HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-15, Page 111
WEDNESDAY, A70, 15th, 1962
Grade 1
High School
Alton, Jo Anne
Andrew, John C
Andrew, Robert F,
Andrew, William. F,
Barr, Donald D.
Bushell, George E
Cooper, M. Elizalbeth
Crozier, Joanne E, . . .
Denver J. L
Finlayson, Janet M
, Forster,, Nancy K.
Gibson, 'George W..,...... ....... , ..._•
Hamilton, • Donald G •
• Helm, Evans A
••rHewi-tt; Arlexanderfit
Hodgins, . H: Elaine •
Hunter Murray •G.
MacDougall, Allan ' L
McNay, Eleanor . S.
• M,urdie, K. Franklin
Rathwell,••,Tarn A. '
Richards, Richard T.
Thompson, PatriciaJ .......
Wilson, D. Terrence .
Percentage: Passed:
wow Distric.f
rs Passed
b 78m
t1.0bA "''
b.rA • Z1
H a
58 . 58 5. •
55 55' 66. 68. 63.
56. 5 . 70, 58
555. 55 57.55
55 72 76 77 ' 73.
71 63
62 55 57.
60 611 ' .64 57. 66 59,. 61'
64 52,. 6r9 ° .
54' 6,0: 55
72 ' 57 54 70 81 '01 73,
50 52 ' 661 60 58
...� _._
50 • 60!
§' �'
o' . .
U a if& W 4' 8
58 71
53 56 54 63
54 6:5,
53, 50'
.83 80 69 59,
52 51 ` 59
57 55 552{x,59 •'
:55•5::7 50r .54
' 60 58 • • 58. 60 ' 54 '70.
.. 51
711 '58 57 • ' ' 51. • 55
69 82. 50 '69"
655 65. • 70 ', . 68 '72
6:1, • 66 • • , 52 72
62, • 55
b6> •
54. 71 66 • '.6'4
,. • 51 03' 66; 564 .
•' 74. 66 6;3 61' .
59* 61
57 .645
52: •5 '5. 68
66 59 69
'69 62. 86
:50 50
50 5:1
salumu /lIl u.PI Ip.P1IsID.RQN0VP1, 1.wu u .41.11..] . ./ms♦',
•, •
1 •
■ •
DO YOU WANT TO ' ' ,■,
■, .
■ •
"We Sell Rural Ontario" -
■ Perhaps. 'you: have a, hankering .to 'own , a farm, ■
a country home or maybe a. fere' acrei with a,. stream. •'.
Ili, Perhaps, •you- are interested in a manufacturing bus :1111
• mess,• a motel, restaurant etc: For just TUC you can •
•Mammoth new summer ' edition has t been ■:i '
Published.. It contains .•hundreds .of pictures and.n`'full ■ kF.
1 descriptions of a fantastic' collection of rural property 1
■ ,bargains: Everything , from, tiny acre ranchettes to.mill- `■�
■ 'ionaire countryestates,little _country stores_ tom. antic-■
■ Y' -w tag • :.
's•"rnanufacturing businesses. River, valleys, private lakes, • u ,•
■ • forest lands.. Breath -taking pictures of these offerings, IN
1• pric,s -and locations .are• yours for the asking. For in- •
:1 formation phone BU 6-3623 or conaplete.:coupon below. ■.
■ .
50 ■ ■
Properties d. Wante■
• 66 50 ■
71.4951 90' 656 1001 1000 67 •85 77 75 ; 75 75 721.7 72.7 67'
Mr. Braun of• Windsor' is
interested in ,purchasing• a
1591-.200 acre. • farm Full
(Overall Percent Passed:; 79.2) ■
thepleasure she has brought :to
'thousands 'by her talented ,plant
:playing''Since `','she„ was a young
girl in' Lochaisb many years 'ago.
►.A bountiful''supPer was served
from table appropriately ' decorat-
ed ...with the M.acKenzie colors and.
cultivated Seotoh-t.-histles.=
'MacKenzie Descendants Of Pioneer
Ashfield:'.: Family Held First` :Reunion
A' very .'enjoyarble and :long to,
. Ibe * remembered ' afternoon :was
spent . at Reid''s . Corners. oh Sat-
urday, , August • l l th ' by • the de-
scendants of Neil" .B'an, MacKen-
zie. ,and
acKen-zie.:and . his : wife 'Mary .,.MacB,a.e
who came from :Nova .Scotia.. in,
the year '1859 and settled in the
Lothian district ' of Ashfield, on
. t•he ,farm •snow' dccupied' by. Peter'
Van Osch,' where Mrs:. MacKenzie
.died -in 1.863.,
,VIr. ,MacKenzie moved' to.'Luck-
now and " Dater to • '• :Goderich'
where' he • Lived with . his . son
Donald. to the ripe "• ,old • age , , of
one hundred years.: They raised
a family of four sons and two•
daughters,. Donald, John; Neil
and' .R•o'ry, wh'os was• known as'
the Ashfield- giant, Christie (Mrs,
Mac•Ken4ie); •Loch'alsli.. and
•'Mary ' Ann'. (Mis. • James• Scott)
Bervie. • . ' . • •
Over eighty-,Lof• their kin to
• the third,' fourth' •and fifth gen
eration carne from, Detroit, Bach -
ester Mich.'; Flint, Otta•w•a,,Hames
-ilton, . St. ; Catharines, Taronao,
'V.ictori�a: ,'Harbor; • Harriston, Bel -
more, Bliievale,. Kincardine,'
Lucknow, Ripley etc., etc. ,for the.
•'first ' gath:ering of the MacKenzie
1 clan,
Jack MacKenzie and .'heripers
were in .charge of the• childire. 's
sports:, races ' and • eanlut.::seCra�
rp � P
:ble. The,, teenagers :played ball.
The older folk. chatted and .re-
m'inisced ;with some •whom they
hadn'•t seen for. ' years, They ,also.
enjoyed 'looking, through. andW
're•ad'ing: a• family tree °book of old
photos. and history of the differ-
ent families ' which • Mrs. Donald
Blue ,. ;of 'Ripley had ' compiled
Mrs: .Kate MacLean ..of •Fl•int,
Mich. thrilled all while she gen-
erously played the piano as only
,she can, ' and especially • . with
Scottish• music, 'she, set 'the toes
tapping. The''.. ro p.: was -very
f .he- r and thought of all
�°" prov uta g
Henry .' MacKenzie was .''the
capable chairman for :the 'occa
sion.. •A roloute's silence was ob-
• served in memory of the parents, •
grandparents andall, those who. ■
have gone on :before.: •
During. 'the j business • part,,
was decided to make this ' gath-
ering an annual event with
.H'enry MaeKenz:ie, ' president &
Melville .• Scott • of 'Kincardine,'
secretary -treasurer for ;next .year'..
A: short' ` progra'm ',was. 'enjoyed
composed 'of solos by `Mary Lott
Collinson, Bertha ':Blue :and Mrs.:
Jack , MacKenzie;' piano solos by
Barbara Jean' MacKe,.nzie . • and
Mrs. Kate . MaoLean . 'Everyone
joined; in a lively' sing -song with
Bertha. Blue an able ' leader"nnd
Mrs. Donald 'Martyr at the. piano.
The final:. nuMber was. The Ode
'which concludes this article:
A prize• was' given tc~Mrs Many
Kemler for :coming the longest
distance, Mrs. Kate. MacLean, the
elest one present,:ands• to:..Mr.' and
Mrs. Ross MacKentie for having
the largest` family there. ' •
price ' is $22,O00G will $6;500
' Wanted 100 7 260 ' acre farm'
. ' suitable' for raising turkey. ' ■
• Must have extra large barn. 1 .'
Full price '$18 000
, ■
: ■ .
■ ■
J. Everett' Penningtonio
• Phone 392-6064.Teeswater, o
s. Local Agent For.. PAUL 'S. STARR. & ,CO. LTD., ■
Hanover' . , Phone 870.. ' • ` '
HEAD . 'OFFICE . - :. Orangeville, Ontario. Branch • 1
■ Offices. -' Hanover, 'Brampton, Owen Sound, 'Flesher- ■
■ •
• ton, Guelph,, Chesley,. Teeswater and Muskoka.
• Enclosed ' is 5 Oc in • coin: Please :mail to me a copy o} ■
Starr's :•Picture Catalogue. Please'. Print.'
•.••••••••!'••isu•••;•m•oto•oogio• ••of••••••••••••••••
I) paoll
i LTA.
• •
• It was well cin into • the even
'0 ing before w:e. dispersed, feeling
• • very 'grateful to all who . had
••• done s.o much to plan and make.
• our first gathering such .a success
and hoping that • those dear ones
who were' not able to; , be with
us 'will ,be• present next • year:
'i to
The ,Descendants: of Neil Ban:
• (Tiune of Auld. .Lang•'Syne)
.Should all our :forebears be forgot
And never' brought to mind?
MacKenzies : all,; •come• heed • the
call, ,
Renew the. ties 'that ,bind.
• 1962.' Pontiac Laurentian Sedan automatic fully equipped•. , •
• .. (one used,'one new) a'.
i' 1961:'Chev Belair.Sedan,automatic power: steering,'fully •�'
• equipped. .- , :•
: 1961 Pontiac Standard Sedan •,
• 1961 Pontiac' Laurentian, power steering • Y
ng, '•a�uto�atic,
• fully
• ' equipped.
-e 4s - o V-8, automatic . i
• , .61 :Pontiac Parysienne 4 -door • hardtop, ' •
fully powered. ' • •
•, 1961 Ford Falrlane 500 Sedan,:automatic and power steering
• 1960: Pontiac Sedan, 'standard, transmission. ` / ' , ' 2
1958' x
Chev' $el'air Sedan. •
• • 1958 Pontiac Sedan,' automatic •.
0 1957 Pontiac Sedan, automatic "" O• ,
1956 Buick • 4 -door hardtop, o•
•' NUMBER., Iron' . ..... $350. up • .
OF 1955. MODtLS o •
• •
• •.
• i961 Chev %-ton Pickup, . ••
1960 •i - ,; � "
• •%2 ton Chev Panel .Trucl>r.,• •
•:, ..•1957 Chev ' r/2 -ton. Fiekup •
1957 Chev Panel Carryall. . •
Two ]956.6hev r% -ton Pickups ' •
.. Brussels:MotorS• 1
Cities .. .. , •, Phone. 173, Brussels •
• Service Dealer •.
Buck's ''head 'and: •the •%lolly
• Badge- • '
Proud emlblem�S of our clan,
Denote . 'our cornnon heritage,'
Descendants of Neil Ban. •
This, dauritless, pair with courage
The wilderness o'er came,
A stalwart family to; create,
We're proud to bear. their name.
So here's
Arid gie'.'s
We'll %tak
:For •`days
and Mrs.
■, •
• ■ NAME... ... • .
■ ,
arkona , 'Weddi'ng
Qf Lacal Interest:_
Arkona: United •Church ;vas `the'
setting for •a •lovely Wedding on.
Saturday, 'August 11th, when -
Marilyn Elizabeth Kilpatrick. of
London :became the rbride•of 'Wrn.
Horwood •• Meader , :Of London.
RRev, J: P. ..Cooke officiated •for
the ceremony at • 12:30 o'clock ,
The 'bride is the daughter' of
•Mr•' and Mrs° John. �S I ilpatrick
of A,rkona ' and , form•erly . of•
Lucknow .and the ,groom is• the.
son of Mr. and . Mrs. ,Wm E.
Meaderi.• of Leamington'
`Given in marriage ,rby. •her''fa-
ther, the bride wore' a floor-.
• length gown of ' Ido taffeta and
Alecon , lace,' 'styled , with a fit-
ted bodice :and .sabri•na .neckline'
encrusted with: :opalescent, .`.se-
quins..The• full gathered ;skirt'
forbried' a .chapel 'train. ;She • car-
ried ' a co.lanialbouquet.; of pink
sweetheart •roses and • 'pinoehrio
;The. matron of,honour was Mrs.
'John' Gnay of Mitchell-, and the
ibridesmaid's.. were Miss Gladys
Kilpatrick of 'Berkeley, •California
and Miss 'Ruth Anne Meaden of
Leamington. •The flower •giro was
Miss Karen ' Kilpatrick. of • •Hat
milton, '
The matron . of honour and
bridesmaids' Wore similar pouyder
blue chromespun' taffeta gowns,
with :bell . skirts and lace; bodi-
ces. The hats were (blue: taffeta
bows with matching. .veiling;'
They • carried nosegays of white
sh.asta poms, The flower .:girl
wore a frock ' of . white crystal,
;charm. •
The groo'nisman ' ,was Bruce
C�h'apman of Loridon & the ush=
ers Were Jack Chapman and John
Ktinpf of London.
The bride's 'mother recelrved in
a royal blue silk crepe dress With
matching accessories assisted by
the groans) s mother who wore a
;pink silk shantung sheath dress,
white lace ,bodice and white ac-
. , ; •
a hand, any own dear
a hand .o' . 'thine,
a 'cup o' kindness yet
.of Auld: Lang,, Syne,
by Mary F. MacKenzie'
Florence Johnston ..of,
Tew aluminum 'windows 'and
doors are being installed; in the
'Paisley • Public School • at a .ten-
der price of $7,2'38, with ,arrange-
ments •bei'n'g: made. to spread ;the
payrnei is •'over a 'period of four
''Or 'five' years.
,For ..a wedding trip 'to 'North-
ern ' 'Ontario, the . bride wore a
beige. lace ,.dress.' with an: ` organ-
za duster, ' matching' accessories
and 'a' corsage of 'Orange Delight
The• bride and groom are grad-,,
uates of. London. Teachers'. Col
lege and are ''on' the staff
'I an.. oar of : Educe do n:
CLOTH Paper in. rolls of
100 .,feet long arid., a yard wide,.
suitable for- banquets picnics &:
any catered., meal, The Lucknow
Sentinel;' phone 35. Lucknow.
Rev. T J McKinney' of Tees
water officiated at a ceremony
in, St. Andrew's. . Presibyterian
.Church, Win�gham,', when Marion. '
Angileen Farrier • became the
bride of .W.illi�am Alexander' Mac-
intyre.. The bride, is the .daughter
of Mr..and Mrs.-Riissell� Farrier •
and the, •groom is • the son of: Mr,'
and illus. Jack.MacTntyre, all .of
The,;;�bri�de chose a •full -,length ;
gown of chantilly ']a•ce' and nylon • i
tulle..The fitted 'bodice..featured
lilypoint sleeves and a 'scalloped
neckline. 'embroidered, ,with se-
:qu.ns and pearls. The full gath-
erect' skirt` of nylon tulle wars
styled with• panels of lace and
•was' worn over ruffledtulle and
taffeta.. A mohair crown; .trim -
Med. . with rhinestones held her
;circular illusion veil and she: ear-
r.led a cascade of, red roses, white
I'mums and rlvy:' •• .
• Miss Marie Duyell,' Wing} ain,•
was 'maid , of honor; with .Miss :
:.Lynn • Freudeman, Kitchener, .as
bridesmaid and Carol Farrier, of
Long Branch as flower girl.
Grant Maclntyre, 'Sarnia, Was'
groomsman and ' ushers . were
Wayne Farrier,,Whitechurch and
Ronald Cleghorn., Wingham.
For travelling the bride chose
a beige sheath 'dress. with' green
accessories and a' corsage of.
bronze' mums. The couple will •
;.reside: in Wingh'am.
;, .