HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE. LUCKNO W SENTINEL, LUCKNO Gv, ' ONTAR IQ, 4 . WEDINFSDAY, AOG. pith,. 10 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES- Eirst Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 5 Oc Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum 40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks. and' Coming Events, minimum 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1.00.. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for each bill rendered. EORSLE., PIGS • FOR SALE -40 pigs wean- . ed, and.. well. started. Duncan Far - rich, RJR. a Lucknow, p'hon'e 16.4-r-8, Ripley. • FOR SALE--- elm plank arid some heMbx1k.' Jas, Devereaux; RR. 2, Lucknow. ' PIGS : FOR . SALE 13 well started .pigs. Apply to • Herb Buckton, Lucknow;. Ra 6, phone 210, Ripley.. FOR SALE - ibird cage .and stand. Apply to Mrs. Wellington Henderson, phone 11458 'Lucknow. MUSIC •INSTRUCTION, Mrs: '.A, C.' Agnew,. Lucknow, teacher , of . piano 'and theory,. pupils prepared for ;'examinations of the Royal Conservatory of f (M'usi'c, Toronto- if desired. ' FOR SAIJE 1650 Chev ''coach,, .in. perfect medhanical condition,. safety checked by .0.13213.; : body and tires good: Apply to Lloyd • Hunter, ,Lucknow. . EOR SALE - 94feet of ' lake frontage, with two: furnished Cabins, heavy wiring, sand beach iideal for children, located mile;• south. ''of Amberley .Beach and Highway `.86. Terms ; may . be ar ranged, , immediate , possession., W.. M. gewat, phone, 107, • Luck-: now.• FOR. S. LE ,FOR, SALE •.-•-' RaSplberry canes, Chief,: Early Madawaska and Willam'ettis, $4,00 hundred; also Strawberry plants; - Jumbo $2:00 hundrErd Mrs. 'Leri Chisholm, phone i3 •r-2Dungannon. .• HOUSE FOR SALF in:: L.ucknowm seven morn frame house with double lot in a'dd'ition to residence. property... House could be made into duplex with separate entran- ces and driveways: This ,property. .has. many possibilities, all for the low, low' price of '$3,500 with fermi. Apply to Jack ' Stuart ;phone 3134• Lucknow or, enquire 'at Farrish's 'Billiard Parlor. ' • MACHINERY FOR • iSADE--W.D.• Allis-Chalmers ;tractor and load- er in A-1 "condition, all new. tires, 28 plate new, Otaco Disk,. 3 -•.fur- row ;Cockshutt Plow, No. •L1 Mas- +sey Spreader on rubber, JB ' & D Spot. Sprayer, New Idea 7' mower.'. Apply. to Alvin 'Hamilton,' R.R. 3; Lucknow, Oait. NOW IS : THE. TIME TO SowFertilizer .•On Pasture and Fall Wheat. For or BEST RESULTS' and 'LOWEST PRICO/ Contact BRUCE •MacMILLAN Lucknow. .FRUIT! : FRUIT! •. Peaches, Apples,Pears at: Las - Saline Orchards, Goderich. Please .bring containers to 31/z .miles . south" of No.' 8' Highway ;on. the ,,'Drive -In Theatre road just south of .Goderich:.. • FOR .SALE'- seven roam • frame house in Luckaiow, good garage and work -shop; Westinghouse frig; rangette. Win,: Brown, phone. 164, Lucknow.. SE El9 CL�EA TItNiG SERVICE • have your wheat 'and grass seeds, • cleaned. now.,. Prompt service: Gordon Johnstone, Luckxiow, •lo- cated : in the former S. E. Robert- son seed cleaning plant, . ,STILL; A GOOD SELECTION of shower and : wedding gifts` .avail- • 'able • at savings of 25% • off ' at Finlay Decorators, I',ucknow, phone 218. RESIDENCE :, FOR STALE - 'The' residence • ' of Thomas ..H. Burns, on Ludgard. • St.,' near the Sta- tion• on spacious lot DoWnstaf COMING EVENTS CASH 'BINGO A Cash Bingo will be held in the. Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, August 116th,, at , 8:45. p.rri, 12 regular ' games for, $10., .3 share -the -wealth., $50 Special game must go. RECEPTION A reception. will be held in ,honour: ;of. , Mr. and ,Mrs: Art, Collins nee .Ann Crawrford; in 'the . Legion Hall, Lucknow, on Friday, August . 24th. Carruth- errs orchestra. -- ' ------_COMET- -TEENS- .DANCES..._ D� ces with music by The an I 1 Y Comet Teens, will be held Friday; August 17th at . Auburn and Sa- turday, August 18th at the .IRoyal T,. W'ingham. .BINGO AT TEESWATER . • Don't miss the .big, ash '.bingo in 'Teesviater Arena, on • Friday, August ' 17th,' commencing at 9. p:m. $1,400 -'inprizes-must' go. CASE COMBrINE FOR SALE '- • model 75, power take -off type,, 7 ft. cut with knife and pick-up attachments; scour cleaner with all types of grain and clover. seed screens, owned two ..years by farmer doing., a max-.. imnum• of 250 acres work, priced at $900. delivered : and;., ready for work. Frank Zimmer,': R.R. 4 Chatham Ontario, phone EL - 22127. SEWING MACHINES" Save $' $ $ $ Carnparisoii proves you'll' save buying .the FAMOUS AR- ROW SEWIING MAC r i i. much ` below the usual price. at Smitty's Shopping Centre, Han- over, We repair, service all makes., • SERVICES • • •• RECEPTION' • There w'ill be a re'eeption and' dance in Holyrood' Hall on Sat- urday , evening, August 18th at 9' p.m. for Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Earle (nee .Margaret:'Schnel•ler). Ladies please bring lunch. Every- one, welcome. Tiffin's orchestra. GRAIN WANTED - Wish to: buy from 40' to''' 20 tons of mixed. grain or oats, Wm. Ferguson, Amrberley, phone Ripley 30-r-13. WANTED -- live poultry; also. ' new andused duck and goose feathers and .used bags and bag ging. Best prices. at your door, Phone . or Write • A. Brown, 181 Kincardine. , FEMALE HELP WANTED RURAL HOUSEWIVES Avon Cosmetics offers excel- NOTICE • NOTICE • Any; girl'. . wishing to �.oin. the �Colwanaeh 4-.H: club, contact: Mrs. Peter• :'1V1aoDonra�ld, : RA. 7, Lucknow, phone 'Dungannon '76- r-8, iby : August 25th. Members' •must•rbe :1.2years 'df' age' by Sep- tember .•1st, .1962. _. ' NOTI€ E RE BULBS • Any member of the Horticul- ture Society wanting ';Spring flowering ' bulbs, contact Mrs., Bryce Elliott, phone. 255,: Luck - now, • sec.-treas. , „BEiST PRICES. tractor firm, 'Fresh ..cement. in: stock; at .,all times, :good discounts ' ;on large Orders, Formosa No 1 . hardwood slabs' : `in .' truckload 'lets.,Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow. • • ;AUCTION ' SALE Allan Maclntyre Licensed • Auctioneer, • Luckndw' Phone 209-r-41 FILTER `.QUEEN Sales and Service; OB' PECK, Varna,; Ontario, Phone , .Hensel], 696-r-2 VACUUM :CLEANERS Sales and . Service `Repairs and bags for all models, of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned machines of all makes for sale BOB PECK, Varna,, Ontario, • Phone, Hensall 696=r-2' lent earning opportunity for you --working hi .your: own com ARD»OF THANK The relatives of Miss Chariot Johnson wish to :express the sincere thanks to Mr., and..' Mt Newbold. and staff of l'ittecre Manor for the kind' and lovi .care given to their' aunt Buri the years ,spent there, .Spec thanks to Dr. 'M,, .H. Corrin, I wash to ' thank my frien •aad. neighbours for remen>Iber_i• me .with cards,. treats • and vis • While 'in Victoria and Winghz hospital',.: Thanks also to• Dr: rrin and has .C.cz taL.staf - lu- f ' Mrs.: M. D•onaldsc I wi h `t ex o re ss el s m ,� ._� _. __.p � my_singe than. ks and appreciation . to • dc tors', nurses,, friends and .neig bours wiho so kindly and thougl fully rernemlbered me . while the ,:hospital; : Sincerely, Eddie 'Gaunt osh rnunity:'Write -Miss V. M. M. P.O. Box No. 86, 'Owen' Sound.. Rart Time Sales Representative ; ; We, have •an ' oRening .in the 'L.ucknow .area • for. 'a sales re- presentative to sell • office sup plies, • equipment and machines. The person we are looking for has worked or' is. presently: work-' ing in •an 'office • age: is'•no. barrier • could be a retired gentleman. Who would like 'to. make Calls one• or' two 'days a week` or 'a -'man Who would' like 'to.supplemerit his present income. • Kindly. advise' full particulars.'to B ; 14 W N• SOUND ;. BOX G O E TENDERSE,: :TENDERS: will be "received. '.by the undersigned up' 'till August 18th,. 1992, ' for removal of :old roof' and laying first grade.''3, in 1 asphalt shingles to 'be finished 'by September .' 1st, 19f, . _Lowest or 'any tender .not � necessarily sa ac-" YY cepted Mrs. Marion Lowry, Sec. IS.S:No. 1, Huron, R.R. 1, Kincardine.. otice To Creditor. In loving memory of Mary Y IN $EMORIA In the Matter of. the estate of AGNES RITCHIE r ; late of the•Township .of .Ashfield' in" the County.• of Huron, Married WOrnan, deceased. NOTICE ..is hereby given . that ill persons having' claims, against the estate of the late, Agnes Ritchie, who died on the 3rd day . of July, 1961 at the Town' of 'Wingham in•. the County of •.Huron, ,are hereby, notified to file . their claims, duly verified; with the undersigned solicitor before the 30th day . of August,, 119x82, after which date the . es- tate will be distributed : and the Executors • will Only be liable; for claims of ' which.they have 'received noticei " DATED at'Walkerton this 27th' .day, • of July, .196.2: T. Ruther ferd Langdon, Q.C. Walkerton • Ontario. • Solicitor for Blake' Alton 'and John 'Bertram Ritchie, • `Executors. : . rs• • ns •- three rooms and a •A,UTQM'OTIV E• ', . ,...' ,• ° Jc T Ipntmr, r, upstairs, three bedrooms Mechanical' ' and body repairs, 'bath --Expansive front porch i TAKEN BY MISTAKE at 'St. • and .back porch, good basement, oil heated. House newly'' insulated and painted. A new chimney, er- ected recently,, Apply'to Thomas H.' Burns, , • Water Well Drilling Lakelet; Ontario KI CACKE 1, Clifford All Wells Guaranteed • Whee alignment and , ' balance, 'Window replacement, Radiator re airs p• t against rust 'with, Undaspray. ' DAVIDSON'S Texaco Service. No. ;8 Hwy. Phone JA 4-7231 Goderieh,: Ontario. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Beef and pork sold. • 'in . any quantity, Custom • hutehering in Government licensed abattoir: Pigs every, Tuesday. Beef from Monday through 'Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT 'MARKET • SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED; Septic, tanks, cess, pools,. ,etc„ pumped and cleaned 'with , 'nod ern equipment, All Work guar - teed, Louis Blake, It. 2 Brus a Phenie 442-w-6, • IM Helen's Hall • last Friday night; a ° white cardigan , sweater, To exchange, phone 45-r-23, Luck- now, ,LOST =- a boy's ball glove at the Caledonian Park, Lucknow,. on Saturday . night. Finder please contact Elwin !Hall,` phone 308,. Lucknow, FOR RENT HOUSE FOR, RENT good home with modern 'conveniences and furnace, on Highway 86, 21/2 miles west,of Lucknow, Apply to ' Ornar 'Brooks,. 'Luck. now. Is Your Subscription Renewed?, Irene Vint, who passed away five: years ago,, August 20th... No treasure on earth :.can replace her. It is ' a sorrow too great . •to • be, told; 'But to us, who loved and lost 'Mrs. Matilda..Graham. wishes :express, sincere. thanks to•neig ibors, frien4�ds, Dr. .'Jack NICK and Robert* MacKenzie, • for kir ness • at the, time .of the ' death Mr. John' Wright, Their'kindn was deeply appreciated. The: ibuilding committee of Peter's. Parish Hall wish to :tlia the Lu•aknow Sentinel for out city; the J W.' Henderson • Lu ber,'Co suppliers of building 'n terralrs; 'Roy Havens, • ,heati wiring and plumbing; ,Peter Co ibuil ling foundation; rBolb Can bell and Stewart Lavis, Wilde and the .many other ,people A donated labour and financial`' sistance.•We:would' especially.1 to thank the .people :outside .i own, congregation. for their do: tions . of • '.money and other g. for the Parish` SHall:•'Without t11 assistance this' project. could have been cornmpl•eted so, quid (,Signed) Secretary of. Build Committee, Eileen• La - Since • • the CPIR took off . ti - 'mixed train passenger. • seri but of..Goderich, an.effort is,. ing " rn•ade to: interest: the C in establishing '.a morning •r senger service' out of Goder wwhi 1h would, make it possible get to :Stratford, Kitchener Toronto: and'.•return.the same c A 1 whisper gets .about m faster. than a shout, Her memory ,will newer. grow •'old • •• Always:: remembered.' iby the` Family.. , CARD OF TIIANKS 1 eliqOUICI • like to• thank iny. friends '•and, neighbours for ':the • lovely car'd's, 'treats and. letters I received while in St. Joseph's 'Hospital, London .and since •re- turning home.: '. Sincerely, .Mrs.' • Bruce MacKenzie, • • Wellington Henderson wishes to express . his sincere thanks to all who were so' kind,' resnein- (ibering, him in so many.'' ways, while; he was' hospitalized; with special thanks to Dr. M. H. Cor- rin and; nurses., The 'thoughtful-. ness' of all was deeply appreciat-: ed -.. Pin ecres� ' ManQr ,rsin . Member: • THE WEST WAW ANO: MUTUAL. FIRE' INSURANCE ' co.,. ' Head Office,' Dungannon Established ,.1878 BOARD OF DIRECTOR President,' Brown Smyth;, Auburn Vice -Pres, Hersbn win, Belgrave;' Directors, Caesar, R. 1, Dungannon; • Ge C. ' Feagan, , G•oderi.ch; • Ross Phee, R. 3, Auburn; Do Maclay, Ripley; John F. 1 Lerman,: R. 3, • Coderich;. )r Thompson, R.:1, Holyrood; Wiggins, R. 3, Auburn. For information on your surance, call your nearest :d tor ' who is also am' agent, o secretary; Durnin ,Phillips, gannon, phone " Dungannon. 11.1 LRAY FA R.M • - ;ABATTOIR • HOLYROOD The /home,: of Choice meats `• ASSOCIATED NURSILNG, ;GOVERNMENT INSPECT . HOMES • and APPROVED' • of Ontario • Schneider's Cured Mea .;24 -Hour Supervision' of WE AhSU DO 'CUSTOI A Registered Nurse and haing yo meat .i Considerate Person,a.l Attention ti rrit For Elderly: and ,Convalescent coolers as' long as . desired, Persons: on Tuesdays and cattle Excellent `Home Cooked Meals; day, ±to' appointment •iiece` BOX 220, Phone' 1298: RAYNARD• ACKERTT I.TJCICIO'i3�, 'ONT. 101-r-•13, LueknoW , ,