HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-22, Page 9W(' D'•N1JIaDAX, AIM iIde, 1062 ROY N4, B E NT:LEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO Box 478, • Phone; JAckson 4:9521 • A. M.:..HARPER AND COMPANY Chartered Accountants .33 Tah1toSt.. a ., THE LUCKNOW SENTINEI:, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Po GODERICH, ONTARIO. Telephone JA 4-7-562 • JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME Modern and Convenient Phone 76 Day .or Night . . Serving All.. Faiths According to Their- Wishes Moderate Prices Established 1894 R. A. R °DU .VAL.:. • • D.C., Sp.C.• Chiropractor Physio and Electro :Therapist . Wingham - Phone' 300' (Office located in' former CKNX . • ":building on, the' Main' Street) • INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASCJAL'lit• AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE To Protect -Your. Jack, Insure: With .Jack Today. J. A. ,McDONAGH Phone 306, Lucknow TE-F"A-RM-1VEUTUAL ILE • AUTOMO.6 INSURANCE • Investigate Before 'Investing. REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich Phone 60-r-8 Dungannon • R W. ANDREW -Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, •ONTARIO IN.• LUCKNOW Every Wednesday and. Saturday Afternoon Office in the Joynt Block ' Telephone: . Office :135 • Residence 3.1-3. R. S. ' HETHERINGTON Q.C. • Barrister, Etc." Wingham find Lucknow. IN LUCKNOW. Monday and ,Wednesday Located in Kilpatrick Block, 'Phone Wingham Office 48 Residence 97 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for prompt service, and quality • products, LOCHALSH We, are sorry to 'report that Angus . MacLean is .a ' patient in St, Joseph's hospital in •London. George,.. son of Mr. .and Mrs. Finlay MacDonald, has been holi- daying in Detroit, Gail and Peter 'Thomas Huston spent a dew days with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos MacDonald, Recent soloist at Ashfield Pre:s- :byterian Church . was Bob .Mac- Donald. . Mr. and Mrs, John 'Cowan of Sarnia were recent visitors With Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wylds, Visitors during the week with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver McCharles .sere Mr „and- --Mrs; H. D: Mae.= avis a Montreal, Bev. ':and Mrs. Douglas .Brydon Of • Mount: Forest, . Mr. and Mrs. . 'Donald, contact: GRANT C.IIISHOLM Phone eoli'eet Dungannon 724-1 or 10 Luyekno.w "Always Look To Imperial For The Best" MacKenzie Memorial.:thapel FUNERAL SERVICE , Services conducted. accord- ing to: ' your wishes at your • Home, your. Church, or at our Memorial 'Chapel at no •additional charge. Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night: ., WI`NGHAM MEMORIAL SHOP We Have Been 1Vleniorial Craftsmen .:for Thirty -Seven Years, . Always . Using THE BEST ' GRANITES Along 'With Expert ':Designing and Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable • Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON Phone 256, Wingham, :Oitario.. G.. ALAN' WILLIAMS Optometrist: Office' on'Patrick '• St., just • Oft the Main' St. in • WINGHAM H' Professtonah--Eye E- cani-ina-tionff-- Optical Services For . appointnient Please. Phone : 770, Wingham K. J MacKENZIE, .O.Dr Optometrist NOW IN RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Office ' Hours 10:00' aim. .to 9.00 p.m. Phone • Roy MacKenzie, Ripley' 96-r-24 for appointment. R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST • GODERJCH F. T. Armstrong Consultutg Optometrist The .Square...• • (Phone 'JAckson 4-7661) • LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE .ING: Phone'•Lucknow71 TED COLLYER rtegistered 'Master Electrician ELECTRICAL :CONTRACTOR, ,Specializing: in Electric )Heating, ;Electric Wiring • and Repairs and 'All • electrical ' Appliances tuckrnow Phone '20$-r-25,,. 'wu 'MeCharles and. Scott of Brant- lord, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc 'Charles of Luakniaw. Mrs:, Ken Elphick and balby son returned home from .Wing— ham hospital. KJNGSBRIDGE Follow Trip On Radio -TV , John Strong "of' CKNX-TV has asked ,Scoutmaster Lloyd to call in each afternoon of the trip .to tape the day's highlights, Var- ious, members of the group will be .interviewed and these record • ed tapes will be heard on both ICKNX Radio . and Television each evening, Recent visitors with, • Miss. Stel- la Dean were Mr, ' and Mrs. Gerald ' Dalton arid family, Mes- srs. Jimmy, Dean -and Murray Bowler all .of Toronto. ' Sleeping accommodationation will be in:'tents purchased last winter. wiht the . Shooting Match furj:r earned from: last • summer.-'.: Cap - and `Mrs. Gerry Hill and on prosect. Packing, of the: truck. family of .'Scarboro, 1VI'r. Dominic will take place • this. Friday ev Berger of Detroit visited Mr, & ening to facilitate'thea departure . Mrs.` Wm. Lannon recently.. SaturdayMorning at. 8.0)0;, Miss Rata Forbes•of Detroit is Food •arrangements, are being visiting with kr. and Mns. John arranged .by Scauters Lloyd and Howard and family. .Frank. During' ,the trip, work Miss�Franees Dalton, has' re• aeommittees: 01 outs and Mot errs Will take their , turns on K.P. The Mothers have divided them- selves, into three committee' with a Captain. for each. These cap- tains are Grace Carruthers, Mad- eline I alderLby and Joyce Mc 'Ewan. Each' meal preparation .and each. meal cleanup ' willbe under the allternating . suipervis_. ion -of one of these committees with' a Patrol at boys assisting. Certain. items of. food will. be brought from • • home including including' some ..pies and tarts for : the first two , drays: On • Monday evening . of this. week ' ''the . group ; going on the. drip, to-gether ' with the boys' parents ,met" in the : Scout Hall for a review of '. preparations and discussion • of clothing' . and health' matter'sScouter Lloyd urged:. all boys to "Go: He�al�thy"' KINLOSS SCOUT TRIP and '"Go Rested'. The six days • will certainly' tire everyone "but (Continued from Page 1)'. every. effort : is being made . by turnedafter completing the sum- mer 'course in French in Mon- treal.• Mr. and. Mrs. '`J. C. Moss of Woodstock, Dr. and Mrs. Wen- zel and pr. and •Mrs. McGii1 & :family "of Detroit are spending, their vacations at their co'ttages. Messrs. Walton` Kelly, Arnold ,Marsman, Kerry .Hogan all of London :spent the week -arid at their homes. The percentage of .passes was 84.81 ' percent. • . of examination .papers written in: Grade ,13 'at Clinton. Last .year' the percent- age, was 90.1, but: the Clinton :paper points' mitt that the.. De- partm'erit df Education. considers that .80 percent is good in any the. readers for 'the boys to ar Innes, . ' BarryI•Iald,enhy • tKirf-� lough), ..Barry' Haldenby (Wrive ,home safe and. happy. ' est- . ,.. ford),, Teddy .Milii'e;, :Gary . Car= Here. s Their Program; ,. • ruthers, Ken Roulston, • Donald The itinerary, 'of the trip calls'. Bannerman; Hetibie.. Kieswe.tter; for leaving at :8:00•, a.m. the. Scout Hall • at on 'Sat - Allan from: ' Allan � and '•-_ Bab Corriis�h.• , Y The cost for this' triip to: each; Holyrood on a: 225 mile '.trip to boy is �12.Q0 vuhich includes Algonquin Park . w+ith', lunch .at . ' transportation ' afid bus fare:.. TheOrilla and an overnight: stop, at 'Lake of . Two Rivers campsite i adults. ",will •have o ,pay approx .. mated .y . 14.00 depending in. Algonquin, $ pp g . on fin, al costs. Allan •R'eed` is driven Sunday it will be. on :.to Ot- g . - the for Gordon, M•on�tgam�ery's bus. tawa 'for aScenic tour of • Lloyd Ackert is taking' his ton :city and the Carillon concert: • ■;sc*RIlI•11..iimaavi untU :: LE •�JLJ. ■ P /. .11 it■ it as�Toa C O:. LTi] . is • Phone it, HANOVER ■ ' "We . Sell Rural Ontario" 1" ■ SAVE THRU STARR• • i. • and Order, Canada's. Biggest %' ■ Bargain. Real. Estate Picture . �. Catalogue, .descri!bing in de- * • tail 747 .listings on • farms, 1"' • acreages, • "homes, business- t n ess, lakes,' rivers; and cot- 2 mMages: Send on15• •51Fc: forth xl-- — • New ; Sumner • Ed,ition. ' • ' •■ r; Properties Wanted 4 iCENTLEMAN interested in • ;or Daic ry farm with contract in . is � any: ' area.- ` Will' trade . his •. ,General Store Business on, . ■ same.. Excellent . turnover. E 1111 Due to his wife not liking, •' the storebusiness, he is very. :2 • anxious to trade. This is a. • real, good -.business in 'a i • goo•d community: s .. ■ OF,IFICSR, from' .ri • Camp Borden wants 100-' •: ■ acre farm far fall posses- ■ i' 'sion with large house, up ■ to $20,000. ■ • T EV-RET-•PENNINGTON'' Phone 392-6064, Teeswater,. Local Agent : for; • ,PAUL S. 'STARR' &' CO. s ■ LTD., .• it • Hanover phone 870. I.;: Six . , offices ' to ,;serve': •you .° n better - Orangeville, Han • - n ,over, Owen Sound; erton, Guelph. & . Brampton, 2 .i..UIaUi.IRaninaas:sai. truck`: to caxry the slee�pind ear` 'from the ' Peace , Tower. They. ' and food • This truck . will be d driven by :the three Cub Leaders: Bay < Scout • Camp on. the ` Rideau Frank Colwell is driving his car/'River. • • . oh.Monday the group will :be -foi•.•th•e overflow ,and, to have an the extra vehicle in ;,case . of e.inex=. • guests':af.. Andrew Rzsbiinso gen�cie's M.P., and , will view Parliament• Two reit d J • ed at Montreal. - They will. 're re- turn n: to Morrison park that night. Thursday, ;after a visit at Fort Henry • in'.,Kingston, the• travellers ; wiH head -;•for horrie e, pecting to :artive :yin Hol rood. •11111 .'and . the : Parliament Build- about : 8:40 ,pari. •g g will. spend .'the: night at Mooney.; 's ere ' nurses,'can .. • and Doris 'Collwe�ll will super inks. They will Visit the National vise the health f he headquarters of . the Boy'. Scouts: :....�..�.: P g t . ro: ra7ri • feu.. trip, anal• Madeline ":Halden�by has` a'i'd .spend the.. night again volunteered to`. bring . a sewing On Tuesday it will be a Visit to Upper Canada''Village, :Corn- ,,w'al� and' the .power 'dram, across the ,International Bridge .to the Eisenhower .Locks . on the ' Sea; Dan T. MdKinnon :has offered way and••to the city of "Massena, $10 00 in.0 S.A...Returning . to the Canad=' prize money for, the '. three best •essays of 200 to 225 `Ian side they will' spend =the words on 'the' trip. Thin is open. night ' at ' Morrison Provincial' Park near Cornwall. • to alI ••tle 343 . Snouts who- are" :night they •wi.11 continue± going and must • be completed • by . .September: 8th: Judges have yet to :Montreal, to visit the • d wn-:• to be picked• ;but . we shall, publish town. 'section af.' the city, " 'have'• the', winning essays .after• they, .lunch ' on top :of, Mount Roya.1, Are announced. followed Eby ' a two-hour, . lour. of. the Canadian Paci�fiic Empress of ..England which will be ,berth. Mooneys Bay : camp;. • kit We don't . know which of these. services will .. be{more in need but ' the Boy Scout :motto is '.`Be Prepared". • ' :Prizes For• Trip Essays Caviller, McIntosh dndTW�rd- CHARTERED ,:ACCOUNTANTS Resident'' Partner, J', E.• Kennedy, C.A. Bel( Telephone Building PHONE 633 WAALKERTON:I FURNACE OIL, ' STOVE KEROSENE, GASOLINE See or call WM. A. "BUD" HAMILTON : Phone 220-w Lucknow District Agent for Cities Service Dead Stock Removal Service: • We . are licensed to ':remove your dead • or crippled farm animals for sanitary. disposal. Old horses 4c per 'pound•• CORDON .TAYLOR Ph'.. Collect 44-r-24, Lucknow R.R 2 Lucknow ' 24-hour service Licence. 'No. --173C62 • You're off on The Right Foot . With PLYMOUTH BALER and BINDER TWINES "Red Top" for Square BaIers "Orate Top" for 'Round balers THE QUALITY TWINE since 1824 THAT SAVES YOU. TIME At d - MONEY, KNEthTEL and u Lucknow .Brattickii • Pbone 78 THERE'S A .;NEW OPE FEED PORI EVERY NEED" ..,40440-4044,14 • • • 'H