HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-05, Page 13I• • , wnSDAY, $E '1•M. THE LuourowSiNTINEL. LIJCKNow. ONTARIO • • • :f.%CM rawrxm: ROY •N. BENTLEY PUI3LIC ACCOUNTANT -, • • .0.0.0.ERIC.11i:HOWP4141.10. • B0*, ".476 •• • .JA.CkSon 4,921 • • :A; MillARPER.AND CCM.I.'ANY .• ogiiterod..-AO0Olintantos • . •• • • 33, Hamilton St., . • • GODEIRICH, 'ONTARIO' • ; Telephone .TA 4-7562 •dp;....e.;••••••••••••••••••••440...... JOHNSTONgis FUNERAL, HOME Modern and Convenient, Phone 76 Day or Night • Serving All Faiths According to Their Wishes Moderate Prices , Established 189ti • .R.: DU. VAL:. Sp.C. : • Chiropractor Physio and Electro Therapist " . Wingham • . Phorie•300 , . • • (Office located rn former CKNX: building op the Main 'Street) .o...di•oe,••••014.14•04%. SU RANCE FIRE,. WIND,, CASUALTY. • ,AUTOMOBILE • • . • AND LIFE To •Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack TOday. •J. AMDQAGH:. Phone 306t,Lucknow •••••44,4e......Pe.•4,44, ;0 • STATE FARM MUTUAL ' ' • • AUTOMOBILE :.,INSIURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN WILSON • • , 4.1t. Goderich . Phone 80-r78. Dungannon FORNIER, HURON TVVP. CLERK DISTJD ED DENLY Message, From I Shower . Held Death came suddenly on Thurs.' Moray..Gount, For Bride -Elect day at his 'home pionald MadKay, age 81, former clerk of ilu'ron Township and a I director of the West Wawanosti Mutual Fire Insurance Co. The ;funeral service was •on Monday at Knox Preabyterian Chureh,. Ripley. An 100F mem- orial •service., was ' held at the .1VfoLennan Funeral Home on Sunday 'evening. Mr. MacKay is sUrvived by his wife, the former Katherine Pat-. terson; by three sons, Donald of Huron Township, • Kenneth of .Ripley and George of Guelph' & by one daughter, Mrs. Harvey (Isabel) JCassidy of Clifford. There are; nine .grandchildren & 10, great-grandchildren. • • • A.NDR:Eyf Barrister and Solicitor • .usTovirEL,'ONTARIO • IN LUCKNOW •Evpry Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon . • • Office in the Joynt Block„ •. Teltphone: • Office 135 Residence 314 . •*****,••••••••.•,...0...••••.******41/4.0..... R. S. HET}IptINGTON, Q.C.. • •• Barrister, Etc. Wingliam and Lucknow • IN LUCKNOW MOnday -and Wednesday' 140cated in 'Xilpatrick Bleck • 'Phone Winghnin Office, 48 • Residence 97 IMPERIAL. OIL PRODUCTS for prompt serVice, and quality ProdUCts, • • contact: *GRANT CHISHOLM Nue coil:ea Dungannon' 7244 OriOLucknow ' '!Always Look To Imperial . • r The Pleat" • -7www.44.4•4•444Pow...frikomooM,/~ MacKenzie , • Memorial chapel FUNERAL- SERVICE . •• Services • .condueted accord- • ing. to your- wishes at your • Home, your, Church, or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. . • Phone 181, Lucknow, - • Day or Night The curbing: of vertical inte- gration in agriculture 'and an all round better deal for the farmer are two . the top interests. of Murray Gaunt Liberal candidate in the ive,eletotion in Huron- artice on October 4th. , :Speaking in his campaign headquarters'in the_ fortner creamery building in• Wingham, Murray Gaunt told Of his. plans for the next hectic \liveweeks PalnPaigning. "I Can't !possibly visit With eV- erY voter in, the .riding in the time before me, but I'M certain- ly goingto get just about every- where and see as rniany Of:x*1e as I can. TO ine, the iniPortanoe Ls not where .people live .in this riding — I' have . regional biases — but:what. does matter is that I get a clear understand- ing in detail of What the people here, rural and urban, want from government," Mr. Gaunt said "In the few days; I have been nominated I have already net .hiindreds of :people I Wad not• known 'before. • People . want change and progress: and reform. That's what the Liberal:Party stand for. That's what I hop' e to demand i for Huron -Bruce in ,the Legislature." . ,(Advertisnient)' '....7# WINGHAM 7 Rev• . H. 1. Parker To IALFlOP' GTo Woodstock we Have Been Memorial • , . . Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven • Rev. Lester James ,Patierson, . o. ..,.. • Years, 41vvays Using •rector of New St. Paul's Church, THE' BEST' GRANITES • , • Along With Expert Designing and Workmanship.': -isrices 'Most Reasonable' • Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A.. SPOTTON Phone 256; Wingham, , Ontario. G. ALAN: ;WILLIAMS • Optometrist • . Office on Patrick St.,'"just • ' off •the Main St., in ••WINGHAM 'PrOfeSsiOnal Eye Examination • .Optical ,Services • • For appointment Please, Phone 770, Wingham MacKENZIE .0 D Optoinetrisi , • r •, , , " NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY 'Oftiee Hours 10.00:' a.m. to 9.00 •P.M. Phone ; Roy' MacKenziel Ripley 96-r-24 for appointnient. , . • • R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST - GODERICH " • , • • F T. Armstrong • Consulting Optometrist' ' The Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661),' • Woodstook' has been • appointed rector, • of \St.. George's Church, Owen •Sound, and -Archdeacon of, the Satugeen • •, • .Rev.: Harvey Lloyd Parker; has ', been • appointed rector 'of New St. Paul's Church, Wood- stock, replacing: Archdeacon .'patL• . . terson.': .• Both . clergymen .assume their duties .ear,ly in, October; Bishop Lucton has announced. • Archdeacon ttersOn succeeda Mr. Parker ; . as rector of St. George'S and succeeds yen. Roy_ :Di Mess, NW, as Aroh1deacon of the -,Saogeen, Archdeacon IMes will soon :retire s, from this :'ap- pointment and ,as rectorof the parish :.at Walkerton. Through tArchdeac..On 'Patter - sons appointinent, the, •'arChdea. Conry is returninglo St. GeOrge'S at Owen SOtind,.after. anabsence of 69 • years. .• • • • The 1•Arsch4eadon•ry. ,of the Sadie -en' was re4•stablisheel: by the:Anglican ,Synod in',1053 and Archdeacon Patterson is. the se, •cOncl to hold,. the title': Mr. P-arker,who was purate..if- Lucknow in his. student, days, was ordained in 1046 ,a'fiet iini- versity and theological 'training. at. Western and Miran :College. first charge was the parish at Ailsa Craig; with Brinsley' He • became ....rector of Wing - hath in 1952 and rector a St. George's; .0Wen ,Sofind,;in 1957. Miss Betty Durnin,• daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Durnin, of West WawanoSh was guestof honour recently,at a shower held in. Knox United Church; Aulburn, Sunday 'SChool room. Beautiful bouquets a summer flowers de- corated the loon'', with stream- ers and a. Paper flower -covered parasol. ' • • . Miss Durnin anher d ,mother were escorted into the room bj 1Vlisses June Mills and Antjge' 13.a1uicer• to the music of the bag - pities played by Robert Wilkin, and beautiful. Corsages were pin- ned on them.• Joan Mills was master Of ceremonies and 'was in change of the program which began With a ' sing -song led . by Mrs. WillianT J. Craig and Mrs. Ro- bert J. Phillips at the piano. An interestiiik number of jokes were giVen by Miss 'Bakker, and a piano/duet was' ;played, by Mis- ses Brenda East and • Jennifer Grange. A solo was sung by Miss Nancy Anderson. .• •The guest of honour ari.d her mother were escorted to two de; Corated chairs on the platform and .Miss Marjorie Yung of "Goclerichi 'read. • an -address to Mist. Durnin. .The' efts were prdsented • by. Misses , Margo Grange, June Mills, Antjige Bak- ker and (Mis.Donald Young. Included among the lovely' gifts was one from •a member of her Sunday School class. iMiss Durnin , thanked her friends and neighoburs and in- vited them. to her 'trousseau tea on Saturday, September. 1st. • / • • LUCKNOVV DISTRICT• COOPERATIVE INC.' 'Phone LucknoW 71 TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in Electrie Pleating, Electric Wiring • • • * and Repairs . • and , • • All electrical/ Appliances, Phone 208-r-25, Lucknow r44•600:00#4.04' 44.0•04#044;#4•44.0000#.4 ASHFIELD f•• Nancy and Christine lVfac1.4en- nail are. visiting With their aunt .Mrs. Gordon ,.Ronald in TO1101.111,10.,. Mr.: and Mrs. Ronald Oke and 'family of Oshawa spent a• few days -with, ..Earl: Howes la* week. '•'• Mrs. Jean Hicks and Mrs. Bei - Dia Betz and - daughter:•.of De- troit visited,- with Mrs./ Colin MacGregor, On. Suriday. Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. MacDoriald spent the week -end with their • daughter Mrs. Stephen Elliott in Port Huron. Billy Elliott,. who 'had been visiting his grand, fathers returned horne. . • ' • Mr. !and • Mrs. George 'Leadbet- ter of Toronto spent the weelk-• end With .Mri.COlin MacGregor. Gaviller McIntosh and Ward CHARTERED .ACCOUNTANYS' • YteSident Partner, , • s 3. E. Kennedy, C.A. :Bell Telephone. Building: • PHONE 633'.''. WALrK.RTON • : FURNACE OIL, STOVE OM KEROSENE,,* GASOLINE • . , See or call WW1: A. "BUD" HAMILTON . Phone* 220-w Lucknow District Agent for Cities Service '.0..,*,...4.•#.44.~.~44,....•#••:*wo istnct Field Meet At Holyrood 1st KINLOSS: BOY SCOUT GROUP • Another season of regular Scout and Cub, :meetings is be- fore. us agairi. Our Column this week 15 essentially a. forecast of things to come this falL Scold Troop "meetings start this week, Tht.tidaiy, September Lith at 7:30. The •Oub Pack starts next week, Friday, Septerriber 14 at 7:30. A major • event for this, is the big District • Plead Day whieh ' we •are .hOnored • to be the, host group. Albout 8()0 .Scouts, Cubs...and Leaders Will deacend. on Holyrood on Saturday, Seps• teinber 22nd for an afternoon of competition 'and sports, We 'hope all our readers :will take the afternoon 011if and come and see this • speotacle. • • , • .• } To • get the grounds ;in shEupe, .repair.: Whiclovvis, etc., • we are holding a work bee on the pre- ceding Saturday, September 115 and we are asking for am the fathers. whO Were riot 'able ;help at the Spring work hee, tb come' that, afternoon and give us a hand to 'Prepare for Ake Field The date -for this Fall's Shoot, inelVlatch •has been• set for Oc- tober at the Scout •Hall. other plans are made as yeit but We understand. the 150 'Roisters re getting `really big" so re- !nernberthis date. • KINLOSS the 3Cairshea WA.-Lhave:-.re- • . ceived an. invitationfrom Ripley W.I. 't� a spedial Meeting' Friday, Septemlber 7Uh at 8:30 p.m. in the Township Hall. Mr. MacDon- ald, Assistant Supervisor of Ed- 'ucation froth, Toronto will talk on .•`Ttliucation." • • • . • Week -end guests With, Mrs, D. L..MacKinnon and4dhn Were Mr, and Mrs. Collins 'and Nora of • Ypsilanti, •MiCh. and Mr *.• Bill ,Ammiliummommaisimmuft, I......4w.9.44...ig‘..•••••~•••%•••••41. Water Well • Drilling Lakelet, Ontario -it H. GADKE :R.R.l, Clifford '!All WeOs .:Guaranteed, :r • lVfaciDonald of -Teeswater. , • Dead Stock TT emoval Service We --are --licensed-to-reinove your 'dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary diSposal.. • Pld 'horses 4c per pound • ...GORDON TAYLOR rit. 'Collect' 444-24, Lucknow .2, Lucknow • 244mur scorvice 'Licence No.'—•173d62. ••• : • • • •I . • • • . . .•••,.. . • A, We wish to express our sinT • cere regrets to the Treleaven• • Milling. Company in, the fire • loss , they suffered, resulting 'in the •destruction of their mill' • • so king established in luck - WW, • KNECHTEL and SON ITO. Lucknow Branch, ,Phone • .9 • • • • ,• • • •. . • • • - 4. • •+7' • • Rt•• • • 4.