HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-29, Page 6'm• a{,rw ct a 1 • • • PinUVC )W SENTINEL, ;LUCXNOW,, ONTARIO ° ..EDN.l4Y, M. 29th, 1962 OUN6;Nt.ON At a recent , meeting of the ternetery board,• Mr. Cecil Blake Vas appointed to take the place 9.1 Mr. Durnin. Phillips, .as sec " retary-treasurer, Mr. Wayne Brown, pilot of d CAF Winnipeg ashome, with Mins gents;, Mr and *rs, Wilbur Brown, for two weekis vacation. A: good attendance was noted at the August meeting of the Dungannon United Church We men which was held in ;the 'base • merit of the church. ;Mrs. K. K. Dawson; president,,opened the Meeting with a hymn and prayer. ' Devoibion • ;by Mrs. Fired Young , assisted by .:M,s: George Riibey (Irwin visited With ':her daugh- ,posed the blacksmith shop #'aand:.'tthe: roll c'a'll "was' answered iter, Mrs. Bruce Baker,. who is and went. t into 'ear entry. This. a patient in . Ki •St tchener-Waterloo. trade imr. iein cont'inu�ed, in training v he word "Wisdom" con -The Hospital,, later ears addingsuch hobbiesProgra n waslead by Mrs. • E. • In a copy of the :"Kincardine as flowers • and. gardening. for iRivett with Mrs: HUgh McdWhin- ''Review" '1:892 a •fa niliar name which 'he was :well'. known. AMBERLEY PLAN . P•R'ITIS>l MO1,TGAGE OBITUARY OPENING AT PRIMA_ ,JOHN THOMAS STFIlr . Mrs. 'William. Hooey . is a pat -One of Kincardine's oldest and dept an Kincardine Hospital at most; respected citizens, John pre5ent. Her friends wish her a Thomas ',stein, son of John and speedy recovery. Ba'hby.. and -Mary. Ellen M1cGill are spending holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tho- mas Farrell df Reids Corners. Miss Iva. Smeltzer has accept- ed .a position with an insurance Company' in Taranto.: Mr. William Collison of For- est is visiting with Mr. and Mrs.. Walter Brawn at Amberley. Mrs.: Bert . Irwin,. 'Mrs.. John Blue . and .Mrs. John Emmerton spent Friday ii'n Kitchener, Mrs. Mary (Johnston) Stein, passed away in Kincardine General Hos- . Pita'. . on August lath in his 94th Year, Born in • West WawariQsb on December. 16th, 1868, he started a blacksmith shop at' Pine River. in 1896. 'In 1907 he 'moved to Kin- sardine where he has resided till the • time. of his death, ' with the exception of six years spent in Wheatley with his sons. In Kin- cardine he set up ,business in the north end of town. Later. he dis- siey assisting, A question , and, answer ,panel followed on what as; the ..purpose of CM-1Aim= Edi- cation.' The 'minutes` of the June meeting was given. Reports were ' tgiven •'oaf • the first six montthsof, was noted in a Kincardine Cen- tral School report ' in a Junior el;a'ss. Harmer Dmrmerton headed his class w.itth. 3911 marks. Other names .in the same class were Paul Twrnball, ' Willie ' Mtc1nttosh the : year by ' each convener • of and Ida Johnston. Miss ,' Stur- ea h standing •.co nmittee. A love- geon teacher. ' • • y lunch - Was :.served ' by the 'H ostesses at the Log Cabin, hostess+es,',Mrs. Howard Johnston August' ;19�tli at Southampton Mrs: Ross Henry and Mrs. Lloyd from Reid's Corners Womens Zn- Hodges. . • • 's'titute were 'Mars. Klvin Hen. GOSTONYI, EI S.TON derson, MTS. Cecil. Holland; Mrs. A quiet, but • pretty Wedding Was solemnized . at the Dungan- non United Church at ; 2 p.m. on 'Thursday,' August '• •.23rd, Wheat Janet --Elston; daughter of Mr.. &'. Mrs., •Thoanas Elston. was united a .'tou'ras+t attraction on •Bator • Lay at , Walter. Browns wase a pn marriage to tR,e�v:' N. L. G+ost- 1a e: h5.ve oaf bees;. +onyx; -son of the. late Ju}uis' and • Jim Farrell of Reid's . Corners j Jen (lite I.. Mrs.. tGostonyi of Czeahaslon'i�akia : , Al'ber't 'Holland and. Mrs. - How: - and ow -and+' Holland. A cup of tea and cookies • were ,enjoyed, by fifty- four ' persons.. .who . visited the mrnuseun' and 'Log Cabin: Septem'ber 1st, 190'3, he we d Amanda Huston of Pine River . .and on 'Sep'te m►ber • 1st, 19513 many. °trierids gathered:at: .their ' Thome, "Harlbor Villa," the town's old- est residence, to wish. • the. ' es- teemed couiple well on the occa-, si�on: of , their golden wediding. Mr, Stein ' was a ' e'nerr r of the United Church servo as , ng clerk . of the;:session 1925.'to 1934. t' t • mony at 2:04 pan. wi'1.1 be fol-, lowed. Eby Open House when everyone is invited to., inspect the building and meet the staff, Guests will also be welcomed Friday . evening from: 7' to • 9 'o'clock; . and ',Saturday from; 2' to. 5 and 7 to 9 o'clock. • • :A fascinating silver. • guess. ing ,contest will highlight. :opening celebrations. ,Rules are simile— Y ou merely fill out an • entry blank with your guess as to how anuch money is (piled in a golden chest.. The'closest g ss wins. is all the cao'ins thinner ,Prize... can, scoop out in both hand with one try, The • contest ends Sat- .urday, , September '8th at $' p,m. The golden .chest used' in the 'contest was made. in the. Strat- ford Festival workshop and was used ' in the .1t95r5.. ' production of the Merchant of Venice. .Mr. Edward Rowlands,. Man- ager, and his staff will move ti. the. new. location „before the of ficial' opening so that 'busin:ess• Both 'he and Mrs. Stein have;'gi can be' carried an from • the mo- ment ven much of their .time to church ment' the building is opened..' 'activities.. New Groderi•ch branch of •Brit- ish Mortgage and Trust Company !Will be officially opened on Fri- day,, September 7th, 'Wilfrid P. Gregory, Q.C., Executive .Vice - President and:. Managing 'Director has announced. A brief cere- ., . Surviving . are his: wife,' �2 .sows; Cecil" and Jatck, bath of Wheatley; -LOCHALSI one .brother in :Ay1eswlorth, iSask- . atchew+an 6 'grandchildren, 'and 4' great grandchildren., One. son, Chester' .and an infant daughter, predemceased bhp Last rites .were lconducted-byeft, by plane• for :Western 'Can- an a double.: ring ceremony, pier- i the' Rev:' F. H..Cromey from the os a ennan uncia owe ,formed by Rev.. Geo. D.. Watt• of tR MaL F 1Q� George`. MacDonald -met with. a' painful accident 'while riding horse back. . • John; •VIcCharles' -an d han Mac, Rae 'spent. Monday and.Tuesday at. the C.N.E.• Oakville. a friend' "' for thanMiss Aria Smelttzer is enjoy ,S' nday, August 12th, with inter y ° : ganent in the ' Kincardine ceme years.' The wedding.' attendants nn holidays wa'Uh ;Mr and:Mrs. 1 • were Rev, •R E. .McLogan. and James Mills ' apt their summer tery. Mrs:. M 14.010n of Blyth. 'home un the 'Muskoka district.' Mrs. L. Stingel, ,organist play:. Mr. and Mrs:' John Carruthers :t and. �dughrter, Ann' of • West I ` ped the wedding ':hymn O. Pexfearches. et a 'Loz�ie • vdrsted : � .an. :Srurvd;ay , w3'Gh ?Love and. • Uhe Wedmdirig .M,Mr.:and 'Mrs. Dldon Lowry.. ,Mass '.The • .:bride looked lave{ly;. • in a j Janette :Lowery, 'Who with 'her 'street length dress of/ white poi= j .ished: cotton and soal oped: nylon 'cousins has been •employed: 'at cap and • net liairdress. She car the Tobacco farms- at West; Lorne = • died , a• • white, bible'topped •. unit'h, returned home on Sunday. blue French a„arnataons and Mrs Lorrieaane+ran .:visited ,• on Fridlay with. Mrs: William where . she .will visit with Mr. g by arefather's eau-. Cann ion, John .and. Doug are .on Mrs. Alex :Smtith has been vis sin' Mr:. Stanley` *ins of Dry- ,halida s at Bruce Beach,itis *orris' Yg with Mr. and Mrs 'den; Ontario. Rewe R. L. 'Goa- / tonyi was .,inducted' 'to the Dun- iSpeoi'al music at .Fiore River Cochrane at iDiihnville.. gann'on, Port berg . acid : Nile y United Church . on . : Sunday was .',Mr .. A -lex, Smith: has -go United Churches . this 'surnme'r. Congratulations as they are Wel: copied to the Parsonage --and and Dungannon.. A' few boys'• enjoyed`: illita6• at • Wasaga Beach.; last ' week. • They-' were Bill Blake, `'Rickey. ,:Parks, •Bill Crozier, • David'' D'aw- KINLOUGH Mr.:and Mrs. Wilbert Holden- by' of Toronto visited ori. Tues- qday . with Mr. , •and Mrs. Bert Nicholson; Evelyn Nicholson re- turned to :Toronto with. them, White streamers. She was given f.rC.ouxtney: Mr. and Mrs: Lorne and Mrs.: N' �E. 'Evans' and : Linda° nn marriage' b" 'h • a ladies quartette from. Hawkes vaille who sang :two; pleasing numbers.• • tGuests ..,:Sunday •with.. Mrs. Sam', Geddes • .of Ripley were; ' Mr: and, Mrs.: ,William • Courtney. Eugene Blue : has returned to Detroit ',to resume his ' work with the • Cadillac Company: son " and. also his Cousin Bill St'raughan. of Benaniner: (yn'tended ]1'or Last .Week) Mr. and'Mrs. Robert Py�gell af' New: Castle -on -Tyne, England • is A :joint' . meeting was; held' at visiting ..this week :with• Mr and Pule River 'United Church on Mrs: T C.. Ander Tuesday: evening of last . week . son. They 'are I on a tor 'from .Liverpool, ,;ing-, when o members of Bethel and land, . Panama Canal; Los An- Olivet UC°W.. attended. igel:as, San Francisco; ' Seattle' J`o'hn; Ferguson and Mrs: Murray Vancouver, -Calgary,' ,Medicine• Waldden. presided : for •the • meet- • Hat, Preston and Toronto C.N.E. It ' will be ;. remembered ' that their . daughter Dorothy : Pigell' •,was- • an exchange .teacher with' the . 'fornier Misses ' Millie and Aloha Anderson and naw visit-, nig 'their hbanes Mrs,' George. Whi'tlairn and Mr's. Warren Barn-. ford; KINGSBRIDGE Recent visitors with Mr. arid - Mrs. - 'Carl. Riegling and family .i were . Mr. and Mrs, • Beverley ;Wilson, . convener of the., manse Simpson of , Ridgetown, Mr • and committee gave a > report... Mrs. • Ma's. Carl .Field, Debbie and John'' IVLadDonald reported... on the Shelly, Mrs. ..Frank' Riegling of canvass which was taken recently in stead' .of, holding the' annual garden party at Pine River Unit- ed Church and the result was gratifying, Hymn 360 was sung 'Edmondson, Mr and. Mrs. Johnohn after which Mrs. Oliver McChar- Edmondson, Dennis, Mark, Ruth, less: of , 'Olivet brought greetings Johnny and Joyce. all "'orf Chat- ,from the. presbytery and. intro- duced the ; guest speaker, Mrs. Oscar White who was delegate to McMaster 'University. In her remarks she said ' the need of prayer and Bible study was stres- sed. Rev. Donald McKenzie ,pr. o- .ing which 'opened with a • hymn. The ' scripture, 'reading .giver% 'by. Mrs. Ray Collins '' was followed With meditations - • by Mrs..' Mel- vin. el vein. Henry after which Mrs:, Wel- lington Webster, gave' a prayer. Mrs. Glen Boyd gave ,an inter- esting .history of the hymn `"I• think when • I 'read . , that sweet story of old," which was ;after-. wards sung as a duett by:,•Cor- rinne MacDonald of Ripley and Carol Courtney,, Mrs, 'William Ferguson was *convener `' for the program ce' which was' given by nit 2 of the U.C.W. Mrs.- Delbert Erind'ale, Mr. and Mrs. 'Paul GI= roux, McKay's Corners, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce • Padbury, Peter, Paul, Wayne, and David, Mr, Fares,. ham, Dennis and Mark remained. for a 'Weeks holidays.. Barbara Jane Jane Riegling spent a weeks hol- -,dayswith ,.Mr. and 'Mrs, Paul Giroux. Karla Riegifng spent a week'sholidays with1NIr. and Mrs. Jothn Edmondson. Frank ' meg; nounced the ,benediction .and the, ling spent a day' home with his falai •'The Golden Age" was parents:: i shown and directed by Mrs, Dei een a 'patient at •Wingham Ho.sPital &. was later, ,taken to, London. . 'Mr. :and Mrs.; Dional4 Earle re- turned from •'their' wed�dmg trip to- Northern' Ontario. • ' The : Anglican service • next - Sumnday will be:.held at 1:30 p.m. Congratulations to George Bu shell and Alex Hewitt in passing their Grade .43 • exams ' .loseph Hugh, son of Mr. and Mgrs. Hugh Jensen, .Mary. Helen, daughter of .1VIr. and Mrs: Gordon :McDonald.; .Kennett Donald,. son' of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McFarlan Mary albeth, daughter of Mr. arid. Mrs. Harvey Nicholson were baptized . sit the ,Presbyterian • Church' 'on/ Sunday: ' Mrs. Margaret McPherson' of Milverton visited' There over the week -end. • .. Visitors with Mrs:' Williaan • Cox and Rev. ,Benson Cox were 'M'iss Margaret Black and ' Miss Alice Harrington, 'Mrs. ,John Mimi . and Mrs. Murdock McDon aid ' of Ripley, Mrs. 'Warren Lea- ver and Mrs. •Russell Khulman of Detroit, .Mrs. ' Coultes and Miss Kate MoCrimanon of Toronto: Visitors with Mr and .Mr.'. Frank Johnston were Mr. and Mrs. Steve. Currie of Scarbor. ou h and Mr, • and Mrs. Gerald Rhody arid family. • ,The behavior of some children suggests that their parents, em- barked on the . sea of matrimony without a paddle, •Thee hydrogen bomb has Made. one . great • contrilbutionto dem. ocracy. With it, • all, men are cremated .equal, bert Wilson Grace was .sung and refreshments were ' served' by Unit '1 of U.C.W.:Mrs.. Jack, Ell liott, of Bethel gave' the• courtesy remarks, . • - O re id' Tokens Are. Over 50 Years -•01d From 'Jack Maelntyre of Wi ham we recently Uly received two bread tokens that t ,were in use in the. Lucknow bakery over half a. century ago. • The light metal tokens are stamped on one side "Marl. zie's B'akeir ,: Lumciknow,, ' and on: the reverse side, ''Good for t. Loaf.' • • They. could have been used b either Angus ,lViacKenzie or R. v MacKenzie (proabalbly both of them); before the 'bakery was • ac. quired. by the •MacCharles. Bro- thers, Poacher and Donald. - Subsequent owners were W. J. Spindler, Edgar Hollynlan; Athol and Hector Purdon, Stewart Mullin and 'Wallace Vines,. Jack' Maolntyre, who was ,rais- ed in Kinloss, •has for several. years operated the Maclnt re Y Bakery in Wingham; Fie sent along, the ; tokens, With a . dona- tion to the. Artificial Ice Fund, • ;Mrs; Marion Weath�erhead' Wand Miss Laverne Sly: of Plymouth, J,Vlieh., spent the past week holt-1 daying in- this cornmmunity. Oliver Barkwell is•, a• patient. in• Winghani hospital. •• Recent visitors with •'Mr; 'and Mrs. Donald MacKenzie' were' • MTs Atkinson of Barrie'and Mr: and Mrs.' Glen Carter and. fain .ily of Lon,dsbaro. John 'MdCharles was host; to the Ripley':- 4-aH beef .club'. on Thursday evening „ •• • • Visiting in the common ty are Mr. an Mr's Irwin Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. Selwign Clarke Of West ' Malbi ry, 'Ma'ss. all Fertilization Pays: Use scO-OP UL4K SPF or c.onveenee. Vhyis a Fall application � lication' o fertilizer so profitable? PP` of P .� PL'ICE VW DRESSING HAY`'AND PASTURE insures winter' hardi• •a alfalfa and clover. The 'mess ..and::hence winter survival of the f • � increased soil fertility, level also means extra spring and sumer • imore milk per cow/ owth=hi her fields more :feed' 'acre . �. g y /� per./ more. gain on beefed FALLPLOW-DOWN another important requirement for flat year's year s cash•crops Plow -down Prevents seed burning when a larger : •: amount' of fertilizer than is safe to apply, near the seed,:is to: be. used. The fertilizer is better mixed in soil and where straw or corn stocks are turned •tinder, results in a faster decomposition. REMEMBER ! COOP Bulk . Spreading is fast, labour saving and economical. You get CO.O.P Fertilizer spread •for you at app matel: - the ha • rice, Another of the manyfanner-owned Coop y hag �• t. services. The. complete CO-OP Fall 'Fertilizer Program also includes Sampling the availability free Soil. Sam ' and a i o f a full line 'of fertilizers g 1 ty • for fall sown grains, nowDistricto Phone 71 .W i:ucknow