HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-15, Page 7WEDNESDAY, AUG, 14th, 1962;
Wil.. pr. -6 '
The tax rate was set at 16 Trills
Beach Residents: for farm and residential proper -
Submit ..Requests
Huron • Township Council niet:
• ,on August 7th with all members
present Delegations •;from,. Liar-
gari ;Beaah-and Oruce Beach were
,heard asking, for more Calcium
ion the roads, closing the dump
and poison ivy. eop.trol. .
Stanley Thompson, •County
Weed "Inspector also wa.s inat-
tendance and asked the Council.
to • speed up the weed cutting on
the roads, '
Word. was received from the
Ontario ,Municipal . Board giving
• tentative approval for • the :con
Struction of ' a new Ripley -Huron
public school. but final approval
. will 'not :be given until tenders
are received. .
The Clerk' .was given authority
do place ar.rears.'" ue the Toon=
trip on .the .tax roll, with.. any
' M.0 n d c ,p a 1 •Drain' accounts`
amounting to over two hundred
dollars: being divided, over two'.
• years with. 6% 'interest per ' an-
`num ' added to the second pay-
ty and 1.9.5 , mills on 'Commercial
property. This', is a drop of 2
mills from 1961. ,
The, following accounts were
ordered paid by the Treasurer: •
Cemetery____,-,_ Ivan . ,Pollock,
care, $158:90; Ken McKay, mower
supplie.s, n.75.,
Township • P. Vandermeer,.
cow injure§' • by dogs, '$60•Q0;
Doris .MacDonald, care of hall,,.
14.00; , Benson Hardware, hall
supplies,.. 10.30:; 'Roy Marshall,
covering Lurgan dump, 60.00;
Pollock Electric, -spot .light, 11:33;
Municipal World, ,supplies, 93.37;
Harry Colling, hauling :clay at
Boiler Beach, 1454:55; Village' 'of
Ripley,•.3: fire ',calls, 225.00; Chas.
Emmerton,valuing cow, 2.' trips,
7.00; ,. 'West •Wawan•osh, ' Insurance
of 'Twp, Hall, 23 75,; •Bill Kemp
ton, ,h•aulin clay to. Boiler Beach,..
;124;4, Brwce'BBeach 'Association,
grant .for upkeep of hills; 300.00;
D. B. Blue, hall supplies, '.10, •
Roads Steve .Irwin, Super-
intendent,' $325:00; Wayne Lowry,
grader, 3115.60; Lloyd: Irwin,, la-
bour; .3.60 Leroy. Walden, labour,
8.00; Roy Marshall; hauling gra-
Local Couple Were
W ed In London
Central Baptist Church, Lon-
don, •was the setting •#or .the
wedding of 'Marilyn' Elizabeth
Reavie and Roy Johnston. Stan-
Thebride is the daughter of
Mr. • and Mrs. Elymer Reavie of
Lucknow . and the groom. is the
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stanley,
Boundary West. Dr. Arthur . R.
Pyke performed the ceremony.
The bride • was captivatingly
gowned in a 'floor length wedding
gown of ' white , French 'imbost
brocade. The 'bodice 'featured `a.
shallow scoop neckline and; long,
lily j oixn't sheath sleeves/The full
flowing 'i bouffant "skirt cascaded
to .a romantic chapel train in the
1baek Irorn.._triple.. heats at" ithe
,side of 'the waist forming a front.
panel. To complete her: bridal
outfit, the• .bride '.wore a • French
Pure .silk illusion fingertip veil'
caug:ht up by a matching 'pilltbox,,
(headpiece of the same brocade
and she ', carried ;white, Shasta
Miss and
Marian ' Reavie; ' maid
conour • and bri•desinaids; Mrs.
Ewart Cornish ' and Miss •Mary.
Bohonos 'wore .white eyelet dres-
seswith royal blue sashes and.
accessories.:, !Flow. ergir1, Deborah
Stanley wore a dress similar : to
•the other, bridal ":attendants 'and
"the'ring :bearer .was. Robert An
derson.•, . •.
•' Grobrn'sman was. •Harry Bishop
'and . ushers 'were .Stuart. Reavie
and Ray Stanley.' ' 1
:Viiss..Bertha Blue was the Salo-:
�,>tly and her selections were "the
Wedding Prayer", Lead
Like . ' a Shepherd Lead Us.
For travelling the .bride chose
a green silk Italian `suit with
white accessories and .a corsage
of red roses.
.The couple will reside ,at, R.R.
2, London,e
• The Lucknow and Di'stricj
HorticulturaI Society •
will ' be held in the •
Legion Haft, Lucknow+
Friday Saturday, 'August 17;
Hall', will be ` • open to: the public Friday
evening_..? .to... 10;: Saturday afternoon 2-t�
and -Saturday -evening, • 7 • to 9,
Any new exhibitors are welcome b
membership fee.•,
paying , $1.00
family. She was' predeceased; by '
,three sisters, Mrs. 'Robinson -.Let Reade ' For
Woods aens (Annie) of St He1 , I•
H .
Mrs Tom Campbell • (Mary) , of ,
Brucefield, Mrs. : J. Metcalfe
(Elizabeth) o London and two
brothers,` John and. Sam of
She is survived,1 by several;
:nieces •arid rtephe'ws. Relatives at
'tended the funeral:' from. London,
Clinton, Kitchener; •Bayfield., St
Helens and ;Brucefield. .•
uroa Native Was
1OO''Thjs Spring
' Mrs. 'Victoria .Sn'*ith. of.'Huron
Township,' recently :received
some "snaps" "af' her ' aunt, Mrs
Donald . Morrison'. of , '. Calgary;
whi'ch'were. taken'. on the occa-
si.on of her oneh.undredvh•berth
day on . April 25th. • .
Mrs. Morrison is the former
Mary .Murray; daughter, of the
.late Norman: 'Murray and .Mary
MacDonald, •who were . 'among
the: :Lewis . Settlers in Huron
Township, who ,carne .from . Seo't-
;land over a century' 'ago:'
Mrs:. "Morrison was born and
raised in...fluron Township ':and.
still has many relatives in the
Huron= Ripley'• area. 'She,. has a_
brotherYA1-1 1 urray in Kin-
cardine and ,a • sister, .Mrs.Chas.
Males' (Effie); in Detroit.:
vel, 61.95, Pollock : Electric, file
and. • ten ' test?. ,163:36 • .Benson.
Hardware, cement for. Hunter
bridge, .1,158.24 Ken ,McKay,
battery and gas; 23.90; Graham
-Cook,• .bulldozing, 2715.00; 5::. N.•
Howe, ,calcium chloride,. 120.04;'
Ontario. Culverts, new `culverts,
323:13;: Burlington "Steel, 'bridge
iron,: '4,082;12Walden Brothers,
:freight; 2.25; • Imperial . Oil, :fuel
oil,. ".232.81; Owen- Kin ayrrie
- -a&-H ter ori "ge; 2;9220.00,; "Can
•ada Culverts,; guard.: rail, 450.11
McLaughl'ins Auto Electric, 'gra-
der' repairs, . 20:50; Harry ` Colling,
hau ring and; loadinig, 241.715;. IHar
Vey B.. Thom ison, hauling gravel,'
88.55; Bill Kempton.,.' hauling and
loading, ,'315.70; Norval Stanley,
rightof=:way; ' 100.00; .James Me-
Tavish,. gravel; '31210; ' Steve Ir-
win; mileage and postage, 30.90;
Howard Hodge, grader repairs,
39.433 ..
Council' adjourned to meet on
EARL ,TOUT; `°Clerk'..
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Miss Charlotte Rebecca :John-
son passed, •away on 'Saturday,
August +4th at ••Pinecrest Manor
Nursing dome, in Lucknow where
she had been' a .patient, for .sev-
eral years. 'Wihihe not in .good
health 'for ' a cog rime, Miss
Joh.nson,. suffered a stroke two
weeks prior ; to her death.: '
She was, a sister of the late
Mrs.. Robinson 'Woods 'of St:
Heles and was. a resident Of
that community prior. ‘to enter-
ing Pinecrest Manor;
Miss, Johnson was a daughter
of the late :Alexander Johnson
and Rebecca IReid • of Stanley
Township •where,she was born 'on,
April' 12t+h, X18821
The funeralice was held
at the IVIacKe zir:l a Memorial .Cha.
pel in Lucknow on. Monday, A,u=
gust 6th, conducted, .by Rev, B. rF.'
Green of St. Helens United
Church. Interment was i.n Baird's, •
Cemetery' near, Brucefield, The •
pallbearers Were . five • nephews:
Lorne Woods, .Victor Taylor,. Me]
Brown„ Morley Taylor; Charles
"Proctor and Abrin Cooper; .
Miss' Johnson who .endeared
herself to all Who knew her, was
the last.• suriri, 7hig rnein(ber of the
Remember, ' it takes but '. a
moment to . place • a , .; Sentinel'
Want Ad and be' money in poc
ket.. To 'advertise, just phone 35..
Federal Electi�n•
Returning officer Russell Bol-
ton of Seafarth' has been instrue-
ted' by Ottawa- to ' start preparing
for anothyer federal election, some
time after: ' Septern ber 1.5tth.
Chief Electoral 'Qfificer N. Cas
tonguay .'said in a letter to re-:
turning officers that becauie the
Progressive 'Conservative Gov-
ernMenxt does not have a work-
ing g Majority. in ' the :House •of
Cornm,ons, . he .wants to be ready
for an 'election on 24 ' hours no-
tice • after'' Septerruber. '15th.
The ' letter from . Mr. C ston-
guay Stated. that no returning
officer would be •, allowed ' to: re-
sign after July•, 15th except by
Medicalcertificate. 'First , •ship-
ments :of .'new, . election Materials
'will start an about: that , date,
he 'said.
The returning :officer's first
task is •. rev snort,, : of riding:'' sub-
divisions.. The letter' `from Mr.
Castonguay •sugges•ted: that `poll-.
ing subdiv'is'ions be cut'• down
to 300 .names,, a reduction from
the 350 •names of the. last" elec-
tion. s
Mr and Mrs. Bolton 7 are. on
a•_'p to—Eingla- de--They-••expec
to return: in several •'weeks. •Their
son,. Arthur 'Bolton, former assis-
tant .agricultural representative
•for Huron,• said deadline for.`re-
vision of subdivision .Polls was,
September. 15th.'
Is Your Su,bscrption. ' Renewed?'
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