HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-22, Page 3WEDNESDAY; AUG. 22nd, 1962
,•j•••••••••••••••••••••• ••a®••n®••ie••••••••••® •••••••n••••••••®lin,
• r
Grapefruit Juic
... _
Treesweet, 48 oz. tins, save l l e•
•' -
Margarine 2 ar 5
Blue Bonnet Yellow Quik., save 10c •
•> '1 pound packages.
• Fancy Quality Green
• 15 oz. tuns••.
Juice- 4-
Oraflge 89c.
'Birds Eye,.. save 5c, 6 . oz. tins
:e_en Peas
5 for 89c
save 9c, •
. •
. •
G Detergent7c
Liquid Detergent, save 28c,. '30 oz. size'
Instant. Coffee: , 69c
Red & White, . save 6c,.5 oz. 'jar 2
Pink Salnion.. 59c .•
-Pink—Seal, Fancy, tall tin, save' 6-c-1 lb. •
.• ,, Peanut EButter Cookies 35c
TCream Corn- for 89c
Weston, 30 to • pkg., . regular 39c ,
Beans with Pork
Yoili Brand', in ToinaatQ Sauce,
oz. tins
Winghal.n' District.High .School Board
Calls Tenders...�ion�al -Mdilion
Wingham District High School
'Board is currently. calling tenders
for the, construction of a 'voca-
tional school ' addition to the
Wi�ngham High. School.
Cost of the �andi equiP,
.merit will be 'born solely by the
Dominion and :Provincial' Gov-
ernments on a•715-25% } asis.. The
Bost of the building arid equip-
ment •will probably :be in the
neighborhood of $8i00 0m00. • .
Work will get urrdeiwvay im-
mediately tenders are let,,• and
well continue through the 'win
ter, to he co m.pleted .next ;spring,.
in.' order std take advantage of
tihe.go- vernments-,assuming_ the.
,entire: capital cost. •
Last !fall thea Lucknow; and
Ripley Area Boards. ' were in -
vited to join the VI/Ingham - pro
• ject for this composite school; A
• .meeting was held in Luciano*
j at the Area Board and. Munici- pal •officials .to.' haye the: plan
save 10c, _- explai.ned.
' .40.,Culy. Cream Style;,. save. 9c,, 2.0• oz.. tins 20 , . • Neither . e Lu Ripley
the arknow or
s too any a
auld ••
.. •commit.
Wingham, but•• •• so far as Lucknow is- concerned
• �i�Aaw aod.
. w Food Store
j :.it isa forgone • conclusionthat
. •
4eeoi***••0n •iO •O••*POao•a••••Ou.•naae•••o••••••n•i••0•• •nn•no•a•••••O•I
Local and GeneraI
Mrs:. M. • Donaldson ,:,was dis-
a. charged recently f.om wingham,.
Mr.. and Mrs: Wes HuLston `of 'Hospital, and is staying with .her Mr, and Mrs. John Du'rnin, Au.-
daughter. •
'are on vacation' 'and burn, wish to announce the.
were visitors here • the first of
the week.
. Mr. and Mrs.Roy. Cringle of
Detroit are visiting ..with 'relatives
'Mrs:.T. A. ,MacDonald 'oft. To-
' ronto
o'ronto : visited 'here 'abrieifly : last
;Miss Mina ,Graham • of Chilli
cothie, Ohio is a guest hof Miss:
Emma MoCluskey.. •
Dr. and Mrs.,. M. ' Corrin
and children have returned .from Needham of Ripley.' The -wed-
Mrs: J R. .Clipperton (nee 'ding will take l place on Saturday;'
a motor `trip through.' Eastern Lorna, Reid) and chil.dren,..Lyn ,
Ontario. '- •da;; Raymond, . Brenda an Mark August' 25th, 1�9d2; at'3: o clock
i- Knox.' United..Church,. Paisley:
ser taking in �i1 'res
dente •at' Belfast.
Mr. ' and .Mrs Rae Myers and
family 'of Ottawa Nand Mrs. Neil
J. 'MacKenzie' spent the past two
ine .sub
t 1
weeks , at Ki`lieai
In renewing, her . Se
soription,, Mns. Lorne " Church, Auburn:,
of Seaforbh says I look :forward.
each week. to" its arrival.". Mr.: and Mrs:: '. Nelson C How e
' Mr. and' Mrs'. !Leonard. 1NIa of Paisley .announce .the engage -
ilocai students wishing vocational
school, training :will go to Wing
ham . with• their local Boardre-
sponsible : for:. their 'transporta-
tion and 'tuition, fees at Wing-
hani. • •
Assurance has 'Ibeen'. given. that
such students will Ibe •accepted
to the point that accomtodation
available,. with provision 'be
en -
Kitchener' ing made . for ° what .Will, be a
gagement p their only daughter, axirnuin enrolment ;in: the di -s -
Betty Kathleen, to Mr Barry Wil- ' •trict in -,the foreseeable future:
son. Young, :son of .;Mr.: 'and Mrs. I. • While Lucknow and "Ripley-
Worthy Young, Aiamburn. The mar- not.committed •to • iri
W ghaimr' Y
were ;requested
.to • :'appoint re-
,preseritatives from their respec
ti•ve :. Boards on " the , :Vocational
School . Advisory • �Gominittee.
Chas. Webster. was named 'bythe
Lucknow Board and .Wm. Harris
by Ripley; •
la will
riagetake laceon Saturday,
g p a ay,
September ath in Knox. • United
Door ald,';• Jimmy and Ronnie
spent last .week at Port Elgin
ment of 'their daughter,; Dorothy
•Eleanor,, to' James Thomas'Need•:'
ham,..son of Mr. arid. Mrs g .Stewart
At the United • Church .of •London, aretak g p • •
vice on Sunday,:a new quartette
took ' part in the service; Mar-,
garret Rae, Mrs. Harvey Houston,
Clarence Greer'. and Elwin Tall;
Lucknow .
su r
1. rresb. �terian C� urth !
Rev. Roderick MacLeod
Minister 1
During the: month of "Au usst
g 8
1 held!.
Divine' Services': will be :he !
,, .las fol lows: : • 1
' SouthKinloss a . a.m.:, `
1V� r. and Mrs.Bill Blue of iDe-•,
trolt were recent ' visitors with
her another, Mrs: J', �D' Ander nn.
Overseas . Visit
is' Fleeting By
Mrs.. K'.. ` B:. Whale' ;. and ` son, : 'Mrs'. James. (Susan). McNaugh-
Brock 'Jr. are ; visiting this• week ton and , her son, "Jim, , who have.
with Mr �an d •Mrs, S. B.. Stoth�exs --been visiting—in.-the Edinburgh 1.
and • othex.. relatives in ;the coni Visiting"nn Sunday with:.. Mr: district,.. in' her .; Scottish. home-
1VIr Loder's aunt, Mrs: Elizabeth ee ing too, fastas t eir t oughts
Mr• and 1Virs. Fred Best (Ellen�.• . �. turn ;to., their return. home. They
ABob d Whalley of Manchester, 'Ma s
Andrew)- .and two
Mrs. George 'Alton, the former
Annie Faulds, passed away at
her residence in Sault Ste. Marie
on Wednesday, July lath; She,is
survived by her husband, dive'
sons and four daughters,, Roy,.
Carl, Ralph, Mrs. •George Hill
(A'lice), • Mrs. Willliam. McLellan
(Margaret), and Mrs. Harold
Wagler .(MalbeD, all of :Sault Ste.
Marie,t Ontario, John'of Los An:-
geles, Cal., Wilbert of 'Dunnville,
and 'Mrs. .Alex Shook (,Florence)'
• Mr. George Alton is a brother•.
: of Mrs. William Irvin of Ash-
(Continued from Page • 1)
ing is not . now required fer the
purpose for'Which it was ac-
quired. and that' the same should ..
be: sa1d."
' The Reeves direct. the ' Cor
poration of the Vililage of Luck
now. `po advertise for •sale .and
Sell for cash the said 'Cornmu-
ni•ty Shed.'.,. • .
The. Reeves also direct. that
the net : , proceeds be divided'
among, the' original • `contriibtrtors
pro rata in relation to their' con
tribution • excepting such contri
•butors who have designated in
writing they . wislh their . share
paid' over: to. the ''Luicknow and
District Lions Qlulb: for: the Pur-
of installing artificial ice.•
As above stated' over .90% 'of.
the Contributors have signed over
their share. 'Of, the rern�ainder,: the •
majority of 'these. 1 '
J Yraving can be
expected to' sign off,
munity. and Mrs. Wilson.'; Lader were fan
nd, find. te overseas visit.'
their h
sons, Bo an. - . ex• ect.. to ,be . mback iri : .L'ucknow
'her parents • •Mr and Mrs Lean- � p
der' Stratton and brother 1VLr gL on September 7th.
in :town this week. They, ' are i. . : r Mrs: ,McNaughton and Jinn flew
vacationing' :at Inverhuron Mrs. Gyri • Stratton and 'boys of
f huff •11 � n then
overseas in late June.Since •
Robert Young . o Sc ervi e,; they have ..been having a grand
Quebec; is. '' holidaying • •'at ` the. 1VLr:. • and Mrs:' ,Cecil, Roberts',
time renewing ewin,acquaintances
h's arents Mr-' and. (Annie Campibe11) of Islington ;i
home of,.� 'parents,. ,visiting places They ` spent ' two
Mrs Wesley Young in the Lang- visited:.with. her:brother,; Mr. and Weeks in England at ,Harrogate
stile. district:
Mrs..:.Peter, Cauinpfbelf of West•
York, London,,St. Albans, eine
K' 1 t 9 30 ; Wawan�osh and. they spent S�atur- historical
ei ac o .
d tM d i
• L M E
• 11 Pr•itchards
u t
With ,Mrs. Black and sons at , the . :, 'Week in Morayshire,' . •Inverness,
SUNDAY, .AI. UGUST '26 home of 1VIr; and. Mrs: Gordon, Vis7tors .with; Mr. and ]Nits. , S.
� Summer- oints
1 k f
F L. ;K Keith B . g '"'h p.
at 11:00 a.m. side, ,P:E.I. spent the .week -end.' ay evening a ran ms Amo his, .has :been ,followedrlly a
. ngarinon: a . 5 'p.m.
MOO .a.m. Sunday School •
!` I, A C Fred Thompson of Cold .er. Is a ,andMrs ; Stethers. He
M Ph son
B. 'Stothers'.• the past. • week were
i v
John . Gin Stothers of Varicou-'
11.:00• a.m.. Mornning'Worship Lake Allberta,' is home : on three v
i 1Ftev. J. W. 1NForrison, Brusselsi
LU r..
Rev.' Howard W. Str p
" Minister • "
.. 6
!'10:00 a:m: 'Sunday 'School.
`11 .
•00 a,m.• Morning Worship
Guest Minister,
Rev, Gordon Geiger, .R.A. BD.
rr 9�+,�tmiau fi rr�u �s�u W
had 'not been 'here since he was
;week's leave. Mrs. 'Thompson and ' born at Goderich a son of George
boys have 'been visiting with: her. Stothers� arid Elza Whyand Sto�
P arents, 1VLr: and .`Mrs. Gordon
thers• -He •also'''visited Ida Why�ard
McPherson. - in•Dungannonand' other relatives;
Miss Gertrude Diamond, aunt Mr. and Mns.'Frank.:
Of Mrs, Gordion Montgomery, ofStott' 'of
Lucknow, w'ho is corriiplebing. a of. Detroit and Mr.' and Mrs. O.
world .tour,' visited with Mr. and Holmes, Dat,• Mary and John. of
Mrs: Montgomery �last'week. Miss Wrnd,J r villa an last and with
Diamond, a native of Newfound 'Mad-
ori, ' B.C.
land; now lives .in Vint' elyne ]V1aMorran. Zlhey also :had
Mr: Wm. Stauffer and his sis as their ,guests, Mr, and Mrs.
ter • Mrs. Aubert Money
ney and
,E. A. • Holmes,
, who
nape been
Money of .BaratfOrd• spent LastvisitinginMichigan
and C)ntarLo
week at a cabin at Silver Lake, for a' few ,weeks and,, left 'for their
nearby, where the Staufferfain- home' in Tampa, Florida On Tues-
ily t
ily was raised. ' , day. '
•• Visitors at the -home of •:Mr. & ; Mr. - and Mrs. Stewart Cam -
Mrs. John Emerson last, week eron, - Mary Ansa; Roddy and
were Mr: and Mrs. Alex Mc- :Kenny of. Buffalo 'Are visiting
Gregor, •Gail and Garry of Ed here for a few days. Roddy,.
g , had to return to l utf%1?
menton, Alberta; Mi and Mrs. age 10
Southgate, Mich:, IRobert Holmes
• ' •' Ipete . with the Y.M.C.A.
uC nO.W •� ristian � Victor Whitley and Allan of Hca ,to coin
j milton, Mr, and •Mrs: .Glen Em- swim team. The ,young lade ..has.
ersor and family of Geor' etown. • several honours in compet-g won, s:Church!
r and Mrs, ,M. itive swimrmin•g. .The Carneroris •
G�sts , of M . ,
! tRaynet' overate week -end were, •are a swan-tn'rnded fatruly. Mary
Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Duckworth and ,.nn, ,13' next, month, has a •jun-
five children of . Winnipeg; Mrs. `nor lifesaving certificate. kenny
p W 'Th�omPson : Mr. ,and • Mrs. age 5; is learning . • to smw m..
10,300 a,m:: in Dutch . ,1 von, Mr. and Mrs. ar ie, qualified
Fort William. and .Loch' Lomond.
in Scotland:
Mr. and MTs. Norman •Ta' for
. Y
and family called ori• Mrs. Mc
Naughton's •parent ',near,' Edir-
Ibur••gh, but Susan Was out at' the
ti°rne.. She: ',spoke ,Yater- oh the
phone with ,Norman.:
Rev. S. Terpstra, A.B., Th.B: 1
Listowel, Ont,; Pastor'
Mr Bob Phillips of Burnaby,
B C. .visited with 1VIr. and .Mr's.
George :Phillips and family
Goderich,:. Highway 8 `
Now Playing ..- Aug. 22, 23, 24
The Season's: Greatest Fun..' Hit!
In. Technicolor with a '`star' cast
James Stewart, Maureen O'Hara,.
`• and Fabian
• II
Sat.; .Mon.,. Tues.; Aug: ,25, 27, 2g
Michfel.•el• Forrest % Barbara Morris
'Present: t: "A:.'T:L A•S" In Color;
•, ' Plus ' Anton •
. h . y ,bexter.' in
Wed.. Thur: Fri
. Au..29
30 31
g ,
Robert • 'Mitchum,. • Curt Jurgens
'Geo. Montgomery; • .'2iva. Rodarini.
In ` " SAMAR". '
Both pictures, in. Technicolor
First' Show.. at dusk.
'Children in • cars free.
The Air -
For Comfort &
The season's best!
'Now Playing . ;
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August' 23, : 24, •25.
Maureen, O'Hara
In color with James. Stuart and. '
Monday,Tuesday, Wednesda 3 August 27,28,29. . .
. Ys
*Michael d grave . Pam 'F
Deborah' � ' Kerr,
../Based on "The Turn of the Screw", by, Henry James.
'•A' ghost story about a governess and her beliefs. •
rr .. The Innocents"-
Adult. Entertainment, --
yrDoublBill 31,
Thursday Friday, Saturday,August 30, Sept. I.
JoeyDee and: the ,Star -Lighters . with Kay Armen,
Zohra Lamport and Teddy Randazzo , in •'
SERVICES: O. . Thompson and three, child- : But, they come by it honestly, Jr / /r
Hey!. Lets Twist
C•h l .pack- .for .their mother had
1 2:30P.M.i. Englishi' ham and two children, Miss Di- in her. hbmeland in Scotland s Anne Bancroft and Cameron 1VX tchell: in
.30 pan. Sunday school ! a'ne fta.ynet", 'Olympic p competitions Piu nn «
y all of Kitchener; and for the Ol rh is torsi etitioris, q GORILLA AT LARGE" . -
.-•,,«.,,.,., .• Miss Janet Rayner of aamilton: when World War 11• int.erven�ed. , •-•-
le 4