HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-10-03, Page 11.'•• '4
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Wintermeyer and Gaunt BlitzedHuron- FOUND DEAD AT HOME
Bruce In 'Whistle Stop', Tour Monday
A lliftle- P" tour of •Hu.- lake by way o.f Auburnr Ben
rThng • on Monday • miller, SaltfOrd, Smith's• Hill,
• axed the Liberal candpiate's Nile, Dungannon and, Port Al-
: campaign in the Huron-apice bert. Northv.vard along the Blue-
byelection• 'Which, Will be deoyl- water they mad fromhamlet'
ed on Thursday when voters •go, :to hamlet to Reids Corners, east
to the .13°14,toRipley and Kinloss and south.
Liberal Leader John J. Win- ward by Kinlough 'and Holy-
terfneyer and Libberal ` candidate rood • `to • ' L4ehPow, Here Mr,
Murray, Gaunt blitzed the riding gaunt , and Mr, • Wintermeyer
in a day -long motorcade the lunched, shook. hands with folk
• theme ofWhich Was, "Don't •Ask on Main Street ,and were at. the
. the people to • come to us, 'wen Lucknow 'District High' School at
go to the people." • 12:45, where they were received
Death came suddenly. to
Jack HenclersOn Boundary
West, ° from a. heart attack.
He was founa on Tuesday by
his brother, Eldon. Hender-
son and Murray, when they
'visited the farm. •
Jack, who lived alone, fre-
quently visited in Goderich
with ,his daughter and failure
to' see a light in his home
at 'night did not cause any
concern atT.first. /
It is .believed that Mr. Hen- •
dersOn' died on Saturday as
he got out of his car at his
The lour started early men: • by the Board Chairman, Arthur
Premier Robarts and Geo. McCutcheon
Welconied Here Al
° Climaxing a three-day tun. of
the rang of of Huron -Bruce, the.
Honorable John Robarts, Premier
of Ontario., and Progressive -Con,
servative candidate, George Mc
Cutcheon, /visited Lucknow on
esday afternoon., -They
, They were acdempaniecl by
Mrs.: Robarts and'. Mrs. McCut-
cheon, and the ,four4orne were
• presented. to an enthusiastic ga-
thering by Omar Brooks, local
committee chairman. .
In welcoming the distinguish-
ed visitors to Lucknow, ReeVe
day morning from Winghani • "
Hodgins George Joynt said it was a high
south to Blyth' and west to the (Continued on Page 13) • lionor De artin
honour and a• unique and .mem-
prable occasion •that will be long
remembered, for it is the first
time in 'history that a Pre-
Past Week Saw Election Interest Soar To Library Member
New High, Big Vote Expected Thursday
11 .
On Thursday of this • week, ing Time, ;and close,it ,8:00 p.rn.
October 4th, the electors - of There are. some 1000' eligible
Huron -Bruce •w go, o the Po voters in the riding and in the sented, with a pen and pencil
to elect a representative to .the last 'electidn • 'in 1959, • about set. ' /
Provincial Legislature:, , 12,006 votes were .cast , with Mrs. Howey has been a valued
byelection was called to John Hanna. winning over Rae member of the board and ' has
fill the vacancy .causedby the J. Watson by 1300 witesserved as secretary. for six years
death of John W. : Hanna, last In 1955 there' were • 13,000 Board members present 'at. the
March.. Mr. Hanna' had rePre- votes 'Cast . With John . Hanna dinner Were Miss' Helen Thomp-
. sented theriding for over 19 'having a. 1,500 vote 'edge over ,sen, Mrs. Harold Treleaven; Mrs,
years, since he was first elee- Hugh Hill.' . „ 1 , Jessie :Allin, Mrs. Otto Pedersen,
teck as a Progressive Conserve-. c ' ' • . . , . lihrariah; S. E. Robertson, E H;
tiveMembein the Ociverkunent 'Interest Keeil . Agnew. and' Stuart •CollYer.
. r • '
headed by Premier
There is,every indndation that
' George
o.Thursday. • '.' ' • ' ', Old ' t it At
: -a y . .
. :there , will . he a.,: big vote cast
Progressive Cnservative can_ on es L
Drew. •
•didate' in Thursday's election Never have 2. we seen .such
: is ,George Mccuteheon, 40 -Year campaigning, , or such interest Fair Neiirs 95
4,11c1 -Brussels garage. operator. aroused as. in . th .1.3 . key bYelec- • —
The Liberal candidate is 27- tion, : It has,, been • a sustained Miss Jessie MacKay who ',for
year-old Murray Gaunt of West Campaign, that was refreshing many years has beenregular in
attendance at the Lucknow Fall'
Fair, was present •on Thursday
at what she feels may be 'her
Mrs. Wilmer Howey, who is
leaving the village to reside in
Kitchener, was honoured by the Rummage Sale
Library Board at a. dinner -on , • ' • •
Monday eveninat the • Log Ca-
In .'Market Store'
Restauiant. She was' •pre-• • .
Wawanosh, was •* asSi4ant for the-.' : plain , that was
farm . editor 'at OKNX :When Upheld 'in . this.; all ,` wit attle
• ,
received the nornination, ' to • win the riding.. • -
PolLs 'open on TintrsdaY' . Thursday is election day. Vote last fair. She won the prize
ning 9:00 :a..m., •baylight Sav- yeti like, but vote! . for.. the Oldest' lady on• .the
'grounds- MisS MacKay. Will be daY and 'evening • and all .,day
-Saturday. . . ' ...•
• •
96 on October 28th. 'Accompany -7
they • ,Anyone' in the cominunity Who
ing he.r, elder sister, aS
h:as something theY Pould• donate
viewed .the fair from. a.. car, was
Annie MatiKaY, 'who. itriderwent to the cause — and who hasn't -t•
.The former :•• Market Store
Building in the heart of the bus -
mess section, now owned by
Cyril Brown, ibe the Idea-.
•tion. of a tWO,day rummage 'sale
The sale is sponsored: by •the
Lucknow And ,District.Lions
Club, the.succesi of 1..vhich de-
pends; on the generosity of the
residerits of the community in
donating' saleable. articles of
telothing, furniture; applianees,.
garden. and 'farm produce,: .bak-
ing,,etc..; etc.'. •
The' proceeds of, therummage
sale are useefOr. Aith cornrrai,
nity projects is the 'SWimming.
classes this swinner, promotion
of YoUth, activities and general
welfare Work. .
The sale 'will be held on Pri-
/clay bc next week throuahciit• the
Agricultural Minister Sees Future In
Fairs and Higher Values For -Area Farms
hnpressed by the Prosperons.
farming acreage: of this district,
the Hon ;Wm. Stewart, Ontario
Minister " of Agriculture, pre-
dicted that the future of the
• agricultural industry may . well
".`wrapped up", in this. rural
'Mr Stewart's remarks • were -
made at the opening of the
Iaucknow Fall Fair last " •Thurs-
day. He referred to .the rapidity
with whigh, farm land is being
"gobbled up" adjaeent to the
'metropolitan areal., and he for
saw farm land becoming much'
more ; valuable here; and not so
long away. One has only to look.
at the quality of the ,stock and
crops' raised in this district to
,realize •this, he said.
Complimenting the President
and fair 'hoard; . Mr. Stewart
' .•' Says he personally feels the fall
lair is here to stay for a long
time, It is , a social and educa-
tional meeting place where there
!is ahNiaya something of irnpor-
tanee to learn and where ,prob-
ems and matters • of common. -
interest ean b4, diScussed,
The 4-H Club exhibits are
dlcat1ve of the interest of Youl* •
People In .their own businesses.•
and their aim. to beeothe better.
citizens, said Mr. Stewart • hi
congratulating these yOunsi Peo-
Pies '
_While tarn' pr,ices are gen
good, it is no time to 1.
' lavish money publicly ' or Priv-
atelY, Abut .rather to •as.sess ex
tenditures to get ,the best Val-
* for our, dollars. •
Ills audience, have , only' one
..s°uree „„ ,,out of
Pocket and tnine!*. Govern-
u'At$ at all levels' ihould de-
an economic climate that'
esses .inte/Ligently where we
are ..going• so •that Our in-
vestments in. the future will not
unduly mortgage the • lives: and
pro-Pe/Ay of • those coming after
Mr; Stewart was introduced .,Two gentleman, each 87 years
leg amputation" operation should • not • ify Omar 'y Brooks,
• several Months ago., Annie is
67 years of 'age.- •
Another nonagenarian at the
Fair Was: Mrs. Duncan MacDOrt-
• " - Lloyd Ashton, Charles Webster,
Gordon Montgomery . and ar-
rangements Will •• be made to
. pick theinl. up. • ' • ..• '
The .picktip will be _made both.
ald of, town who a.' this
summer She said it was the in town d County
best fair she had ever been at
Reception Tuesday
mi.,. of Ontario has visited in
Lucknow, ' •
•,Reeve Joynt referred to the
accomplishments in latic.low—
the road program, the irrove-.
men.t. to ' municipal 'buildings,
the ' addition to the high school,
which had been possible, only by
Gassovisetranuinceenfrom• the
In faot,' he said, •it was only
a few years ago. that• we thought •
might lose the school.
Mr. Joynt.referred to George
'McCutcheon as. a family Man,
well versed in municiPal affairs,
which has become an essential
study for ',efficient management,
and in which. Mr. MoCutcheon's
ability was proven by* election
to the Huron County warden -
Introduces Prime Minister
Mr, McCutcheon introduced
(Continued on Page 13) • ' •
Revise Lisi For
Liquor Vote
The hearing for the revision of
the voters' list to he used in the
holding of the liquor vote in
Lucknow • on October 22nd, was .
held at the Municipal .Office oh
Friday morning. *. • ,
Bruce County. Judge P. S.
MacKenzie Walkerton presid-
ed for the proceedings "to have '
any omission or errors corrected
according to.' law." • ,
The Federal election list was /
•aPproved basically • for the Octo-
ber ‘pIebiscite,• with upwards' of
forty additions, deletions or pol-
ling subdivision changes being .
made.. • • • . •
We understand' that eligikie
voters who may • net he on the.
list, can be sworn on polling
day by the Deputy Returning.
OffiCer. of the respective p011s. •
Likevrise. the, agent for. either •
the- affirmative or negative can
challenge `a persons eligibility, &
'it this is done,- he or she must
be sworn before Voting.
To vote,. one must be of age
and a -resident of the mUnicipal-
ity since August 22nd L--• two
months ,prior to voting. day
-.asof, aLre, tied: for :the honour 'of 'G d *C•' ' d
'"'-Fair. They were Allan McIver), ' .. ' , ... . .
thorities in the Province Wh.o
!We are -proud:to have ,with ',us R. 1 and Su U k . ' 7 F
. .. , .., , .-1-7---m7 • *Dry Weather; if a bit.. on the
Girls' '"Steal The Show" At.. Lucknow Fail 'Fair- ... 2060 , plersons t'o the Lucknow'
cool Side,0.• brought out some ,
by Reeye :George Joynt "one
being the oldest Men at.. :the 1- 0
Of the 'greatest agricultural au-
, Show and Prospects,
• of ip_ey Jim Martin o . ms p 1.uc now vs 9 th Fah
today." • the Division. Line. ' . •
V .
Agricultural Society's 97th an-
•, ',•••\ - •
orably to last year, and while ,
\-1k nual fall -fair last Thursday.
The attendance compared. fav-
• ,•$,,zA,s
‘1\Pair on behalf Of •the Govern -
no record,: did outstrip some of
its pitedeCessors' in intergif and
entertainment indoors and out,
and proved that it has the' po7
tential .of beCorning • a ,• great .
"little" fair.. •
.More than '600 pupils parad-
ed to the park froiri the ,public
school . grounds. .Heading the
'procession ,were. 17 saddle ,horses
and ponies, with smart trappings.
and , colorful costumed •riders:,
Music was supplied by the 36
piece Lucknowi High School
District Band Linder the direc-
tion of Elwin Hall. • . •
Gordon , Montgomery ehauf-
'erred the. dignitaries .Who par-
ticipated •in the Pair. opening.
President Allan Miller,welcomed.
the. crowd and' thanked those
contributing to the success 'of
the day. Reeve George ,Joynt
introduced...the Stew, -
art. • the Ontario. Minister of
Agric,ulture who brought greet-
, !rigs arid officially opened' the
• • ' • 1 rnent of ' the ProVince 'of, On-
shoW" at 'Pictured here left to iight.are:itIliott with •dattghter..', rieggy • , . t
i.- . . ..
i tam.. Mr. Stewart was • banked
The girls ,"stole the , . — - , 0,.. ,,ne rpt '13: es:dent ol., lie
the Luc -know Fa!I Fair baby con- 12‘ to 18 rn oriths,, Mrs, Lorne. Cook I Lynne 6 tO 1,2 moth Yrs Don '1)--. +, . • ., , t,
r•leY, society.: Fred McQuillin.
wito ,...daughter, Sharon Louise; , Thom son with Susan Beye
(Continued on Page 13
test or,7,' Thursday by taking, al)
6 Months and under, Mts.' Wm.1 . —Sent:nel Ph otb . ' ,
the top a'‘‘ arcis. ,,,, , , ,,,, ,
. . .
•wre* •••••;* —
. •
• • . . . • •
• to 0.,
, • .
• , • '
• • •
• ,.