HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 2•,Y.1
1.1,;•• • '
p,AGE TWO' •
'fge '‘,,PUCKNOW SENTINgL, Lucmow, omutio
Irr.6,14ESDAY, Q. 3rd, 1962.
• HFriday At Liberal Meeting.'
• An "old' time political meet
ing", something that 'has been
mising Lucknow in recent
• years;• was held in,. the Town
Lucluiow, on Friday night
by thie Liberal: party in support
of MurraY Gaunt, their candidate
• • in the Huron -Bruce provincial
• byelection. Betweei az and 150
people from Lucicnow and sur-
. rounding area attended. • •
• Robert Rae of Lxicknow open
ed the meefing and tailed on
Reeve George Joynt of Luknow,
Who welcomed the group on be-
half. a. the village and said
• "the: Sepoy .town is wide Oen
to you this,. eening." In wel-
coming the speakers of the ev-
ening, Bob Nixon .MIPP. for
• Brant; and Ross Whither, MPIP
or Bruoe M Joynt said. that
• the Liberarparty Could be well
• proud , of these two men, Mr,
Nixon being the son. of .the
tate Hon; Harry Nixon who
'served Brant as their member
•for many years, Mr. W,Iiicher
beingthe .' capable 'member
from truce' to the north and
a personal' friend of the ReeVe.
Mr. Joyntcredited. the , aroet-
ing with "working for your
• ideals and belies which Makes
I' offer you no favour that is
not the right of all. I offer
you .hard, work. I offer, you ev-
erything that I bave to give
5,01.1—any 'ability that 1 have.
I offer you any total dedica-
tion to public service on your
• "If you believe, as do, that
goverament ,must be returned
to the people . . •. it you be-
lieve, as I do, that government
has slipped a long way down,
the hill from the • hopes and
ideals •that elected it . . •• if
you think, as do, that 11 am
a man to striveand to succeed
on your .behalf . . . then 'c.n
Thursday • of this. week Vote
Gaunt and make government
your governm.ent," he conclud-
ed. •
Ross Whither, .MPP for Bruce,
said they had close ties with
• Lucluiow, his wife, Jean. having
• lived here for- six years. Mr.
Wluchr said whenever they
came to Lucknow they always
had Many- to irist, both Tory
and Grit. He was impre.ssecl by
the solid team behind
ay with unstiecessful candi-
• dates Pitching in and working
for: the •party. Mr. Wliicher, tbe
Ontario A better place te• live." opposition financial critic, said'
Mr. •Itae paid. tribute 'totwo that the Conservative govern -
Liberal workers of ..'Lucknow, ment spent over one.billion.dol-
'Williazn Porteous and W. 43: hut in services inthe province
Anderson, who have spent many in the •past year. "They- didn't
• many hours of their time in give us nything, you gave it
to yourselves with •your money,"
he said, "They .,take it out •of
one Pocket and put it batk in
the .other, 'but sometimes they
don't put .back quite. as 'much
as they tale out", was the -com-
ment of Mr., Whither, '4160 Mil-
lion dollars *ill be taken from
the. people • of Ontario • in 'the,
3% sales tax in the first .12
month period. Fiona 400mil-
lion dollars iA 1943 to 1 billion
100 million ..dollars today,. the
Conservative goveraiment has.
inereaied the provincial debt in
What they call "good times." The
ntere.st on this alone 'is op
lion- dollars per Yer. •
Donald Blue. of Ripley spoke
briefly from the audience, as did
Bob Campbell, Liberal organi-
zer of Toronto -who id,,.`1 have.
never ,seer.. a more enthusiastic
turnout in a small community
on a rainy night such as this"
• A social thne and coffee and
doughnuts followed ,in the as-
sembly room in the basement
•the town hall. , . •
support of the, Liberal phrty in,
Huron -Brute. The - Meeting was
turned Over to chairman.George• ,
Inglis of Behnore, president of
• :the HuronBruce Liberal Assoc.,
• and Murray Gaunt, Liberal can-
didate received a standing ova-
tion .a.she made his way. to the
platform. • •' . •
-Spaker Bcib. Nixon was de -
tamed in. arriving, ' and R. S.
Hetherington, Mayor of Wing-
' .hani,• tapably tilledin making
impromtu remarks '' about.. past
and present campaign. Mr. He-
therington complimented Reeve
Joynt in coming to the Meeting
as the representative ot the vil-
lage. -Although our • political
paths differ, 1 realize that George
'has the ibest interests of the• ,
province' at heart," Mr. Hether-
ington said. He said ..taldng an
interest in,politits •is the most
iinportant thing in .the . world• .
He strewed • that individuals
• should, be willing to work for
their party with no pay. "Gov-
, ernments /today, are curtailed
• • , by catering .to those who have
too much influence on thein
• because •of Money masons"- TheWelcome Premier'
speaker said; "our 'candidate is
• .. •
• •
young, has. the training .that is
really .neessary for a member At ' arti.. Home
4 . Of parliament, and has the .abil-, Thursday JOOrning, September
A. tr ity. He is genuinely interested ‘7,•th, in Ripley wa.t unigtie
1 11.4'
4 : in .serving his • area, he . is not •occasion When 'people f called at
1 , .• in it for what hp., can get out
the hone of Mr. and Mrs, WM.
''• of it :because he could malm lo
,., • ,
time $ : more.. pursuing otherHonatarrtlaie,‘t6 Meet 'the: Premier °f
•the Honourable John
Imes" • • : • Robarts with the Progressive -
Bob Poh Xlmm1, MPP, saill Plat Conservative. Candidate, George
Ontario presently :has . an 'old. McCutcheon and Mrs : , McCut-•
and very tired government that cheon. • . , ' '
are increasingly bete/Who More. A large banner "Welcome . to
• proficient at playing euchre than Premier 'itobarts". formed an en-
, attending to the affairs of go- trance .• to . the home * while John
ernment..In • speaking ' of'Thltar'' Wilson and Walter • Needham,.
io's new minister of agriculture, Chairmen of Hilkon Township'
he said he • was leading a tired arid Ripley, announced ‘ the
• and . old organization that ft1/4rwil guests. 'About 100 -people were
on new ideas .Mk.. Nixon spoke served coffee and remained to
• of the seandaLs that had avAen bear the candidate and Premier
under the Conservative within!. Robarts 'speak. . , ..
istration. .and • of the. extrav- The toffee table was centred
with a low bowl of autumn flo-
wers While a large.basket grac...'
ed the veranda entrance. Pour-
ing coffee were Mrs. J. B. Tyn-
dall, Mr. F'. Gemmel, 'Mr. •J.
Kilpatricls and Mrs. J. Scott.
Those assisting were Mrs, D.,
•• Cameron, Mrs: Re Davis,. Mrs. .0
* . Greer and' Mrs, Elliabeth Fer..
guson*,' • ' ' ' •
.r.C• t
• '.•,3
. aganee .of .some of the agricul-
tural and education planning.• •
Candidate Murray Gaunt said
in his remarks, "when we speak
• • of present *scandal in , the /goy-
ernment, let us remember that
it. was that elected thein;.' and
• it is • our duty to turn them
out". In • coanmentirig on the
• present administration, Mr.
Gaunt „said "we have a •govern-
• ment that when faced With un-.
pardonable debt, imposes, a sales
tax on, us' that is 'a burden to
' . • both buyer and seller. We want
clan economical government
t'e •
• r
Mrs.' Ann Brown of Ripley
passed away' in ,Kincardine Gen-
eral Hospital on Friday Sep-
; 4 3 that does riot cater to the rich tember 28th, after a thx month's,
... 4„ and Ipowerful and does not for- illness. The funeral service waS
held on Monday October rst at•
• the MacLennan Funerl,. Heine,
'n: seekingthe mandate to Ripley with Interment in Green-
, zervt, yu, 1 Offer you no bribes.. hill Cemetery Lueknow.
get • the fariner or the ..smll
Died, SoonAfter
Repirning Here, •
Dbnald (Dan) Henderson who
had returned just 5 weeks to his
old home town of Lucknw, pas-
sed away In Wineam and Dis-
trict Hospital .on WdriesdaY,
September 2.6th. He •suffered a
heart attack at his home
.the• previous Saturday. He *as
30 years of age,
Dan was a son IVIr, and,
Mrs. liendersOn kidwas
Aborn in. the. lAiknow • district.
'He . grew ,to Manhood On the
family farm arid married 1V1yrt1e
Sharp ot Whiieburch who died
in 1944. • •
• FAA- '24 :years he was branch,
man.ager for Hertz - pive4J-11-.
Self of Chicago, 111., arid aftr
retirement. returned • to Canada
in: 151. He took up residence
in liVingham with •his .brother
Tennant) and it was just a feW,
weeks ago that they moved to
Luckriow after buying a home
on HaveloclSt: Which they had
exte.nsiely renovated'.
The. tvvobrothers were in -
Separable; and genial chaps who
had' maily friends here. :"'Dan
Was a * meinbei of Old Light
'Ldge in Lucknoyv, and rilet11..-
bers. of the :Order held a Mas...
onic MemOrial service last Thurs.-
day evening. He was also a
Member of the Scottish Ri!...s
• Shrine, Medinah Temple in
.ohicago. •
The. funeral was held on Fill-
day at ' the R. A: Currie and
iSons Funeral Horne in Wing -
ham, with the service conduc-
ted by Rev. Gordon' . Fish of
Aringham: Pre.bterihn . Church,
assisted by Rev. Rod' MacLeod
• Lucknow • Presbyterian
Church., • -
Interment was in Soth. Kiri-
loss Cemetery with/ !Stuart Rob-
ertson,. Wallace Conn, William
EVans,. Fred Jackson and Ken-
neth Cameron of' Lacknow and
Murray. 'llaYlor of Wdnghana
acting as, pallbearers.
4 •
The Annual .Bruce
Cooperative Medical Services
• •• • will be held in the
Legion Hall POt Elgin
Tuesday, October 91h
02, at 2 p.m,
J. B. HICKLING, President
LORNE B. EVANS, Manager Sec'ir-Treas.
Mr. Henderson 'is survived by tO receive their initial Anstruc-
two sisters, Mrs. IVIargaret Wicks • tion but the reserve of instr
of Port Credit, Mrs. Sadie ments has nearly run •out. Sev
Nivin.s of Midlandand by two eral, members have purchased
brothers, Tennant Henderson of new or uSed instruments.
Lucknow and John A. Hender-
so of Reston, • Man. • ' •
• Before moving here • from
Wingham Donald • frequently'
called in the village and attend-
• The bandappeared at Pun- •
gannon, Fair this week and wilt
help• the Atwood „Band at Ford.:
with. 7.6r on Sattirday,.
ed Lodge here .and other ,ac-• ••
tivities. He was always at the M . Inter • ested
all. fair, and this year as :death
intervened ihe was:. conspicuous ••
by his absence. •In Baton Class
.The Sentinel Wasnt any more
than, out last week when • 'Elwin
Hall started .receiving enquiries
about the PropOsed 'baton twirl-
ing class. ••
An objective of twelve
from • pre-shool to high school
age, Was set in order to organize
the group:: Eleven have already
"sign,ed up",* and as Many as '20
• Wilt be accepted.
• The fee 50t a• weels will
be the maximum with lessons to
be given each Saturday, after.:
noon. • • .
GiriS who had joined •the 'class
by..1VIonday :ee: Gail pritchard,
Jacqueline Johnston, Nancy Wal-
den,• Miry Ann Alpi-L, Lois' Stru-
thers, Ruth Brooks, • Eleanor
Whitby, Linda Little, Susan Hall
• and. Julain.e: Anderson and • Jari
ice Anderson of Belgrave.
• Iev. Gordon Kaiser officiated
at' a. •bapisin,a1 Service in Zion
Church,. Sunday • a.m.. where:.
children of •Mr. and Mrs. Chas:
Wilkins,- Mr., and Mrs. Rusel
' Swan and Mr; and, Mrs, Lorne
Cook were baptized. •
Mr.. Gordon Jackson, 'Hyde
Park, Lendon . and, Miss Marlene
• Hunter ,spnt the weekend at
• her home here. Marlene is tea-
ching in Prince Charles School,
London.• ,
Mr. and • Mrs. Peter Cook are
• visiting Cochrane with Mr. and
1 Mrs. George Hackett. •
A number inthe locality have
• been sick With Geranan measles.
• Join• the crusade against organized crime scandals in the cabinet
"nuisance" application . of the 3% sales tax, unfair education taxation,
vertical integration in agriculture, neglect 'nf small town and farm • in-
terests, increasing debt, patronage to get "votes. Strengthen the Party of
Reform! . . ,
Proven lemiersip, in all he has undertak-
en, , first hand knowledge of today's far-
- ming problems, demonstrated ability tto
stand on his own feet and convince others,
an educational background that Counts in
public affairs determination to get
• what's best for town and country for
Huron -Bruce . . • elect the man who'll,
move to the front!
For progress for town and country