HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-22, Page 5yV)�,DNEtiiDAY, AUG, 22nd, 19'62 THE L U CKN Q W SENTINEL, LUCKNQw,; •Q TI'AR,IQ i3tCtMRt) waRgE4.4 • 00bEEtta [=i.gt{ENCE WEAVER. PliNCIPAL 000E100 MRS: E; LANttseo toUEH $NIRt EY.Wti,tttos4i4 Et.LEEf MS. PAGE FIVE. j #*fY .titAC cttoEn! rtiMmito CItAWfoita +GOOSE 4tC 3044$ C9N*ITT. ' • •VARNA' PAT PATENitall laak . $CNktttKEA i3E'V 'Itt-E1F TatttvEvo t• • IVA sett LTLER .Ri••Pa..E•1t' • RUTH ANN eATKIN A�lt�tfTE DtCi4txOt G44)i�iiICt4 itItJGAt�t}'tNiw •: Zo iiN 'sruatri. • - ot'ME • 1M r.c•A 'Ciitr, +Gape Rieg • ittNOAro NE ,LE RQV •. CLI real'• SREik.tt t4MNES. i l�iti"Nt:E;! t�ttYt iR a `4tieit:Attt��ltl�. �tuaVA,N •10* cAA 04Ne • 'got TN :»CWS.ON WA!1NE RUMIG•' VAM R GODERtCN, ELEANott.A .TtM KATHY ttlji:'T L �GtiOEIRt:t: RCM' Me e:ASTR GODEKit:ii.• %f': �,:'•�„a"! "'iii 4ifilkOTHE.11ANNE. KiNc, gatt4E ' wommiell A;!: • 'SA tttLet 4,ttl1(.1. GODeRiat MARI...E E At.i;t t GODERtca DON MALLGO6$ .GRAce Eltrrop. 64.N4 itt9Wilktti GADE.RtCH ►(AtAtEEP• PoITER, f;IUERTOiN GLc UA CtANLt 4 ,KiNe4$0.,tNe • Tr�usseau Tea For OLiVEt NEMS Saturday Bride (ST. HELENS.' NEWS:) " Mrs.. Harold Gaunt entertained friends and neighlbours on 'Wed nesday evening at a • trousseau tea 'in honaur... of : her daughter, Beverley' ' 'brid'e-elect Guests were received:shy Mrs. Gaunt �'& Beverley: Gifts were .shown by Mrs Ernest Gaunt and 'Karen. Beverley's trousseau was shown by ,Mrs. 'Allan Johnston, Mrs. Ross .Henderson and Mrs. Don Reid.' The dining ' room table was centred with:. roses ' "and a Lace. tablecloth. Pouring tea: dup. ?ng the .evening were ''the •bride's grandmother, Mrs. Joe Gaunt; Mrs. Saari McDonald of Clinton, mother of the groom; Mrs.. Henry Gardner and Mrs. Wfn A° Httm phrey great-aunts of. they ;bride. OVliss Ann Ri•ntoul and Mrs. Da- vid Kirkland ,Served the • guests assisted '•by Mrs.'Josephine Me-: Tavish, Mrs, Earl Durn•in and Mrs, Fred •Johnston;. Assisting in the kitchen .were Mrs.' George Webster, 'Mrs. Norman McDonald and• :Mrs, •Win. Rintoul. • Guests over ' the week -end from a distance at. the McDonald Gaunt wedding +were Mrs. _James Purdue. of Wolsely, Saskatche- wan; Mrs. John Scott and Jack Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stott ' and Mi. Cornell all' and Mrs, Ward" of: London,, Mr. Harvey; Carrick is again. a Patient in, Winghani Hospital. Mr. Carrick spent three_weeks pre- vious' in hospital and was only 'home a ,few days°hen he .was. hospitalized again. Mrs. .Ross Errington Was' -host- ess to the United Church WO - men's .meeting on Tuesday with +19 ladies and 7 children present. M�Ss W. • D. Rutherford, presided: -.1rs. Mintz gave a reading and Mrs'' Lorne Woods. was the leader the subject. `1Bible ,Study" With Mrs. Carrick, Mrs... Tom Mr. ,and Mrs Gary Blackwell,.• ,Steven 'and ,Kathie ; have left .. on a •, motor trip to British•Colump; b.avher-e=, th:e_y wi 1,l visit with Mr.;4. Blackwell's.family • • Mr. and :Mrs -Cyril CampbellCampbellofof:Lucknow •and..' Mrs. Wilmer Hai ltdn :.of • St: • Marys ,visited on, Sunday with: Mr:- and Mrs. W.. T. Roulston. Mr. Wm. „McGuire •is::vi,siting at�. the :home ` of his' da:ughter, Mrs. Walter Black. ,Mr. McGuire is: much improved in health. • • Misses Marie and Janet Ham=' ilton and ' Michael returned on. . Monday from Hamilton 'where' they: spent ' two/ weeks. -holiday With • their aunt Ind uncle ,Mr and Mrs. Ian McDonald and family.' Misses Helen, Evelynand IRu'th White ` spent a ` week visiting ` with :relativ,es in Hepworth. Miss Judy' McKay of Ripley visited recently with Miss Sharon Colling. • • • Miss Joanne Hamilton ,spent the past ' week visiting, in Lon - .1 don with Mr•: and. ' Mrs. Bruce 'Blackwell and family. Miss Br+:r,- ' da is spending this week, as'''Jo-, annes' guest.` Mr, Bert•. Johnston of Teeswater .visited recently' with Mr, and Mrs. Harry . Colling and :family, Mr. arid Mrs; Clark Colling & family of .Detroit are .holidaying - in 'the" community. • • Miss Ruth Black of w Kitchener is: on .:holidays:• at her home here.' Todd, Mrs. E,: W. Rice and Mrs, Charles " McDonald assisting Prayer Was offered by Mrs. W. I. Miller and 'Miss' Euthenford con- ducted a quiz. Lorene E'ri`ington. played a piano solo and Mrs,: Mintz and , Mrs, Lorne Woods Were appointed to ti} e. visiting corrimittee for ,August and gep- tem+ber. Lunch .,;was 'served by Mrs. Don Canreron and IVIrs. Ross Errington, • 1/ • Kairshea W.I.To Be'Stu "useum Hostess The August' meeting of . the Kairshea _W.omen's In:stitute took the form:. of a,: tour through the. Fry, and/ ' :Blackball' . furniture factory in: the •town:of Wingham This was a most informative and °interesting tour•and much enjoy ed by the twenty-two Members'. and: seven visitors. • Mrs. Fetish Moffat was hostess at her.. borne in. ' Wingharrr • for the brief meeting and social time -which` followed. The • ladies were delugh•ted to have Miss Anna MacDonald 'for a brief .Visit, .She favoured them with some folk songs which was':m.uch enjoyed :The • roll ,callwas'. answered. with "Name'a. town or city hav- ing a furniture factory. The in-. stitute was, reminded that :Mrs. Haggerty and 'Mrs. • Ly7mburner *ill . be interviewed ' on TV, On: Sunday, ;September 2nd. at 4 p.m., in, connection with the 65th. anniversary of'the founding of, en the Worn's institt. to movement: .•Kairshea will be hostess at the, tog Cabin at 'Southampton `on August 430th.. Arrangements were made ,to serve tea and ,cookies. Plans were finalized 'for ,the. Fall Fair 'Exhibit. Mrs,. • Robert Gilchrist presided for the short programme., The branch 'convener of resolutions, Mrs Gib' Hamilton, read the''re solutions which..will be present- ed at .the. Grey -Bruce Area Con, vention when, they meet ' in Southampton' on September 5th and 6th; and discussed, Mrs. Geo. 'Lockhart gave the courtesy re - -marks. The meeting was closed With the singing `of God Save The. Queen and the Institute 'Grace. Mrs.. Lockhart and Mrs: Gilchrist served sandwiches. • SIGNS assn FOR SALE ---"No Tres - , Por Sale and ,For ••' signs available at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35r I'WR'rLE LLit CiAtl Ttitt4 ARM EA' NAT1 GLt0. • PI4a. t GMP ti. NEPHEW • our rural` areas, :where it would:. practically impossiblefor • everyone, to' hear the siren. alarin. The Ontario. Hydro has . been awarded a . federal ,contract. to study the•coat of •installation ,genera ing ,equipment tfor. A R.; in: an area of Southwestern • Ontario,' bounded on. the `west. by Windsor -Sarnia and on the E t'. b ' Oshawa .Barrie, Owen aas�ss y , Ba a -So rill. :u • The results of the Ontario Hydro! survey are expected to. ibe'known this fall` No conclusion has been' reached on how .the' receivers for each home would '. be financed, but the -cost of running each home receiver would, be.; no more : than' ;for an electric clock a 'maxi-; mum of one cent a ,month. The. use of the 'power 'grid • to carry • the alarm. 'signal is con- sidered More relalile, Iess., costly, and would provide.. a wider cov'- erage than • use; of telephone or' ,radio. hookups.. • . •• ome'.A •arm. In C •:a se Of Attack 13y, Lloyd G Jasper , Co-ordinator, Bruce County EMe Federal Ci+vil efence officials areim es on obtaining est : ti at what it would cost to install an attack warning' system . in every ; Cana- diarr Home which has electricity. 'The warning system is : known. as: N:E.A,R. National Emergency Alarm Repeater—=and consists of'. a small • black box whiel • ,plugs into any.' electric outlet in '•the house. : The box rings 'like:; an; alariri : clock,' when ,'a. signalling voltage . is superirnpo.sed:.on the power • grid. This. would not ef- greet any other electrical device 'in tie home; This device would supplem'erit the siren warning system' and - would be a great deal snoreeffective; especially. iii irsitnompianAmakiatit MONUMENTS For sound• counsel' and ` a fair price on a monument correctly designed from °' quality: material, rely'.. , on SKELTON : MEAORiAiS Walkert m Pat' '.'Hag:itn, Prop. • Established Over .Sixty' Years ;Phone 638-w' Ontario MEMI RIALS Unsurpassed' in Beaty and Value MORRIS GRANITE. And MARBLE WORKS Representative A. Ross MacLennan Phone 51 King irdine •4 t t