HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-15, Page 6sr fl • 1 'AGE SIX THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL. IUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUC; 15th, 1;9i • I.MBIEF;LEY. Mrs. Sam Bradley of Toronto was a recent 'guest of 'Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. James. Bradley and with. Mr. John Bradley in Kincardine hos • pital. • • Mir. Mervyn Courtney spent a weeks vacation with friends in • Ottawa. • A pleasing duet was given at ' the Sunday morning service . at } Pine River United 'Church by.. HelenMcfNain •and Joyce Thor burn who sang "Ivory Palaces. • Mrs. T. N. Dean of Kincardine and.,Mrs. 'Charles 'Walker of Grimsby visited Wednesday . ev- ening of last week with Mr. & Mrss. William Courtney. Mernlbers, of the Royal Black Prete o 1 2 -sof : Amberley Pt.ry. • Lodge attended Derry Day which was•-• celebrate& _ in_....CollinWood ': on. Saturday .of last week. A large crowd attended the •event. . ,Miss . Jean 'Geddes spent the weekend• at her ;home on the 4th concession and ,was guest Soloist at Pine 'River United Chwrch on. Sunday. • A • numlber .. of .ladies from this vicinity attended a• tea Which WAS held in the new lodge rooms; of , the Eastern Star in Kincardine on 'Friday afternoon. Mr. ,and :Mrs. William Officer. and 'Mr. and' Mrs. Norman Offi= jcer of Conn. were Sunday, guests of Mr..: and Mrs. John Emmy erton.• • Sgt. Eugene ' Blue' spent the Week -end :with •his, patents;. Mr. and Mrs John Blue. • 11?Ir. Oscar m trong Tor- onto, Foreign 'Correspondent of:, De Haviland Aircraft. viiited'. 'last week; with Mr. and :Mts. .Eldon Lowry at Lungan. Corinne: MacDonald and Carol '. • Courtney. Spent a .few days with their grandparents, Mr.:: and Mrs. William. ' Courtney atnlberley ASHF:IELD ',(Intended For •.Last' Week) Among those who • attended - the 1VIaafonald 'Reunion on Sat-. +urday and • visited 'relatives for • •the..week end were: Miss Mabel MacDonald of Windsor, Mr. and Mrs: Ralph Cowles, and `family of London, Mr. and;: Mrs. Dan Rose . and 'baby of NeWniarket,. ,Mr:. and,: Mrs:' .Ste'tve' Stothers of Lucknow:, Mr. Mrs. Bain. Stewart ' and : David" of •Toronto r. ' and Mm-.--„-Ross-.Thompson. and children of Tillsontburg visited '`their : aunt. Miss . Annie MacDonald 'on :Sunday Their • older son Son' :Bradley • is . attend- ing- . the Boys' Camp at Kintail. this . week.' • •'Dr. and Mrs. Alex Barnby • of Hamilton •are holidaying on their farrn. Ray MacKenzie of • Toronto • was home for the week end. Mr, and Mrs. George :Foster and . Donna , . oaf Rodney , visited with Mrs. Kitson on. Sunday, Lucknow' Presbyterian ' W.M.S. Mrs. Morgan Henderson was the hostess to the . afternoon auxiliary at the Henderson •,cot tage on Tuesday, August 7th. Twenty-three ladies . were pres- ent and Mrs. Charles Cook pre- sided. The. meeting opened by repeating the Aina, and Purpose' of 'the,. W.M.S.. The Bible study was the parable from Matthew 13: 44746 :on the • treasure and pearl. Mrs. N. Malcolm explain- ed 'that the treasure and pearl represent .the. salvation 'through Jesus Christ, our only lasting. possession is' God, asthe, peace of God abideth forever. The l'0l'1--- ea11r•�vvas---answered bpi the, word"youth". Miss Dean Mac- L eod __expressed: • her :pleasure in ibeing at the meeting and narrated "The Story of the, Spring",. • clos- ing los-ing.with the poem, "The House by the ,side 'of the Road." Mrs. Morgan. •Henderson• introduced our;'nlissionary, Miss Douglas: She has ,been oa,;,,missionary in For- mosa. For mosafor 34 years., She • spoke, on the progress in Formosa: In :1965 it will be; the' 190trh anniver- sary since: , the first. missionary •came to • South •Formosa. • All over. Formosa to -day- you hear the 'words,"Dou'ble the . Num- bers" The:. aim 'of., the :conreg- ations is to double the :numbers of members by the anniversary. Tamsui • has , three Presbyterian churdhes besides the original 'one. The' elders' take turns ' prea-. Ching on Sunday night .arid they also hold cottage prayer meetings: As youth • is • the time to start' Christian teaching, • great stress is 'put' on the high schools. Tihe. Tarnsuischool has built. new. dormatories • and four 'cottages;. each ,has,24 senior students: Fifty one .pupils. from the • School joined: the .church. and ' :thirteen entered theological college. The college has been rebuilt. The • • ; Bible -school got, $100,000 frail' •Southern Presbyterian • churches:' in United States. The Formosan, W"M.S is well organizedand their meet- ings are wellprepared and•. car-• ried out; ,The .`women also carry 'On .: a• Bible school for .girls and women who are • on.ly • public school graduates and . many . of these are. •. _already. doing good work in the church,, .Miss: Mary :MacLeod expressed' :the. thanks of the,W.M.S.: :to: Miss . Douglas and Mrs Cook Closed-:' With: prayer : After the meeting the ladies enjoyed a picnic' supper. served, Eby the. Social ;'Committee, Mrs. Duncan ' MacDonald. .and daughter. . of Flint, . Michigan visited with Keith. Johnson last ,week end.. Mrs. Wrn. Wareing, Leonard and Lorna, Mrs.: Toe LeGere and Steven of Stoney. Creek visited' friend§ in the community :last' week. • - • ODERICH. BUSINESS COLLEGE 21st. Annual Fall Tenn opens_ September 4th. Junior Courses J approved Senior andsr : 'by "the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' ASSOCIATION OF CANADA Modern Equipment—Qualified ' Teachers --Tuition $28. • TELEPHONE JA 44521 or 7284, GODERICH, ONT. RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom BWchermg Mondays ` Hogs, $2.00 in. by 4:00 p.m Cutting and Wrapping, 2c pound. CATTLE, CALVES and LAMES EVERY -DAY, , EXCEPT SATURDAYa ' �o Curing and "okt:. Beef,' P 'and LfinSoldWho'� Half orQiarer �et r Service,And • Lower . Prices - Call , Ripley 100, . Chas .. Pia . Hobfana, p, . . NEWS BRIEFS FROM NEARBY An Owen Sound man, • Jack Hobart, had nothing to do one evening recently when his; wife was visiting in .Windsor; So' he decided "to drop down. to, Dur - barn for a few rounds of bingo." He won $1,006 on the full, card •bingo with 52. nuxnibers. * Grain was threshed as it stood in ' the field and corn and .bean, crops were riddled-, and Wbroken by a vicious hail storm in .the;; Seafonth: district recently. Loss. ran intomany thousands of, :dol- lars, according toarea farmers.. Safecrackers.. who . broke into the. Cariadian National Railways depot in Paasleyleft. emg'ty:hand=; ed as the office safe, a ponderous, antiquated` model,' withstood -the 'cutting flame of an ' acetylene torch and the operators ran out of ;gas.`' .,* * The rather, staggering cost .of a • sewage .disposal system in Teeswater over 'thirty. years, has added fuel to the .fire. Three -letters appeared in last week's •Teeswater News: opposing the project. One ,writer• suggests. cleaningup the pollution sources, and with the •moneysaved: spend,. some of it • on repairing '. side- walks that are • in. "', a bad state of repair. `YSUMMER DAYS" The' • .summer :days . are ' here again .. And for awhile at least we • .can forget , The .,- chilly months :.cif ice arid :snow, There, •• was a. time way back when; Time seemed to. crawl But now, I, ask, where does ;it' • go? ' •• We .hurry here : j-- there, A bus$o' catch cross, And:' e way' we . Watch . those • traffic lights,: Is enough to ,make one cross! Fara • June • • brings • many things to • do; It's .a Month • of weddings and parties ..galore, And: kids , will soon •be out of. school And finding_;jobs-' by the., score_ Such '. as taking . pop bottles Back. ,to the,: ''store. Sometimes there's .a neighbour's lawn to be cut, • Friendly' folks like to .relax and chat, Of their' troubles and joys; . And . ,then, mutt. who •had' .pups And the spanking • they • gave junior • • For kicking the cat!,' Yes,- there's so many places. just now ' to go, • And ,so' many old 'friends to see, And 'you wonder if you" .• Cancall' on them all; Arid remain for a wee Spot of tea, There's . .a. boat " ride to catch •-� A trip to the: zoo ' • Arid 'sometimes a meeting in town; • • Yes, P T.A' meetings and Fire - mens Ball+ too, ' 'Tis',enbtigh to get most folks down. ' You wonder . where daughter is And' find 'she's with • friends Out joy riding*.just for :a lark, While Junior's gone. biking And: off, to\,.the. park,° • Andhe often stays there' Till long after dark. .The month of June' is a won derful time 'People . travelling here and there,; For many are on their tV.6. ation just now While scented roses fill the air! Mother nature • is a grand old dame She's never ' 'tired or needing .rent, • •. • She puts' on such a grand lis- play Right. n•r w she's. 'at her" best, The coal summer breezes • Waft over the Lakes And . nestling among the cabins where.' and. • scurry street.• o • The Extent Of Siock SPECIAL PRICES on Barbecues and Bcrbec.ue Fools Picnic Hampers Power Mowers MiJDIE Ond SON Phone I0, Lucknow (. . W. -The- sun will- -shine clown On • church picnics . Fati it re-unionsiiere and -'there y And families will , still ' go out from the mob----: - ; There'll l be church to Atte indTy'mns to. be sung, The one's • • that you'.v.e hea fishing . o'er. and,. o'er,. Away'. way out on the blue, And as you' come out And , when , their thinking • of The pastor will greet you . biting ' • " As you .pass : by him . there: Your hoping and . wishing . .• at the door. • . They have • nothing better to :Later en the old school b do, will a ring . It's lots of• fun ,to go swine-, To beckon to you• •one and,; ming and fishing A 'chilly.. and grim .reminder And for' all the kids it would That soon,. oh , too soon 'tm never ' do, ' be 'fall!: • • If • they didn't with Grandma Qh .summer day's ,.if youcoi Spend. a • week or two. last, . There'll be/cherries and berries :And, not ' so fleeting be, And peas Al pick: ti` • , We'd treasure' yo.0 a long is Tomatoes, and corn on the cob, time Watermelons to : eat . while And .never turn you free. friends you, will greet :By Grace • Cameron Linl Who • are ' happy to be away •Detr NO NEED TO BOTHER WITH` TRAVELLERS CHEQUES! Travellers -Cheques are strictly.for .peopl'e who want°to keep their moneysafe when travelling. Everywhere •, you ,go, in Europe or. Canada, economical' Tfravellerli Cheques" sold, by ..the, B of M Oan•be caghed • quickly s and easily — but Oily by. you ' You sign them, *hen yen cash 'them, . So .if your moneys forspending and not for. burning to *hat 'modern travellers do turn it •intoTravellers Cheques at the 1 of M before you go. They're avai#able in. Canadian or, U.S. dollars or Sterling. BANr, 7d 3i01tt1011MONIS BANK OF1VYovnuz Lucknow Branch" i . MILTON RAYNER, Managef • • WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN. .EVERY WALK Or LIFE siNte 1817.. •