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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 6
I 6 ,PAQE SIX • 'XIIE =KNOW SENTINElot LAICKNOWp ONTARIO rize Winners , HORSE.,. , Brood mare with colt, John 1 Cebean, Port Stewart • Brooks, ..RiPley; eolt, Cobean, Brooks; mare or gelding, Aw- Limy Toll, Myth, Andy, Cato, .• Paisley, Cobean, George Gregg, Paisley; groolned horse, Gregg,• pobeart; team, heavy •draught ,Clydesdale,Toll, Cobean, Walter • [Forster, Ripley; Belgian, Perch- eron or . wagon, Cato, .1 and 2, Forster; light 'draught ,Clydes- dale, 1Cobean, 'Toll, Gregg; Brooks, • 4 -horse tandem hitch, 'Toll, Cato, ,ICobean;. 6 -horse • tan- dem, .,Cobean. • •, * :PONIES I. Brood mare, 'Wendy MacKen- zie, Dennis McLeod, Ripley, Syd- ney G-ardner; foal, McLeod, and 2; one year gelding .or m- ay? McLeod, Brooks; two year, Linda Walden, , Douglas.. Camp- bell, in harness, W. Clark, Wingliam, Linda Walden, , Wendy. Mackenzie; eingte ip. saddle, Linde .den, Wal - 1.' and 2, Wendy Mac- kenzie; best pony in • harness shown. by •Ib'oy or girl 115 years Gina . under within 10 miles from Lucknow, • Linda Wal- den, 'Wendy Mackenzie; Dennis McLeod, DOuglaS Alton; pony tin saddle, over 13. hands, Nancy.. Kirkland, Wendy Mac - (Kenzie, Ian MaeKenzie. • CATTLE Shorthorn Andrew Gaunt was the only exhibitor and entered all class- . • es, except the two year and overbull. class:, FRUIT • Lorne Woods was the top showman with thirty-fOur firsts. Mrs. 'I'. J. Salkeld had five firsts Wallace Miller four .and Alex Andrel,v two. Other , ex- hibitors ' whming second and third prizes were S. E. •Rob- ertson, Arnold Alton, •Mrs. Ewart Taylor, Mrs. Otto Jonws- , ma. GRAIN Fall Wheat, Blake "Alton, • Har- old, cooper, Arnold Alton; Rus- sell Oats, A. Alton, Mrs; 'Bryce Elliott; barley, Mrs, 'Elliott, A, Alton, B. Alton; buckwheat, B, Alton, • flax seed, B. Alton, tim- othy, A. Alton; red cover, 13, Alton; A. Alton; sunflowers, Mrs. L, Arnold; first cut •hay, "A. Al - ten, B. Alton; second cut, Wal- lace Miller, B, • Alton; alfalfa , seed, B, Alton; corn., grain and grasses in straw; B. Alton; cob corn, .t,,--FJa- Phillips; oats, A: Alton. • ' ROOTS and . VEGETABLES., Potatoes, Mrs. Stewart .ter; early potatoes, Art Breck-• les, Mrs. 'S. IHunter; late , pota- toes, Mrs. Hunter, Breckles; *mange; yellow,• Mrs: Siztion de Baer, Mrs, ,O.. Jouwsrpa; ma.ngel, red; Jciu*snia; , turnip, Swede,Mrs. de' Boer; • turnlps, MrS. •Elliott; pumpkins, Mrs: Gordon Kirkland, Mrs.. Ira Dick - Cabbages, • .Breekles, t. E. Mrs. Hunter; cherries, Mrs. J. Arnold, Mrs. Hunter;.Plurns, Mrs. Robertson. squash, Mrs., Hunter, .L Arnold Mrs. rhu- Mrs: ''Joi,IWSm.a; • large squas arp Mrs. Hunter,. s. Ar - Mrs .Dickie„' Brecklea; .large • pumpkin, Mrs. Neil '1VIackerizie,. nold, string beans,. Mrs. Hunter, Aut., L. Arnold, torriatoes, Mrs. cucumbers, Mrs, Hunter, •Mrs. • — • • ' ' • Kirkl and; . parsnipS, Hutchin- MacDiarrnicl; , Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Bereft:lora .son; carrots, A. .41,s,. E.. 'Taylor; tomato juice; Mrs. . :Alexander BrotherS,: Pinker- . • . 'ton,' were. the. onlY exhibitors:I Taylor Mrs-. ',L. 'Arnold Mrs' Gaunt; lemon pie, Mrs.. Hunter, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Gaunt; blue- berry pie, Mrs„ Hunter,,. Mrs. Gaunt; Mrs. Gammie; Shut-ins box, Mrs. O. MoCharles, Mrs. Arnold; . school lunch, Mrs, O. McCharles, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Arnold; working man's lunch, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. MeChailles, Mrs. Arnold; working man's. dinner, Mrs 0 MeCharles Mrs, .McDi.armid, Mrs; Arnold; after - moon tea, Mrs. 0. McCharles. Grand chaimion iri-lipmernade baking, canning and pickling classes: Mrs. S. Hunter, 157 points,, •Simpson Sears Silver. water •jug, 2nd, Mrs Lloyd Ar- nold, 120 points; ...:3rd,'' Mrs: Oliver McCharles, .614 pdints. ' wEDNEsnAt act 94.2 SPECIALS ' Domestic pie special, Mrs. 'Ross .Gamrine, Mrs.-. Lloyd Ar- nold, Alex Hackett, . D0111D,Stje cake special, Mrs. Oliver ..McCharles, Mrs. John D/IcCharles, Mks. rnest Gaunt. Gorman Eckert Co. special, chili' sauce, Mrs. Ewart lor. , CANNING and PICKLING Pineapple, .Mrs. 'Bert Alton, Mrs. Stewart Hunter; strawber- ries,,., Mrs. /Wes .Ileimpel, Mrs, LlOyArnold; raspberries, , Mrs. Hunter; Mrs G MacDiarmid,• Mrs. Arnold" . peaches, Mrs, J. Arnold, Mrs. Hunter, :Mrs. L.. Arnold ears ' MrS J Arnold ; , . , • 1Kirklan.d; beets, Mrs. jOuwsriia, ' • . • Hunter; corn, Mrs. • Stewart: Hunter; . Mrs. George Whitby; gooseberry jam, Mrs. • P. A, Murray; . straWberry jani, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs.' Heimpel, Mrs. .sina; cauliflower, ' 'Mrs., Jouwsma; Taylor; raspberry ' )am, Mrs./ white: beans, Hutchinson, . 1VIrs. Hunter, 'MIS. Whitby, Mri. Mur - L. • Arnold; • beans,. 1-lutehinson,, .ray.; blaCk currant jam, MrS. ur y, Mrs Mrs en Mrs. P. A..H.MUrray; Spanish on- ions, Mrs: Taylor, ,,Breekles; gar- den produce, Mrs. Joiawsma, Mrs. Lfl e c„a.s.s • an DO aw.ar Autehinson- tomatoes, Mrs.. Ew- 'Paled. Angus dart Taylor, liutehinson; golden There were only two compet- am corn, A. Alton, • corn, itors in this- clia.ss. Bruce Mc- I • Hutchinson; •celery, Airs. 4.ouw- Gillivray, Paisley . won twelve • firsts, and Elmer ' Ribey and Soni, Underwood,„ Wori two firsts. `Holst,ein ' ,Allp-)Porteous, Owen' Sound, iwaseiir4 in eight classes. Other exhibitorS winning second, third and fourth 'prizes were Douglas THE TWO WEST HEATING . SYSTEMS KNOWN TO MAN Nobody questions nature's heating systems—and when it comes to home heating nothing is quite as good, as safe, dependable Esso Oil heat With Esso you have that reassuring feeling that you always get the very best; the. very best and Most economical heating fuel, the very best and most ° reliable service. , Call your nearest Imperial Esso Agent today and let him introduce you to that wonderful world of Esso warmth. ..GRANT -14know: •ALWAYS- .LOOK... .IMPERIAL.fOR.THE BEST • • .. Mrs. Hunter; oniorth, Hutchinson, Da ta Taylor,M GI • Walden; peach jam, •Mrs., E. Gaunt, Mrs. • Hunter; Mrs. 'L. Arnold-. rhubarb COn.serve, Mrs, O.. McCharles. • ' Bert Alton,Mr.s. Heimpel, Mri., O. McCharles; stole, Mrs. O. Mc -- Charles, Mrs. Heimpel. WhLtby,grarie .conserVe, Mrs; • , CLOTHING Gantt,' .4Ohri Brac110,,. D.Ougla4.: • HOMEMADE ' BAKING 'C121'6'116° Greer ' I 1°i/4: s.leeVe' 1 Mu*' Jersey, AyrShire, Guernsey . MacKenzie, Gordon Kirkland. . 1: Mid • Mrs. Whitby, ,peach coli ray, Wilite bread, Mrs: C ril Ca.rrip- ' ' . - Y , serve, Mrs. •#1,,aIcien, Mrs. Whit7, . Mrs'. : J. MeCharles, MrS, • - H bell, Mrs. ..Ernest . Gaunt, 1VIrs. , b‘....pple jelly, Alton-,.. short 'sleeve Shirt,, Mrs.: All classes were won by ow- . , • y Mrs J • ld- J MoCharles Mrs 0 McCharle Stew.art Hunter; whole ,wheit ' " ' Arnold, ' ' • ' , • .` , s, . • aid Kennedy and Sons, TivertOn.. Mrs: .Cyril.:. caniPbell, Mrs.- :0• Mrs. Heimpel, .PYjamas, .MrS. 0.• Grade Beef Cattle ., - 1..r.ead, Mrs. O... McCharles, Mrs. *Charles, :Mts. Murray; red . Moniarmid Mrs Gaunt- . . ,, . , McCharles, Mrs., J.: McChar,les. ; Heifer 'calf Mrs Bert Alton- ''' - — ' ' . , ,currant jellyj: Mrs. Hunter, nine day pickles, mrs..waiden, ,mra. sWeater coat, Mrs, O.. McCharles; ' • . ' plainbuns,' 1V.Irs, LT:Arnold, Mrs. mitts, IVErg.- Heimpel, 'Mrs. 0. • DouglaS-.A.lton. Specials . P. A.• IVItirraY, MrS. Ewart TaY- Taylor, Mrs. Heimpel;• mustard' McCharles;. gloves, Mrs., Hein'- . lar; fancy bUns, 1VIrs. Gaunt, Pickle, MRS., 'L. Arnold, Mrs. _pei; fine socks; iviiss R. Best junior beef herd, Andrew rs G Gaunt, Bruce1VIcGillivray, 'Al - Greer, McDiarmid, - Mrs. ' Arriold-; . . . ex,ander ,Brothers;.' halter 'brok-Parker house rolls, Mrs. Taylor, en calf, Bryan Rintoul, White- , Mrs. Murray,•Mrs. Arnold; knit church;, sertfor eef herd with - loaf, Mrs. 1VIcDiarmid, Mrs: Ar - in 10 miles b , noid, Mrs. Hunter; tea biscuits, of Lticknow Gaunt. ' ' . . fat Steer over Buff.. lbs.,, Wayne Mr ' MSWHenderson • eatSup, Mrs. L. Arnold, Mrs. ; Todd; McGillivray,: Gaunt; fat Mrs, Henderson Mrs. Ress Gam- for,. Mrs.. Murray, Mrs. . Mat- miie, Mrs • de.•Bor; sqhOol 'Walden, Mrs. Hunter; bread .son., ;qrs. murr•ay;Mrs. Heim - and butter pickle, MDS. "$cChar- pel; coarse .Socks, Mrs: Salkeld, les, Mrs. Alton; Mrs. L. Arnold;. miss Thompson, Mrs. J. McChar-, hot dog. relish, Mrs. Walden, les. • Mrs. L. Arnold,. Mrs. Murray; . . CMLDREN'S CLOTHING Mrs, • Campbell,• raisin. scones, Hunter;“ 'Chili sauce, 1VIr.s. Tay- Boy's 'sweater, Mrs. Ross Gam - Steer under 800 lbs., Todd, Mc- _•,,,,, ..„ „,....2„,,, ,I,_ .., .,,,, Gillivray, Il. Menary, Ribey, ,'"I, Mrs Al."‘"; "4"inSI 2414Sb Diarmid; 0 pickled ' .beets, mit, shirt, Mrs. O. McCharles; . cap Mrs Arnold, MrAle , . sAlex• Gaunt; champion steer, TOdd. Greer, cookies; .3./is. Heimpel, Mrs llia°Diarnlid, Mars. andin/tit, Mrs. Kirkland; caton 441 Specia,l, Classes - Hackett oatmeal' Mrs : . .: MC- Arnold; tomato :butter, MrS, dress, Mrs. J. McCharles, ,Mts. ' Beit ibeef Calif, Hugh Todd; '' Greer,. MrsHunter, Whitby, Mrs, Hunter; salad dres-''' 0: McCharles, Mrs. Kirkland; aiiry cam John .Br,adiey. Diarmid; uncooked cookies, Mrs.: sing, 'mrs. best ' , Greer, Mrs. Hiniter: girl's sundress, Mrs. ',J..McChar- 4,t 4!. 6 4 r', f • • ' , Arnold, Mrs., Taylor, Mrs. J. ,Mrs. .McCharles• maple' syrup, les, • Mrs. 0. McCharles; girl s , .. •SHEEP ' . Arnold; droP 'cookies, Mrs. Ar- Mrs. L. Arnold, Mrs. Heimper, wool sweater, mrs„ 0. MeChar- , vegetable salad;' -Ps, .' Mrs. Murray Mrs. James Snell of Clinton :won nold, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs- J. Ar- Mrs. Alton; • l m Kirk - all 'classes, Leicester breed and nold; brownies, '. o , mrs- Arnold,' Mrs. L. Arnold, Mrs, McCha.rles; _land; baby's dress, Mrs. •S. Mc - any other pure breed, With the Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Hunter;le!. -- meat loaf,' Mrs. L. Arnold, Mrs. Charles, Mrs. .0. A/lecher/es. exception of the • ewe lamb, box cookies, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Hunter- sa.lmon loaf Mit • Him • 'LADIE'S DEPARTMENT grade or 'cross breed,: won by HeimPe.l, Mrs. .1, Alinold Plac'," ter, 1VIrs. , ArnOld; servirig drib, Mrs.' Murray, 1VIrs. ‘1101.1:1; date squares, Mrs- Taylor, Arnold Mrs. J. serving ' Andrew Gaunt. - ' aroons, Mrs, Hunter, Mrs. Ar-. . apples, Mrs. ..• hunter,' Mrs. ' L. Hunter, • Mrs. Heimpel, infant's . . , Arnold, Arnold;, • sweater,Miss.Ruth Thompson, • Mrs: Gamrnie, 'Mrs.' Greer; Pine- potatoes, . Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. J. Mrs: 0: McCharles, Mrs. Murray; Sow under 6.• months, . Blake apple squares, Mrs. Hunter, Mrs. Alton, 1 and, 2; ,pen bacon hogs, Gammie, Mrs. Gaunt; date leaf, Blake Alton,' •Sidney Gardner, Mrs. Greer, Mrs. Arnold; Mrs. - Leghorn 'hen Blake. Alton I. Diarmid, .Mrs.. Hunter . ' POULTRY ' , 1-.111•11ter.; gumdrop cake, .Mrs. MAcr: Rhode Island red hen, Thompson Hunter, MrS. McCharles, Mrs. • , SWINE , • 'and 2; Bob Thomtlason; New nold; sponge cake, ma. Arnold, . Hampshire 'hen,. Thompson, Mrs. Hunter; angel cake, Mrs. 4 •,• 4; 2nd; • drake; Rouens, Thompson, •Harold Cooper; 'chocolate .cake, Finlay MacDonald; duck, Rouens, Mrs.' Arnold, Mrs. Gammie, Mrs. .Thompson, 'MacDonald; drake; 3. 1VIcCharles; White cake, Mrs. Thompson; duck, Pekin, Gammie, Mrs. McCharles, Thompson; turkey ,gObbler, 'Mao- • Mit, Gaunt; banana take Mrs. Donald; gander, Toulose, Thomp, Gaunt, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs: Mc - con; • goose, MacDonald; gander, Diannid; dark. fruit cake, Mit. Emden, MacDonald, Thoinpson;. O. 1VIcClia•rles; Mr's:. Arnold; light' goose, , Thompson; • light hybrid ,fruit cake,' Mrs.' Heimpel, Mrs. hens, Alton, Thompson; heavy, 'McCharles; `butter. tarts, Mrs. Thompson,, MacDonald, Taylor, Mrs, McCharles, Mrs. Chickens 1962 ' • Gaunt; raspberry tarts Mrs. ••• Bob ThoinPson won all cla.s, Taylor, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. Gaunt; iSes except one which was won apple. pie, Mrs: Gammie, Mrs.' (by Arnold Alton. Two classes 0. MOCharles, Mrs, Arnold; thErz *were not. enterect. TliomPson rY Vie Mrs. hunter, Mrs; Ai-, placed second in' the, class in, Alton (*On. ' Arnold, Mrs. L. " Arnold; serv-. baby's jacket, bonnett and boo- ing tomatoes,. Mrs. Hunter, Mrs.' ties,. Miss Thompson, Mrs. MUr-. Arnold, Mrs. L. .Arnold; home- ray, Mrs. J. McCharles; infant's made' candy, Mr. S. Hunter, night gown, 'Mrs. McCharles. Mrs; McCharles. LADIES DEPARTMENT, • . WOMEN'S 'cutyraNG Baby ,doll pyjamas, -Mrs. 0, McCharles; Mrs. • J.' MeCharles;, half , slip, Mrs. O. McCharles, Mrs, Heimpel, Mrs.. J. McChar- les; pyjamas, 'Mrs, 0. McCharles,. Mrs. J. MoCharles; dilater coat, Mrs. P. A. Murray, Mrs. • J. Mc - Charles, Mrs. Heimpel; ' house dress, Mrs. O. -McCharles, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Heirnpeli aprons, Mrs: J. McCharles, Mrs. G. Kirk- land, Mrs. Murray;, sundress, Mrs. 0, McCharles, Mrs. J; Mc - Charles, Mrs. Heimpel; hosteis 'apron, Mrs. !Kirkland, Mrs. J. McCharles, Mrs. O. IVIcCherle.s; ,nold, Mrs, Taylor:, raisin pie, spring .hat, Mrs. 0., McCharles Mrs. hunter, Mrs, Arnold, Mrs, Mrs. J. McCharlps; fall hat, Mrs: tatting edging,, Mrs. Heimpel, • MISCELLANEOUS Place mat.s,• , Mrs. .Murray, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs, ,J. McCharles; luncheon cloth, Mrs. O. McChar- les, Mrs. Murray, Mrs. J. Mc - Charles; buffet set, .Mrs. J. Mc - Charles, Mrs.' 0. MoCharleS, Mrs. Arnold; doily, Mrs. Murray, M.A. S. Hunter, Mrs.' .0.- Mc - Charles; appliqued pillow case, Mrs. Salkeld, Mrs.' Heimpel, Mrs. J;•.McCharlet, .etubroider- ed, Mrs. Murray, Mrs, Salkeld, Mrs. Heimpel; DrOSS stitch,' Mrs, Salkeld, , Mrs, 0. McCharles, Mrs.' J. McCharles; lace trim, Mrs. O. .McCharles, Mrs. Heim- pel, Mrs. Salkeld; serviceable, Mrs. W. Henderson, Mrs. Mc- Diarmid, IVIrs. O. McCharles; Mrs. 0: McCharles, Mrs. Mur- ray; chesterfield set,. Mrs. Hun- ter, Mrs J MoCharles,.. Mrs, Hempel, ' shopping hag, Mrs, Murray, Mrs. ,:Henderson, Mrs. 'Heinipel; cross stitch picture, Mrs: Salkeld, Mrs : J. Mccharle.$,, •Mrs.. Heimpel; needlepointpic- ture,Mrs IVIaDiarmid Mrs Salkeld; Mrs, :Heimpel; barbecue •set, Mrs,. Salkeld,: Mrs, J Mc - Charles, Mrs. 0.. MoCharles;• Christnias, box, Mrs.: 0.. McChar- les, Mrs. Murray, Mrs...J.. Mc - Charles; foam rubber,: Mrs, S. *Charles; -Mrs. O. McCharles, •Mrs. Heimpel, hot dish `• mats, Mrs. .Heimpel, Mrs. O.; McChar- les,. Mrs.' Murray: • • QUILTS, Cotton, Mrs. Heimpel, ;41-4. Arnold, Mrs: dgurry; applique; Mrs. Murray, Mrs: •Arnold, Mr. J. ,McCharies; pieced. and ap- plique, Alex 'Hackett, Mr's. 'Murray; fancy quilting, Mrs. IleimPeli Mrs. Murray. BUGS . • Hooked, Mrs: .,Ueimpel, Mr's, J. McCharles, . Mrs. 0. McChar- les; braided,, Mrs. Ileirnpel, Mrs. ,Murray, Mrs: J. McCharles; crocheted, Mrs, •Ileinipel, Mrs! Murray; other kinds, Mur- ray, alkeld, • Mrs. O. 'MC- IrCithga,r1mels. •SEPwecairatl,'T'ailayeisotr, hooked cusgioNs • Porch, Mrs. J. McCharles, IVIrs. Salkeld, Mrs. Heimpel; quilted Satin, Mks. Murray, Mrs.' Sslk- eklidnd; MMrsr.s.. Murray, any other Diermid; ' Mrs, , Grand' Champion of .Ladiesi Department; Mrs. Oliver Mc - Charles, 119 Points, who a $10.00 inerehandise prizo,.,sec- Ond,: Mrs. John. McCharle4, 77 TiANDICAtAlFTS FOR WOMEN YEARS OR OVCg Knitting, Mrs. T. Salkeicl, Mrs. Neil G.• McKenzie; crochet- ing, IVIrS. •Salkeld, "Mrs; Jam'Webses Mrs. !Amt.:K. eFr:zieNy; aprOfl mtatrting,s: Salkeld, Mrs.* John Emer1401, jMothsn. lyric-1110.1er! ie; oil pa[nt.ing, NUS. Wontinued on Page 10)