HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-29, Page 2PAGE TWO
WBDNESPAY',• AUG. 29th, 19:
landmark rn Ruins
L'ucakno'w'a ol•deslt industry
'",The Treleaven 0/filling Company,,
Which has operated Continuously
for 100' years, w_ las destroyed by
lire within an hour early Wed-
nesday morning. .
It was • about 1:QO a.m.:, that
The fire was d'seavered.'by mho-•
twists pawing through . the
/age enroute from. ' Kitcahener to
Kdncard ne. Thhey• • were C., Fry
and C, Pe ersan of Neiw York
City and Miss Madeline' Scully
of Kitte'heiner. • •
They stated the, building . was
ablaze from ground to root and
Were amazed it had not been
spotted. - sooner. The . town how-
ever "was . asleep" they added.
and the first light they saw was
;at Stel.varit Jamieson's, j'u.s-t
'west of the Town Hall, and Ste-.
wartincidentally is a firemian..
Wayne Jamieson was watohiing
1 ••••hill'.■:■Am.R*11•■•n uU•■■■■111■u■.SI ommiul .
••1.962-• 1963, '
• ■ Cookies. 9 To' 13
Lucknow District High School
GRADE IX A and: $ :.
aEn lish: Creative composition '(Longmans); Moonfleet
s . (MacMillan) ,; The ; Merchant of Venice (Copp ■'
`Invitation to Drama 'MacMillan Realms •
■ Clark); Inv><t ra (MacMillan); , ■ .
a' of , Gold•' (Longmans) ■
■ ' History: :Proud Ages (Ryerson) r■
Geography: In Many Latitudes (Holt, Rinehart); A •■
• Canadian ..Oxford' . Atlas.■
. � . (Oxford):: . ■
• French: Premieres Annees:: de Francais . (Clark Irwin) '•
• Math: Intermediate ;; Mathematics Book 3 (Isssued)
a Science:.. Science .for Secondary Schools Book.. 1 1.
( Issued) '. • ' i
Business Practice: Essentials of Business ''Practice (Pit- ■
;.man); Texts ' for Shop; Home Economics ' and; :
Health are 'either issued free, 'or not required, .or u
■ ' will be announced- later.
GRADE X A and ' B .
▪ 'English: English Practice :..(Copp Clark) A Tale of ;,
• Two Cities (Copp•Clark) ;•.Realms; of 'Gold (Long- .:•
•■ mans); Short Story Magic (Ryerson);
a • and Juliet (Copp Clark)
History The Modern Era (Clark Irwin)
Geografhy: Geography of Lands. Overseas
A Canadian Oxford : Atlas (Oxford) :.
•••' `French: 'Premieres Annees det�`'F'rancais 'c(Clark� ■Irwin) :.
• -Mathi Intermediate ' Mathematics Book. ` 4 (issued)
• Se•: Science for:.Secdary Schools (Will be on ■
Science: on
• sale at, school) . '
• Typing.: Basic Typewriting (Pitman)
Latin Living Latin. (10 'A only) (Clark Irwin)
■ ..
• Engl'is Style -and— ructure-(Dent) New ,Horizons -■1-,
• (McClelland and Stewart); Julius Caesar (Copp ■
YEnduring' ' (Ryerson)
. ■
History: •. The `Past.._:,
Clark) ; Ours Town., (Longnians) Under'the Greeny :
Wood Tree . (MacMillan) Essays and Short Stor-
■ •
14, 'Math: De- uctive . Geometry (Copp Clark)
■.Science: Moern Physics .for -Secondary" Shoo1s (Copp
Clark') ■
French Cours •,Moyen de -"Francais (Clark..,' Irwin) •
.1 Latin :,Living ' Latin ;(XI. A,. only) (Clark Irwin)
■ ,Typing To ' be ' announced
■ .
res ..( Dent) ,
English: • Style and Structure (Dent) , Macbeth. (any
■ • school edition):; New Horizons (McClelland and . ■.
• Stewart); The Return of the, Native. (MacMillan); •'
■ / Essays and Short . Stories (Dent) . ••• • ■ . •
• ,History: The Modern Age (Longmans) ■
Math A New Algebra` for' High Schools (MacMillan) .:
■ Science: Chemistry for Secondary` Schools (Copp :■
Li French: COWS Moyen de Franca' (Clark Irwin)
Latin: Living, Latin (Clarke Irwi
Bookkeeping: Basic Bookkeeping 'i -Pitman)
a ' English: Henry IV Part 1 i(any sChool edition); Long- :
O er Poems • (Ryerson) ; Poems to Remember :
•-,1, r History: North America and the Modern•World• (Dent) : ,
. • Math: Algebra, a Senior Course (Copp , Clark) ; Ele- :
•• : ,. A.NeW Analytic Geometry (Revised) (MacMillan) •
, : SCience Physics,,, a, Senior Course (Copp • Clark) ; Sen- :
• ior Chemistry for Secondary ' Schools (Copp ■
■ Clark) •;• General Biology (Copp, Clark) . :1'
! French: Cours Moyen "de Francais Part Two "(Clark 1
■ ▪ Latin: Latin Composition (Gage) ; Latin Poetry. Selegc- :
' : tions (Nelson); Latin Prose Selections , (Nelson) •
the late show. They turned in nouncement of fuhure • plans.
•the alarm, .and .Stewart had the
dire truck moving as quickly .as
the siren blew. Fire Chief Geo.
Whitby, was 'in charge of fire
fighting ; operations and firemen
were on'the scene till 'eight
'o'clock this • nrrorniing.
Jack Henderson, was 'near the
Public S'onool and was about the
first on the • scene. He said an.
explosion :occurred' (presumably.
a dust explosion from .the Own-
1bustion)) and the blaze puffed
through the roof ' • in the chlolpping
niihl•1 sction. Mrs. Freda ,Button
had passed that way riot, long
before eiiraute hoirri'e frenci�W�i
ham Hospittal and had • noticed
He carries insurance on "stock
as. reported," which runs around
20,000 and is fully ao:Yered. On
the building and equipment the
insurance is to the limit !obtain-
able, but far from sufficient, to
replace the plant..
The conflagration was visible
from' $anile: to .G'oder!c'h, with
a low lying fog contributing to
the eerie affect.' Ira Dickie and
sic., .were returning frem
work at Dioir i ineian Roads at, God-
•enich and saw the refl•eatihoir from
the •top of .the Goderich
• A Modern Mille
For .lawny <years the-1ITereaven
Company ,ananiirfa+ctwred
'!flour and opera•tieed a chapping
. Calm Night -Saved. Disaster service. When the flour market
mill .was,• doo¢nied, from 'decl'ined the mill .was converted
The ,.
the start, and Only the th!e ealmnes4 toy a • teed mixing and • later a
of the nighit -prevented!. this in.. teed' tn'anulfa:oturing plant. For
dustrial Catastrophe from sipread.-
ing into, a wihdeisphread :hiol'ocaust.
Large ,chunks of fling ern -
.fibers d'rif'ted •lazily. .to' the writ
and showered • dowin, • ori • raoiftops.
''Hos'e lines were laid . to keep
roofs wetted down or a, dis-
!lance of some two blocks;.from
the fare g erous • • embers
floated, 'much.' farther , and were
.;reported as ' far south and west
as the 'Village l•imits. George Cnans'ton, J •C. Johnston:
The 'home cif . Nir. Robert and . • Frank. MacKenzie;
McNa11' across the creek to the
west Of. the.mill and 'Was in im-
minent. .clanger until. additional
.nese lines were' .:yard: LePnard':of .its cargo of some .25 tons. of
`tRlitchre'•s:;: home itriniedtiately to 'oy: beans,
the . east, but in ; the .`lee ..of. the, i •
Owned It iSmce 1863'
breeze had to ,have, waiter' ploy- Walter... Treleavenuinc�hahsed
the past. few years . it . hass been
a ' complletely. s'ellf-oontaisied `feed
manufacturing !plant, with :the
most . moderneq ripmenit includ-
ing pelleting machinery.
There are a half dozen full
time emPloyees with. 'addiiitiional
Staff at harvest time when, gram
.elevators at Ripley and Luck -
now are also oiPerateed.,
Full time employees • are ' the
Maidenly. brothers, , Allan and
An ;empty box car sat: on the
siding earlly,. Wednesday inornang.
Lt had .been : ua loaded ora' Tuesday
ed .en: it twice to ,protect' it.; • •
'Hydrants to: the a 'east and west
of ' the 'rnilll were hooked up to.
A portable pump draughted wat-
er from the ,creek: that flows' be -
'low the : Treleaven mill dam.
Another hoseline vitas . laid from
the hydrant alt Les Purves' Barb
er Shop, and buildings to the
east on . the south side of the
Street, including: the Town Hall,
were sprayedwith water to pre=
vent the ,Showier of sparks from;
ignitir}g.outbre'aks, in this .area.
Under. the .Bruce . Multual Ai,d
agreement •.the . 'Ripley Fire Bri-
gade, directed by: Chief Gordon
Shoott rendered..valuable.service...
Under this plan Kincardine Fire
Department ' was :alerted. to
standby for Ripley.
After -tale first' hour the mil
Was in ruins; and efforts weare.
concentrated• on -preventing '' the
spread to tire new feed. storage
shed at the .north-east corner of -
the mill, joined by a 'passageway
.to;/ the main building, and on
pouring' of • Water on the office
area quarters to the 'rear of the
'Wilding; in an 'effort to protect
what records mnigh:t be salniahble.
About 4:60 a.m.. Prank. MactKen-
zie, the mill: oiffiee manager,
along with firemen, was able
to enter the office ruins to 're
cover some of the, rector*.
Worked Ti11. Nine
'Bill `an:d"Jim Haldien'by of Kin-.
lough had. been on;� dutty, until
nriaie o'clock- bagging feed. •
Jack Treleaven fhe.fourth gen-
eration.. proprietor and, operator
io►f Luckai.otw's. pioneer' .industry,
could not ~'account for the : out-
break. The feed -bagging 'opera-
tions which' had been „carried on
until pn•ine ruled 'out a• plugged
elevators 'The mill was rewired'
a couple of yeears age' In conduit.
nor Jack however it saw his
lhfe's work ' destroyed in a twank
ling. ' •
Undaunted, •however, •h•e was
makiiig' plans while the flames
were rearing Skyward to arrange
feed 'supplies for the many cus-
tomer's dependent on large truck,.
load deliveries of bulk feeds,'•As
this is 'written at 4:30 a:Rn,' Wed-
:nesdhay, Jack had left the scene,
and his other:.' iminediate • ,plans
could not be as,ceertainecl, 'We' Un-
der-sit/aria that a eonrsiderable
amount " of insurance is carried,
and while' no orfficial.estimate of
the loss was available, guessing`
has placed it around thee $!100;000
Mark, ,
'Were going to press,, Sackin
formed The Sentinel that .4
would have to assess the picture
before making a' definite an -
the grist and flour mill 'from
James Somerville, "the. father of
Lucknow" in 143, His sons Tho,.
n ias and William supervised it
:for some time. Thanes took .over
what is now the MacDonald saw
,mill:,, 'and 'William operated the
fToux twill ,until' his health failed,
when, in 1907, Rev. Walter E, •
Treleaven returned home to' keep'
the industry in. the family,
It was first a stone. mill, then.
converted to a roller mill and,
in,190i9 re'mo'delled, under the su
ipervisilon of ' Frank klreem,an;,
head miller. ' The. capacity oiff : time
Mill was inorehased throuighout:.
the years as `thee dezn'aiicr fir
"Havelock," " Sepoy" and "Made -
Rite"' f lioursi? •increased..
Walter .Treleavhein's 'son Harold.
entered . he mal in .1923 and took
!ch'arge when ' his father retired at
an advanced age:. . •Mrs. Mildred
(Treleaven) , Piewes, Herold's
sister had change of the office
until , her, death. in 191510. Walter
Treleaven 'died • in 191511.
John E,'. (Jack) Treleaven'join,
ehd his father .in the business, In.
119148, and since his . death Jack
hies been in charge of` the mill,'
and had oontinuedy to make' kn.
provements which' marked it' as
one of the mosst modern of small
town. feed
;This' morning' it is Wit a heap
of • smialidening rubble and ash--
a eatasitrop'he: of major propor—
tions kr the proprietor and; : the:
domx -Lunuty. . .
It is : the' dinst miaj or fire. in
Lucknow ;in .sevenal'' years and
the: 'first industrial fine since. the
flax Mill was d. estroyed in:1.952:
Kindergarten Classes°
Luckn�w Public School ,
-Will Not Open Until
• Monday, September T:7th
Lucknow, Public School Board
•■ s
All: Outsides House Paint , . ..:..
--I- -J' 1 A6/ s
■ N'
t discounts . on.:.Service jobs excepted r
■ •,
■ .
4506 '99c
`TO Make ROonk For, ,The 1963
Just Arrived ,
All discount ,iteMS • strictly Cash' :
IN' . .... ... . ,
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ti Plisci. he 248 . . 0
Septemioeir liolidair iiiter J.-..•:.SI:eup6Lin777:22°. iltai.:°.:':111i