HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-29, Page 8„fr
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WIDDNVSDATt AUG. 20th, 1962 •
Oyer the week -end visitors
and Mrs,Ohr
were Mr. and MIT. John Sparks
and Donna -and Mr. Robert Doer
of London and Mrs. Parish mi6f..
fa•tM.i?sf, .1.1.Wairnrlehtamliirs on io Luck -
how has spent the past three
jini,montAhisto1WhLtherohnand da ugh
ter, Atietre,hTislorns:
This past week she is visiting
Mrs.er 11 6 1 1nWilson.n
1Gda ed c
TJohn And -.
spent Saturday ,at the CNE
in. Torodto.
Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Robb of
Ashfield were recent visitor4.;
with Mr, and Mrs. Allan Miller,
•• Mrs. '•Harvey Webb spent ',a •
day recently with-hr.daughte,
Mrs, Dan ,i/trote, M. Ross and:
DaMvrici. •aldNMeivrrs. Barry
of Kitchener. spent A weeks
cation, with Mr. and Mrs, •Fred..
McQuillin. , •
•••• • • •-•
anti. • •
. . ...By
Fairwarning, •Thii column'
all of 'it• -is going to be about
any son. I used to think it was
(bad forto talk about your
• 'kids. But after years of sitting
• around •listening to other_par
ents rave abotzt their fantastic
ally clever and talented children,
I became fed ••up,_ NowYou'll
ifinsi me in :there with the 'most
boring of them, trying •to insert
a "few brags about my Own off-
' spring with the proper degree
• Of false modesty.
The bride's Mother received
- in a' powder blue, silk organza
over taffeta 'bell, • skirt ;dress.
hood and -the cotuSed fever ' Qf
young MarrhoOd. • .
* * *•
HOwever our son is taking
with remarkable carni, I must
say.'In fact,"he's so calm, ' that
he can "Sleep until noon. Without
moving a. ..mtisole, if he's not
‘ each
A don't pretend to under
Other pretty4weil, which is more
iniportant:The ,chief difference
between 'lain and other boys of
Fifteen • years. ago 'this. week, the sameage is that' be is my
any son was sitting in his moth- son, and 1 would not trade .him
for eight niillion• dollars, Eliz-
er's. lap, in Iris bare feet, look- '
rng like a, miniature Winston abeth Taylor, and the ••last 20
Churchill; blinking • at this hot, Year° of Ow life ',returned,singly
Ibright world, and waiting for or together -
Oh, I almost forgot my brag
some more of those goodies
that '6ame every three heuri The. kid tried a m,usic• exaan in,
•Right now, he, offing
in the sults have been coming ever
living room, in his bare feet, at
ince, He obtained the highest
'the piano, alternating between ins ark., in the province. He won
Chopin mazurkas anO. Blues 1.411 two cash scholarships and ad -
knows ,what
The s.ThetroinLo_rd
alone mission to, a sl3ecial :school of
g through muSic. • ' • •
• • • june,- -Grade 10; .piapra. The re-,
his mind, but I'll bet anything
•that within 20 minutes, he'll)be
in the kitchen looking for some-
thing to eat. ,
Food is alariost a religion at
that age:: Their.: most familiar
• •
..pose is standing i.rvith /the re-
iblue at and white accessories.,
The groom's mother assisted in
a 'white silk organza over taffeta.
dress with pink taffeta .bodide,
the skirt featured two rows of
large, embroidered,, Pink roses.
and a tiny boW sot at the waist
and white • acces.sories.
For a wedding trip to, Niagara
;Falls, 'surrounding district and
United States- the . bride donned
a blue. organza' dress with a
lace jacket, a Pink flower illus.
hat and white accesiOries.
Guests attended the wedding
lir* Port Collbourrie, • Toronto;
Galt, Blair,r, Landon,
Teeswater, Lucknow and Kin-
cardine. •
The • couple will live in' Hdly-
rood. •
Con,firming ,,of by-laws as rel.
quested 'by .the Wathr Resources
Commission is another step to-
wards 'a sewage disposal system
at Blythe.• / • •
;His' Mother .nearly , went out
of her head., When .asked how .
he feels 01360 it all, Huh
'Prettygood, I 'guiris,7
,With • a •arnall
the interior With the rapt loOk . • . •
doOropen, gaz
:ing :into ': d AtR
drie. ',
ifrigeratoripley •
Buddtust priest at
, . •,i:
1in :Church
• prayer,wheel. ', • -
All;.that grub Seems to -bear •• , •.
. , .(Intended For Last Meek)
fruit... In the last. year he's • .••
grown about a foot, The shoes •
Ripley St. Andrews United .
you bought, him, a month ago •
are suddenly' pinching his toes. 4.1
was- the setting ford the'
wedding of Sandra Gail Love.
The trousers you bought last
'Saturday are halfway to • his and Ronald Elroy Graham. Rev.'
knees. • "'" D6uglas Dunlop ' officiated at
the 'double ring ht.
, •
Hugh is. an -odd kid, in some
wayS, .but show me a 1:5 -year -
,old' Wh, oisn't odd 'in • some was,
I'll Show you a freak: Ii&e
ink* boys; 'he's a confirsirig, com-
ifoination of oPpOSites: sulksand•
sunniness;sunness, selfishness &thought-• .
•fulness,.. cOwardice and cOurage.
In my' prejudiced: _opinion r the
,virtues • .heavily outweigh 'the
Others. ' •
• He's as stubborri as a: Mule,
when he thinks he's "right. Just
• like his MOM, Or he can: be the
easiest person -in-the world to
• : get along •with. qle • can giveyou
• a -look so surly You- can .scardely
• :keep your- hands off ',him. Or he
• can, melt Ybyouwith the most
chanining: and disarming smile,
any boy ever produced: .
. , •
He can sit: and discuss Coin-
:anunist China intelligentlY, but'
• don't send 'Min to the store 16!
. buy fouPork chaps and a loaf.
of bread. He'll -come home with
' -eight lamb 'chqps and: a bag of
buns. • ,••
' .He can Inemorize„ a Ileeth-
• oven sonata but don't ask . him
where, his gym ...shorts are, *or
.when his weed collection is due,
or • what day. it is, Or what tittle
A ,
• .the patty' 'starts. He ' doesn't ,fre-
. member. • '
. •can work froin seven in
„ the Morning to 10 at night on
:his mtisie•arrd school Work, With-
ut dOrillPiatti,t; But when sum
. met arrives, he , can scarcely
' tfind the strength 16 pOt on his
, candleh g
ceremqny. •
• .
Mrs. William Graham Avai .or-
ganiSt. and '• Miss , Joan .,Pollock
as. .soloist sang, . the Wedding • •
Prayer and p Perfect: LoVe. 7-
. The bride is . the 'daughter of
:Mr: -and Mrs. Robert C. Love,.
'Ripley and •the ...grobin: is • the'
Son' of. Mr. ' and 'Mrs. 'Roy Ora -
'bath, lialyrOoct' . • . •
The bride 'ChoSe.'a .floor length
gown of silk' organza over :•taf- ••
feta Which featured: a front pan-
el', Of. :floral ;sequin -and pearl
;appliques ' and extended to .
chapel train; , 'The lace bodice
;featured lily point Sleeves and -•'a o
neekl•ine •�f floral se-
quin. and pearl appliques'.The
. skirt . featured as; -a: 'back
accent a Iarge silk organza bow.
A, floral' Cluster held her fing-
er • tip veil, and she. carried a
bouquet of pink. roses•and white,
baby -...; .
ilerirnaid of hOnotit Wag Mrs, •
Gary ..Grahain, sistet. .of.' • the
bride, Lucknow' and bridesniaids.-
were: Miss --
Cathy :Samson, Tor,.
Orito; Miss Mary Allin, Lucknow,
Mrs. Allan Manta, Luckriowarid
•Miss • Madeline :Graham; sister ,
of the groom, • Holyrood.
• Misses Brenda . and,' Kathy
Gill, cousins . of the. bride, Pres-
ton, were flower girls. The bri-: • .
dal atten:clants wore- capri, blue
large'box pleated, bell skirt
dresses of silk organza over tat
feta with lace bodice and s1 -ev-
es. and .rnatehing headpiece and
shoeS. •
• The matron of honour wore
a pink silk ongadia over taf-
feta , dress with -a lace di
and matching • headpiece and
The flower girls wore rose
•pink dresses.,,of silk organza oV—
er taffeta -and matching aotes.
'series. — •
• 1.
' ttie
44' ”
shoea, and he can develop' a corn-
' plete ' mental .block about the
tfence he started painting , six
kveeks ago and never finished.
He's an !honor student at
;FP ,
.41 igehool, but . he can't find
shirt he • took offlast night Re
•,;1 • 1," „ .,
can play a ; clarinet, • but • he
' •
can't, get. the lawnmower start-
, , ••
In. 'short, he's right in the
•middle of that) beWildering., ex-
perience, known as adolescence,
when the ,body is undergoing
chemical and phySical revoItt-
'. tions, and the Mind is •.groping
, through the rid-man's-larid be-
tween the cool sanity o•f child-
. ' •
. „
Ralph, Haines Of , Port CO1-
bourne Wows .b6St man and uSh-
erS' were' Mr. gary .Graham,
brother a the grOom, Lucknow,
Mr. 'Allan Manho,-LifeknoW, Mr.
Hugh MacMillan, • HolyroOd and
Mr. Carman JohnStort Toronto.. *.
• 1
. •
Mr, and Mrs. James Wilson
and family of London Were Sun-
day viiktors with.iMr. and Mrs.
Frank Mcguillin and Terry. Judy
and Margaret remained some
BORN --- to :Mr', and Mrs, Ken.
Grewar. (liois Webb) in SUd-
bury -Hospital on Tuesday, •Au-
gust 21st, a sOn; a brother for
Nancy Ann. •
Mr, arid Mrs. 'Carl Johnston of
Bluevale and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
MeCae of Windsor were' recent
Visitors with- relatives • 'in, • the
The .September- ;meeting of the.
W.W.I. will be ;held in the kalt•on
September 6th at- 6:39 Roll
call, A ,Cariadian import and eX-
port. Topic, .Canadian Industry
by Mrs. Jim Aitchison. Motteh-
MrS. Ross' 'Errington, Lunch and
programme,. Mrs.. Lorne Woods,
Mrs. Earl Durnin;'... Mrs. Gordon
McPherson.•• •
• • •
• ,
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