HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-29, Page 4TIDE . LIrCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNO ONTARIO, wa t... 1SJDAY, ALM, 29th, 1962 i�. It; a;` E7 r�# • i'.• ;t CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES. --=- First Insertion 2c per word, . minimum charge 50c. Repeat. Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum 40gq1 Notices, Cards of 'Thanks and Coming 75c. In Me oriams, minimum $1.00: 25c. Events, xnmimum n#► extra for replies to The Sentinel..Billing charge of. 10c for each bill `ren,dered. FOR SALE CAR; FOR SALE • k7.954 Meteor Niagara, coach with power steer - int, teer-i ig in' good' condition, . Apply to Mrs. ,MarionBrooks, R.R. 3 Lucknow;, FOR: SALE ,large Space Heater tial limy good condition. Contact Mrs. Wilson Loder; % Mayfair Restaurant, Lucknow, • MOR SALE - Electric Viking Cream. SeFarator used 21 years, John Rutherford, R.R. 2 Luck - now, phone 211-r-43, MUSIC LESSONS •beginning on Saturday, Septernber .'i•st,pupils. prepared for Toronto Conserve tory exams if 'sired, Mrs. Clara tS'haddibk,' Gough St.,. Lucknow. FOR SALE --r.• one domestic coal' stoker (Pepper's Automatic) fully reconditioned; and.: with controls. T. M: Falconer, Box 446, Clinton, phone HU 2-3643. 'STaILL 'A GOOD SELECTION 'of shower and wedding gifts, avail- able : at savings , of 25%` off at Finlay: ' Decorators, . Lucknow,‘ ...phone '218. • :OR SALE - Raspberry - canes, 'Chief;: Early Madawaska and 'Wiillamettis, .',$4,,00 • hundred; '‘also, Strawberry ,plants, Jumbo : $12:00 hundred. Mrs. •Len Chisholm, •phone 13-r-2, Dungannon. . • HES p.E.Nic E FOR SAiIl'E The. • residence of Thomas H. Burns •ton s actions lot. Downstairs tattle. three . room ' and a' pianttry, rupsta trs, three' ibedax oms . and Ibatih Exipansiave••front parch and. back porch, 'good 'basement, , oil cheated. House newly . insulated :&. , painted. Apply to . Thomas . H. Burns. • S WING MACHINES .- Save $ $ Comparison proves:. you'll save buying . the :'FAMOUS .AR ROW SEWING MA Much below. the u.sual price at • Smitty's Shopping . Centre, Han- I over, We repair; service all makes ' SPECI.AILIL 'PRIICE for 8" ,transite' ;culbert tile .at 315c per foot, ideal for the , ends...arf tile drains;. 20" • Culbert tile at $1:.50: per. foot 31" transite conduit less coup . lings at 30c per foot 210 lb. Jahns Manville Slatekote Shingles' at $6.50 per square, black .only: Also in st'oc'k insulation .and. insulated pre -fab partitions. • POLLOCK ELECTRIC Phope 190, Ripley' IV t HOYJISE FOR SALE in': Lucknow' seven -room . frame house . with double lot•,in.addition to residence property. House could bemade into, duplex with separate entran- ces and :driveways.' This property has many .possibilities, all for the low, low price of •:$3,500 with terms. Apply to ' JackStuart, • Phone , 33'4 •Lucknow or enquire at Farrish's Billiard Parlor. - NOW IS THE ..TIME TO' Sow Fertilizer On Pasture and Fall' Wheat. For BEST :RESULTS and LOWEST PRICES Contadt: ' • . BRUCE MaeMILLA 4 Lucknow AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, Wheel alignment and balance, Window replacement, Radiator repairs. Protect against rust; with Undaspray, •DAVIDSON'S, Texaco Service No♦ 8 Hwy. Phone JA 4-7231 . Godeeh,Ontario " FOR RENT FOR RENT heated store, avai- •atble •soon. Apply to Wm. Murdie and Son. Tice RENT luring -room, •elfin ing room, kitchen, two lbedrrootrns .and 3=piece---babhroorn in;aWang ham, available September, list,. ,contact Mrs, Wilson: Loder, Mayfair Restaurant, Lucknow. HOUSE. FOR . RENT '—. good :home : with modern conveniences and 'furnace,' on Highway 86, 21/2 miles 'west of ' Lucknow. Apply 'to' Omar. ' Brrodks, Lucknow. FOR dRiENT west end Of ddiip- •lex available Octoiber �.1 . or soon- er 'if it . would snit: Mrs, 'Jo'lvn Carruthers, phone, 1414-d, : Rip- ley. WANTED PRIVATE COLLECTOR awashces to .buy old .Canadrian• and Ameri- can coins and tpaper .money.: Please • describe condition and price. Write to, Box 'J, rLurckn'ow. Sentinel. STRAW' WANTED; --'.400 square biles threshed straw wited :to.be' CASH BINGO, • A Cash Bingo will be held in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, August 30th, .,at 8:45. ,p.m. 12 regular games for $10.,. 3.' share -the -wealth. $56 Special :game must go:,, BAKE SALE The. C:WL. of St,„Augustine are sponsoring a Bake Sale which will be held in the Market 'Store,. on .Main Streetof Luck - now, on • Saturday, afternoon,. iSepterml. rAst between 2 and 5 p.m. ANNOUNCEMENT ' Mr. and Stns. Thomas Inglis of West Wawanosh` will• observe their sixtieth wedding anniver ,sary an Sunday; September 2nd, sand will 'hdld Open 'House .after= Toon and • evening: TEESWATER BINGO FRIDAY, AUGUST 31st Don't forget the big Lions Club Bingo at T•eesw•ater, this . ,Friday' night, August 31st, conmzencing at 9:.:n.m. 12 • games for $50=each; three $100 speciaals and :a 'super special for $500.' • NOTICE Finlay Decorators Shop wi11 be closed from, Sep'tem'ber 7th 'to ISetpterniber ` 32rici, inclusive, for IN MEMORIAM MOORE — In loving memory of Moore Mrs. A.e who passed away on ,Septenaiber 15th, 19(1. •Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, - • ® , The world's. weary troUbles and trials are past, In slilence ha:re in,. pa tience she (bore, • TiTll God ': called her home to stiffer no more. Sadly missed, anct r ever re- rnernbered by' Walter sand. Ruth James' and sons, Roy and Len. Notice To (redit�rS NOTIC E • TO CREDITORS In the. Estate of JOHN RUSSF'T•T, 'JOHNSTONE, Deceased. All persons having . : claims. against' the estate of;'JOhn Russell Johnstone, ' late of • the Village of Lucknow, in the County. of. 'Bruce, Funeral Director, ' deceas- ed, *who died 'on <or about the 23rd day of 11/lardh, :.1962, are hereby' notified to send full' part- iculars of 'their; :charms to ' the ,undersigned Solicitor for the Es- tate; • on or before the ' 7th' day' of September,. 1962, after. which date •the Estate .will be' distribut ed amongstthose entitledthereto, having regard only to the',claims OTICE• of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated at. : Lucknow, • Ontario, this 1:81th` day' 'of August, 1962. R. W. 'Andrew, Listowel, Ont., •Solicitor for •the Executor. delivered to Harrold • •Tanner, holidays: Luoknow,: phone 330 w: All ►titer. Drilling Lakelet, Ontario R. H.GADKE. Clifford Wells Guaranteed. RVICES • BEST. 'PRICCES in tractor tires. Frresh . cement in stock at all times, good, discounts on ' large orders. • Formosa No: 1 hardwood slabs in truckload; lots.. Bruce MacMillan,•' Lucknow. SEED CLEANING SERVICE -= have your :wheat and grass seeds cleaned now: Prompt service, Gordon,. .Johnstone,. Lucknow, lo- cated in the former S. E Robert - Son ' seed cleaning plant.. • AUCTION SALE Allan. McIntyre, ', . . Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow : Phone 209-r-41 `FILTER . QUEEN • .Sales and Service BOB • PECK, Varna, Ontario, Phone Hensall 696-r-2, • VACUUM CLEANERS, Sales . and Service Repairs and• bags for. all 'models of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned machines .of all 1 •makes for 'sale. ' BOB • PECK,. Varna, Ontario, • Phone, Hensall 696-r-2 I CUSTOM BUTCHERING I Beef and pork • sold in any : quantity'. Cut r i q Y , s om • 'hutcherrng a in Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday. • Beef from Monday through, Thursday. 'BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET SEPTIC TANKS ,CLEANED Septic tanks, cessa• ,, ools etc. P pumped and ,cleaned with mod- ern equipment. All werk guar-' anteed. Louis' Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels, phone' 442: w-8♦` , , • NOTICE RE BULBS • • Any, member of 'the ' Horticul-. ture Society- ') wanting' Spring flowering bulbs, contact Mrs: Bryce 'Elliott, phone 255, Lucki. now, sec.'.—treas. • PPI+ANO AGCORIfIA'N' and Guitar. lres!sons will resume in:.Luckxrow on Saturday.'September 8th. 12• Bass Accordion supplied for 15 week :triad. Write: CHARLES' POUNDER Box,. 17; Clifford, 'Ontario., • NOTICE Kinloss Central . Public/ School classes will terminate on Tues day, .Septernber 4th at. 2,30 p.m... Pupils ' • are.. reminded to bring their lunches., Fall , Barley Contracts' ,Dover and Hudson : Varieties Come In And Inquire Elliott's� • • Seed MITI Lucknow. Phone 1'54(J .255' NOTICE RE Hog Shipping •Bedauge of, the holiday on, Monday, September 3rd, hogs will be shipped -'from ' Lucknow ■ • ■ t. ■ ■ ■. • ■ ■ sruroa c t7 .. LT d .:' ■ :,-.. MANUVUt t370 ■• , .■ I. ■ "We -Sell Rural Ontario" ■ - :. 'SAVE THRU STARK • o and Order Canada's Biggest • Bargain Real Estate 'Picture • Catalogue1dese�ibing. in de- tail ■tail 747 listings on f•arms,: g.. ■ acreages,• homes, business; a 'ess lakes, ' rivers ar.d .cot- tages; Send only 5& for the New :Summer. Edition: a' NI APPRAISALS ON ALL : ■ PROPERTY W'YITHO`� ■ a • : • CHARGE OR . al OBLIGATION,. • a • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • a■ I� TUESDAY, • SEPTEMBER 4th .I.• From .8:00 am•tb .4:00' p.m. ■ ,. ■ .a ■ . J. EVERETT PENNINGTON ■ Phone :•392-6064; Teeswater, Local Agent "for: PAUL S, STARR & CO. ■ / LTD, Hanover " Phone .870. Six , offices• to. serve• you , better - Orangeville, • over,. Oven Sound, Flesh - JOE FORA•N. • ■ • erton, Guelph,:&It. Brampton.•: • asamaaisn iasaassania1111 Real Estate For Sale South of . Arnberley . on. Lake Hu- ron, 80 acres of clay loam,, 4 ;bedroom home, large 'barn. Price $6,000. About 700 feet of Lake ,,frontage,' sandy beach, oan also' be bought; 100 acres of choice , clay loam land on the 13th in Ashfield Township, Very Blood build- ings, Price , $14,500•-Downpay- . ment of '$5,000. Store with 6 room, house in Dun- • ,gannott .. :Pull pr;iee $1•,500. Downpayment of $•800, 'JOHN BOSVELD, Realtor • Meafard, Ont.. Grandv'iew Drive., • BBok 353. Phone 4223. Pinecrest Manor • . • Nursing Home Member:'. • ASSOCIATED NURSING • • HOMES . 'of Ontario 24 -Hour 'Supervision ;of , A Registered' Nurse' Considerate Pe onal Attention • For Elderly Ilona' Persons; • ' E1cellent Home -Cooked Meals Box' 220, . Phone 1290; ;. LUCKNOW,•: ONT. • .' CARD_. OF THANKS. I ,wish 'to thank all .my friends and . neighbours' who sent nie cards, letters,, fruit, gifts, flow,. ers and visits, and all the other kindness shown ' me while 'in Victoria Hospital and since coo.. ing home: It is all deeply ap.. Ipreciated. Mrs.' Cliff Johnston, • Mrs Ethel ' MaeDonaid wishes to thank her friends ' and neigh. hours for so, kindly remembering ,her ,'in various ways while she Was in hospital and since coming home.. A special . thanks to hospi ital staff, Dr,: ' A. Vokes and Dr. J. Wallace. There is one hopeful thing about most dance crazes. If. yen' put off learning the 4new • step long enough, .'it will go,' out of style. ' A Special • General' Meefimg; th9 Nlflgham,. . Genera Hospital Associatuon will take :place on FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 at 3. pfm: • • lin the Recreation: Room of the nurses, residence at • the hospital. The single item on the'.• `agenda will,. be legalization approval •of the change of • name of the hospital to `•`Wiingham and District Hospital," as previously approved by the Associa= born , All : meernbers of the i-10, pitah• Association are invit- ed : to attend 'on. Friday,. Septernber 14th at 8 . p.m.,' R..13; Cousins, Fres.; John 'Strong, Sec: THE WEES`is WAWANOSH MUTUAL FIRE " INSURANCE CO. ' Head Office, Dungannon Established 1878 BOARD : OF DIRECTORS: •T President4- Brawn • Smyth, R.2, Auburn; "Vit-Pres.,Heison 'Ir. ;Win, Belgrave; Directors, Paul Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; George C. Feagan, • Goderich Ross, Mc Phee,, • R. 3,' Auburn; Donald MacKay,. Ripley,, John F. • Mac. , Lerman; ,'R.• 3, `Goderich;.' Frank Thompson, '.R 1; •Holyrood; . Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn • For information on, your in• surance, call your nearest direr• tor who is, also an.. agent, or the secretary, Durnin• Phillips, Dun• • gannon, phone Dungannon.:; 4$. HILRAM. FARMS ABATTOIR, HOLYROOD The home of choice meats; al! GOVE'RNMENT INSPECTED • and APPROVED Schneider's • Cured Meats' WE 'ALSO DO' CUSTOM KILLING and hang your meat in modern Coolers as long as desired, pigs on. Tuesdays and cantle even day, No appointinent .necessary' 'MAYNARD ACKERT' • 101-r-13, 'Lucknow