HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-15, Page 8t.
WtIDNESIOAY. AHG' 15th, 1'5'32
■O■■■/■ >AIillWillowsligl■ allso ll.alrl11■11s 1111Pal lOWNI18 N=;
. .. is For the: .purpose ' ,of selecting a •candidate to contest
• t.
. r .
Miss Judy . Le: Marche, M.P., and others will'. ■
briefly' address the Meeting' ' ■
b 1th 'd' f ■
the; coming ye -e ectiom
n- ; e; r<
Will Be eld In The.
Wingham Hall
• on ,the . evening; , of
• ■
At 8:30
A good list of ;prospective candidates is assured.
A Panel. Of Prominent Speakers, Led B. y . ■
Kicked In R face.
By Cattle Beast
I i. Weir Eckenswiller spent a
few, days at his:' home here.
We are •sorry to .report that
Mr. Russell. Bushell met with a
painful accident when a cattle
beast kicked him.• in the face. He
was . taken to tWingham and then
to London where surgery was
necessary. •
'Mr. Donald Eart. of Ingersoll
spent'.t�he week -end -at the home
of Mr. 'and Mrs., (Roy Schneller,
,Misses Betty Colwell, Barbara
and Dorinda• (Fenster visited dur.
'ing the -week wth their-dgrand-
moth'er, Mrs. J. • !Vv 'Colwell,
The W.A.met on Thursday
,afternoon at the home of .Mrs.
Mid'Eord Wall. .Mrs. Roy Sehnel
A: . ler was in change and the open--.
ing hymn. was "0 Master let me
Waif ,with Thee", followed, by
the scripture reading. by Miss
Edna Boyle and prayers. The
The Hon. J. J. Wintermeyer, M.P.P.
Which :iVLP.P
Hon.arquarM.P:P.., . 'Ross ex.
' • Robert ' Nixon M P.P. ' Gordon Innes,'; . M.P.P.. . •
word for the roll call' was "Faith"..
The conveners for the meeting
■ were Mrs. J. W. Colwell and
■• Mrs. William' Cox. This, being a
devotional :meeting the .following
program was given. Meditation
by Mrs. Russell Hewitt, Aeadings
.by Mads.. Roy. •Schneider, Mrs. Jim
Smith, Mrs. 1VIidford Wall., Mrs.
Frank' Brown :recited •a. poem, and
Encourage Your Next .Member • Of The
• ' Legislature By- Your 'Presence. '• .. ■ •
■REFI il,ES• HMd 31�TTS : ■
✓ ; .• ■ Mrs; R. Stump gave an, inte
.■ ' George Inglis, Pres: aurora -Bruce. Luberal Association, • : Mg talk .to the ladies' after.. which
•■ ' .. ■ Miss Edna 'Boyle e�ondueted a
GOD SAVE .TIDE . QUEEN . ■ contest "A Bible. Alphabet" and
.. ■ also ' gave the •courtesy relive*.
✓ ■■ineiia■anlnaisS■.■m■i■;euineiswaiiU ions•I Ui■•I■■ The meeting closed with, prayer ',
Miss Patricia Fell. of Toronto.
was ' 'a: 'recent holiday visitor
:with Mrs: Wm. '-Scott.
Mr. :and Mrs. John ` Murray
and., family of Sharon, spent 'a
Week at• • the ' Ross' cottage. Mr
:.and Mrs. Sandy Murray 'and tam -
fly . spent. the week' end with
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie yTiffin. •
Geore; Falconer of Vernon,
'visited • at• •the ''home of. his
• brother'' Mr. 'and' Mrs. ,Lester tra17.
honer, and :w,other relatives
and, friends in the district. . .
(Douglas Wall • had. his tonsils
removed` :in Wirighain General
• ospi arTht�. rsdey morning ,-
1Vis$ Carol �Lavis of London.
spent :a week with' Mr. ' and 'Mrs,
awrence . McLeod .
The Tiffin family. were enter -
'tallied ' on &mday afternoon at
the home of•Mr., and 'Mrs: Charlie,
Tiffin in honor of,their mother
Mrs Mary • Jane Tiffin's' 88th
-birthday which falls on Wednes-
day August lath. • Miss. Emma'
. T ,ichard'son. 'celebrated' her • birth-'
day ;on Monday..the 13th. ,
. 'Congratulations to i1V:r. and.
Mrs. _Orland Irwin: 'of Wingh•arn
(Myrtle'Crowstoi 'ori the ` birth
of a' daughter in Wingham Gen.
eral Hospital 'on Wednesday,
August 8th, 1962.
The Children of. the .Church will'
• .ibe 'held . next Sunda y in the
• school.. •
Mr. Derwyn Hill expects to be
on ' acation •'on• August 26th' and
'September 2nd. and 'church se*
,vices will be at 3 p:in. ' and S.S.
at 2 p:m. •
Misses 'Margaret and Florence
Moir of Toronto are visitors • with
;/their , sister, Mrs.' ' James . Rich-•
ardson and Mr. 'Richardson.
•Mrs, Edith Brown and 'Barb-
ara of ' London, were week -end
visitors with cher parents, M. and
Mrs.' William .Evans.
Sunday afternoon callers with
Mr. and -Mrs. Frank 'Miller were
Mr: and Mrs. Pat (McMi'llan, Mar-.
' garet and Robert,: Mrs. Willlani
Wangler of Ambleside, Mrs. Ali-
;nie Swaps,, Mrs. John Evans and
Thinking . of an
ii Furnace
�e Cities Service Furnace Financing
Plan Makes Your Purchase Easy.
0. '.Low Down •Payments '
Up To Five " years To Pay
0 :' 3% Interest
'You Can't Afford- To ` ithoutAn Oil F ornate, •
Ask For More Information
Make • your healing
dollars stretch
This financing plan:. is available on any :make,
style or type :.of -heating equipment at CREST HARD.
ebster & MacKinno
Phone. 50 Lucknow
Mr Louie tVlcCarty of Tiverton. and' a delicirous. -lunch .was. serived
it li a m. Wan ler is visiti 'by the : hostess. The• September.Kinloss
Mrs..W1a g meeting will..,, ,, :,
Museum I�ostoss
The Silver Lake W I ...Met in.
the L.9.i.. ,;Hall; Kinloss with
Mrs. Tom. NICDonald:ithe hostess.
The meeting . was opened by Mrs.
A.. Colwell•• by singing The •. Ode
and repeating The Miry Stewart
Collect. The scripture was read
by ' Mrs: Lloyd Husk. Mrs. • Albert
Colwell was' appointed delegate
to the Grey -'Bruce Area. 'conven-
tion to be hekd. in Southampton
And family .enjoyed ,a tripto on Septemberth and 6th: Mrs.
• Clarence Moulton . and Mrs. Har -
Manitoulin Island: Bannerman have, kindly. Of -
Mr. and. Mrs. Hwarold-iSlessor ea arst51"11"111113
arid;:famly •of G•lams visited on
ere •to.
Sunday . with.:Mr..and Mrs:; Bert .'girls' project, Cotton accessories
'Nicholson andfariril for Club Girls' Bedrooms." They
ywill attend the' instruction class:
Mrs.' Alex Percy r and son .at Lucknow on August 16th and
Wayne: motored to. Allan ';Park g
on Wednesday where. `yne • re'-: 1717th' The standing • committee .'re-'
Y WaY ports were given by Mrs.: Wayne
mained, for smile. Holidays., • .Porter on..•Agriculture,Mrs. John
Visitors .with.Mr: and :Mrs: Alex :
Hodgins, Canadian. Industries,
for .a few' , weeks` at . the home of
her. daughter,'Mrs. Pat McMil'lan.` church with• the three honour ary
Mr:. and Mrs. `Jack Hayes 'and .members, Mrs:. 'Jasries Hodgins;
and Miss Carole 'Mrs. J. W, tCdlwell and. Mrs. Wm.'
Son, Kenneth
Elkins of.1De'troit Mich:, spent Cox, hostesses.
' s Sunday visitors with Mrs:` Gert
the wreck -end with his aunt; Mrs. rude Walsh were . r., and Mrs:
Mary Jane Tiffin and other Tela- 1
tives. Mr. and Mrs..
Wes Tififin Scott Walsh .and ' Stephen of
Dawson White- j Carlsrudhe,, Mr. Bill Scott of Kit; -
.Mrs. WilliamI . ie
chener 'end Miss Brenda .. ,Curr ,
church, Mr, and Mr ; Allb'ert Ma-
'gendty„of `Stratford : Were Sunday- Concession 10. •
' Miss Margaret �Schneller . is
visitors also spending' the week at her. home
Sunday visitors with Mr.. and ,here.
Mrs. John ''Crowston were Mrs. : Mr 'and' MnWalterr kle
Bud '�Crowstor , 'Jimmy and David s .•B ec s
of Lytton, B.C., .Miss. • Clayton
•:Alton; Ashfield, • 'Mr. and - Mrs.
Ivan 4.ei law Whitechurch:— .
...,i Y
Mrs.' Oswald .jParkinson ' and
Mrs. Leo. Andrews :of ,Winnipeg
visited last°:week, with. their. •cou-•
:Percy, were :M�r. and ' Mrs.. • Reg o ins on
sin, 'Mrs. Belle MacKinnon. Mrs. George .`Young ':on: current
Riehl and Bru�ce:.of • dBelmont, Mr,
• With Ernest Ackert et' :the con- events, Mrs. Will Stanley oil,
d and Mrs.: David Trafford, Dennis,. . d t
trols,. Ernest and Denver Dickie Karen and ,David" of .Allan Park health, ' Mrs •:Jas. MdEwan on
fl�einr froth Goderich.' airport td education. Mrs. Aubert Colwell
and 'Miss Sandra Percy of Tor-
WiartonSaturday evening. After.
spending the .night/ with `Denver's.
relatives at .Hope (Bay,, they flew
back 'on' Sunday. •
• Mr. and Mrs. • Bill McLagan and'
Tittle daughter • f London,...spent
a few" days vacation at the 'home:
of their aunt and uncle, Mr. and
Mrs; Fraser, MacKinnon.
Mr:' and'. Mrs. Fred '• Gilchrist
visited on Sunday with' the fox
mer's' uncle, Mr. Joe Wrightson,
who is. a patient in Walkerton
'hospital and with ` Miss Winnie.
Wrightson in., 'a nursing home.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Townson;
Cal and : Frank ,are Spending; two;
weeks vacation . with •.Mr, and
Mrs: Ira Dickie ` an.d 'boys:
Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Gilchrist
and Grant visited Sunday with.
Mr: and: Mrs. Willis Neil of .Ber-
We are glad to rep• t that Mrs;
J. DeJong, was able to 'return
home .recently afters many weeks
in Wingham and .London hospi-
.Unsurpassed in. • Beauty , and. Value
Ross "MacLennan
Phone 5'i/
Miss :.Laura,.: Breckles '+has. been
:holidaying with...he'r parents, Mr:
and Mrs. ,Walter . Breck'les, . Philip
and: Arthur.. '
On, Sunday next the Anglican
service will be held at 11 o'clock:
Mr and Mrs. Glen -Pinnell and
family of Windsor . visitedduring
the .week with M'r. and' Mrs.
;Harold Haldenby.
Miss Sheila .H ldertby spent the.
week -end ;with relatives .at Wal
kerton., .
Mr. and Mrs .'Frarfk Johnston
visited during the week at Ha-
milton. Mr. and'. Mrs,. Harold Ste-
wart . returned . with them for a
few days. •
Other visitors with Mr. and
.Mrs. Frank' Johnston were , Mr.
and Mrs.- ,Harvey Johnston and
family, ".Mr. and Mrs., Carman
Johnston and family, • Mr. .and
.Mrs. Harry •Gannett and •Miss
Elva Johnston. all of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank '. Johnston
and Mrs.. Sid Gardner visited on:
•Sunday .with Mr. Sid Gardner
.who is 'seriously; ill in . Victoria
.Hospital, London, also with Mrs:
Cliff • Johnston and Mr. Chester
B1'ackwell, who have 'both under-.
gone surgery recently.
;accompanied:'by other ladies, will
entertain at the .log 'house at
Southampton 'on' August. 20th.
Thanks ..was .extended the. W.I.
by Mns 'Wayne Porter for. .a
As, the two workmen 'sat, down,
for lunch, one unwrapped a
package 18 , inches long.
"What's that?" asked his . corm;
"My vvife''s away .so , I baked
Myself a pie."'
"Kind of long •isn't' it?
"Sure its iong,'.'t's rhubarb"
baby spoon .given her :little son
and ,by.' Mrs. 'Clarence • ,Moulton
for sympathy, :cards in their'.re.-:
cent bereaiven ent. ''Phe theine: be-
ing "Education,” ;Mit; Jas. Mc=
Ewan took; over-' and a 'following
prograrnime consisted( of a panel
discussion on "Let's Read a Book
by Mrs;, .Albert Young, Mrs.
Lloyd • Husk,. .Mrs. Harold. Ban-, ,
nerman and' Mrs. Jas.. McEwala,
The risotto, ."You can't fell .a•
book • by its cover" was Well:
given by Mrs: Rae Stanley`. A ;
contest "What do 'initials .stand
ler" was . • condo ted ' iby, Mrs.' ,
Douglas Bannerman, Two guests
Mrs. • Duncan , Convoy, and . Mrs.
Andrew Scott from the .Armow.
W I..' gave a:' good report.. of , the
folk School held at, the • ,Lune••
:Kiln, Inn, Indverhuron . the ' 'latter•
part of June: A' TV 'Special.:`.Fun.
arid profit" watt, conducted by
Mrs.. Jaynes McEwan, with
taking part. .The . meeting was
closed with. '.the• •singing of . the 7
Queen' , ' and . i:nstitute ' Grace
Lunch was served by 'Mrs...Me:
Husk and. Mrs•. Llo•yd Husk.•
Several charges.., ,' have bee::
laid by :police against`' drivers,':
Who pay no ,attention to the red
lights . at the: bailey, bridge a: •
Zetland..The (Penalty is •a $5.01
fine' and demerit points.
THE BEAVER Is one of the most industrious: of animals,
Ile tords,with loving care on the constriction' of a home for his fat e
Beavers mate for life, and their homes
a're built with an e to'. permanent use.
When a man builds or buys a home, he, too, likes M . •
het th t it is fa dereioes rods
permanent For: it is at home the milt'
and friendships. Safeguarding the: home for the tastily is but we -
of Sun lie's many services for the security and protection, •
of yourself and those you love. Let me, tell you about these serv$ .
W J. K nahan '
Phone Wingham 7t7 --w-4