HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-26, Page 2VIE WCKNOW SHINTINEEIA,, ;LUCK.NOW, ONTARIO,,
ion Campaign Zooms TO Climq
Vote October 4 Advance Poll ThisWee
Interest in the Huron Bruce
byelection to• 'be held axi Thurs-
day of next week, •October 4th,
hale soared .to unprecendented.
heights,and a big; turnout 'at
the polls is expected.
This issue contains consider
able advertising, nand several
,press releases from both. `cams',
w,ho• have "kept it •clean",. *but
have kept . up an' exhaustive
pace in stumping the riding..
Locall • and througlout t
riding there has been added in-
terest stirred :by the turkey
barbecue: • which was :set' for
Wednesday at the Gaunt faun.'.
Anticipating the, crowd and sup
plies needed has created some-
thing of a' problem,. for a . ter-
rific' turnout is 'exp .ted. if :the
weather is ..good. .'
• The - climax tames .'early ne„kt.
week in:; ,this community, with
a visit from both. the Hon. John.
. Bobarts, Ontario's prime mill-
ister and Liberal Leader the
Bon: ' John Wh termeyer.,
Huron -Bruce • is a key riding;
elect . L;Q:H.S. ,
Student Council
Persofiel of the::'.ucknow Dis-
trict High 'School Student:' Cour-.
cii: 'elected .on Monday 'is' as fol-
President, Dianne ' ..Jamieson,
Grade 12; Vice -President, Sher-.
' on West, , Grade 12; Secretary,
Esther Gibson, Grade 11; Trea-
surer, Doug MacKinnon, Grade'
12; Press reporter, J irici Mac-
Donald,,. Grade. l'1; Pianist,- lVfary
'Ellen Shiells; 'Grade-. 12.
5 In: Headlines
F.A. Meeting
Members of : the ;Ontario Fed=.
eration:. of '"1 gricu1ture- . took a
firm stand'of .0 'way„s and means
of. controlling hog ,cholera. ,in
Ontario. On. the Wheels of a cost
ly, , program of hog .slaughter • in
Canada . resulting • from •the. • se-'
icond cholera outbreak in recent';
.years, xnembers: passeda
resolution calling.: for three de=
.cisive moves: 1(+1)) That the Can- ■
ada Department, of Agriculture
• ' requested*. to .work closely,
with 'the<U.S. Department of
Agriculture in: divising methods
sof' Controlling ,•and ' eventually
eliminating hog :cholera', . (2) That
the penalties :for 'feeding'.uncook-
ed' garbage: to'.hogs.'in Canada be..
made inore . severe' - than : is • niow••
the :ease :and •..that they- ' bemore
rigidly •' enforced. i(3)• That steps
be taken 'that will, insure that
the feeding :of_, garbage to hogs
be . .discouraged • and . over •a
• long term" 'be eliminated . • al;to-
gether. ' Thin resolution . resulted'
largely, from the recent outbreak
of 'hog cholera. • in ' Ontario . and'.
Quebec, ••which has seen' several
• 'thousand Bogs ' ,slaughtered, and
some 4400,000. in coinperisation.'
already paid' to the owners by
the , Federal Government. The
outbreak has : ' been' traced
feeding uncooked garbage .con-
taining scraps ., of raw' U.S, pork:'
• to Canadian hogs.'
Swine "hogged" the headlines
of the:' second ';leading •resolution ' ■
when the • 0.V.A. members cal-
led • for the` early restoration of
the $c3.00. Federal premium on
Grade A . hogs.. This .premium ,
with a provincial general elec-
tion expected next year.
There is always some uncer-
tainty as 'to
where one votes,
ali., we have ' been asked this
question More than once. • .
From the official proclamation
we obtain the location of the
polling points in this area:
Ashfield—No a, Bert MiWh n-
ney's, -No. 2, School House ' No.,
49; No. 3, Orange Hall, Con. 12;
No. 4, Mrs. Myrtle Hod. ge's; No.
5, Clifton Austin's; . No. 6, Gor-
don Banger's; Nd 7, Frank Ha .
mUtoan's. ' . •
Duron -No. '1., . Reeds Corners.
Community HQ; No, ' Bethel:
Orange Hall; No. 3, Schoolhouse
No. 3; No. 4, Township Hall,
Ripley; No. 5, Herbert Clayton's.
'1, Orange Hall,
Kinloss• N. 2. Orange Hall,
,l Kin-..
lough; No. 3, Township Hall,
Holyrood;..'No, 4, ••'Ord lennning-
ham`s;, No. d•, Lan►gside store;
No. 6, Institute Hall, White,
Lucknow—No. 1, Town Hall;
Na 2; St, ' Pe'ter's Parish Hall;.;
No. 3, . Legion Hall.
Ripley—No. 1, Municipal
fice; . No, 2, McLean's Harness;
West , Wawanosh—No. 1.,Mr's.;
Annie% Here's; No. 2, Public Lib-
rary, ,Auburn, No, 3, Township
hall;• No, 4,Memorial Hall, 'St,
Helens; No. 5; Fred ,McQuill n's;.
No. 6, Parish. Hall, St. Augus-
tine. '
Culross—No.1:, ' 'schoolhouse
SS. ' No. 1; No. 2, Schoolhouse
x; No.' 3, Schoolhouse
SS. No, 4; •No. 4, Thomas Good
fellow's; No. 5, Salem School;
No., 61:Kraemer's Hall, Formosa;
No, 7,, Westford School
Advance polis will . be held at
Wingham, Ripley, Brussels and,
Mildmay this • Thursday, Friday
and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to.
6:00 pan, and from 8:0 p:ni. to:
11:00 p.m.
WEDNESDAY, 'SEPT. 26th, 1962,
Phone 82 4cknow
1704 ,0110.1rgodije' .11m_:89c
McCormick's (*kers 2 box 69c.
One lh.. box, (salted:. or plain) .
Frult. CocktmiI: ,i1 Sgood)
Orchard Valley,, 20 , oz. tin
Peanut Butter
York, 1 pound jar,
2 bars $9c
■ ■■I■■••■■U■■rA■■■■■■■•••■■ga•■■•g•/••■■ar■u■■••g■ i
vourite .i.•
A graduate of Ontexio,,.Agricultural College, Mur--
ray Gaunt . 'has won, his way to the top of any en.
ideavor ` he ' has undertaken.
All through. Huron and Bruce people are :count-
ing ,on a win .'for Murray, the man ' with . the ability
to'' stand up and : speak :for '•reform, for Liberal progress,
for . all, not " just some of the people. Gaunt. stands•
for a .'change for the better. Get behind '. Gaunt with
y►ur. vote.
�et: :011
■ .
_�. . ' •
.■ •
■ •
1.: .
was' recently reduced to' $2.00 as •
the result of the Federal Govern= -• ■'.
xnent's austerity program:. Ben .�
Steers, Bradford, ' (President ' of ■ .
theOntario •Hog . Producers' As •
sociation)•• stated that this move',
comes ' at a time ' when we need ■.
to take 'every possible step to••
improve quality. During the' year ■a`
that the $3.00 premium has been In
paid, the ' number of Grade A , ■
hogs has increased by 4%.
The. OFA. members also ap-
proved a' resolztion • asking that
• the name;. of either the producer
or , the' consignee of livestock of-
ffered be 'made .known to commu-
nity auction :sales or perspective
buyers. The meeting; ' presided
over iby OFA President William
7, 00 Wingham
7.20 Belgrave
7.40. ' Blyth
8.05 Auburn,
8.20 '''Benmiller
8.35 Salford
8:4`5 Dunlop
8.55 Carlow
. 9.05 Nile
9.15 Dungannon
9.30 ' Port ,Albert
9.40 Kingsbridge
9.47 Kiritail
10.00 'L' ochalsh
10.10 Amberley
10.20 Pine River
10.30 :Reids • Corner
10.45 Ripley `
11.15 .Killion
1,1.'25 : Kinlough,
11.35 Hoiyrood '..
12.00 Lucknow'
.1.05 ` Belfast,
.1. 13 . St.. 'Helens •
1.23 St. Augustine
1.40 Langsde..,
1.52 Whitechurch
2.07 Wingham
2.40 Teeswater
3.00 Ainbelside
3.07 • Formosa
3.25 Otter , Creek
3.37 Carlsruhe
3.55 Moltke
4.10 Deemerton
4.17 Mildmay
4.37 Macintosh
4;.4 3 • Belmore
5.00 Lakelet
5.15 •Fordwich
5.25 • Corrie
5.35, , Wroxeter
5.50 Molesworth
6.00: Ethel /
6.10 Cranbrook
6.30 ' Walton ,
'6.45, Brussels:
7.45' .Jamestown
7.55 Bluevale
8.10. Wingham
■ '
■ .
■ .
■ .
■ '
■ .,.
■ '
■ .
h ■
• .
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TildenHarrston, �iw ■ ■■■i■iri■■en■imiat itilli■■liiig■riii■■■■■ ■ontlgaiitilim aa■ii••■■•Nie/■■f •
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