HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-29, Page 1$3.00 A'Year In Advance x,1.00 Extra, To :1./.8.:A, LUCKNOW',, ()NT George IcCutcheon. Conservutive ChOkc•. As To Late•Buttessor John: Wo Hanna: George McCutcheon,' .39 -year, nominated in thefp1Lowri ox - g old Brussels garage operator and der; George: •Joynt . by Steve. • the present waarden of •Huron. Stothers, George . Mc•Cuftcheon by County,,was .elected Progressive- Don • Wilson arid P;, E. McKi.n- Conservative 'candidate for the ney by 'John '.Brent, MT. 1Vic'Kiin= provincial • • riding of Huron•- ney withdrew his name after Bruce at a nominating--conven- an.' interest -arousing , speed • t an�an�tF'riday even ng ir =Wing-- In hYis—acceptance'-"speech, 1Vfr. ha/P.. �. McCutcheon expressed his deep- Mr..,McCu•tcheon will• contest est thanks 'for the ,confidence. It' tl'ie'pravincial byelection setbfor is only a start ' though, he said, Thursday, October ..4th.. and there is ,nothing more im- - Despite a hot and humid night; portant •than to win . and keep • a standing -room -only crowd of alive the 'name .of . John Hanna, IMO persons filled. the hall, to whom highest tribute was paid George W. Jeynt.. of LLuaknow ,by every speaker and on many was the "dark- horse", ,Candidate occasions during the . evening, who let his name stand at the Pledge 100% Support "eleventh hour," when he learn- Mr. Joymt who 'stated he had'. ed that R. E. McKinney would not :solicited: the suipport,of .any of not contest the. nomination..The the delegates, made a'rpolicy pro- ;official count an the single hal r4ouncement speech which, won ` lot was not announeed'. lir some votes. There., were . three • candidates (Continued 'on page 11) 2nd V.accine. ()rillr. Adult Plan . TurnoutAt. 1st Clinic Discippointing ed as soon as final organizational 'arrangements are made. In 'the' twenty-three., adult Poliomyelitis Clinics' held this .past June throughout Bruce. County, when the oral .:(Salbin)' vaccine was used for the first time, the tctal ' attendance was 12,979. A. ` breakdown of these. figures'indicate-°'`that 3,327 were infants, pre-school or of scahool. age and the remainder,' 9;652, or; about 48%. of the adults `at- tended. It had been hdiped that this latter figure -would be' much higher, according :.to D. R. Allen, M.D.', Director and M.O,H. .''of ;the Bruce" County Health, Unit: It is planned ` tohave the Se- cond. cliriac . in the latter :.part of September: All,' who attended the first clinic, are urged to re- turn, and receive their .:.:secori?d dose of' the . oral " vaccine: ' Those adults, . Who could. not or did not attend 'the. first ..clinic can receive their first dose..; 'at this Mine.' . The time arid place for the next clinic . to be held in . the 'various centres will, be publish,,, Start.. Work. On School ` Additiofl Preli nary ` work has 'started on the coristruction oaf the addi- tion : to , the LucknoDistrict High School. :Sixteen•, weeks hies been' set. ,as, the Objective in. Which to complete the work; unless some- thing uniforseen ariiseis. .If .; this schedule Can.: be adhered ."to it will . mean the addition Will be in readiness for the New Year tern. ' : . The ' High -School Board held, a special Meting.' ; on 1Vl:ont ay evening with the. contractor, Mr. Berton ' Urquhart of Kincardine. and Mr. M. ;Allison of the firm of 'Allison and Salter architects. The contract • was ,forrnailly signed on `Monday evening. Sentjnel Was Cited For Service ' To Community In Canadian Competition For service ".beyond the: nor- mal call of duty,"• : in the > words •af, the ' judge, 'the "Lueknow. $Sentinel ' was •awarded ..second place in • the 1962:'. Canadian 'Weekly Newspapers Associatdon, COMenjunity Service Competition, The corripetition was open to any' weekly newspaper; in Can- ada, regardless of size of town or circulation. of the 'paper. First 'Prize was awarded to the. ' Deli. •oraine Times and Star, `Delorainee, Manitoba tor the second sueces-. Sive Year;. The Sentinel. was second place and third prize' was given to the Powell River .News, Pdwell diver, The :Sentinel was.. judged on their contribution to . thocal 'campaign to raise $20,000 for the. installation of artificial ice in Lucknow. Taak en into consider- ation tvas the, extent --of editorial sand news, coverage,features, tires pirt and the fact that other ieWskiaaper resources were ut l ized, The Sentinel ne'1 has to now • e ntributedd.b abut.1000 inches of 'pu'blicity, to the :Campaign. •If t had been .,purchased �at a nominal rate it Would have cost the iqe cdrin i ttte e over x500. 'Phe sole revenue received len ad- vertising .. the campaign . was from tub .ads= Valued 7`he , • at $r11.2Q. .• iu•diges had the fello�v'ving comanent . in 'placing The Sen- tinel. .'in` : second ,Place. "Thie •Lucknow Sentinel supported a service club campaign, to raise $20,000' (in` 'a' ;community ' of :1000) for an artificial' ice- The ce T.he campaign made their Ob- jective in six 'months. Over this period the', paper •ran . only one editorial but • 'gave weekly' news 'coaverage • to the campaign. The Sentinel'. editors stimulated .'a- le:tter=writing' program in which residents and,. former .residents kept sparking' interest with coni- mens ggiven front page ,coverage. The • appeal letters ' sent .out by' the committee 'were' formulated and Written by. the newspaper. Since rio': • other fund -."raising ,ef- 'orts were, undertaken except newspaper publicity, correspond- ence and the service club can-' vass, the' paper undoubtedly* was primarily '.responsible ' for . the success.''' • 'The artificial:ice fund was tiated with a Lions 'Club "nest egg of $876.00 a Centennial Committee pledge of $1,860, be-. fore' the campaign properly got un.deiiway: , A' framed :certificate .of Merit was presented to the Sentinel at 'a luncheon at :Winnipeg coniven- a,. tion on Wedesday of lastwek,e WEDNESDAY,. AUG. 29th, 1902 KINDERGARTEN 'WILL NOT .OPEN FOR, 2 WEEKS, Kindergarten classes at the Lucknow Public School will not :commence, until. Monday, $'eptemaber . 17th, according to 'a decision , of the 'Public School, Board, with the ap- proval .of the Inspecator.. The teacher, ;Mrs. Helen IIalil .` valeschi from an -7, operation, and it. was, consid . ered adviseaable to delay the' o+pening, rather . than com- ,• sn,, nee classes" with a supply teacher.' , FIRE RAZED .LOCAL MILLI Treleaven's Mill, Luck- now'soldest industry, was destroyed by fire, discover- ed 'about •1:00 a.n' Wednes- day. Story.. on . page . 2.' Has New Role:. In Fair .Show Rings An exhibitor, of horses for anany ' years, ,. Elamo Pritchard has adopted, a, new role':in'`the show ring ;that •f horse fudge Elmo. has' judged at// two fairs to date and h'as ten more booked' atpresent,.He • ent .:to Dresden , w last' 'week and goes: to Seaforth in September. • It" wags Elino';s uncle, the late •Peter Watson, who,; firrst. ,inter- ested hill in showing, and Elmo, had :his first team at a fair when a. lad of 14...• He's shown a ' lot of : horses since then, ,getting. ` into 'it seriously back in 1936. After a brief lapse, he: took to; the ring, again in •1044 and became a "professional" ex- hibitor wihio travelled' widely to many fairs, . and • captured many prizes: • Two years ago he., sold his team harness. and wagon : and gave up: the; : ringbut only briefly for"new now he's iri it again in the capacity• • of judge vandal:Batters Truck Windshield A ' brief orgy of; • smashing glass in motorvehicles occurred locally• in the early hours •of last Thrursdaay Morning,' A. truck .owned by Jack Ken- nedy, :contractor; : of Stratford,. who is engaged •in Bell telephone work;where leaad'ing up ; to the • dial switchover., suffered the. most ' extensive 'dam'age. • •. It appeared• as if a baseball bat in 1 Single Copy 10c 12. Pages ron-Bruce Uberuls. Selecied: Murray Gi unI As Candidate In Sweeping Win; 5 Stood. Marr ay *Gaunt, son of Mr. & 'course at O.AC., :Guelph, and it Mrs, ,Andrew Gaunt • of West was while working with his dad. Wawanosh , Township and pre- on, the farm in 1959 that he• sent'1y'assistant farm . department' celived_the: opportunity of work.- .editor at CK'NX 'I1V and Radio, mg Wath ,OKNX, Three years ago W;inghaum, : will -represent the Li- next October he startod_iri_ i eral• art as -their" carididaitee in work. 'Noway was active. as a P Y the` 'forthcoming provincial. ,by- youth ; .and young man in 4-H 'election in• the riding of Huron- activityand junior ,:farmer work • Bruce slated for October 411. both local and countywtise, the Murray's . success over. four 'highlight . of which was the Win - other c nrinotherc. andidates came on . ,the ring.. of the Queen's Gu.ineras at. seco:id ballot which gave • linin the Royal Winter Fair in 1965. anoverall majority over the The meeting was opened by other three men who survived . George Inglis, Belnnore, president, the first ballot. The nominating of the Hu,ron,Bruce:Liberal. As-- conventiion was held in the. Wihig- sociation,- and chair, d by Bruce 'ham Town,. Hall on Monday ev, Powe,'; executive director of the ening with a "standing. room Ontario Liberal "Association, only" attendanice, • estimated . by Who, arts as a 'party. organizer 'seine at . about • 600.' ` Honourable throughout the province.William John Winterineyer, leader oaf the Porteous' of ' Lucknow, secretary Liberal party . of Ontario, ::'was of the association, acted in that the principal . sapeaker. capacity:. He:reported 310 re- - The successful/candidate, who gistered,delegates, at • the meet-. is 27 • year's of .age, attended : St ing . Herb :Kuntz of Formosa was Helen's piaiblic school' and Wing- appointed returning officer jar ham Distriilct High School before • the vote with Donald ' Blue of abeco.miing associated With his fa- Ripley as, one of his four ` depu- / tiher, Andrew Gaunt • in their ties . 'Platform guests. included, farming 'operation. _ Murray grad- .Hugh Hill;. Goder oh,' • Rae 'Wat- uated from the two year. diploma'„ (Continued' .on page. 11)• BIDS:: WILL. DETERMINE. SCHOOL DEBENTURE RATE The .rate of 61/4% on ' the,: de- benture issue to finance the ad :dition.' to • the ` Luck/low D'istrict: High: School, •is only a tentative•. figure .used in making applica- tion to the ,Municipal, Board for permission to issue, debentures. When this authority is receiv- ed bids are invited on. the =issue. .which determine the rate 'and the par value. of ;. the • debentures. Open bids 'have . been' incited from investment' companies, and Will: be dealt with at the regular meeting of : gCourail :next Tues days , SiudntsCn Buy4 Swap Text Books Students at "Irucknow District High School, Who haven't ' al- ready. done so, can buy, ` sell or aswaIp• tent books 'on tlhe' opening' days df school, next . week.' r Principal •B. B. Howlett• points out : that the only new, book 're- quired is Grade 10 Science, • When ;the' used books exchange is. finalized, new ':' books will be ordered . 'through the school 'to fill any. • shortages." McKie $100 Gik To The lce Fund ' •eal.lers in town tihe:.first of .the. Week were `' ,:Mr: and Mrs. . Jim iMacCalk m of St Clair .Shores; M chiganr Jim is ' an ardent .: yaachtsaman arid he • and his 'wife. have ` been sapending, a few, weeks .`on their cabin r erdiser ...On Lake Huron,. The noritherly end ',of{ the lake :& the .Georgian . Bay area,' are .fav-• orlte waters and- •=piie-'turesque:' sceanery. Jim "dropped in to renew ::his Sentinel subscriptionand then quite, casually laid down' $10:0: for the Artiifitial . .Ice .Fund, be- fore the almost Unbelieving eyes of the senior: PuibliSher,'. Jim' recalls Marty good''times as a youth, in Lucrknow,' and ha . recommends • that when thte arti :f icial - free •job is completed that we start : on a svvi r ming pool. Jim is theson of the late • eav . R and Mrs. Robert, lyfacCaa,lllum, 11is father was the, beloved man- aster : ;of Luek+now .Presbyterian Church from 1917 until; ` 1925, when. he •died, uriexipectedly aifter a brief illness: ' .7 orseme suCh�. • , t ob�ec which could Council,Plans .12,000 Road,Sidewalks / used :tic batter, and shatter. the. ' truck's wifidshielad. The . glass in Project, _. 'And ' ' _000 Water Debenture the door . • on the ' driver .s side • was similarly mashed in. The' Viillagie: Oouncil at a spec- years:;, The truck Was parked 'on the iaal meeting.`on Monday` evening finalized• plans for two projects and , gave the covering' by-laws first 'and second readings. ;in " or-, der to request approval from. the 1MUnicipal Board: for the. issuing of dietbentures. • Council proposes a•, schedule of work, on roads and sidewa.l:ks at ori estimated cost of . $9,410 -on which ' th+ere : is a' 50% subsidy, reducing the• Village., share to .$4,70,54,- Bridge an,d culvert "esti- Mates are for .$9,006 on which there is. an 8Q% subsidy, reduc- ing the Village portion to $1,800. On residen:tiail streets' new .con- crete Sidewalks, and asphalt ap- proaches are planned for at an estimated cost of $6,500 under loyal. improvements. $777,00 IS al- lowed for contingencies which makes a total of $12.060 which will' be debentured- aver ten vacant lot at the rear of Mason and Cook' Central Garage: Park- ed nearby• was a .car owned by A.rohie Aitchison which had been • in for repairs, -and had been run out of the garage, to make room for other vehicles. One of the windows of this car was ,ciclb'bered with a, shattering iblow which, drove a hole through the . `shatterkp'roof"' glass. .' Acrossthe street and a short distance to the north, sat • Omar Brooks new international truck. I,t escape's the glass ; damage, but • one win dshield wiper was 'rip- aped .off and the other was twist ed :into uselessn*ess. A•:tluantity orf g•aaoline was be- lieved' to have been, stolen from the garage's.. underground tank.' Provincial Police` and Cdr sta- ble .Alex *lens ,investigate:d, • • • • • Waterworks Prograhi . i•. Faaced•wiith the urgencyof re- placing ..the motor in the No, 1 waterworks purnphouse Council has' purchased an auxiliary' stand- j by engine alt' a cost of $5070,.: Re= pairs to the stand• pipe are ''esti :mated at $600; painting . of .. the standpipe, $1075; rerpairs, to standlpipe base and contingencies $35.5. Th•eseitems:. total $7.000. whith will also be, financed by a debenture issue, Approve Firemen's ,Fee Council . approved • the 'revised .rate of pay for firemen attend- ing' rural' fires: They will receive $300 for the 'first hour and $2.00 for subsequent ;hours on a" hall, �. Fire 'Chief ief George Whitoy Who previously has shared equally in 'the firemen's municipal!. a1loww 'canoe wi11 now receive, $15.0 per arunui' adidi,tion•al.