HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 6AGE SIX, THE LUCK -NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. VED11TiF7SDAY, AUG, 'tl , I1l6' KiNLousN taster Allan Fisher of Ben - miller is .holidaying at the home • of'Mr. and Mrs. Donald IVcEwan, Miss Mary, Anne Mawan. . is spending this week with Mr: and Mrs, Herman Fisher at. Beninil- >ier. • Mrs. Jack Hevwitt and Brenda spent Sunday at Waterford, .Alex Hewitt who has spent thepast tmonth there, returned home with rthern for a few days returning later in the Week. Mrs, Russell Hewitt entertain- ecl ' the Berviie WA, at her Home • here when a:%quilt was qiu'ted.. The August meeting of :the H.W ;I,. was held on, Thursday af, .ternoon at the 'Bruce, Lea Haven, Walkerton. The President, Mrs. Lyman Sutton was in the chair and., the .meeting opened with singing 'the Ode and ' repeating the Mary Stewart Collect in uni- son. Communisations were read. A:4 -1H Club training course will. be held in Lucknow Town Hall.. on August 1;f th and. 17rth. The • ,Convention will be held Septem-" ter 51 h'' and 6th at Southampton. Mrs. Jim Smith was named 'de legate. The ro111 gall. was "What S, do when. I do as I please."" Motto: "A World without' friends as 'like a garden without flowers" prepared by ;Mrs..Wiltliam Kern • Ipyn • andreed by ,Mrs. Alex. Per-. cy, The . topic, "A merry heart is good medioine",was given by Mrs. Jack Hewitt. who . was . in the chair:: for• the program. Mrs. parold. Haldeniby favoured 'with a solo "Serenade of the Bells:" Mrs. Raynard Ackert and. Mrs, , Morgan Johnston sang two duets, "When you , wore a_ Tulip" . and "How. Great Thou Art". A piano:'. • solo. 'by Miss Edna Boyle.: Corin:' anunity ainging was enjoyed, by all.. •The ladies received a' ihearty • welcome to • the . home -Lunch Was served and the visitors were given'an opportunity to visit with the patients, 'Which num- • Iter around 60. !Mrs, Jack Hewitt +and Mrs, William Kernpyn were in 'charge of 'the • program. Mrs: Charlie Murray and. Mrs. ' Sam Farmer twill, :have •charge of the next meeting. ilVliSses. Ruth and. Susan Gib- son' of Teeswa.ter visited with their ,grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Lyman Sutton, 'Jean and Gary. ,Mrs:: Audrey Borthwiick re- turned to St, C'atharines, after •spending ' the past week with her parents, - Mr. and Mrs. James, M. Hodgins and at, her cottage at Algonquin. Park. A miller from . here attend- ed the •social evening and 'pre. sentation ,for 'Mr, J. R. Lane, •re- tiring. township clerk and •Mr. Prank Th•ompson;. who will leave shortly for Dungannon where he hastakena position. ••i r, and Mrs.Alex Percy were guests at .' the iStanley-Reavie Wedding at London last Satur- day. atur-day.. The Anglican service will :again. be held at .•9:3O 4n Sunday .next, Miss. Janet Forster of Ripley spent 'a. few ' holidays with: her grandmother; Mrs'•J. W. Colwell. Miss Jane Warwood of Tor- onto visited . with, ,her: eouisin, Miss . Sheila Halden�by. Mr. o •and (Mrs, J. ' Charpentier. had relatives., with .tgem • from Eastern Canada during the week, A ,fainly dinner was enjoyed' at the '.'home of Mr.. and . MTs. James Hodgins, Sr., when around ao• were .present.• ' Misses Janet and, Shirley' Bushell spent holidays With 'Mr. and. Mrs. John Hodgins. On . Tlhurd:ay last . a:ipicriiic was enj•o'yed in the •Teeswater. Lions Park. Those present were ,Mrs: 'Tarries •M. HQad;gins,. Mrs. Audrey t$orthwick, ;Mrs, .Jdhn 'Hodgins, Mrs.. Ikon, Gillespie, 'Cathy, and Ronnie Mrs, Don Bushell, Janet, Shirley; Betty Ann and Bruce:, Recent, visitors with' Mr, and Mrs. James M. Hodgins Sr., were. Mr: and. Mrs: Charles 'Sutherland, Toronto, Rev:.. and •Mrs- W. ' D. Davis of Owasso, Michigan, Mr: Ed Harrison,. Wingham,. Mrs. Mabel McGillivray, .Miss . Beth McGillivray' and Miss: •Charlotte. Miller of Toronto. Mrs. 'Jaynes Hodgins: Sr., . ;and nmam■.•en■■■■t one..tr■••■■ab■g aga■a■iaaat•■■eines • ■. ST. HELENS Mr. ,and. Mrs, Irvin McCabe Brian of Windsor spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Frank.. McQuillin. Little 'GordieF )31lack is a patient in ,Wingharn iHasptal• ,Mr. Colin iFingland , of Wing .ham will be in charge of next Sunday service at St, Helen's. Church wlhile Rev.. B. F. Green is on hdlidays. • Sympathy of the • .community Dies. to. the; Woods. family in the' ,loss of their aunt, Miss IChar1o.tte John. on., Miss Johnson has been a patient • at Pinecrest' Manor in. Lucknow, for a number :of years. St. Helen's. W.I. Thirty-one ladies, and .flour children attended the August meeting of the 'WoI. on Wednes- day evening when Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Salkeld showed slides of. 'their strip ;to Western Canada, as•: well as'pictures•• Loaf. local interest, Miss W. D. Rutherfordthanked them and : 'presented a gift on 'behalf of the WA, The roll' call. was answered )by. "One of Cana- da's 'Food Rules". The 4-H Club :±project,• "Dressing :,...Ula Hone. Grown Vegetables": will be taken this' fall with Mrs. McPherson l& Mrs. ' E. Gaunt as. leaders. All young .,:ladies in -the co (rnunity. are invited to join in the pro- ject.' The treasury showed a bal- ance';'of $155.00.• The padres • have. (been re -decorating a room iat..'the hall and a discussion followed on. ;'curtain material and flooring. 'The annual bus. trip will be to the ,Collingwood district later this . fall. Miss' Mary Purdon, rfav- oured. with an accordian .Selec- tion. Lunch Was •Served by. Mrs. Gordon Lyons; : Mrs. IRoss Er- rington' and Mrs. Bdb: Aitchison. LOCHALSH ONTARIO - Ontario Economic Council Industry Committee. . IRIE.F$ •INVITED• • The Ontario. Economic Counctl'has appolnted a Tou,rist'.. Industry' Committee to study the present and: future role of thetourist industry in the province. • The, purpose of the Committee is to assess:all aspects of tourism in Ontario and to formulate recommenda- tions concerning; 1. The relative of current government as-- sistance.to and participationin the tourist industry. 2., An. evaluation of strengths and weaknesses within the industry itself. Public hearings will take place in mid-September in various- partsofthe province. Ind Viduals and organi*' zations interested in 'submissions to the Committee should submit six (6) copies of their briefs as soon as. possible before September 15, 1962 to, the Secretary of the Committee..; W.. H. Cranston,. Chairman. T. C. Clarke, Secretary, Room 286 Parliament Buildings, Toronto (Telephone 365-1948) OBITUARY.. . ., LAURA (Richards) SPANNER Laura Marguerite Richards, late wife -of Mr... John Spanner, 1>Z'ichmond: Hill, • was sudden- ly called to : her reward on July 2l at Loon Echo, Fox: Lake, . Huntsville,. • Dais Parrish 'celebrated' his (birthday on Wednesday by hav- ing :a 'number of little friends. to a, party.: , 'The MacDonald- reunion was heldon Saturday ' afternoon. Peter van- 'der :Lay:,held a.Suc cessifti'l auetion sale on'Satuyday., ■ N Mrs. DaisyMoCharles is - visit -0 - �' ■ ing in'tLucknow, with her •sister,': . ;•;: Mrs. Brooks.' • I. ■ Recent visitors' With 'Mr. and II ' AUGUST) iii ■ ■ ' Mrs. Thomas iMacD•onald were. • Mrand :,Mrs. Wilfred Evans of ■ . furniture SALE CLEARANCE OF A. e'1.0 ,r p: II ■ ■, 1111 • ■. •; .:ri ■ Preset : Stock. i Reduced Prices On AH Our ■ R_dget�ovcvn ■ ■ : Mr and :Mrs Bill Barret and' * - family of •Toronto and :Miss Eliza ✓ ' Cook of Owen Sound were recent visitors with 'Mr.. and Mrs. Henry • M.acK.enzie and family: ' •' v.. ■ -■. ■ ■ ■ a• ■ ■ Ili Make August and September months of 'outdoor - IS ' relaxation bygetting in on .`these , summer furniture ��� bargains. • ■ ■ * * *. • o ■ ■ • Very gest k Prices- on a' large selection of Bedroom' Suites, Kitchen, ■ and Chesterfields leading g ■ • � by � manufacturers. ■ Mrs: Audrey..Borthwick spent a day tri Brantford with Mrs.: W.. E. Armstrong . and',. family.. Mrs.:` Perry 'Hodgins and Miss. Winnifred Percy spent .Thiurs- day in London.. 'Congratulations to • Mr. and Mrs:. Ronnie p•raharn who were married on ,Saturday. Mr.: `and 'Mrs. Mark Johnston and Mr. and Mrs., Maurice •Hod- gin y,islited on Sunday. with Mrs. WilliamWilliarn Cox and Rev.: Benson;. Cox.., Mr. 'and Mrs. aVfat rice Hod- gins 'have returned from a trip to• Western Canada They/spent some 'time' ' with :Moose. Jaw' re- :ldations. .. Mr, •rand Mrs ' Russell. Barr of IScarboro spent . the. : week -end with Mrs. John Barr and Donald. Miss .Sharon Hodgins of Wing , ham spent ,the ;week -end •with her. parents, Mr. • and Mrs: Perry. Hodgins. . Mrs. Russell •Atcheson of Wind- sor was a recent visitor with Miss Winnifred Percy and other :re- latives. re-latives. 'here. • Miss Sandra Percy of Toronto'. } spent' the week -end at'her' ,borne lu les i' here Mr. 'and .Mrs,' Arthus •Phillips and Peggy of Fonthial 'spent the week -end with Mr J`. R' Lane; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Maulden and Keith. Mr and: M'r's. Perry l uhe••ll ■ ' and • family of Toronto visited ■ • over the week -end with Mrs, Jdhn Bushell; Mt: and Mrs Oampbell Brawn and family visited recently ,with Mr, and Mrs. 1VMalcolr•n Lane, Hugh .and Stewart. Mrs, Herman Fisher' of .11 en- rriiller visited here . during: the week: , ' -•,r DDaughter of Mr. ' and Mrs James' A. Richards (Jane ,mer- son.) Mrs, ':Spanner was (born' on the South Line,. Kincardine town ship in 18189;' youngest of .a fan -i- lly of eleven, Marrying Mr:'Span- ner. in 1915;. and living most of cher married life .in .'Toronto,. With intervals of residence .Huntsville and Belleville. •In Toronto theylived: for `2S years at 5$87 Windermere Ave.; and as a.memiber of Windermere United. Church, Mrs. Spanner sang lin, the chureh.; choir, • She served as: president of the Wo niarits- Associa. • n', omen's Mis- �sionary Society : and ; for , many years, in West Presbyterial, .in- cluding 'a term • as president, dur- ing which. time 'and:' through these. societies many, rich ,frieitas: Were made.. , Mrs, Spanner is survived by' her t usiband, Mr. John Spanner, one daughter, Marguerite (Mrs.; J.-• R. McMahon, 'whose husband is Rev. James R.: McMahon; Rec- .tor of . St. Lukes tAngli'can Church,' Annapolis -.Royal, : Nova Scotia);. grandchildren Judy; Jaynes,' ,Jacque:line; ., Julia • and John, also• by, one brother, Mr, Joseph : Richards, Victoria, B.C. 'Funeral services were'.conduct• • ed by .Rev,: '•W. W. •Patterson 6 St.: Matthew's United Ohurcr Rey. 'Russell C. O'Brien of Win ..dermere 'Avenue United Churcl and Rev. . C. G. Higginson, Rich mond Hill United Church.. Mr: Spanner: was laid to rest in. Par. Lawn :Cemetery: , ME10MORIE S AROUSED BY ., SENTINEL • EDITOR.IAL The recent Sentinel .editori. contained an'. account : whic aroused meanories for Miss .Anni MacKay, who writes as Folio of memories' of their; "big day at:the. faMou's Point Clark•. Light house. . itp_ Travellirug. in a ' Carry .,a 'from Allan .MVIcLeod's ,livery, bar: we endured' all the bunnps,..o the' "2nd ;Concession until° w came to "The • Big Hill" Brie we heard . 'Whoa back, everybod .out' .Sucg andu-fit after ., thine. Carry ;,all' at the ' for. of the hill to get a ride :throug the.•soft road Finally -'the hors,: slowed 'down, .and we got .on finish the. ride to the .Lightho. . At 5 p.m, we heard 'all:aboa,a Back :at: the Bwg,'Hill : we. :had caimlb' .int 'as the ..tired bunch *,v� homeward :bound .• agai i:" Memories of those outings •ai dear to Miss. MacKay; who now confined to a wheel cha following 'a leg amputation o aeration. she, underwent last fa: However,. she, is enjoying goy :health ' and. weather perrnittir is out-of-doors frequently .ar down street. 'occasionally in. 'al 'Chair. ' • `. YOU NEED FEEL "NO OBLIGATION ■ MucKENZIE FURNITURE STORE e Phone ' 18 ).... -=r Lucknow . ■ '•, ■• ,,moliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinvilliniiilliiiliniiMilitinillinkillitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini. • RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom ° Butchering Mondays . Hogs, $2.00 in ' by 4:00 p• m. Cutting and . Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY We Donb; Cur>Ing and Smoking ....Beef, Pork and Lan Sold Whole, Half or Quarter . For Better Service, And Lower Prices — Call Ripley 100, Chas. Hooisma, Prop. MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a' fair price on a piontrnilent correctly designed from, quality material rebs on, SKEITON MEMORIALS Pat O'Hagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty ' Years Walkerton Phone 638-w Onl,aria