HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 11n'. •a. . Li.. :r. • r• te, • erg he 'er Of ;re pl' ed' ,ch , re !a th, old or' at11 .. are • `est ;nd at gec nn� and ' at WEEDI\T'k Si1 AY,; AUG,, '8th, 1902 Tat ,LIJCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARJO 'Pictured..here •,are •' Cora Ann' Crkw'ford, .elder daughter •of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff ,Crawford at Luck,-.., now ' and Arthur . Nelstn ''Collins,' son of . Mr.... and Mrs, Rus'sel. Co1- lies;•, 13.R. 3, .Ripley, • who • took their''na,arriage vows : in Litckn!ow i United Church on: ;Saturday, July 28th-. at 2:316 o'clock. 'Mr.rand Mrs. ,Collins •Wi!l1 make thei:r- home . on: the grgoni's. farm in Huron ,ToWnship. THE LION. is the King of Beasts • and stalks his prey with little fear otattack from other. animals. But'when Old age comes the lion falters. He is King of Beasts no longer. The other animals lose theirfear of him and he is attacked and destroyed • Fortunately men and women,. uniika the'lion, can have a hippy old ager if they prepare for it The best way to prepare for it, financially, is through, a Sun Life ietirement income -policy. Let . metell"you how. . • Shower In Bride l'Elect's Honor (CULROSS . COIt,NERS:NEWS),'' J • s • • tyt,..'1: Kinahan R.R. 2, i,uclknoat Phone . Wingham 717 SUN LIFE ASSURANCE:i , COMPANY 0•f: CANADA • Donnie, Meyer and Brenda Meyer, Teeswa•tter,. spent last week. with Mr. • and Mrs. Morley' Wall and 'family, while Douglas 'Wahl 'visited at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs, Clayton Meyer and fa-. rnily, 'Teeswater. • , `:Miss• Ell'e'n McBride, : Cooksrille and Miss; Dorothy Innes,'' Port' Credit, spent. a,.',few..•days ' last week with Mrs. " Frank Brown. and • Reg. ss B:(endo-iM-eyer. celebrate d• ,her • birthday lasts Thursday:. at the home of: Mrs. Mof ley 'Wall; w'ho.:had a party for her. Yvonne, Irene and Lorries Parker along with the, Wall children were her guests Mr. and' MVlrs, Joe Dillon .and Danny, Toronto, spent' the week- end with Vlr. .and. .Mr's,. Albert. Harris. and farriily. • Martin Benedict :. _ spent the.. holiday Week -end . at Camp; Mar-' .tyn, I.nverhuron, , where the scouts entertained scouts • from the U.S.A. •• .Misses 'Doris Wall and Marion Green• accompanied Mr: and Mrs., Clayton. Meyer.- and fainily' of Teesw:a'ter '.on a motor trip ..,to' kuntsviille •.over the week -e id. Miss, Elda Wal], London;, spent the 'week -end, at ,cher •home. here. Mr. •and Mrs.William' Stanley,' Kinloss,. spent. Sundayy' with. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Whytock. ' • ' Mrs. 'Frank Brown and . Reg: Spent Thursday eventing vinith Mr.: and Mrs. 'Ezra Stanley, and fame= ily, Krnlou'gh: Mr. and Mrs.. Morley. Wall .were ' dinner guests Sunday of. Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson. ' • Sunday evisitqrs with 'win.: aid 'Mrs. Tom Stewart' were.Mr, and; Mrs. Alex, .Stewart and ,family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gdesel and: family all: of Kincardine, Mr. and Mrs. Wiliiam Hepburn, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs: Ronald Stanley and. family, l<inloss, and Mr. and Mrs, Ian ,McPherson and family,. 8,th .con Mr. and Mrs. R.• *Blackburn & family, 'Ha/ninon and ' Mr. and Mrs. Doug McGlynn, and •fancily, Teeswater,, were the guests. on Sunday , of Mr.' and Mrs. Morley Walil. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson and family moved to,Durigannon Olivet Shower For Bride -Elect (OLIVET • NEWS) The Olivet United Church Wo- men' met at the home of.. Mrs. Melvin Lolling on Thursday af- •ternoon. The meeting was in the form, of a. picnic when over 3k5 children. enjoyed games anct ra- ces on the ;spacious. lawns.. Misses' Marie Hamilton and 'Helen. White were in charge of the recreation period. Mrs. Walter. Black, leader of the "Messengers" .led in the Worship service which was pre- sented bythe'-children, Susan lGameron of !Ham.iiton and Sandra: Thozripson of 'Kincardine sang "Glad • See the ' Little Sparrow acompanied 'by Miss Mari- lyn Finlayson, Patsy', Mary and Laurie .MacC�hiarles sang "There's a Bluebird on Your Window Sill." Evelyn and Ruth White and Janet -Hawn to to -n— sang ; `F,a`rrest Coro Jesus."' These were all aceom- panied :by Mrs. Sandy. MacChar- d'es.,Sharon . Lolling . played a ,piano solo. A group of boys:' 13411, David an•d. Jiininie Black•( David Lackey, Lyn Clayton and Michael iHamlilton gave .a dialogue, ,. "The' Apostle Paul is 1,nterviewed'. by the 'Press."Mar•'i,lyn Brooks, sang, - "F am So .. iGlad",' accompanied. iby. Mrs. 1VIacOharles..Mrs. Melvin Cdlling demonstrated the making .of vase•s', • from plaatic • (bottle's such as. liquid detergent' contain ers. "The 'children then enjoyed the recreation period. while the ladies ' conducted their !business.. A bale was discussed and it was 'decided to continue, to supply the "World: Friends" (magazine to • church families. The ;Bible. Study. from:: Mark, 12, provoked a live- ly discussion. Mrs. AlexMracTav- ish thanked our; )hostess,, , 'the (group, and the children "for a very fine meeting: Following the be: iecriction, '' a'' ,boon:tiful:'„ lunch• was. served '; o•n. the • fawn. Mrs. Sandy 'MaaC'harles enter=. 'tained' in her home. on •Saturday evening in: honour. of. Miss Aurd• - rey •Bell" 'of • London, whose en- gagement to Mr. Ronald 'C,or,ey. `. rev.' k'r.: ,'iR.a1•ph O'Laughlin, is • announced: The ..bri'de-elect . C S..B:, who has just :. rettrned. was Showered ' with : beautiful from several :years of missionary • PAGE, ELEVEN r kr-►** , * _ SEND/ IN IlUR REPLY BY MONDAY The deadline for the : return of the questionnaire ."ballot- in reply to the question: "Are you in. favor of•. the Village of :Lucknow hiring a town constable at .a cost o f five, mills • per annum, has been set for; Monday, August 13th Ratepayers are requested to reply promptly • i.n 'the self-addressed.s,ealed envelope. ., G. W. joy. nt, Reeve E. ' H. Agnew, .Clerk 1 Mrs. Orville Finlayson. Reverend and Mrs. Fred . Mac- lavish of Bradford, M. and Mrs• IRoss-131aclwndr"the "-MacTavish families enjoyed a family gath- ering on Sunday. • " Mr. 'and Mrs.• Clarence Wylds arid family attendeda, family gathering in Kincardine on Sun - r day. •:Mr, and Mrs..Osoar White & Ifa¢n,ily. visited.: • on Sunday with Mr' and Mrs. R.'Deiter and. Nancy and IVLrs. Bill, Deiter of Hepworth,. Nancy'., is ' holidaying this 'week with ' the White family. Congratulations • to Mr. • • and Mrs. .Holbert Engle of Mitchell; on the birth of ' a daughter ori Sun day. Mrs. Engle, �' is the former Dorothy: McGuire; of Olivet. , 'Miss ' . Donna •NctLaren of Tor- onto visited" last ,'week With Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Lackey, Karen and David. • f Mr. and Mrs. Ear:(. Stacy ' anirt Mrs..$ruce Blackwell and family of' London visited ':for the week= end with Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Hamilton and family. Mrs. Black well and family . visited, for : a week's `holi'day tion air ong friend's here. Miss Mary O'N:eil who has• se-staffof Godenia Hospital for the past several years has r gone to reside with her sister, Mrs...,Mc+Evoy in Chicago. , . . Mrs. • Bernadene Kinney .spent: the week -end at her. home here. • Mr ' Kerry Hogan 'was homie, for the holiday week -end, Kerry received two certificates from the. National •Office Management As- s:ociation during his course. at Wells .Academy. He is presently employed by Western Tire in London. ' Miss Frances Gilmore visitted her home . here •recently: ' • • 'Mr. and Mr's. Maurice Edwards returned to London on Monday • after • spending' • their vacation KINGSBRIDGE Messrs. Torn Hogan, ' Frank. Riegling, Albert . 'and.: Raymond Heffernan . and John Van, Osch. left :Sunday to 'assist .at.the to hacco harvest, A dairy .farmer;-Jarnes'Hender•- son of: the. `Fergus district had fourteen :Holstei'n, cows killed by lightning. ; recently. The herd : was • huddled •together under a maple tree' during a • storm gifts; for her home and was. ,as work/ in' Texas and'Fr. Edward sisted in•. unwrapping them by Peppe•rt, C.S.B , ; of Assumption Mary and Laurie. •MacCharles, University, Windsor, .visited `here; IVharilyn Brooks and: iSandra Magic- over the week -end: . 3 .Charles. Patsy Ma•cCharles de- '' Mrs. Josie; bleary and son, corated a hat for the , bride with Claude; 'Mr: and Mrs. Larry Sul.: the . ribibons. and ;bows... , Kathie livan:' and... children • of Wallace - McLeod of Kincardine. read the "burg: visited. "relatives.. during the cards. Miss Bell thanked her. new . week. • . • friend's'" andLlooked.-forward .. to Miss :Patricia O'Ctirirrol..r Urn - .becoming better acquainted 'in ed home •on Sunday .after s pend the' , future. Games.. and contests ing 'two' weeks in. Detroit` 'Were won by Mrs: W :T, Rota- ,Mrs::P. J..Sullivan of Balton ston, Mrs: Sliirl . Bowers, Miss and, Mrs. ' George Whitmore • of Mary Roulaton,Mrs. John, Mae- Washington D: :C.,. • are spending a Charles: and Mrs: Norval Stew- month :at a cottage. 'at . Kintail art. The hostess served a delici- Beach. *oils salad plate supper to over Mr.' Des O'Donnell visited .his. twenty guests. •home here before returning to Miss Marilyn Finlayson,; Strat- his boat , m Montreal. , ford,' spent Friday and Saturday Mrs. Peter Vogt, Mrs. Jerry at her home here. Vogt and famitly . and Mtiss Rose Misses Susan McLay and Val- Zembeski all of Detroit, were erie Stanley spent :Tuesdaywith week -end visitors with Mr. Frank • Sullivan. ; Mr; and Mrs. Patrick, MCE:voy and children of Chicago returne d home after spending their vaca- Sharon. Coiling. ' • Miss Sandra `Thompson .of Kin cardine spent a • week's• : holiday with her grandparents;'Mr. and on Monday. We wish them sue- cess in their venture. Mr, 'and Mrs: Raymond Schu- macher, ,Windsor, visited: at the • 'week -end' with. Mr. and Mrs. E. acher. . • Frankam� Miss Shirley` Parker and Gary r Edwards, • Toronto and Ronald ,Parker;' Guelph,, spent th,e 'holiday • week -end with ,Mr. and. • Mrs. Everett Parker • and family. The 'home of Mrs, ' Charles Steele ;was the setting for a plea- sant event Saturday ` eVening when friends and neigihlbburs' ga- ther,ed ' to honour Miss Shirley Parker; prior to her approaching marriage. Mrs. ,Ken ,MMDoneld' iconduc'ted a contest followed by ,readings by Mrs. ' Nlidford Wall and. Mrs. ' Frank, Brown. Those •helping with the many 'lovely useful 'gifts w.ene Jean Grant, Etda. Wall, . Marion Green, Karen Grant, and E'lizabe'th McDonald.Doris .and read the iverses, and Shirley thanked ereryone. and ,invited ,them to visit her, in her r new home. A .Jolly Good Fellow was .sun. g and lunch served. • . • S] V IER LAKE DROW..NINC,� (Continued from .Page_ .Y) David Hedley is ,a grandson; of: Mrs Lorne .,Hodgins •'Funeral Wednesday >'. A native of London, :.the. God:- win youth was an employee 'Of the Can:adian.Bank of Commerce in: •Toronto.. • Hew:as a''member,• of St. Mi ch�a•e'l's Roman . CatholicClhureh London a,•the:®iri.al-y- Tame Society, Arva J;unior.. Farmers 'and Arva; Athletic Club.." He ' was also,.' a Member' of the Toronto Kinsmen Club. Surviving.. besides his parents are a brother,' Williams sisters, tFlorence, Helen and '. Veronica, all at home; grandparents,:' Wil- liam • Go:dwin,'Detroit; and Mr. and . Mrs Arthur Cu indngham, London. . ' • . Prayers were' said at the John•T. Donohue' Funeral ' Horne, .Lon= don; on' Tuesday at 8 p.m. quem high.m'` •ass•was; celebrated Wednesday' -at ' • 10. a.m.,, at St; Michaels. Roman: Catholic, Churci•._J, - Burial.wasin St, Peter's.,Roman Catholic' Cemetery. • • , • ■" • ,, • ■ ■ ■• . PON."..T■ •■ ■. ■ , .. r • .r' ■ . a• ■ Z 'Take' advantage of Your . •.Co. o s .:. ,.., . ■ / a ■. 1 FREE SoiI Testing Service .• ■ ■ ▪ TEST EARLY AND TAKE THE GUESS WORK. ■ ■ OUT OF SPRING tot■ ■, e ■ ■ •' , Contact•iii ■ a District a e■ir . '•• I.tic now p :,■ a 1.. • • Phone 71.W4 Ltuakn yw • ` ■. ■ • _ immaa■mm raamiarrraa■■mlIa r*■■m•ai(aalui1 ■aaaa■■aaami Y � • Y P1 ,d' •q` . 4