HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 8PAGE EIGHT`
rowniim By Bil! Smiley.
µ . There is. something deeply corn-
omforting• to :1 he . htinian,, " spirit in
fire, Whether it's .a log in the
.fireplace, . chuckling cheerily or
• 'burning . with a slow, dream-
. making flame, a. bonfire • on • the
. beach pushing back the darkness,
or .just the gleam and . warmth
from the kitchen ' stove, fire
sooths and,., renews the inner self,:
I'm writing this column by• the
tiniest flame of all a• candle.
'There's teen a • hydro' break and
the • ' lights have been . out for
..hours,., With 'the soft, little, • yel
.low ;glow. ,of my candle beside
.me,..1 don't care it. they.never
come on again..: At the moment,
and in •my present maod, .I would
not trade this • one candle for all
the lights . on Broadway,, all the
power that pours over. Niagara
Falls and.: a: light bulb personally
autographed by Thom'aa Edison.
It's a brave,• , small,. red candle,
left -over from Christmas: There
are Only :`about three, ,inches• of
it .left ; and • in an, hour it.: ° will
.ibe •just a burned -out candle. But
;right'now it brings : me comfort,
eonnpanionslip and Memories .•
• Its flame brings :back the nights
of wonderful' cosiness, . as. a., child,
at the, cottage in,,siimmer. Snug-
gled in bed with my, young bro-
ther, I'd watch' . . the grotesque
Shadows flicked Over the ceiling-`
less interior by., the fireplace
flames But : there . was no real
terror in• the weird, leaping
uses. .. '
'On: the other side of the Parti-.
tion, niy parents talked in the'
peaceful; tones of people,
hahf-bemused•" by an ".open Are;
The coal -oil, lamps cast. a .sturdy
orange . gl7ow . that. chased the
leaping shadows. The whip. -poor
stove,, and .wondering if the pota-'
to whisky it's producing will be
fit to drink . in time for thea New
Year's •party. •
Yes, fire is truly a: blessing,
Under " itssoothing: light and
warmth;. ,ev'enthe chattering of
•virckm,en's tongues' will desist..
Under its influence . businessmen.
Would sell• their Own, gran&no-
thers into slavery' if the net pro-
,fitWere,right, wax imaginative,.
'sentimental' and idealistic.
We ' have come' ' a long way
from the days when our primi
tive ancestors_ crouched before a
fire in a Dave, ',dimly, wondering
what., was for breakfast. We don't
wear skins any 'm.ore, We wear,
bikinis and strapless bras. We
• don't kill peopie with ' a, club any
more, We use pushbuttons,
don't . tear .the liver' out' of :a
newly killed , animal: and' .eat it
hot and raw and juicy. We pay
6'Oc: a pound and eats it . dry and
gristly, with. onions.
• *y' *: * . . .
But. .firelight has..the 'samema-
gic for us;, after all , the progress,
as it, had ' for 'our ancestor; 'Slob.
the : Caveman:. It scan : take the
bitter lines from around a wo-
man's mouth and, turn her into
a Madonna in T-shirt. It can 'put
a look of sheer hellery into an
•a1d •man's eyes • as .he looks into
the, flame and sees ' himself as.
he was 50 years ago::
Int 'would be a •sorry . . day for
mankind • if ,'he: lost,: somehow,
the: great: gift of •fire. In the
Meantime, however,: my column
is finx ed, I feel .like eating' a
fried . egg sandwich, you ''can't. •
cook eggs over .a candle, and I •
Wish ,the ti hydro" boys would pull . .
the':pickle and get the.power on
again. .;
Miss Darlene Ann Stanley,,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs: Eldon
'W. Stanley: R.R. 2, Grand Bend,
and John Lee Chamberlain, Wa-
terdown, son' of Cpl and Mrs.
Neil R. Champerlain, .Strathroy,
exchanged marriage vows in
Grand Bend United,- Church, ',de-
corated with ,baskets of pink
snapdragons, white baby (mums
and candelabra, -
RRev, Edgar Roulston perform-
ed the .ceremony,
Given in marriage by her fa
they; the bride wore a gown ;of
white silk organza accented With.
lace floral appliques. A' pearl
Crown headpiece held her chapel.
veil and she carried a cascade
of snapdragons and lilies.
Miss 'Linda Jervis,',' Clinton,, as
maid af' honor, was •gowned .in
pink silk organza and carried
white carnations,
Wayne Stanley, brother of the
bride, was best man and. ushers'
were Darryl and Jim Stanley
The' couple will . make their
home in .Dundas,
• The:groom is an .OPP`eoristable'
at Waterdown: and the bride is a
graduate of Stratford Teachers'
The bride's father . is, a native
of the Lucknow community.
South ,Kinloss VW.MS.
• The meeting • of South Kinloss
W.M.S. was held on the evening
•of August 1st at the home of;
the President; Mrs, Fraser Mac-
Kinnon, directors, being, Mrs. •.Gib
Hamilton. and Mrs. Donald C.
MacIntyre. Mrs: Hamilton presi-
ded tagether with the Secretary,-
WEDN SDAY, 'Alla, 8th,
bated a , Readings re .g
ven by Mrsduet. D. GrahamWeanii
M. L. M'acDougail and Mrs,
Austin had, the chapter from th,
Study Book. Mrs. Hughes near
a Missionary letter, also on!
fr. ' Presb
Hostessornthe and yterial directorsTreasurer serv„e�
William, Arthur Johnson o
Hanover died ,suddenly. on. Thurs
clay, July os.:th, He had been
resident of Hanover for thirty
:two years' ,IFollowing the, intro
duction of the 'Ontario.ISaies Tai
Mr. Johnson was . a i ''
pPointed : in
Mrs. W. F 1VIabDonald••Scriptu.rep for this districci i
s ectar • .�`
survived by: his .wife. at�nd
was read by :Mrs,. Ted mol � n_tw
and the study ' was from. Gala-. s•o anal--v'as;-at--# a a.aver.�
tions 5, theiss clwiconcerningsi,
walk of , the tian,• .Roll' call.
was a • B>,ble verse . with `Frui.t." A woman spends the firs
Mrs, D,' L, MacKinnon had charge ' partwhere . of her life looking .for
of the ."¢prayer' circle; Mrs. '. P. husband. and last part wonder
he is,.
Steer and Mrs. H. Lava contri-t
w'i,l-1 on h�e�.hj±i �beh nd�•.thecater
•tage called 'his cheerful good=`',
night. • An,d I. drifted into -.sleep. KINLOSS
with . a sense 'of security I've
•. n'ever. had . since.
The candle flame reminds rhe.
of the." first time I fell in love.
-It wasat a huge bonfire; I was
• i1. After the marshmallows and.
the sing -song, ,w•e' : greur silent;;
watching the: deep red of the
• hottest .inside of the fire;. as . it
burned lower. This .. freckle -faced
girl with'. the brown eyes and• the
white teeth and the golden arms
was sitting, . beside .me, She got
a bit dopey, leaned against 'my
shoulder, and fell asleep: I didn't
*we. Just -sat there being madly
in love.. .
'Next_ da"; I". proposed -to her,
believing it. was mutual: She`gave
me .a bloody nose,' and I wash off
women • for years.
My candle. flanne• ib'rings, other
``.fire" me nories..:Prison. camp in
• 'Germany, December, 1944: The
wind howls out of the Baltic: The
'only, light in the room is ,: a red
flame shining ,8hrough the, 'cre-
vices of the crude stove; The only
sound is "drip, drip, drip...
• 'Eighteen, :young , flyers • of half
a dozen nations • he ` silent : and
watch the firelight dance on the,
walls. • '
They are 'of ` , a single , • mind,.
Escape? • Horne and loved ones?
A thick juicy steak? No, they're
'alklistening intently to that "drip,.
drip" emen'ating from . the home:-.
made still booked up to : the
Mr;: and XVirs. • George Porter
and Jack Dickie .visited •Friday..
at ..the 1iome of 0='Mr, • and Mrs. •
Ira' -Dickie. 'Richard. Dickie re- '
turned to Hope Bay :with' them...
.Mr. and, Mrs..'T ri `MacKenzie
Viand ,Bi uce.. are ' holidaying '. with
relatives ' at !North• Bay.
Recent • guests •. with Mr. arid
Mrs: ; Ira.' (Dickie and : boys :in-
cluded; l'Ars•• j T... A: MacDonald
Mrs Dorothea Birch and ' son,,
-Walter.. Tho ras of Toronto, Mrs,
J. F: 1VIeKee of Toronto, .Mr:' &
Mrs, Hugh• • Wickham, Hugh
James and !Kevin of.Halifax'; &
Mr, and Mfrs.. Inglis M'acaDonaild,•
IStepheri and Michael . of Scar-
. Mr. lend ' Mrs. Ale, (Cubby.)
MacMurchy of Whitby:visited on •
Sunday with Mr. and ; Mrs. Allan
Graham and family.. '
.Barbara , and .Linda Maclrityre
spent the last 'two Weeks with
,their grandrnother, 'Mrs, Williain •
'Maclntyre and attended Vacation)
Bible School at Langside.
Mr. .Allan MacIver of Ripley
is visiting;, at, the'. home . of ,iV r,
and Mrs. Donald • MaeIiityre.
Anne Graham, left` for
at Freelton on. Saturday,
Min is but a.. worm. H'e comes
along and wiggles a bit, and
then some chicken gets huh,
• Unsurpassed in Beauty aid ,Value.
Representative •
A. Ross ,MacLennan f
Phon' 51 t Kincardine