HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 4PAGE Min% • —THE Lucitio SENTINEL, Lucxxow. orrniiio • •WEDNESDAY, OCT. 3rd; 494 A, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES First Ilnsertion 2c per ,word, minimum charge 50e. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum 40c, Notices, Cards " of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. .Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered.' . FOR SALE PIGS . FOR SALE — eleven 'choice• weaners.. 11. Gill, phone Lucknow. . BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS by Rust Craft now on display at Finlay Decorators, phone 2.18, Lucknow. CAR FOR SALE — 19151 Ford, 2 door, in good condition., Mrs. Florence Henry NiThitechurch, phone 402W3 Wingharn. tFOR SALE -- three five 11.P. • Anternational gas ' engMe. , Art %.r'2 • (IVIoorre, R R 1 Lucknow, phone- . f626W4 Wingham A • „ ,•• ti 1454 t1# • r' ,,,i;tt Cr I ,i,,' .•• It •,...,,., ••-. .. 1 4 • 1 FOR SALE — a quantity of beech and maple body -wood. Apply 'to Rdbert Purvis, R.R. 2, Lucknow. • TOP 'SOIL — 'anyone/ wishing to • get 'goodtop soil for lawns or gardens at a reasonable price, contact Bruce/MacMillan, Lucknow. - 'Mgt) FURNITI.1ThE FOR . SALE ' space -saver, studio couch, drop- * . Quebec heater. Johnstone Furni- , ... Fertilizer..........._............ leaf dining7room table, six -piece. . Now is , THE TIME To -, I Sow :. . I kitchen set, 'oil space '. heater, tore Stope, phone 76, Lucknow. .. On Pasture and Fall Wheat For BEST ' RESULTS .and LOWEST PRICES Caltatt: BRUCE-, 'MaelVIIILLAN , • I.,ucknow. . i FOR:SALE • STORM ,WINDOWS Save 16 to 35 percent on fuel ,costs, By..using Storm Windows (either wood or aluminum.) you can save up to. 35 percent on your present fuel costs. Actually storm windows can save enough rue, to (Pay •for themselves in 3 Yeare time. Storm windows are an investment, not an expert:se. Let us estimate the cost of storm windows for your home Prompt service, no obligation. By placing your order now you .can be as- • sured of .deli -very before. -winter.. John WOlenderson Lumber Ltd. Phone 150' Lucknow LOST STRAYED — 800 lb. • steer since Wednesday, September 12. Mrs. D. F.- Anderson, Dungan- non 68-r-23; ' • •- CASH BINGO A Cash Bingo will be held in the. Lucknow. Legion' Hall on Thursday, October 4th, . at 8:45 p.m:, 12 regular games , for $10., 3 , share -the -Wealth- $50 Special game must go: ANNIVERSARY SUPPER ••The Lucknow United • •Church Anniversary. hot turkey supper Will be held on •Tuesday, Octo- ber 23rd:"Adults, $1.56; °Public" school children, 715c. ' • . •. BRUCE COUNTY 'HOLSTEIN CLUE • Bred Heifer Sale, • including seven tops from Huron County. October Oth at Walkerton. FLOWER SHOW '. •Lucknow and District • Horti- cultural Society auttunnflower show will be :held in the Le- gion Hall, Lucknow, on Wed- nesday, October 10th. ,Exhibits to be • placed • by 6:00. DisplAY open to' public at 7:00 o'clock.. TURKEY ' %SHOOT A 'Thanksgiving T.urkeY eShoot will • be • held at „Perirniller on Monday, October 8th at 1:00 pan. Shooting . for 16 lb. ,birds. SERVICES 1, NOTICE FOR SALE -- 1 space heater „.with, pipes; 2 stainless steel sinks; 1 cornet; 1 trumpet, 1 (rangette. Apply Jack Stuart /(at poolroom) in Lucknow. • CAR FOR SALE 1958 Ford; 4 -door in • excellent condition. H. M. Greer, phone 318. FOR SALE — Barn Door Track in, six eight and• ten •Xoot sizes 100 feet long and a,,yard wide, TABLE CLOTH Paper In rolls of suitable for banquets, picnics & any catered meal, The Lucknow for Sale at McDonald's General Sentinel; phone 35 Lucknow. .• The annual .meeting of Ripley. • • NOTICE /RE -BUTCHERING: '• No • hogs .will be.. .butchered for two weeks only, on .Tues7. day,. •October 16th and • Tues-. day, 'October" 2Sid. .Kindly note those dates. • „ BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET DO YOUR .CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. NOW Choose. gifts in leather such wallets, belts, moccasins, etc. Or- der' from Mrs 'Eunice 'Dun:sawn. at William Helm's, R.R. 3, Luck- ' • • ' NOTICE. a f.s f t , Commuruty Night class • be Store Kintail...Br cke f as - • / ening are included, in the 'price • AUTOMOTIVE , • • 1V1echanical and body repairs, of the track. Also in stock are the Trolley Hangers which sell at $4.150 Per set: Phone 12-r-7, Dungannon.- ' • FOR SALE Wingham' Classic enamel cook stove, coal or wood hi. good condition; medium 'size oil sPace heater. Allan • . ‘7A • • Wheel alignment •and balance, Window replacement, Radiator repairs. Protect against rust with UndasPray. . • „ DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service No.•8 Hwy. . Phone JA 4-7231. Goderich, Ontario our u scr p ion EST. PRICES .n tractor tires. resh cement in stock at all imps, good discounts on •large rders. Formosa No. I. hardwooa. labs in truckload lots. Bruce acMillan, Ludknow. • • • ' . . ' . LED CLEANING ShRVICE ave your wheat and grass seeds leaned now..Prompt service. ordon Johnstone, Luk lo - CLEARING AUCTION SALE of • Livestock, Implements, Hay and Grain will be held for Mrs. Win. MacIntyre, 'Con, .4, Kinloss Township on Thursday, October 18th, 130 p.m. — Terms Cash- — No Reserve .as farm sold. Allan • MacIntyre, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of. household •furniture of the. late . Mrs. Mar- garet . White, ..in the 'Village 'of, Teeswater on Saturday, October. 6th. at 1 30 •• . Furniture inelu•des: Frigidaire refrigerator; Moffat gas stove; 17" television set; radio, rug 10 •X116, diningroorn suite, washing machine, chesterfield, and chair, bedroom furniture and 'a general: offering of household furniture.. The 'briek residence; which has all modern conveniences and an adjoining apartment will be of- tered for sale at 3 p.m, .sufbiect toreserve bid, Terms Cash• . Allan ."IVIacIntyre, Auctioneer. `-• CLEARING AUCTION SALE a•32 Head of Choice Holstein Cows and . Heifers will be held for Lloyd MacDougall, Lot 9; Con. '4,- Kinloss -Township, 2*1/2 miles north of Lucknow, on Tuesday, October 16th at- 1:30 •22 Fresh A'n-ci Springing Hol- stein Caws; .10 Springing Hof - stem Heifers:. • ,," Universal ',-.2-unit , Milker w'ith pump and Piping.. 7 • , These cows have been under test on the Dairy Herd Improve- . Ment • .AssOciation for the last 5 years and have shown • good milk records. Ray OsIbtorne will give records day'. of ' sale, , •Terms Cash -,- No. Reserve • Sale held Linden, ,over. if neces- sary. Ll'oyd 1VI Do Prop,, • P Allan MaCIrityre,•Auct. RD OF .THANKS Allah Miller, president. of the Lueknow. Agricultural Society, Would like to thank all those who assisted at work bees before and after the fair !and to all who assisted on fair day. These work., ers helped to make thetair a stic; cess. * sisters and brother of the late °Mrs. Ann Brown of Rip- ley, wish. to express their. sin- . cere thanks to et who were so' kind and • sympathetic at • the time of her death. Their thoughtfulness was •deeply ap- preciated. The family • Of the late Mrs, Emily Whitby wish to 'sincerely thank all those who helped. in any' way at the .time 'of their recent • bereavement.. Special thanks to the • Rev. Wilfred' Wright,' the neighbours, Mr. and , Mrs. George Newbold and staff of Pineorest Manor, Drs, M. 1 -t. - Corrin and J. 'C. MeKin-i, Neil and Ross McLennan for their' .ambulance and Robert ,MacKen- zie for. his services. These kind acts will always be.remembered. IN MEMORIAM WALL. —. loving 'iriem, Dry of Mrs. Joe'•Wall, who away.' on October 7th, 1958.. Peacefully sleepine resting'. at last; ' • „: . The world's weary trouble and trials .are past, ' In silence she iuffered, in pat- ience she bore, - • ' Till god lcalied -her home to Stiffer no, rriore. ' • •;"'' Sadly missed and :ever remem- bered by her husband,. Joe -Wall.:- MOIN'NES fond and loving .memory of Robert A. McInnes; Who entered 41 • 0 rest one year. At takes more than ' one' pinch ago, October 6th, 1961... • to Make some speeders • wake Our hearts' still ache with Sad; And secret tears still flaw; ,. •• . . What it meant .to lose you, .No one will. ever know; When we are sad. and lonely, And everything goes wrong, ' We seem to hear yoii. whisper Cheer up loved ones, and carry • Each • time we see your 'picture You seem to smile and Say, • Don't cry, I'nri only sleeping, We'll meet. again some s day.• • Dear. God, .take a message, • to . our darling above, And tell him we miss him so. Sadly missed and deeply mourned by wife 'Marie; Family and Grandchildren. • held. in, Ripley District High mosonnniumonvisiniintinnenn School on Thursday, ' October 11 .; 'at 8:60 p.M. We,,,urge all who • li A are interested .. to attend this. : 1 i a meeting,'• ' • NOTICE RE Hog .Shipping,,, B cause f th h lid Monday, October .8th, hogs • e o eo ay on 1 s• 1 a • a. •1 a • 1. be. shipped from Lucknow on TUE SD A Y, • OCTOBER 9th from 8:(K) a.m. to ' 400 Pm. : "We Sell Rural Ontario" .•111 Joe Foran • is WANTED 250 ACRES NORTH :of'. Lucknow, '200 acres 'Work - 11 ' • - • able," balance in second • gr.owth maple bush, 2- 9-1. WAN1TED work any kind' a storey,' 8 room brick house • •• completely . modernized, ; • large `51.4" .shaped barn set 11. : up .for loose housing. ; , in the area. Wayne Morningstar,. ated in the former S. E. Robert- I phone131,Lucknow ori seed cfeaning plant • * t. • • FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, Phone Hensall 696-r-2 • •,. • VACUUM ,CLEANERS • • Sales and. Service Repairs andbags for all models of vacuum cleaners' and polishers. Reconditioned. machines of all makes for sale. • 00 O BOB. PECK, Vrn aa,' Ontario, hone Bengali 696-r-2 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork, sold ' an any quantity. Custom butcherhig in Government ,licensed abattoir.: Pigs every Tuesday. Reef froth Monday through Thursday. • • BUTTON'S MEATO MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess, pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment,' All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake; M,..• 2 EMS, sels, phone 442-w-6. •• AUCTION SALE Allan'Macirktyre Licensed Auctioneer iteneweu HARDWOOD •BTJ.SH"ANt)• LOGS, WANTED — Top prices paid., Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. • • • WANTED —•girl or young wo- man to ..assist with housework and care of children through the day for a short time. Apply by letter only to Box T, Lucknow. • Sentinel., ••• WANTED logs, bush and standing timber' ihard 'maple, 'basswood, 'cherry; soft inaple, etc.., highest cash prices Wesont Lumber Co, Ltd, Sawmill, Luck - now, phone 20. • J11111111111111411110=111061111N11111111111111111, • ' Water Well Drilling Lakelet, , Ontario •• IttH. GADKE i Clifford ' . . All Wells Guaranteed VII10.111111111NIMIIIIMISINP, • priceonly $23,000 with 11' • . . . im terms,- , • 6001VI. RAN CH STYLE• • • • . • ▪ hOme in Kincardine, all • modern conveniences, large : • . lot, $5,500 with $2,1500 down • • paYment. No, 2-461. • • 196 ACRE :FARM, Kinloss • Twp 11/2 storey, 12 room W. is brick • house pampletely 111,, modernized. ',Barn. .54X1,00 • • with co'w ties, pig pens and • . • • loose stablingDrive shed, • • 90 acres Workable, harri- g ▪ ston L'oany, ,balance in val,-• ▪ uable bush. Priced reasOn- • able with terms. No. 2-624 ii, is 000000• HUNDREDS of Farms, 112,1 Homes and Business Pro- 11 • perties2Send 50c for marn• - ▪ moth*96 page picture cata. ▪ logue. • • •• ma. EVERETT PENNINGTON!" • 0 . Teeswater • • Phone 302-6004' ; urn Local Agent For: of ▪ PAUL S. STARR & CO. • •Limited 0a ▪ kafiover, Phone 08700 . •••••••••••••••••••••••■ 574 .1 '"Do. you get much rain here?," the city 'slicker asked the far - "We do • pretty well, but .my neighbour gets a. lot more." ' O "But .• that's. 'ridiculous? ° How cotrie2"/ • • "He's got .a lot • •more lama." • ''A lot •„orf peopie will itch for. Something, but they aren't ,will ing to scratch for it. THE WEST *AWANOSil, MUTUAL FIRE • INSURANCE CO. • Head. Office, Dungannon Established 1.878 • ' BOARD ,OF DIRECTORS • President, .Brown Smyth, Dun Vide-Pres„ Berson Ir- win, Reigrave; Directors, 'Paul' 'Caesar; R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, GOderich; Ross 1*-• Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald. P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich: Allan MacInty're, R. 5, 1ickn.ow; Wiggins R. Auburn For information on your in-, surance, call your nearest aired : - tor who is also an agont, or the.! secretary, Frank F. Thompson) ,Dungannon, phone 131..ingarin-00 48. agosd FOR ,SALE • -- 50 Red ,SuSsex • pullets, 5%• months' old, laying; • also , ' C1are4eWel . COmbinatibri range, wood or coal and electric. Ralph Cameron, R. 7, Lucknow, phone , Dungannon '67-r-4. ANYONE' NEEDING A SEPTIC. , TANI< CLEANED — We have , modern equipment, reasonable , rates. Call R. IE.. Forster, manu- facturer of' cement septic tanks and well -tile, phone 29, Luck - now FOR SALE -- Registered Jersey ' heifers, 6-8 months, reasonable, price, excellent foundation, over- stocked, ' Mrs., Norinintdn sixth concession, Teeswater, (Holyrood -Teeswater ROad)'phone 392-6391 Teesviater. . • • • . SECOND 41AND Surge milker pumps. and units available, dew. tact Ken Martin, Surge Dealer, Kincardine, Surge •• replacement parts available locally at_Crest Hardware, Lucknow. •• ' Win A• MoOVer" Vacuum Cleaner " Enter your name at the G. E. Schuett Furniture Store, Mildinay. No obligation to buy. There you 'can' visit 4 EiLoons .01' FUlt.NrIVRE, etc. Schuetts sell "HARDING" carpets, 'Mason & Risch pianos. groehler Ches- terfields etc; Draw to take place October 15th,' 1962, at • SCIIUETT'S, MILDMAY , , • .. _ _ . . al•ei A. our u scr p ion EST. PRICES .n tractor tires. resh cement in stock at all imps, good discounts on •large rders. Formosa No. I. hardwooa. labs in truckload lots. Bruce acMillan, Ludknow. • • • ' . . ' . LED CLEANING ShRVICE ave your wheat and grass seeds leaned now..Prompt service. ordon Johnstone, Luk lo - CLEARING AUCTION SALE of • Livestock, Implements, Hay and Grain will be held for Mrs. Win. MacIntyre, 'Con, .4, Kinloss Township on Thursday, October 18th, 130 p.m. — Terms Cash- — No Reserve .as farm sold. Allan • MacIntyre, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE of. household •furniture of the. late . Mrs. Mar- garet . White, ..in the 'Village 'of, Teeswater on Saturday, October. 6th. at 1 30 •• . Furniture inelu•des: Frigidaire refrigerator; Moffat gas stove; 17" television set; radio, rug 10 •X116, diningroorn suite, washing machine, chesterfield, and chair, bedroom furniture and 'a general: offering of household furniture.. The 'briek residence; which has all modern conveniences and an adjoining apartment will be of- tered for sale at 3 p.m, .sufbiect toreserve bid, Terms Cash• . Allan ."IVIacIntyre, Auctioneer. `-• CLEARING AUCTION SALE a•32 Head of Choice Holstein Cows and . Heifers will be held for Lloyd MacDougall, Lot 9; Con. '4,- Kinloss -Township, 2*1/2 miles north of Lucknow, on Tuesday, October 16th at- 1:30 •22 Fresh A'n-ci Springing Hol- stein Caws; .10 Springing Hof - stem Heifers:. • ,," Universal ',-.2-unit , Milker w'ith pump and Piping.. 7 • , These cows have been under test on the Dairy Herd Improve- . Ment • .AssOciation for the last 5 years and have shown • good milk records. Ray OsIbtorne will give records day'. of ' sale, , •Terms Cash -,- No. Reserve • Sale held Linden, ,over. if neces- sary. Ll'oyd 1VI Do Prop,, • P Allan MaCIrityre,•Auct. RD OF .THANKS Allah Miller, president. of the Lueknow. Agricultural Society, Would like to thank all those who assisted at work bees before and after the fair !and to all who assisted on fair day. These work., ers helped to make thetair a stic; cess. * sisters and brother of the late °Mrs. Ann Brown of Rip- ley, wish. to express their. sin- . cere thanks to et who were so' kind and • sympathetic at • the time of her death. Their thoughtfulness was •deeply ap- preciated. The family • Of the late Mrs, Emily Whitby wish to 'sincerely thank all those who helped. in any' way at the .time 'of their recent • bereavement.. Special thanks to the • Rev. Wilfred' Wright,' the neighbours, Mr. and , Mrs. George Newbold and staff of Pineorest Manor, Drs, M. 1 -t. - Corrin and J. 'C. MeKin-i, Neil and Ross McLennan for their' .ambulance and Robert ,MacKen- zie for. his services. These kind acts will always be.remembered. IN MEMORIAM WALL. —. loving 'iriem, Dry of Mrs. Joe'•Wall, who away.' on October 7th, 1958.. Peacefully sleepine resting'. at last; ' • „: . The world's weary trouble and trials .are past, ' In silence she iuffered, in pat- ience she bore, - • ' Till god lcalied -her home to Stiffer no, rriore. ' • •;"'' Sadly missed and :ever remem- bered by her husband,. Joe -Wall.:- MOIN'NES fond and loving .memory of Robert A. McInnes; Who entered 41 • 0 rest one year. At takes more than ' one' pinch ago, October 6th, 1961... • to Make some speeders • wake Our hearts' still ache with Sad; And secret tears still flaw; ,. •• . . What it meant .to lose you, .No one will. ever know; When we are sad. and lonely, And everything goes wrong, ' We seem to hear yoii. whisper Cheer up loved ones, and carry • Each • time we see your 'picture You seem to smile and Say, • Don't cry, I'nri only sleeping, We'll meet. again some s day.• • Dear. God, .take a message, • to . our darling above, And tell him we miss him so. Sadly missed and deeply mourned by wife 'Marie; Family and Grandchildren. • held. in, Ripley District High mosonnniumonvisiniintinnenn School on Thursday, ' October 11 .; 'at 8:60 p.M. We,,,urge all who • li A are interested .. to attend this. : 1 i a meeting,'• ' • NOTICE RE Hog .Shipping,,, B cause f th h lid Monday, October .8th, hogs • e o eo ay on 1 s• 1 a • a. •1 a • 1. be. shipped from Lucknow on TUE SD A Y, • OCTOBER 9th from 8:(K) a.m. to ' 400 Pm. : "We Sell Rural Ontario" .•111 Joe Foran • is WANTED 250 ACRES NORTH :of'. Lucknow, '200 acres 'Work - 11 ' • - • able," balance in second • gr.owth maple bush, 2- 9-1. WAN1TED work any kind' a storey,' 8 room brick house • •• completely . modernized, ; • large `51.4" .shaped barn set 11. : up .for loose housing. ; , in the area. Wayne Morningstar,. ated in the former S. E. Robert- I phone131,Lucknow ori seed cfeaning plant • * t. • • FILTER QUEEN Sales and Service BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, Phone Hensall 696-r-2 • •,. • VACUUM ,CLEANERS • • Sales and. Service Repairs andbags for all models of vacuum cleaners' and polishers. Reconditioned. machines of all makes for sale. • 00 O BOB. PECK, Vrn aa,' Ontario, hone Bengali 696-r-2 CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork, sold ' an any quantity. Custom butcherhig in Government ,licensed abattoir.: Pigs every Tuesday. Reef froth Monday through Thursday. • • BUTTON'S MEATO MARKET SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Septic tanks, cess, pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment,' All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake; M,..• 2 EMS, sels, phone 442-w-6. •• AUCTION SALE Allan'Macirktyre Licensed Auctioneer iteneweu HARDWOOD •BTJ.SH"ANt)• LOGS, WANTED — Top prices paid., Craig's Sawmill, Auburn, phone 526-7220. • • • WANTED —•girl or young wo- man to ..assist with housework and care of children through the day for a short time. Apply by letter only to Box T, Lucknow. • Sentinel., ••• WANTED logs, bush and standing timber' ihard 'maple, 'basswood, 'cherry; soft inaple, etc.., highest cash prices Wesont Lumber Co, Ltd, Sawmill, Luck - now, phone 20. • J11111111111111411110=111061111N11111111111111111, • ' Water Well Drilling Lakelet, , Ontario •• IttH. GADKE i Clifford ' . . All Wells Guaranteed VII10.111111111NIMIIIIMISINP, • priceonly $23,000 with 11' • . . . im terms,- , • 6001VI. RAN CH STYLE• • • • . • ▪ hOme in Kincardine, all • modern conveniences, large : • . lot, $5,500 with $2,1500 down • • paYment. No, 2-461. • • 196 ACRE :FARM, Kinloss • Twp 11/2 storey, 12 room W. is brick • house pampletely 111,, modernized. ',Barn. .54X1,00 • • with co'w ties, pig pens and • . • • loose stablingDrive shed, • • 90 acres Workable, harri- g ▪ ston L'oany, ,balance in val,-• ▪ uable bush. Priced reasOn- • able with terms. No. 2-624 ii, is 000000• HUNDREDS of Farms, 112,1 Homes and Business Pro- 11 • perties2Send 50c for marn• - ▪ moth*96 page picture cata. ▪ logue. • • •• ma. EVERETT PENNINGTON!" • 0 . Teeswater • • Phone 302-6004' ; urn Local Agent For: of ▪ PAUL S. STARR & CO. • •Limited 0a ▪ kafiover, Phone 08700 . •••••••••••••••••••••••■ 574 .1 '"Do. you get much rain here?," the city 'slicker asked the far - "We do • pretty well, but .my neighbour gets a. lot more." ' O "But .• that's. 'ridiculous? ° How cotrie2"/ • • "He's got .a lot • •more lama." • ''A lot •„orf peopie will itch for. Something, but they aren't ,will ing to scratch for it. THE WEST *AWANOSil, MUTUAL FIRE • INSURANCE CO. • Head. Office, Dungannon Established 1.878 • ' BOARD ,OF DIRECTORS • President, .Brown Smyth, Dun Vide-Pres„ Berson Ir- win, Reigrave; Directors, 'Paul' 'Caesar; R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, GOderich; Ross 1*-• Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Donald. P. MacKay, R. 1, Ripley; John F. MacLennan, R. 3, Goderich: Allan MacInty're, R. 5, 1ickn.ow; Wiggins R. Auburn For information on your in-, surance, call your nearest aired : - tor who is also an agont, or the.! secretary, Frank F. Thompson) ,Dungannon, phone 131..ingarin-00 48. agosd