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WEH IESDAY, AUG. 8.th, 1962
1•••eup••••I•S9I• ••o••• •$I IQI•Se•®*So•ISI•••901••0• 4>•i.••iNm•+® 1
R & VV. Lowers Fqp
. ,`q
IjSoIo Margar.ine.
• Save 5c, 1 - lb. pkgs.•
•m r.
Aylmer , Catsup
• Save 5cr 11 oz.: bottles.
Red Seal Salmon
•.Fancy. Quality Cohoe, save
ve 6c,••.
I- Libby's Beans
• • Deep Browned, save. 18c, 15
. 41
C�sts bu.t,ut Never the -Quality
c ' Giant: Blue Breeze 83c
Save 8c, free Cannon tea towel in each pkg.
in .
oz. tins.
York Peas
Fancy, Save 12c,'.:15
Tomato ' Ju'ice'.
- 99c .•
• .
. 49cs
Stokley's Fancy, •. save 21tc, 48. oz. tins
• • . ,
Instant Coffee ar 99c
Red & ' White, save15e,
Iowa cpiored Ghosts
(An .colored team)
Wingham �Goodyears
('several Lucknow men: play g, : this Wingham' team.
Saturday Night,: August 1 1 th
Come out and see a. good fastball' . game like in
"good' old .days".
c, 18. . .
• • 'On Anniversaries
Sc for good clean 6 quart baskets ' Air. a:ad Mrs: Ewart Jamieson
• •i of Luckmow were honoured on
• �, iSunday. on :the occasion of their
•■ •19 fortieth wedding anni"wersary • at
• •; • th daughter and
.0 Hall s e andWhite FooStore 1 �� . Son-in-law,o, QMr. and Mrs. Everett'
• 'PHONE 2' - "FREE DELIVERY • eeswaaer.
• Whitehead of Zi
'Mr and Mrs: Gordon Jamieson
Mr.- and Mrs. ' Harley . Webst r Mrs. '. Charles Shaddick: 'will Mr. and Mrs. R: A. •Treleaven
ovi�' and Mr: leave . on '•I,of. 'California;. Albert visiting.
oneat• the
Mrs. Richard Brumlby of: Toron- days at. North' Bay with'Mr. and
to, left: on Sunday: on a 'motor Mrs. ' Aaron Beak.
'trip '-to Northern 'Ontario:
Nancy '.Weibster . and. Terry
Pymrn of' Kitchener holidayed
for, a week with' her parents,
• Mr.. and Mrs. 'Harvey Webster,
Lucknow. '•
' Mrs." TJloyd. Hall :.who •,has not
ben enjoying bhe:•best of health,
and. unlderwent• surgery:several
weeks ,ago; ; 'returned to'hospital
in London ' on ' Tuesday, for, fur•-
`•bher treatment. .
Ken . MacNay,. w,ho is . -working
at the 'Ontario Hospital, London,
.vas Thorne for the week -end with
his parents, Mr, and Mr's. Alex.
MaaNay.. Ken: has one,; more• year
in Medicine at Western 'braver.:
.,sity before' commencing his in-
ternship. ;
I Presbyterian Church I:
Rev. Roderick MacLeod ' . I
Minister. 1'
During the month of August -
Divine• Services will be held'
as follows:•' s. �•.
South Kinloss. at 9:30 a.m..
L eknow
u at 1.1.0U a.m.' •
Mr. and Mrs.. 'Calvin..MoKay
and sons,: ' Blaine and Lawrence'
of Windsor; have been holidaying
,at Boiler • Beach. '
Murray Hunter• returned: .last
week from a, trip through West
ern Canada and to Seattle;�4here
' he ' attended. the World's . 'Fair.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Barry McDonagh
,and Michael 'spent: -the 'holiday
rweek-.end. ' in 4. .:Su�dibury 'visiting
at the: Norrie of • Mrs:: MclDonagh's'
1VIr: and '1V.trs. .John . 'Keith
of Livonia,,Mich., spent the 'Noll-
day; week -end With Mr. and Mrs.
'John 'Adams.,
• Janet . Thoanpson had a party
on. Wednesday of last week ;fo.r•'
a number of young. friends -en•
the oecasi'ori of her 9th (birthday.
Mrs.' Rae Boak leaves on.• Fri-
day for . Vancouver .' ' where she
!w.il.i spend the winter. She Will
wish -enrou a at 'O'ttawa, Winni-
inni peg,Saskatoon and:Calgary.
: M'iss Vol>a Kerry `.of "'Elmira
was• the guest' ofMrs:' J.. C. Mc'-,'
Nobs and. attended centennial..
services in. .the 'United Church.,
Mrs. H.' W 5
Rev. and Mpp
have . had as their guests their.
'two- sons and t�heir..families, Rev..
sand '` Mrs. ' Jackson . W: S�tr<app;
Bruce and Bryan of Kamlo'ops,:
:B:C., and 'Mr. and 'Mrs. Keith:
St�rapp .and Nancyyoof Byron ;
•Guests 'W'ith Mrs Rae Boak of
tbw�n• have been •Mr, and' • Mrs.
(Robert •• Treleaven Of • 'Guelph,
Wing 'Commander W. A. Boak',.
Mrs.. Boak and family' of Ottawa,
Mr. and ' Mrs. Aaron ,B;oak. and
•farnidy. of• Dresden who were .en-
route; to their summer. cottage`
at North . Bay. ' •
�I• oliday : eek -end visitors 'at
the. home of�Mr.'and' M'rs.Charles
Steward . were Mr. 'and Mrs.
iHugh Corning, Gloria and Rine
fan& Mr: Gordon • Steward..•all' of
Loridon,. Mr, and Mrs. Chas, Hen-
derson and son • Brian, Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs.. ,Gordon Webster,
Mrs. C. Cowie and. Miss Burrell.
of Port, . Credit,. Mr. and Mrs.
Percy Faiiibank of Hamilton vis-
ited Sunday with Misses Ad'a•and'
'Hazel rWebste•r. Messrs,,. BillyCowie• and Danny McLeod.. of
Port . Credit who' had spent the
week here returned with them..
I .
Dungannon at 1 :`l !
g • 5 p na:. .
r ' .10:00`°a.m.. Sunda. ooF
• a 11:0.0 a.m...Morning Worship' •1.
j Rev; C. W.•' Quinn', Forest .i
+�� 0•1.0 ••„rie. otnr410 r,4�i
Rev. Heward., W. • Strap'p •
10:00 an', Sunday School
11:0.0 a.m, Morning. Worship
neva S. Terpstra, • A.B., Th.B.
Listowel, Ont., Pastor
10:30 a.m.. in Dutch
2:30 p.m, in English
3:30 p.m. Sunday School. i;
/ Week -end visitors at the home
• of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar. Hodgins
were Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hodgins
and Harry of 'London,. Mr, and
`Mrs. Edgar Lovett, kr, and, Mrs.
Wm. 'Clements, Janis and Paul
of London, ,Melvin Hodgins, Lyng
Kodgin's **Jennie Lynn Murphy
of London spent Wednesday at
Mrs. Melvin Hodgins 8i
V' inyreturned, home. with them
Offer ' a `visit here. , •
enl",n's Hospital. in ..North Bay
of Goderich: 'who were also; ,pre:
'sent; were 'honaiured . on .the oc
rasion of 'their• forty-second an.-
niversary. •
.During. the` afternoon Wing
iCommander W. A. oak ; of 'Ot-
'tawa addressed the two couples
and gilts were ` 'presented.. to
them by . the • grandchild en Ga'1
Jamieson, Janet Splan, Ruth' &
.Dinner` was served on the lawn
to .fifty. guests. The. brides'; .table
featured' a tiered decorated ;wed-.
ding..cake. /,
"Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Jamieson,
the 'former Annie Cowan,..were
born .in Ashifiel�d :Township and,
spent all ,heir. married life . farm.
_ling„ there until' retiring to' :Luc:k-
now. last Novemlber. They have
gone daughter, : Pearl,..Mrs. Everett
Whitehead. Mr. and Mrs.`
Jamieson; . formerly: Sidney Gordon.''.M,c-
Innes, have, a family of two; La;
lbe]G1e,' Mrs,' J... G. Spiari . of Wood='
stock 'and Stuart . of = Lucknc
Guests.:' •were present' 'fam,
Dresden', Goderich,: • fiuuknow,
Holyrood, Dungannon, Woodstock,
Ottawa, London and Teeswater•
Goderich, ' Highway 8
Buck Nites.suspended ' for this:
picture. • only..
Wed., Thur., Fri.,.Aug. 8; 9, 1i}.
Pat' Boone ' and big cast '.
In color Two. Shorts
Sat., Mon., Tues., Aug: 11, 13, 14.
Carol Lynley and Fabian:
. • Color, .
Mala Towers, Marsh. Thomas
"Flight Of Thee Lost : Balloon!'
Wed., Thur., FrL,'Aug. 15, .16, 17.,
Rich Widmark, Lee' J. Cobb .
Clifton Webb,; Myrna Loy
"Cheaper , �By'The Dozen"
Both in • Technicolor
First Show.' at dusk.
Children' in cars free..
recently, .and . leiter Mr. and Mrs.
Johnstone and Fred' Jackson took
another short trip.
Mr. 'and Mrs. ' .'Btb • MaoNay,,
Sharon and' Steve cxf St. `.Catha--
where: he .underwen•t •surrgery..on rimes, • Donald Ma� .c`Nay' .of.-Toron-
his foot. On their return Mr. -and Have You •Renewed, Your .'Sub -•..to; and Ken MacNay of London,
Mrs. •Morton were .accornpanied' scrip•tion? '®•
b• y their grandson,;
Mr.: and Mrs. George Linley,
(Grace Cameron) of Detroit have
returned, homem fro ' a business—
vacation trip, making ealls in
Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Washing-
ton, D.C.,.Philadelphia;• New York
City. 'They also 'spent, a few
.days' with •• their . son, • Mr. and
Mrs. Wilfred.: Snider and three
cfiiTdiren .a`t'"`f�ieir''`orhe on, Lake.'
Mohawk, Sparta, New ' Jersey.
Visitors :this past •week at the
home of Mr. . 'and Mrs : .Philip-
Stewart were Mrs." Mary :Chant -
ler, London.,
hant-ler,London, •Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
Stewart and: Greg,; Hamilton, Mr.
and Mrs: ; J. R, Wilson., :Sandra
and 'Ross' of London, Mr. Wand
Mrs, A. ' E. Reynolds; Toronto,
:and ;Mr. and Mrs: Lyle''Gilmour,
Hamilton. .
Mrs. George 'Book left here on
Saturday morning for Loreburh,
Sask:.by train alter 'visiting, here
'for a short time. She was accom-
parried by her neice Jean Mul-
lin who will 'visit the west for
the ' first time. .Margareit and.
Gorge ' had • planned to motor
.to: Ontario but • the crops matur-
ing early an& the grassh'apper
'plague forced .him to change his
.Plans at the • last minute. •
Herb Graham visited here 'last
week at the 'mote of Mr. and
Mrs, ,Harvey Webster ' and with.
other. friends. Herb tells ,us that
the late Mrs. Edwin A,. Pearson,
was a first cousin ,of his mother,,
Mrs. Robert Graham, • They both
had the s'amx maiden •names, Ari-
nie Bowles, Mrs. Pearson is the
mother of Lester B Pearson.
She visited here at,the Graham
home Many years ago Her' hus-
band was -Rehr. E. Ar •.Pearson.
/"•• all visited recently with their -
Mr and Mrs.' Robert MacDon=.
Donald and Ken visited,on Sun-
day at Newmarket' with their
daughter, Mrs. Allred..Margin,
Mr. Martin and chilid.ren Diane
and . Jackie Peggy MacDonald
has been visiting. there , and will
reni'ain for another. week. '
Mr and Mrs. Bill-r:tar
parents, Mr. and . Mrs. Alex:,
MacKay. and Gordon.
Mrs.. Hazel •Anderson. of'Oak
1 s
vil•Ie and her silter , Mss Grert-.
rude ' Macintosh of 'Port •Huron,,,
Mich. were •visitors flan town this-
week: They recently returned'
f r.om a motor .trip along • the ' Sit.
Lawrence' that took them. to New;
Brunswick, ..Prince Edward ;.Is-
ouad ,Scat•
-larid,-4-G-ape- e• �-- . �.-
and family visited at Penetang .and Maine. '
Mon:,' Tues. 'Wed., , August , i 3,,/ 14, • 15
„Breakfast: Tiffany's”
In Technicolor
A fantastic comedy ' about a • bedazzled N.Y. playgirl.
Audrey . Hepburn, George Peppard, Mickey Rooney
• . Patricia ;Neal, , :Buddy Eibsen, • Martin• ' Balsam
Thugs., Fri., Sat., :'August '16, 17, 18' Star TV Cast!
Steve McQueen,Bob Newhart, Fess' Parker,
Bobby .Darin •
A ' stirring war'. dram , at the Siegfried ' Line.
Hell Is ; For Heroes"
Coming "Splendor' In The Grass"
---- Adult Entertainment