HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 2• kS • PAGE . TWI x THF • LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO • WED r ! rS1D4Y,; AUG„ Atli;,, if Pipes Skirled As 1.,M,aE.or..a1d Clan Held Their 33rd Reunion In Ashfield (Contributed'), Far .the thirty-third eansecutive year the descendants of the late 1 Murdock and Donald ,MacDonald and their sister-,. .Mrs. Christy:' Harris answered 'the call of the 'Dian. Their usual meeting place is among the fraerant cedars of the Hills -of -Hearne . in Ashfield above the quietly flawing stream which ibririgs .back: iso many. fond: 'memories to all of us. • • Froin' the ' unfurling • of the f liag of Scotland' and( the Union `•. Hack untilthe last strains of Auld .Lang, .Syne, .the hills rang • with the skirling of the, bagpipes, the laughter of the'. children ' and the hearty greetings and hand clasps • f`, the aulde #alk. . • Our eldest member, D. A. Mac- • •, Donald faithfully recorded •130 present. He also presenited our youngest member; 'baby. Heather MacDonald;; '5 -clay... -old daughter Of Mr. 'and, Mrs. Kenneth. .Mac - 'Donald with . a fitting . remernb ranee. Mr.. •.and Mrs. D:.H. Ag - mew of Plymouth, Mich., were the. • Couple coming. the farthest, .'even •drriving• around by Manitoulin Is- land to.ibe sure to' win the award. 11he newlyu• edis were the hlyth:e of spirit,. Mr. and ' Mrs. ; S. • B. Stothers •af: Lucknow, "Mr..arid Mrs. Donald Si;rnpson had: the largest family present of eight • bra' lads and one .bonnie lassie,' The jovial president, Mr, Bi11 Harr:is,of, Ripley'; planned a • full' program. of sports arid entertain- . Ment. 'The„ young and the. not so young, ran races, kicked the Slip- per and scrambled Jot :peanuts., A special treat for the equestrians and horse lovers • wtes provided by Toth conducted and George MacDonald who acted rides:.on their beau- tiful black saddle horses, and by. Paul Harris and Bill Campbell. with a, handsome prize -twinning, 1',alornino. • . As we relaxed:' after partaking of .a sumptuous supper, we re mained .in 'our circle around our platform and •' piano and • were highly entertained. Mary Finley - son ,and Joan MacKenzie ' of Lucknow .delighted us with their Highland dancing., It was heart warming to behold the grace- ful steps of our veteran artists of Scottish •dan�eir g, Bruce . Came- ron of , Detroit. A sing. -song . of S.cottis!h airs . Was ably led by Miss Marian Munn 'of Ripley. .John MacRae af' Lochalsh . in his Scottish brave, sang as only he can. The pipers in their plaidies who, added colour and music.. to the day were. D. A. MacLennan, Murray MacDonald, Datvdd • Mac- Donald and. 'Finlay :MacLennarn; but greatly missed were the lilt- ing. tunes' of `Uncle Alex's' fiddle. Those sadly.mrssed were James. MacDonald cif Montana; . Allex MacDonald of Lochalsh' and Mrs. Stanley • Drennan . of Kincardine, who passed. on during the year.., Friends were present from KM - tail, Lucknow.; Ripley, Newmar-- ket, Toronto, •• H'amiiiton, Preston, 'Detroit, Windsor, and Sarnia. To- you who were not able to be..with us, you' were in Our thoughts and we hopeto have you. 'among us next year. .As deepening shadows, sank into night the clan ' parted .with the' oft .:heard remark, •"This was the best reunion yet:,' Induct Minister At. Pine River (A1VMERL'EY NEWS) Induction service was 11e14. at Pine River United Church on Thursday evening of lastweek when.. (Rev. • Donald McKenzie, B.A., B.iD.; Ph.D.; was inducted.. into the ministry 'of Bethel and Pine . River congregations. Rev. Peter 'Renner of •Wiarton :was in charge of the service and Rev, . .Robert,Chapman; • of Port Elgin, gave the address, Taking. his text from, Ezekiel, chapter„ 33 verse , 15, wise , counselling was given to the,, ,congreg;ation and. minister. Fo1l+owrng the induction, Rev. `Donald McKenzie invited. the congregations ;to view- the Manse. 'A social .,hour followed jii .the...Sunday School 'room of the • church ' where refreshments ,we're 'served. During the service, Phylis (Bradley ..and. Joyce Thor-. burn sang a ....duet.- Miss Donna Forster ;of .. Luck- 1. now visited last week with her cousin, •ilVliss Corinne Lowry at Lurgan.. Mary Elisabeth Walden enter-, tained fifteen girl' friends, at her home on Wednesday evening of last week. ,Swimming at :the !lake was enjoyed . sand,aterwards• a I barbecue. lunch' was ''served.', &Ir. and Mrs. ' John C.. 'Caine- bell and Mr. • and `Mrs. H. Mor- rison ' spent • the week -end .at Edenvale and Parry, , Sound. `Guests '•v*ibh Mr. and ,Mrs. 'Ar- chie Courtney on Wednesday of rest week. wore . Mr. aril Mrs. Robert Treleaven of Guelph:. . Mr. and ,Mrs.. Ivan Cook, , who .have resided:,in Ainberley: for 'the past two -'years moved: to:.Ripley recently and are residing in one of the ;Harris :apartments. • . Mr. +armd Mrs. ThonlasB'ell, Ted and'. John" were. on .Vacation fait' week. Caroll Courtney visited her cou sin, Oorinne''MaoDonald Of Rip- i'ley.. last . week. • Mrs. ,Chriatina • MacDonald; of Lucknow visited for a few . days of• :last: week • with 'her son 'and daughter-in-law, Mr.: , and - .Murdock MacDonald; 2+nod con. of Huron,., • • • Miss Shirley'.Steele spent part of 'her vacation; with , Mr. .and Mrs. • D. R: BBxiown of Fort Erie. Mary . Ellen • Wilson has se- cured- a :position in amort. Elgin with:the Co-Ope,raitive Company for the stimnier months. . • .Mrs. 'Barry Gibson (Mary Belle Courtney) and daughiter of Buf,- falo . were guests. of Mr. and , Mrs. John . Emmerton: •and : other rela.= •tives .last week. ' 'Shirley and ".Janis-, Steele 'spent two days` of, last 'week .with their grandmother, Mrs.•William Steele of : Ripley. Miss: Jiudath Ann Wilson' is on 'the staff of the I.G'r A, .Store in ,Kincardine .,,for the summer months. • The Henderson family., reunion was held: at t+he Ltnited-Chuxeh- picnic 'grounds on Sunday, ;Au- gust Au -gust 5tth. Mrs. William. Swindt : of Oxnard •California 'was guest .off 'honor. and Other: :relatives from a .distance were .•M:r: and . Mrs.` Jack donyear of Chatharn,• Mr. arid Mrs. J. Horley of 'Beacher ',Donald' Henderson . of Ayton also. present were Mr. and Mrs; Dun- can MOKeniie of Lucknow, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet, Henderson and family of Lucknow and Paul Henderson of Hamilton, Mr: and Mrs.. , Kelvin Henderson;' Patsy and Joan; Mr. and. Mrs: Donald' Gillies of Ripley, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Owen and , family, 'Mr. and. Mrs; Lester Ferguson., and family, Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard' ark Centennial United Church° Or: George W..Birtch,, minister •afl •Metropolitan. United, 'Church, Toronto•, was' guest speaker at morning and evening- services in the United. Church:. on Sunday,. in another .of'a 'seriesof special events :to . mark the centennial, •-'pear of the .church. H,e . was , introduced. by Rev..' 11'90W. , Str app as a beloved mini ster. of, the- c'hurch, well "kn!own for his kindly vviords' and balan- ced judgement: Rev ,Mr.` Birtch lived u'p to'. Iris i'ntroduCtion . and • ' •-won• the hearts and minds of his 'Congregation in two .,forceful sermons. He pointed : out, • that while ne-: • ver in this; church, he had. seen . itmany' ;times while driving, through the' Village 'to' Point' Clark: As he :left ;Toronto . on. Sunday'. morning, his farnily,: rnindful of the `signs :at the en- trance to the Village reminded •hini to "drive canny:" Dr. Birtch'paid tribute to. those who have gone •before, leaving r o ucli« good. He -•-stressed- fiat - we .are serving for good or, bad and pointed to the •place. 'df.'the •church in "The : Balanced . Com munity," ''whi'ch Was the `thenie '.of his morning serrnon., He point • ed tothe place of the Minister' and` of the People Who: make up his congregation. He 'spoke: of ....the need to grasp 'afirm hold on ',the; reason. four. 'living, and: the• real'ur ose of our daily work. P P Take away the 'church and. the. drama; of life becomes an empty ;force; he. said, In the evening he gave An il- luminating sermon 'on "How. Can. Odd -Be. Real To Me?" • . • 'The choir, . always faithfu - was worthy of special commendation' for the special music on Sunday,: , under the 'direction of .Mrs. J W. Joynt, With • Mrs6 ' Ross Cum thing: as organist. In 'the morning' they sang .two anthems, "0 Light • Eternal" and "The Lord's My Shepherd." ; In 'the evening a • mixed' quartette of Mr. and Mrs. Rlay'nard Ackert, • Mrs. J'oynt and . ,Eldon ' Henderson sang "Just 'a Closer • Walk With Thee and Helen ,Thompson sang 'the solo, "Building:" Following the 'morning service a social hourwas held in' the Sunday . school, room of the Church when re1reshnients 'were f.: erved. • PURPLE GROVE .Sandra Collins, Iona Leeson, Brenda ,Currie, .Joan Thonipson,/ returned ta their homes after . a week at Mirimachi . Gaxnp; Port + 'Elgin.. • Purple, Grove Institute 'm'et at Mrs. Donald. 'Gil'lie''s home on Wednesday night. Mrs. Cecil Sutton was convener. Mrs. - Cliff Hewitt, guest speaker. •, Exchanging., li;ol'idays are • Cliff Brin.dley with Ronnie Dore whale DianeD re i w Bonnie B.rrn - s o With . ley. - Mr Norval Stanley and . Mrs. Helen Swann'' visited Mr and Mrs. • Pete Peterson at their 'lake cottage. • Mrs: • Nelson : Lockrey .and daughter, Judy ot. London; Mary. Margaret : Forster were Sunday guests of Mr:; and Mrs. '.Donald M' Cosh. 1Vfr. . and Mrs; Lawrence. Fry,; Betty; Loran, Laura Mae and Mrs. Frank Dore .:visited .Mrs Louis Misch. . • Miss• Doreen McLeod and Miss Mary. • Anne. :McCosh, . Toronto, spent the 'Week -end at their homes Mr.and Mrs, "IughieMcArthur, Mrs. Waiter McClure and ' Ricky of • Paisley,. Mr•;. and " Mrs.' .Fred, Gilchrist, ,'Miss ,Mary Mc•Cbsh 1VIr.. Bob:' MacDonald visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacDonald: 'Miss Eva. 'Culbert and Mrs. Victor ..Gawley . are enjoying , a holiday in 'California. • Mrs. Waiter: Forster, .Caroline, Janet, 'Baribara,: Mary, Dorinda, Kathy, Mrs. Gordon ,I?atterson Mrs. Dori Mc'Cosh, Mary Ann, .Mrs: 3.: W. Colwell :were Satur- day guests •elf Mrs. Bi'14., Bushell of Lucknow. Miss Eileen Collins, 1VI}iss • Mar- garet Rdbertsoti, Mrs. Russel Cal= Jibs, Mr. Don. Robertson,' Mr, & Mrs. Goldie Huston spent • Sun- day in • London with. Mr.. Calvin, Robertson. Miss 'Mar'y McCosh was a guest at the Graham -Love• wedding on Saturday • 'in • Riply United Church,- Purple . Grove ' Institute had • a successful bake sale. at 'Kincar- dine on Saturday. Mr. • Cecil Hill, Mrs, Frank Dore, Nancy, Ronnie . and 'Dianne,were visitors with Mr. and .Mrs, Ralph Hill.: ' Mr. and Mrsr •Peter :Yeesonn spent Sunday at Port Eilgin.. Mr.' Milton Stanley spent a few days' in London with Mr & Mrs. " Wilfred, Trah.er. Miss NancDore is spending the week with • Miss Loais. Misch. Rev. and Mrs.. Cox visited Mir. and. Mrs. Harvie Thompson pson .and Mrs. Frank Dore; ' Mr. and ' Mrs. Francis Boyle and family attended, Bervie -.Un- ited. .Un-ited. Church Y On Sunday. Dale. Armstrong was soloist, Mr, Bob Grieve, Miss Sandra Crawford, Mr. Dan Gossell, •.Gary land Glenn Grieve visited; Mr. Victor Gawley and. girls. .Mr, and: Mrs, Don 'Bell visited Mr, and Mrs: Gordon MacDonald: .w. ����ari>_„a�r1�q��HON�ir•1!�iE��g+�l���#!�,R1�l►f�rlrq�i+otu o The Extent Of •Stock SPRML:PRICES. oI Barbecue�and Barbecue ;Taols Picnic Hampers POWer Mowers • �IIM. .MURD1E and ON Phone 10, 'Lucknow The".Lucknow and District Horticultural .Society ANNUAL FLOWER SCOW will be held in the legion Hall, Lucknow �rdny &: Sa#urdpy, Itugus# i Hall will ;be open to the public . Friday evening 7 to 10; Saturday afternoon 2 to 5 and Saturday `S evening .7 to 9. new .exhibitors are ' welcome by : paying $1.0 membership fee. Irwin', arid farnily'and . Mi ,Chas. •Emm:erton .and family. .A happy time ' Was enjoyed reminising of other'days and: the '•v eat' ier *as comparatively fair after the .re- cent showers at ,the 'week -,end.... Rev. J:,' C. Hutton left on Mon- day morning to:: visit ' with . Mi. and Mrs.:Way'neJohnston :.of Toron o, Mr.. and Mrs.Donald d Hutton. of Pemlbroke•'and to points inN.arti ern T ntar n 'Patsy and.. Joan. Henderson are spending ..part of their vac atiozi' with Valerie. Gillies of Ripley:. arid Mrs. Grant Rice & family of London were holiday guests with Mr, and. Mrs. Art,. Courtney. Mr.. and Mrs. •Lloyd' Cour and 'family' of London are sp .ing , ;a week's' vacation at cottage at ' Lu+rgan beach. Two part-time residents o Dobibintori district are Tha with.,procuning abortions; spiracy to procure 'aiborti•on. pghce continued ' an investi .. g of what they say may be a, _WO a yeea_r�ab'ortion ring. Adeline Clare hill; 52; -ander Simpson, 14, • ' o,f' . Toronto Dabbinton, were • arrested Toronto detectives, .co-.ope .with the provincial poiice:o Walkerton detachment. Th. rests -were • made . 'at Dobbin • - Graduates Of GODERICH .BUSINESS L4LLE6E -9Main NotiooL..• . • • The , following graduates. of Goderich ' Business • lege have recently . cowiritenced work as . secretari bookkeepers'• stenographers and • :typists:' Patricia Paterson, Hay' Statione.. Company,' ny,'' London; Daren McCue, John Boshart & 'Sons Limped, Seafarth; Marlene.Hayes, John' En.glis and Company,.. Toronto; Donald M'allough Upper. Lakes Shipping: Ltd., Goderich; Gloria Stanley; Dorhiniori Road Machinery Co. Ltd., Goderich; " Ed'ftth"Dowson, Ex -Cello •Corporation, London; Grace Clifton, Selby Shoe Company, London; Eleanor Alton, C.,H.C.H Television'. Station, Hamilton, Ruth Ann Batkin, Clinton Community Credit Union Ltd. 'MyrHtle -Coecla llinsofCanada,, WolrverineLTubondon;e Division, C. aluni;et' and .' Kay Watkins, Canadian National Telegraphs, Goderich; John Consitt, Rdbert Bell Industries, Seaforth; Edith' Landsborough', 'Huron County Home; ' - Kathryn eric,Nah;ftel,' Hou, sehold Finance Corp. , of Canada, Richard Worsen, Empire Brass, Co., London; : Shirley Wilkinson, Aldis Real Estate, London'.; . John • Schneiker,, Signal Star Publishing„ Ltd., Goderich; Gloria 'Rum.ball Provincial Police Office, Goderich;. John Sdtteriurdych;,.:Johnston and Mallougth Machine ShoP. : ' -Annette, Dickson; Dominion Road Machinery Co. Ltd. Goderich; • (Dianne' 1VMcArthur, F. 'L Gilbibs,, Accountant, Stratford ,Marlene Alin, London Life Insurance CO,'. London: Students are .now 'registering, for the Fall. Term c mencing Tuesday, September 4th. • • % iii•; ii �i i ' .. i ' V, iii /iii.