HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-26, Page 8PAGE EIGHT THE LUCK.NOW SENTINEL, LticK.No A lel 1 • 141. i•• '• 11" „SS .1, gjt.t .4. ;-• •14t -4+ Don't ever let them talk You • into making -a speech, old friend,. .specially. if you have nothing to. gay. It happened t� me, and Pretty well destroyed the en- tire.month of September. • I've been avoiding • speech- • Making (for years.. My distaste • for listening to speeches is • only- exceeded .by my panic at • the thought of having: td. .de- liver • one. The 'whole, business sp'eeches has grown into a • Monster, an insatiable fiend.. The. Guest Spealte.r has be- . • eeine one ot the more • flagrant •symbols of the .sickness of our • ..' Canadian society. You can't get Solar ' peOple to sit down 'in, "the 'Same room any more, without • one Of thean suggesting that you have a, guest speaker at your •next meeting,' , ' All across this since -Carefree • ,Country, the blight has Spread. .A new 'species; called the Pro- gram •Cicaninittee Chairitian., ••surgecr. fto the . rfront in every organization, 'Be is more -inipOr- taut ; than .the president. He is the . bird who. scrapes . guest speakers from the bottoms of • barreli :and 'othernative habitat. He. is one Of those persona en - ;gaged in '. the greatest Manhunt of the 20th century-7tryingto find a' guest speaker;. any old guest . •speaker, There is' an "excellent chante that he will Wind :up. • with an ulcer. The !competition is More frantic than. it' is among the • super -markets. There is a fair probability that diii Program Chairman will stiffer a complete nervous break- down within a' :few months after hehas taken *the position. • .This isusually a : direct result Of: a) the 'gueat speaker • com- ing •clown'• , the flu the night ;of the banquet: or b) • the guest speaker getting, a little. oiled at the pre:dinner recep- tion, and - including a couple of off-color jokes inhi's • speech;. or c) the ,.guest speaker turn- ing out to be 'a real clod, who' ...- has nothing whatever to say, 1,6 :and says it•• at great length. ' However, 1 have no sympathy • for Program Committee Vhair- men, who are completely • inilous. in •their Methods. One of the .iliote • slippery member i • ,of the fraternity hooked and land ed me With the skill of a• con artist, and that's hOVir I came ' to ,. be standing In front of.a ift hundred people ;the other night, with my - hands • • UGAR and SPIC By Bill &flaw hanging daW11, .m7 mouth hang- ing open, and the entire aud- lece hanging on my opening re - Marks, • which 1 couldn't remem- ber, •.' This crafty character called me last. .June and•asked- me casually if I would. address the 'Canadian Club in •September. Be had' ,picked his day, It was the last day of a'choOl, I'dhad .a couple • of beltS to celebrate, and ,September seemed six Men- ths : away; •"Shore. Shore, glad to."- . • wentback out to •the gar- den,. pickedup m,y emptyglass and enqUired„ "IleY, Suse; what do yOu know 'about this Can- adian Club?" • She said, • `.`You knoW perfect- ly well 'we can't afford any of that. It's about five dollars a bottle," •, This wag:getting noWhere. I thenlearn.ed. ,that ' the Can- adian 'Club was an outfit In town that Imports distinguished speakers. This. made . .feel like a hotshot :for about three Minutes,. then • lire* me into a •blind panic. HOW.e. ; I did have the Whole surnmer to repare a 'sophisticated, scholarly address„ so I stopped worrying. „ . 'Unfortunately, time passed, as if so, often does, .and I didn't do a thing about it,. Two: nights before the banquet, desperation dreve • me to choose tOPic. 11 decided to 'talk. to the Canadian C1ubabout Canada., :,This: was throwing Swine before pearls, ,Put it was nice, big ,vague ject, ..SQ I stuck to. it. But I van tell yOu I felt wet= ty foolish when I stood up m /front ofall' those people. At •their banquet last year, . •they had really 'Obtained: their mon- ey's worth a beautiful; blon= de. speaker,. Colored movies, dan- eng girls,. special . Hawaiian. mus - 'le. ' • didn't. have even., one lousy lantern4lide: I ' had tried .to talk mywife into dOing„ a few native Canadian, 'dances; to add some •color. But the only na-, tive dances we have are Indian and she :refused to stomp -around a fake fireplace in • her:: pare akin and the- kids got into a, Scrap- over „who was going to play the bongo' druing, fd.r the performance, ,so • .We had to 'wash out the whole busineas., " It • was ativifi.d. , But . do you know what I found, out?, People 'are extremely- polite. 'They will sit . there fighting to keep their. Octogenarian Off To Worlds Fair • (anotIon NEWS) • Relatives and .friends attended. a Shower for Miss 'Betty Dunlop at Kincardine' on Saturday even-. • Mg. . 13,PV. J. 11: Swann of Hanover was in charge of the Anglican • Services, on Sunday ,for the Har- vest Thanksgiving services. So- loists wereMrs. Jack Hewitt and Mrs. Harold Haldenby. Special inunbers were sung lby the chair. Next Sunday the service will be. at 9:30. , , • ' , Sunday Visitors with Mrs.. J. W,• ,Colwell were Mr, and Mrs. • Currie ,Colwell, Betty Anne ancl Bryce, Mr. and Mrs. Dori Mc - Cosh and . Mary Anne, avir, and Mrs, Walter !Forster and 'child- ren and 11VIr. and Mrs. Gordon Patterson, • • Bev. 'Benson Cox:,and his sis- ter, Mrs. Ada Hodgins left on. Sunday br a trip to Moose Jaw, where' they will visit relatives. Rev. Benson Cox will . also visit • the Worlds Fair at Seattle.- • ..Mr. William E. (1-laldenby spent. , few. dayswith relatives at Sault Ste. Marie. • • • Sunday visitors with Mr. .and. Mrs. (Harold lialdenby were Mr.•. I and Mrs. Ross ShelVfelt and Jim •la Tiverton, Mr, and Mrs. Don- ald Finkbiner of •Crediton, and Mrs. Clare ,Sparling and (boys 1 Of Walkerton. . •• •I Mrs. Gordon ,McDonald .was hostess to the Kinlough 'Presby=' teriari for, their Septem- ber meeting when Mrs. • Jack Barr presided. The opening hymn was "What a E' riend we have in 'Jesus" with „scripture from Isiah 1 and 38 taken by Mrs. Mark Johnston who also gave a medi- tation . on Isiah. Mrs: Donald / Fail. Feralization.Pdys WEDNESDAY, 246th, THE BEAVER is one of the most industrious of animals: ' • He toils With loving care on the construction of a home for hisiamily. Beavers mate for life, and their homes are built with an eye to permanent use. . • • • • When a man builds or buys a home, he, too, tikes to • • tad that it IS permanent. For it is at home that the family 'develops roots and friendships. Safeguarding the home for the family it but one •• &Sun Lite's many services' for the security and protection elyounalf and those you love. Let me tell you aboUt these service& • ' . J. Wm. Kinaha n • • R.R. 2, itreKNOW 4• • Phone Wingham .717-4y-4 51/11 LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA • • • " • THIRD MEETING dr. •COLWANASHLASSIES , . The third meetingof the col- . wanash . Learning • Lassies Was held at Mary •Andrew's. The . roll, call, '`fMy favourite vegetable/and how I like it • served," was .an, sweredby sixteen. membera, The, next meetinit :will be . held at iMrs.,P. IVIacDonald's. A mother and daughter (banquet will be' held On 'October 16th at Bec- kett's United Chureh. Notes 'were 'given on vegetables in • meal :planning. • The vegetable: plate, the oven dinner. . • „ Instead '• of knocking, doeSn't, opportunity kick the door in like temptation does? • • . • Bushell had the prayer, Mrs. Alex Percy read the:minutes. of the August Meeting and the, roll call was answered With a •scripture verse Containing the: Word:"teach" by 12. members, It •was decided 'to have. ,Our ber meeting a week later than . Usual on :the 24th., as we have accepted .an :invitation to iAsh- field for their Thankoffering Meeting on October48th at 23O. • A special. bale.,Colleetion :was ta- ken. Tentative : plans f�r the • W'.1).1.S."-.Thaiikoffering as .a con.- gregational 'simper with speaker and program were rnade.for ear- ly in November. Mrs. Perry Hod- • ;gins read, a missionary letter from -13,ay and Katrina Ward • about their work in Nigeria. Mrs. Alex Percy was in ,Charge of •the . following progrard.: Mrs. ••,TOinlylobonald read the history Of the hymn Stand tip Stand up for 'Jesug, Two v.erses, were simg. • Mrs: Per4i• read • a few verses :from'John .a1so - a. short. inedi= tation and prayer. Mrs...Gordon, McDonald read an article on, a source • of strength . and .SuSten- ance. A Bible Quiz 'on Judges • . and 14 followed and Mrs. Donald McEwan • reada. poem "Halbits." Mrs. Frank tilaulden read the history Of, God be' with You. Two verses were sung: Mrs. Percy thanked the hostess and those who had assisted: Prayer closed the meeting and grace was sung, after which refresh= merits were , served.. • • Mist Winnifred Perez Joan and Brian spent Sunday .. in 'Woodstock. Miss Pearl. Scott who has been Visiting at the Percy home returned 16 Wood- stock with thern. , • Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton, • Con, and Miss Betty Hamilton of Niagara" tFalls spent an evening "with Mr.-. and 1VIrs. Jack Barr and family. • 'Mrsjohn.Barr and Mrs, :Mor-: ley tBushell visited • on Sunday with ' Mr. and Mrs. Hass McTav- ish at Shakespeare eyes' open, .no matter how rot:. ten a'Guest' Speaker you are, They will applaud with . a nide blend 'of relief and gratitude, but' politely, when you finish, •And they will have• one of their members • stand up and thank you, , without a trace of irony, for your inspiring ad- dress "Which '1 i,s tire we Will all remernber." RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering • Mondays Hogs, $2.00. .in 4O0:p.. . Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound, , CATTLE,' CALVE4 and LAMBS EVERY DAY, • EXCEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking.. ... Beef, Pprk and Lamb. Sold Whole, MAU or QUarter. For Better Service,. • And Lower Prices C,11 Ripley 100, Chas. 1-looilma, Prop. MEMORIALS Unsurpassed iti Beauty and Value , • . , MORRIS GRANITE And MARBLE WORKS *Phone 51 • Representative A. Ross MacLennan • • 'Kincardine A • • • • • I • . • • • • • ,free Soil. ,Sampling and the availability of a full line of fertilizers • for fall sown grains. 4 • Use CO-OP ING SERVIC for convenience Whyis a Fall application of fertilizer so pr le? TOP DRESSING MY AND PASTURE insures winter hardi- nem and hence winter survival of the alfalfa and clover. The increased soil fertility level also means extra spring and .supmer- , growth—higher yields/more feed per acre/more milk .per cow/ more gain, on beef. • FALL PLOW -DOWN another important requirement for next year's cash crops, Plow -down" prevents seed burning when a larger amount of fertilizer than is safe to apply near the seed, is to, be used. The fertilizer is better mixed in soil and where straw or corn stocks are turned under, results'in a faster decomposition. REMEMBER! CO-OP 'Bulk Spreading is fast, labour saving and economical. You get CO-OP Fertilizer spread for you at approi Mately the bag. price. Another of the many fanner:owned Co op services. The complete CO-OP Fall Fertilizer Program also includes Lucktiovv District Coo Phone 7 1 W Lucknow FERTILIZERS 166, ;