HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-15, Page 1the has ind. >11y let- ied,, fyQs >Iba: ito" )ck= Len - met Lily, ring lock hers .. to are... Sthe. to D 13 0Q:'A Year iln Advance, 61:00" Extra To LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG, 15th, 1962 ,Single Copy 10c 12 Pages. ASks. "Increase..Ili • illage _Hourly Rate For Rural . fire Protection Service• • The fire • protection Service be- ing supplied by the . Village • of Lucknow,; through. the Lucknaw Won 2 $500B'n o Fire Department has'. come toucknt. fore•.again Prize .. T�......:�..�.,...�. Reeve Harvey Culbert of West • Wawano.sihN, discussed :the. matter with' the Village Council last week, so he could give 'his. coun- cil first hand information when • .they met on, Tuesday eventing. An hourly fee of $5�0a ha ill effect—Since the rural agree- reent•. was entered ° into until this year when ,the fee'.was .increased to $75, ` •• • A nitazimlum of eight fireinen:. are • . paid for. rural., calls. They have beeen receiving $1.50 • an hour, w'h'ich took• $1.2.00 out of each $50 charged by the Village. Firemen who have AA) respond. calls at ail .times of . day er nigih.t even in; their "good" c•othes, or .taking time from their- work, are asking $3.00 each: for. the first . hour and: $2.00 each thereafter. This will dip even /deeper into the' $715 an hour ch'ar'ge; • Council has a detailed break= down .cif fire :protection • , costs to village ratepayers, which has run from .$4,000 to• $6,004 per year during/ 1959, 1060 and 1961. This / does not• take into Con- sideration depreciation costs, of muck & •equipment;'which Goon- , til considers equals' or . exceeds the fire .protection revenue 're- ceived from the rural rriunici- palities serviced, _• ' ' ' • In . 19164. Kinloss' paid. $206: for fire calls, Ashfield $'840 and West: •Wawanosh $106.: ' - In 1961 Kinloss had 5 calls lotallin,g $300, A'shfie•ld • 5 calls totalling $500, . West• Wawanosh. • 4; calls''totalliinig. $254 (Continued on Page' 2) :Disctiss. Major Sklewalk At Program the . Auguingofth e 'kbout-60attendand Many Village Council: a sidewalk re-: others w:ere , imalble to be, pre- lacemen.t prOgrarri, was ,.discus- sent, during the holiday, Season. ,Mrs. Anne Wheat of Daytona ac- companied; her friend Mrs De - Coo, it: being: Mrs. Wheat's first visit north . of . the iU.S..A border. Manynephews and nieces at- tended: 'from; the :area on both sides 'of'th.e, funnies. The, young-: est attending was: the two Week old; balby, of Mr. :and Mrs::. Bob Courtney • (Joyce • 'Campbell) of AAmberl'ey. The 'oldest attending was one. of. the :seven , sisters, Mrs. Isobel: MacDonald,. Lucknow, in 'her eighty-fourth year: Family get-tcHgethers were en- joyed for the first time in many, years, and the . sevensisters were able to have a chit chat over the. memories of childhood days. ' Mrs, Robert Hamilton of, Lucknow is proving 'to be quite lucky at :.,bingo. For the second. time in little more thana month 'she has won X500 prize; O`n riday ` evening, August 3rd at Teeswater, Sadie, as ev eryone calls. ,her, won the $500 super, prize'. at the Teeswater Lions bingo. I.n: addition she was' in on .,a6- wa y split 4:3f one p f the re ular games, ,Mrs. George Tiffin of town was also a re- gular game winner, • • It was on]y' a few weeks ago— in Tate June -- that Mrs. Hamil- ton won another $50Q, ' when she was in on. a two-way split • of the $1,OO -bingo jackpot at Durham. PROTEST SONIC BOOM CREATED BY PLANES The Municipal Council of the Village .qf Lucknow ha$ . protested the breaking of the sound barrier by high:flying planes, and has requested that this practice be discos - firmed in the future.. .Councillor 1VI, L. Sanderson. proposed the: motion 'at the August meeting and a . pro-:• test to this effect has been lodged with the Department of Nationa Defe It was pointed out that verbal complaints have been received locally of damage to commercial: roofs, win- ts,•etc. The sonic .boom which re- sults from breaking the. "sound •barrier • • shakes buildings, and startles and.•:• frightens adults'and children. It is believed that the boom. iscaused by planes of the. • U.S.A. Air Force, :but. the protest. •has. • ,beenlodged the ough Canadian .authorities: 8O%. Ic.:pIy By Village Ratepayers • Rejects Police Officer By 159, to 111 A majority of the ratepayers of lige of Lucknow hiring a towrt Lucknow do n uco 'f favor a five constable ata �! cost of five mills L ' mills tax levy to. provide an ex -.per annum? • p•erienced, • full time policeof- ficer for the • municipality. Eighty percent of the property. owners..-- 7'9.7% to be. exact -- returned' the questionnaire +bal lots on .this..gtiestion, 'wShich ask- f.A .-- -- � - Ll�c'%V'o'r.�0if;..th&�v11-•.• Seven Sisters At .Kinloss Youths Afield Reunion FIew. To Wiarton • A 'uniq•ue family' gathering; knoiwn `. as .the. Seven ' Sister. Re- union was held at. the Ashfield Park' at the 'loot of the twelfth concession" on Sunday, August 5th. . Although the two. brothers.. 'are Predeceased, , the seven .daughters of the late ' 'John and Sarah Johnstone of • Ashfield:. Township were able to be present. •• They were M'rs, Isobel MacDonald of Lucknow, Mrs •Ella DeCou, Day tong Beach, .Florida; 'Mrs..Annie' MacDonald of •Ashfield,' Mrs:'Ef-` .fie Culbert; . Arnberley., Mrs. Har- ry Fowler, Clinton, Mrs. 'Albert Cam•pbell, Lucknow:; Mrs. Frank Griffin, Detroit. All of the seven sisters were, "Ashfield 'born" . on the 'farm now . owned by Donald Fairish. All ;the ; ladies : are in excellent health.) • sed, but.. nothing definite :was :de- cided upon. Councillor M . L. Sanderson questioned. f the `,pro 1ect. 'might not better be left •over O ''. until next year; and,declined •to ! take an.y. y: definite action. ` :vtrithout. • 0 a full` meeting of 'the Board, a" " Cou cillors • Webster • and Broe s k being absent. • , Cost of the ,sidewalk : program ' will have to' be . financed .:by' a. debenture issue, and the • deben- ture debt was 'studied bringing the' Board ..up to date on recent debt retirement and other . issues • to retire soon, 'so that , the. overall indebtedness, .:would be kept on a fairly even keel. a The sidewalk_ replacement pro- m gram is., so extensive that it is, A not considered' feasible or. eco o nomical.. to. do it.in bits '$i pieces' a .. out of 'current revenue. 1 A rough estLmate,, of ,bhe • cost of the program, being.ourrently pro-. posed would be between $12,006. and $14;900. . • i a 0 O _■ a O fa. a a.• M' •▪ • a: 0 .0. ✓ a .a r Anderson Family Feld: Reunion A family gathering was held at the 'home of Mr. and- Mrs.. �0 Charlie A •- M nderson (Which , is the 0 , Anderson homestead) on. Sunday, M •' Augusta 12th ,, About sixty-three three descendants 0• of the late • Mr. and Mrs. David 0 Anderson attended this • reunion.: ' . Guests •Werere est from L - a 'don, Taiontop s, r°m pn , Ottawa Pinkerton Lucknow and surroundingdis r, trict. a .The only survivors of the Da-• tie, r. "via Anderson famriil are Fred a Anderson of Y : S : Lucknow and, Mrs. 3. Kilpatrick . • p trick who gas a patient at pinecrest Manor in, (:;Lucknow, 0. 000. Artificial Ice: : Fund;Over $20y000 :Donations to the Lucknow and. District Lions CluJ,b Artificial Ice Fund.Continue to trickle in, Since the last list .of acknowledgements .was published donations :have been received totalling $79.35, 'This raises' the', fund. total to $20,0.77,129. , • Dr, A. E. Barnby. . • ' $ 7.00 Hamilton Dungannon United Church Women 10,00 Helen Brisbin, Pickering .. '5:00 Joe Connelly , ......., . 20;00 Msi. & Mrs. Melvin O.rr ...10.00 C'hesley ; John McInnes. .... .a.... aa..•,.ra• .. ,2 .00 R. 1, ilolyrood VO • �na�ld Henderson,. 5.00 '1 �'v11.Y.%YF... Eurlingtoi • : Fred Pierce .... i,.riYa...a. 1000 A'/�Fornier Resident ,.....i.i,.. 55� 35 Jack acintyr e v .e visa♦ •. yr 5.00 W nghatt • For Week-EndVisif The trend iri travel was effec- tively illustrated a few days ago. `when two Kinloss teenagers took charge• of a *plane 'to fly from • Goderich to :.Wiarton for. a week -end ' visit. . They were Ernest Ackert, •son Of Mr, and Mrs: Rayn'ard• Ackert of. •} olyrood. and Denver. Dickie, son of Mr and Mrs. Ira Dickie• of ' Con 4, Kinloss. Froin;, Wiar- ton airport • they went on •to Hope Bay to visit with Denver's relatives. • ' Ernest, .who•,is 1.8, received his pilot's licence about three weeks •ago. ' Be , has always been inter- ested in flying and. about a year ago commenced training at night school at Sky .Hanbor-,Air S.erivi- ccs atGod`er:.ich;...About Ch-rrstrrias��s he -soloed, " and. recently was, qualified:' to receive his licence:;' His dad Was • up with him ' the night he received his licence. -Last week -end he. 'rented a plane at Goderic:h: -and •he and Denver took. off ::for Wiarton.' Investigate Fire The control • tower •offic'ials ' at. Wiarton had received .word from a' TCA plane of a "bush fire" north of • Wiarton. Provinc%al• Police were alerted, but the loco-. :tion was .rnaccessible..by road, Ernest and Denver landed. at the opportune • moment, . and the Police, Officer. commandeered the .plane and had Ernest fljrr•him over the area. It . was discovered it was 'a fire ,in an Unauthorized dump, and did 'not pose a threat to' the tiinlbered . area. However, it did provide 'an , extra thrill to an exciting week -end The plane which" Ernest piloted' ; a was, a srngIe enginePiper Colt with tricycle 'landing oar. 'Bach' property owner,, regard- less of the number of, properties assessed, had only one vote. The., total cost in. dollars and cents on the present assessment, was made' known ,on the questionnaire to ; -each indwi.dual. There were 340 questionnaires ' mailed on July 3Oth, with Mon.= Hand day, August 13th,.- latter set as • Badl • y Injured the deadline for the return of • thedetachalble ballot, 211 replies were receaved, .• an 1 were counted on Tuesday morn - Bill Button is a patient in Vic- ing at the 'Municipal .Office by ' • torte Hospital, London, with a Clerk E. R.. Agnew, Wim, severely injured right 'hand, as. a ,Porteous and L:. C. Thompson, result of being caught in the . V- The "official' count which was belt of the swather,' certified to by the three "gcruti- The accident happened on neeeers," was 159 "no hlrl "yes" Wednesday afternoon' of'•last and one unmarked_ blank ballot, Week. Bill • was. ; Working alone - for- a total of 271.• at the time, . an : the farm of ' his brother, Russ Button...• 'The hand was badly burned, rather than cut, by the belt and in, yanking it free. Bill lost part of ; the first 'fingernext to the thumb, but itis hopeful that the other fingers can be ,; saved,,. If, so, skin grafting will be neces- sary and ' it will be some time l stairs loft of. the 'barn • of 'Bryce 'before: Bill regains the use of ` the Elliott. just to th+e `south of • the hand. Lucknow Sawmill, was .cause for The cast which. *as 'put on a. fire alarm last Thursday `even - following the' accident,was ex- frig about &S310.p.m. pected to be :removed yesterday :Bryce noticed the fire from an;d:. •the injury • examined •and: his home and with the use of ' a further 'treated, forkand garden. . hose, thought She • had' the blaze under control. But the fire had .'apparently worked• its way into ' the bale's of • straw • and: soon got ;away ' on him.... Firemen were at the scene for a -couple . of hours and; poured gallons . and gallons of,water into the loft of the ' barn. Much of the.. hay ' •was • , pitched outside, the building 'by firemen with ; Tom Pritchard and !Bryce, .continuing this job after ..: the firemen left. ryc• ' ep an eye on the ;barn,: age in May arid on June 2nd•I about4 a.m.. Sunday, the quietlY Observed their.65th wed- hbaarrYn.habdetaouAsbe.'toefkenhaotuitngoi•atonde ding anniversary. Theirhome, where theyhave spent all their threatening to (break .:out again, married life,..• and, where Mr.. 'Mrs. Elliott was at a Blyth horticultural meeting in Btlyth;`at being offered for 'sale. • the time•of the fire and an oblige, ; • Mr. and Mrs, Borns are Mak.- {,rig telephone' operator walked a ing this move because they re- d.i fisc°' to `the meeting hall to alize' that their 'age and health is • such that =, it . would ..not be 'wise . for them to ,'attempt to spend. another winter alone, Mr. and Mr.s, Burns have 'en- deared • themselves to the res idents of this community; and are beloved by,many old friends, who ,'wish them continued .hap- piness in.. their home. By Swathes Belt Barn Fire Makes Stubhorn. Blaze• A stubborn Ere, starting in straw and 'baled hay in . the•up- .N:ona. enarians g Le�vmgLucknow:; • Mr. .and ' .Mrs: T. H.•, Burns,' esteemed Lucknow residents, will take tip residence at. •.Brucelea H'ave'n . in Walkerton : this. week:` On Saturday there' :will be ,a sale of • • household 'effects ' after ".Mr,.! and Mrs. Burns have d left. They . were `• 'bot rte. '99rs, of Burns has . lived 'since a lad, is tell Mrs: Elliott of ::the ,phone, call for her. • . •'' A couple of calv'es and. ,goats, which, go in and out -of the barn; -were not in.• danger. The dense smoke, sifting south over high- way 86, brought many people to. the scene. Of the fire. The actual fire d'arnage to the - barn extepsive., • va. Depariment Of . Edu�a�wn Approves Grants On $1`5 f040i To*Cost $84000 Final approval for general" 1e gislative grant, purposes'has been , received for the proposed" adds tion to the Lucknow District • CI ace Vines. High School from the'Department T� Leave Bakery Wallace Vines, who has operat- ed • the 'Carnation Bakery in Lucknow for .the past year, will *leave here the endof.this month. Although his 'plans are not 'de- finite,' he intends to • go to Kit- chener. Wally his '.wife and daughter, Karen. came here from Lond.dn, Since moving here. another 'daughter, Gail Elizabeth was born. 'Karen is 51/2 years .of age and •Gail Elizalbeth is six months. 'The (bakery was leased 'from Stewart Mullin. and; `the Vines 'family have been living in the Mull"in,home on Ludgard Street, ;formerly owned by Tom Purdon. Mr, .and Mrs, Vines are both natives of Kincardine, of • Grants will ti . be paid on an amount up to, but not in excess of $75,000. The ,bui'lding contract price Was.•$7 8 116.00 which'a so, includesmajor repairs to the glass :front entrance on the north side of the nine -.year-old building, ' • The Board is obtaining a .break-. dlow•n of the neW construction and repair ''costs The • municipal, councils within the ,school area Will have to .again give their approval Of' the project, and in turn the local council will be asked to authorize the under- taking and, apply to the •Munici- pal Board for approval .of the ibut alight vary by` 'the grant regulations from .year to year,; tr ion i io. The brick cons uct o add tin ,; which• has been approved .:in- cludes two classrooms, a cafeteria and .a kitchen, which will pro'- vide accornmcdation,.for 60''ad- ditional stridents: The present, secondary school. enrolment is 220 Which has over- taxed , the existing . acconimod- tion.• rt is expected • to Increase to 269 Students', during the.. next ' five years., .. . Enrolment in the•area :eleven- • tary schools 'at present is 673. Work cannot be come enced on • the addition, until final details and approvals' are . received. Total cost of . the ,project is figured at. $8.4,009. ,.with : grants 'applicable on all but $9,000 of the • amount, In addition to the con- tract. price of $78.1'16.00, other debenture issue involved, expenditures, .involved are archi- On the pp $75 000.figgu re approved tects' fee $4.755.06: ,,furniture & by the Department, grants of equipment. $1,1110,04; other ex- 8O% of the cost are applicable, • pries. $18,00,