HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-09-05, Page 8SAGE =HT LUCKNC)WP, Oh1TARIO: T�, Lvc�LUCK/49WSEN', l''‘N'F•Yar , 504 49E2 Western. Fcir. Op..ns' friday At Htoindon. . Eight days of Amt. :entertain rent .and excitement commence Friday at. Queens Park, 'London, when Western Mak opens its B:lth. The Special, ' Events Building Wi1tl. +hou<s'a, an ,unusual. and at- tractive exhibit by the Lands and `Farest Deapartmt..of .the 'Ontario* . 'Government, reiplete :with acqu'ara+ms •Of fish and wild A new feature is Western. . Fair Farmland in the Agricultural Pavilion. This show is: for young and old' and will be a. mecca for adults: aswell as Children. W'ee*ern°' ;Farr. 'has done itself " Pirousd ` . in, evening grandstand performaaices. Beautiful • Anita Bryant . of radio . and TV. fame, will ' ;be featured with Aqua ,'` Spectacular, a ;gorgeous` water. '8c stage Show, Friday, Sep>temiber 7, •Sa'tW d'aY . and Monday with; • a, special asippearance. at Monday afternoon's ' fashion. shioiw.. • " Famous . singing 'atter. Jimmie Dean will be a,.• headliner with .the Aqua show, 'Tuesy, Wed . iesday • and 'Illmrsday • evenings and will take 'a. Prominent part in ;the: teenage jamboree at 4;39 Tuesday. 'afternoon. ` Hubert Castle's. pular . circus with: 22 ' acts, will give: -both ma- tinee and evening perforrrmantces • the ..last: two days • cif' There will be four ' afternoons of Bingo on : the grandstand with over <$1,,506 worth of prizas. each/ afternoon.. September 7,. • 11, 12 and 13. • The evening. Horse Shows in the :,;Ontario• Arena • have.'` more .out-of-townentries, thin ever. There will be. keen competition in every event. ' • • Livestock entries .`have never been better. ..• Western. Fair again have the largest: diSIplay of farm •maathinei y°of any 'fair : in ,Canada. 'Modern'.' commercial.exhibits will pack: both Manufacturers & Confederation Buildings .The famous " Colgan midway will .have a number • of rides :be - 'in e -;in; featured. at . Seattle World's, Fair. "Mr. and :Mrs.. Eldon Bradley, Phylis and Jahn left on Timms- rday,- of Last week for Brace - bridge, Muskoka • and . other points of interest in: Northern' Ontario. Mr.', and Mrs., -William Collins and ; family of • Preston were guests of .Mr. and Mrs. leg. Godfrey on 'Saturday and were. dinner guests of Mir. Tom Blair on Sunday. .Carol, Louie and Lois Collins attended ; Pirie:+Rivex: Anglican' 'Church. and sang; a pleasing trio.: ` .. Mr. Mervyn, Coturtney . ' • 'oras: home over. the week -end., • He • is engaged as teacher at• Port ;Dover High School., • 'Mr.: Ross Shiells ' visited: in Ot- t ara•.last week. Miss Mary Ellen Shiell s who spent part ''of -her .vacation. 'in " Ottawa returned home with hirxr Mr. and Mins. •,Archie •Courtney. visited an Goderioh . on Friday.. uA ,nuanlber from, this vicinity. attended ,the . MoNain and, Duff wedding. at Tara •,P!reslbyterian Church. on. Saturday. Mr. and Mrs:, Grant 'Rice .and family of London visited With Mr. and Mm Arthur Courtney oven the '.holiday. •week -end }acts ••#t `f he ntario ,,Farmer (By , Huron Co F. • of A:) DM YOv` KNOW' There were ' 121;338 farms in • Ontario in.. 1981,• 114% less :than 121'1956.• • The • average': Ontario farm is ' 153. acres, .12'More than in 1956. ' More than,90 Of. Out Ontario: farms are owner -operated. , • Nearly- one-third of ' the • dollar va'l'ue of Canadian ,farm produce; • is marketed from Ontario farms. " Today's Ontario. farmer proyid- • es food and, fvbre for 2. persons'.. in ma only, 11.3% of Canada's labour force' were farmers. • In the. 20 years from 1940 to IMO the gross. yalue, of output per • farmer has.. increased. from $736 to .44,65. The farmer . is the No. 1 market for manufactured : iteMs from many of Our factories. As ebnsum' err in 1961 • farmers in Ontario 'spent, more, than • $47 • million on tractors, over $27 .million • on. trucks, in excess of $2 million. on automobiles, well over $7 Mil. lion :on eledtric ' paw'er. They 'pro- vide :.a Market for' a Marge portion 'of .the• production' of rubber. tires, Steel, chemicals, • petroleum pro- ducts, appliances, etc. Farm lbusi-• nesskeeps many factories run- ning, 'thousands of people em- ployed, • . • . News Notes:, • .Harvesting • of. the .winter wheat crop in' Ontario is no'w general. Production• will . ' : be well betow , that of a year ago since acreage is down 20 percent and the average yield is below norinal :due': ,to ,winter killing: Theoutlook• for spring -sown oats and barley, is favourable. An outbreak' of hog Cholera* in Ontario and Quebee has resulted in the •destruction °' of several thousand animals which ,had contacted `'the disease or. Were' suspected ' of having :been expbs- ed to it; ,The government is corn. • :,pensat.ing• farmer's for destroyed animals. ; . Mr, and. Mrs. S.1'ayd Courtney and family ,of London attended. the funeral of • tihe late Darwin: Pollak. on Sunday; Mrs, Lloyd, Courtney is a. sister .of the late Mr, 'Pollock. • Mrs. Honvell F.raier o . Ford- wioh :vinas !a..recent guest of :Mrs.. 'Wesley Rabb. • Mr and ,Mfrs. Verner Brown ef. St,. Jacobs were at their cot- tage at Point; ,Clark last wreek. end. , Mrs; John'. Dixie held sa quit ting at her home . during the week when a number of ladies attended. . ateids Corers W.I. • +visited Bru c*elea Baven at 'Walkerton ori 'Thursday of :lass' Week, where they held - their meeting, 'for the month. 'of August, • S'ixteen' anean- bets att. the W.I. • of : 'Melds Cor-. •vers atended. and 'met in Ole auditorium, where the ladies and gentlemen' of . Brueelea •Haven joined dein . for ;the program. After the ..ode and ;Mary ,Stewart. Collect Mrs. >Hwgh Cameron ,gave an interesting account cd her trip to ;Jamaica. She, also had colored snaps Of . many ' piabur-; esque places on the 'island, Mrs. •'James Nesbitt entertained' . the audience with • Lively • anusvc. after which Mrs. ` Donald Courtney gave the. motto, ' xood Health •& Good. SenLse 4re two at' 1•iites `• gg't:, in .rwhich. greatest �blessan many good su>ggestions ,#ar health and happiness were ,given. Mem•- burs... ,of the Institute answered .the roll pall with a joke which brought many a smile. . The meeting .closed' withthe ode and grace and. lunch was served by Reids Corners: WL Friends of Miss Mary McLennan formerly of Lochalsh'and Luckiow ••enn chattimg with her as she em>bered' so many friends of rifer days and made inquiries about thean. Mr, Sydney Crane,: also • 'a resident ,of Rine' River Vicinity enjoyed meeting,. mern- hers • of ' Che : Pollock family where • ' he • had. 'been employed some years 'ago, He : is employed • in the •garden, at Brucelea : Haven and • can be justly proud 'of his work which tihe ladies viewed with interest. The WPI. ,was tak- en ion a tour of ..the >bsuilding and . everyone "was impressed with the beauty of the 'structure ,also, the flowers, and grounds which are well kept: '1411. Wyllds expressed thanks on : .behalf . of the, 'patients . for the afternoons program,. also .,far the . ,treats donated' by ;Reids Corners W.I. Is Your Subscription'; Renewed? OWTUARY. MRS,'T'o. E. KENNEDY The death occurred, in. Vic- toria Hospital, London, on Mona day, Augus+,271h Of Anna' Z ov- etas Ba+llan'tyne, , behoved; ,wife.iof Rev. T. E ,Kennedy, 'iBluevae. The • late .,Mrs. Kennedy was born.. in Brussels, on March 25th • 1897. She was a . graduate of Brussels High School and 'S'trat fiord Normal. . On . September ber l st, '1920.. • she was. united in marriage to Rev, T, E. Kennedy ' who " survives" als S,hwith�e • one sono' , Jamsusz�vesived of TgIby ; ron>tor. iso' , Qnlotiher mars., Ballantyne, a sister, Mrs. Dorothy . Canpbesl>l, Moles- worth and a brother Sydney. of. Tbrontor She: was predeceased by two sons, John B. Kenn,eldy in 1945 and FILt . Will am E. Kenedy in '1944. The .funeral was held. • on Thursday, Au+guslt 30th• in, the Currie funeral home• W nghamn and' burial was med4 in. Wingham Cemetery. Four clergymen. assisted in the service, Rev Fred 'Cron -my 'Kin ca,r'dine, Rev° S. J: Stewart, Molesworth, Rev. W. A. Morrison Brussels, and Bev G. 'C. Mitchell, Blue- vale. ANITA. BRYANT Beautiful, talented Columbia, recording star,., Anita will head- line the. Sept. 7, 8 and _ 10' "Aqua Spectacular". ANITABRYANT 1' HEADLINE BthiEua' 'FOR FIRST 6 DAYS OF •JIN. IMY' DEAN Columbia recording star who had ' 4 • songs on the '.;hit parade at one time stere in• "Aqua . Spectacular",. •' SEPT.7-i . LONDOh1. A'' TORRENT. OF TALENT MAKES THIS YEAR'S GRANDSTAND' SHOW„ ONE OF• rHE`:FINEST. EVER. AN . OUT OF THIS WORLD WATER' SHOW WILL BE FOLLOWED BY -..A REAL LIVE 3 RING CIRCUS. EVERY DAY'S A. SPECIAL DAY ... EVERY%EVENING SEES 'SOMEONE WIN '$1000.` TWO GIANT MIDWAYS. DISPLAYS. 'EXHIBITIONS. SHOWS. SOMETHING OLD SOME- . THING :NEW .. WESTERN FAIR 1S ALL 'FOR YOU! HORSE SHOW O a a , : ; t.; Except Monday . FORESTS EXHIBIT :Special Events .,. :. ArenaEvery Nigh ,.. 1 * DEPT.OF LANDS AND •, ,... ...,. Bldg.. 1 THRILL to the skill of the aerial. ails the Precision. qf acrobats trained to razor-sharp : edge ., . LAUGH at .the. -immortal antics .0f the. clowns ‘ ,. .. HOLD .YOUR BREATH . as jugglers, cyclists, trampoline and teeter board experts :display their skill and daring e ROAR at the all -too -human actiops of trained members of the animal - kingdom.. ENJOY THE CIRCUS EVERY MINUTE I TAc U LAR This is the famous Miami Beack water show featuring• a talented cast of 32 and ,presenting five 'spectacular production numbers„ including "HOLIDAY IN HADES", . "SWAN LAKE BALLET" ' "DANCE OF.THE CIRCUS ANIMALS". Headlined by singers Anita Bryant and Jimmy Dean, the: Grandstand Show will include. 12 acts on stage and water Comedy Routines , ..' .. World Champion Divers Miami, .Beach's.: Fabulous "Aquamaids" . . - Waterfalls . . Fountains; ' . Spectacular Underwater Lighting Effects. • THE CADEGANS Canada s Singing Famtly`S SEPTEMBER 7r 8 ANITA. BRYANT SEPTEMBER 7,8 O .TIMMY DEAN, _ SEPT 4MBER 11, 12; 13 PE Every daj'will close With a dramatic draw for a prise of ,$1000 The drawing will 'commence at 10:30 p.m. when 10 numbers will be drawn. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc wiles chosen by the spin of a wheel. Those' • ' ryhos. ' numbers have been drawn will, if not present at the fair, 'have until 11:30 p:m. to report. • At , 11:30 m if No. •1 has a. __..W._ . ____ receive the ;1000 and any of the other nine present' p. appeared he or she will race: will receive commotion •pr:zes. If Na, 1 has tot appeared the $1000' plie will, be given to the Befit ip One who k present and consolation prizes will' be given to the others present. ADMISSION , Children under 12 ..admitted free until 6 p.m. daily. After b all admission 50'c.• 1