HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-26, Page 12. PGE TWELVE` THE ,UCKNOWW SENTINEL, ]EUCK11I4W ONTARIO • W3DN1:?SDAY, WEDDING BELL YOUNG DUIt1yII' Large !bouquets, of'White .glad ioli and potted.' tern made a :lovely -setting or .the. -wedding .setty (Kathleen Durnin .and IBarry Wilson, Young in Kzhox 'United Church, Auburn on Sat • urday,. September 8th., The bride is the only •laugh- ter .of Mr, and Mrs. John Dur- nin and' the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. 'Worthy "•Young,. Auburn., The' double -ring cere- -flay: Was' :penfornned , by Rev. Charles aLewi$, , Traditional wedding Music was played (by . MisS Margo Grange,. London,.' and • she • accompanied the soloist, •Gerald; Cox, ;Clinton,. who sang, "The Wedding Prayer" and "•O Perfect Lave. +Given in marriage 'by , her father the' 'bride • was :lovely ' in a .white floor -length gown' .a nylon, taffeta •over satin, li1y- point sleeves, scoop, jewelled ap- pliqued neckline on a. princess Ibodice;; • arid/ .a. 'fla .wing skirt was draped ' into lace panels ..cascad- ing into ai• chapel train. The el- bow -length veil • of. nylon . 'silk illusion with scalloped_ border was held in ,place •by a tiara of pearls and rhinestones. She tar- ried a 'Crescent !bouquet of .yel- 1ow roses, stephonotis and green 1Vy. Mrs.• 'Kenneth• Tharnas, Toron- to, .cousin of 'the !bride, as ma- tron of .honour Wore , an organ- za; 'sheath • with ` convertible ap-. • tall. 'panels . of mistique• • thistle,,: an over-theface pill • box. veil,.: �carriled :a bouquet wU alby. 4numS ' with rnauyeof ;thiteulle and white ribbon. The bridesinaids, Mrs. Glen , ' Patterson;.' Goderich, and. Mrs: Douglas 'Pearce,. Willowdale, tern of the . graom, . wore iden tical gowns to the .matron of honour and carried similar flo- wers. The !pretty ` little flower. girl,. Debbie .Errington, Lucknow,: cousin • of the bride, was 'dressed '!as•' a bride. miniature . in .white rfrille.d frock with ' contrasting thistle . accessories and.carried a: nosegay of. white. baby.. mums with • mauve" tulle. . William' Young, Auburn, twin brother of the,groom was gro- omsman : and ushers: were Ebro, thlers ' ' ' of the !bride; Donald, George -..and,. Wayne . Durnin, all Of . Auburn.. • • Tor a . reception: which fol -lowed in,, the ; Sunday School room of the church the bride's another assisted . the wedding party *receiving. the guests a minx brocade' sheath ',with jacket, ' beige accessories and . a corsage • of ' yellow ...roses: ',She was assisted'by y the !groom's ano=. Cher. •who; :wore an . embroidered eyelet sheath of • dusty beige with chocolate'•brown.. aocessorie.s and a . corsage of, talisman roses, For a 'wedding trip to' Nor= therm Ontario the bride; donned a beige suit with chocolate . ac- icessori'es and she Wore a cor- sage oi',bronze :mums. On: their " • a•e turn th:ey : will reside . in Clin- •• ton:. • PtJRFL.EGROVE 'Starting the fall: 'terra at pub lie school ` is Margie ;Collins, Cathy and Dianne Dore while: 'George Bushell and Alex Hew, itt attend "Waterloo Wn versity. Donald Forster ':spent the .week -end with Richard McCosh. Mr. James; 'Errierson, of Char ing-Cross spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George. L`m- er'son.: • •Miss Marlene Gawley and Miss • 1Vlary. Anne McCosh, of Toronto spent . 'the week -end, at their. Sandra Collins; visited Mrs. Glenn. Young. • fi • Mrs. Frank Dere and .family, Mrs. !Claude Dorei Carl, Delbert • and 'Kenneth spent Saturday, in.. Goderieb . ' Mrs. !Gordon MacDonald' was ..hostess to the rxinlough Preslby- terian.. W.M S. on Wednesday afterndon. Mr.; and. Mrs.' +Glenn Young and Vicki • Louise. were Sunday guests •of.. Mr. and Mrs. Burton Collins.. Mr. and Mr's. Donald . McCosh were.Sunday, visitors of Mrs: John Colwell.' Rev:' and •Mrs. Carson were hosts " to +Group:.1, • of Bervie United 'Church Women en Wed- nesd'ay afternoon. IA. numberfrom here attend- ed Kincardine Fall Fair `,on'Fri- Margie . and John Collins vis: ited,Cathy and' Jimmy' Dore. Mrs. Tena Damen,' Brucefield, Mr. and :Mrs. Bruce. Raynard, Rev. and Mrs ..1VlcKinney visited Miss' Margaret Roberts'on:, Mrs: Frank Dore, -Nancy, Ron- nie and Dianne 'were Saturday. guests: .of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rhody.. Mr. Norval Stanley; Mrs. !Helen Swann, Mr.:Milton Stanley were Sunday . visitors with ,Mr. and •Mrs.. Glenn Stanley. •. • Sandra :'Collins entertained her friends' on the ,Occasion .of her tenth. !birthday on- Wednesday. Mr.. and Mrs.; 'Walter Forster and family; Mr. and Mrs Gordon Patterson . attended the : 'Harvest Festival Services in Church .of Ascension and . visited Mrs. ':John !Col well. Mr. TWiiliam Arnold accomp- anied' by Mr. John M,acrD,onald , Mrs: DonMcCosh, Mr. and Mrs. John McMurc.hy were in Ayr 'on. Wednesday ,atten•ding: the' sod turning ;of ,the new' "FAME" Mr..Nelson. !Gra . er. and M. Bob 'c`orster. spent 'th'e�week-end .. in Toronto • Mr.:' and Mrs. (Chariest • Dore, •Mrs. 1Vhaibel Dore .and Miss Sara Dore .of Part Huron were .recent Visitors `with • Mr, • and :Mrs. Claude Dore. • tHURCH NEWS Were Married Here On Saturday FARRISH_..,. MERKLEY Marjorie Lucille Merkley of Wingham and George Lorne.' Farris.. of+. Lucknow were unit- ed in marriage 'Saturday, Sep- tember 22nd. Rev. H. W, !Sar. app •performed the .double -ring cer ernony at the 'United .'Church Parsonage in Lucknow. . After travelling to Florida . MONUMENTS For sound • counsel and • ;a fair pride on •a 'r•nonument correctly designed' ned from quality', material, • rely on ......._ . I LS .• E 0 A SKELTON Nr .VIII ..: _ .. Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Walkerton Established Over $ixty`Years . -hone 638-w , Ontario and other points in .the United .:.•eaeeaaea■■®®arp■■aaaaaaloaar■■eRaaa■asLANa■■■ae�• .States they will. live in Luck ■ • nota' , . ., . , . • :r. • . VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW . I . . '. 'In .:sonie:' cases,. "Terms to fit your budget," would be nothing ■ down and 'half that much' pay- a able Meekly. ' • ` . • ■ Clerk's' Notice Of First . Posting ' 111 ■• • . • with brief comments .on: Christ- ian Citizenship . the theme of the evening's programme: Serving on this .programme were Mrs. Alec Andrew, ,convener,. Miss .Flora Webster, Mrs. JW... Joynt, and Mrs. E. Hall.' The ° guest speaker was Rev: Wilfred Wright who gave .a very inspiring address 'on iCitizenship under the . heading,. (1) How 'Citizenship has devel- oPed through the centuries(2) How to apply Christian ' Citizen- ship'to present day problems; and points • •of view. Canada can no longer. be described as. a Christ- ian country and the ;faults and :weaknesses of our. ,social •.life ' lie' in the; lack of Christian .teaching and C'hrist'ian example ,set 'by parents. The .poorest homes with high, morals are far (better than godless wealthy. homes Follow- ing this •address reports , •were heard .and 'October Q4th was set fdr` Thankoffering service when` Mrs eyes of ';Paisley; ' will . be j. guest speaker. 'Plans pertaining to the 'Fowl !Supper, October .PA. 1 were discussed. A beautiful 'solo was sung ,by Miss Helen Thomp- I son accompanied by ' Mrs. R. :,Cumming.. ;Meeting.. • closed with. ',benediction., ; . . Lucknow;: Presbyterian ;Church Evening Auxiliary The . aririval pot' luck' slipper !P, was held' in the ,church, base- ment oh asement'oh Tuesday` evening. Guests. on ' :this occasion. were ''the; .la- dies of South Kinloss �W.1VJ6� •'Mrs.. Jim Aitchison ,, .:was •: in charge of the meeting. • After g g weleorining. the guests, Mrs, Alt- l chison read; a poem entitled ' "Comfor :' ;Following : the devo- tion xercise ` - al-� s,. 1Vi�•s.: Jack �Nlae. • :Donald 'reviewed several articles General Meeting, Lucknow. U.C.W. _The general''' meeting. of 'the 0 -unit groups of Lucknow • Unit- ed IC•hurch•w•aa' head on Tuesday evening, September "lath. with an ,. attendance. of 37 members. The Is ',Your. Subscription 'Renewed? president -..opened 'the meeting ., • cuona ESSO SERVICE • FOR, TOP QUALITY ATLAS "BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES Most Sizes In Stock) AT REASONABLE, PRICES!. Re'p ll Makes of Cars .and Tractors airs •to A 3 Licensed Mechanics r feel Alignment and Balancing; MOTORCADE DEALER a ■ Of Voters'List E, ■NOTICE is hereby given that have posted up at my■ • III office at the Town Hall and at the -Post Office in the Village of Lucknow son • the ' seventeenth day of Septem- ber, .A.D., 1962, the list of all, persons entitled to vote '■ �. `in the:. forthcoming. Liquor Licence Act . Election to .be is held October 22nd, A.D. 1962 and that such list' remains .i. �. 'there for. inspection.. ■ ■ . FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that a special revision of .rr the said list will be held in the Town Hall, Lucknow, Ontario by the Chairman of the `Election Board on ■::,Friday, the 28th day of September, AD., 1962 at the n Hour of 11:00 o click in the forenoon. ; w I hereby call upon" all voters totake proceedings i to', have 'any omissions or errors corrected according ' to II law on that day.' ■ ■ Dated' at the ' Village of Lucknow this .17th day of •"September, A.D. : 1962. ■.., I E. I. AGNEW; .• .. : Returning Officer. ri i ii ii ■■ ia■el■ monammomismossfila■ ■ ■uI■ • :from the . glad '. Tidings. ✓_Miss :Dorothy..' Douglas gave' an In- teresting talk on conditions in the mission . field in Formosa. Shespokey `of the . kindness and .hospitality ,of the Formosans and the great need .for funds.. to support the ; education • 'of the' -aborigines. Donations *ere taken for the •Baleand members, were .reminded .to 'renew their / sub- 'icr:iptions • to the . Glad Tidings, Mrs. Jack 'Fisher *as °in• charge of ' the Topic - "The .Down .town .Church" which consisted of a panel .'discussion 'with Miss Gladys 1Vlacrlonald and Mrs. Leonard 'Mac+D•onald, taking part: • Alsb assisting *ere Mrs. •Nor-• man. Taylor,.: Mrs.. Morgan .`Ilen• - derson, !Mrs.. Gorden, 'Fisher and. Mrs.. Petersen.. A >duet by Mrs. , Stewart Jamieson and Mrs. Ron - aid Forster was much ' enjoyed. Tke Bible '. Study "A ..Three ,fold Challenge" was •taken :by. Mrs. Virden 1Vlawlb.ray.. The : three -Challenbes eere: "poi -fie unto Me",. ' "Follow..`. Me" and .'.``Take up Your Cress.' Mrs. Fraser .iv MacKinnon, President 'of the :Smith -Kinloss 'W.M.,S. .themed the Lucknow ladies, :for their hospitality. .and for 'the fine pro, gram. The Meeting closed. with a, hymn and the . bened;c:lon. Oh to be a• plumber when 'tile pipet act up 1 But really,' now:: -isn't it much easier'toreach for the phone? The lady does,, and her: . spouse is rescued • SAVED .,THE BELL; P.S. Seriously, though: at home or away, you're never really lost: there's always. help at „hand through your, telephone -4 service so •valuable yet so often taken for granted. The Bell Telephone Company of Canada. r'• r i• • • • -