _,�.a..........•::.....3�c;i ,.rx.,,�r�.'�x•:a�±�3. ..,:.a':d�'':yk'43s.. ■ a •. 1111..: :.;;.,:::}:.»:.>::<..•::.., :::::.: •1:11::1:•.:•. ...::.::.... ::.;....:::1:1:1;::•1;,::;::.>'•::,}..; :::. ... 1111. .. Aur. .: {•:: .. ti's r;cr,;:,}••:.: } a c} :•r:%:`:`•>r;,::»:•`.. • 1114::•::•. •..�:;�k}}•••>.{a ..<, ._ ,,,............. .....,..:{4:::111.:::<:..... .. .,. 0441 4 2. ■” The Galaxie 5 ocy. ttvo d aid} top', far. 1963. This ,be'st-selling 'Ford. .of Canada "car in' 1962 has retained the basic style and 'design for 1963 a .•while. adding • improvements and re• - It ■ ■ • I. ..• ■: ■ a■shin■aaa■■■■a■■ia■iia■aui■■imaciai■ifi milamirii•as■■ilaaaa■■■■■■;aii■ is■■i'aii finements to;� provide better oper- �' ating and handling performance... '~ ■ NI The Galaxie can be. easily rdent-. ified by it's Thunderbird ' roofline and i■■/' "" bullseye`.' taillights.' ■ • r ■ • ■ 1 i 1 ■ ' ■i. MONTGOMERY MOTORS, LUCKNO FORD, FALCON, OALAXIE, TY-YUNDERBIRD DEALER: c xiow Phone 4Q, Luk • rs v. a erso w -1• . 7