HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-08, Page 11
$3.00 A Year In -Advance $1.00 Extra To U.S.A.
The .first drowning ever• to.
happen at Silver Lake at Kinloss,'
10 miles north of here, occurred
ion Sunday afternoon. about 6:00.
The victim.. was '2O -year-old.
Thomas Joseph Godwin who was
camping .atlhe 1ake,4often called
Blackhorse Lake,, with his friend,
David ' •Medley • ,of Kitchener.'
David is the son of Mr. and .Mrs'.
, Jack :Hedley•'of 'St. Marys, who
formerly.lived at Kinloss, where
David has been swimming since
the was . a . lad. His •friend Tom
GoUWin.,has' accompanied him to
the lake at 'various times during
the past couple,• of years. They.
became .• friends when, Tom was
in the bank at ..St. Marys Viand
Kitchener. He was employed "in
the ' time of 'the fatal-
Boar • •Lets : Contract •:For
'and the two youngmen
werespending the 1,week-en'd at ,, ,the lake. Both ~were •.good swim_ At::Lucknow District High Sch
Youth Drci.
e's First. Vic
Relativeshere have received
word of thedeath, in California
on July 27th of•":Mrs C, H, Mann,
She was .•the; for"mer Colleen Mc-
Intosh, .daughter of 'tihe late. Mr.
and Mrs. ,Robert McIntosh of
Ashfield, where she was 'born
.and raised. '
Mrs. Mann .was the youngest
•sister of the late. Hugh. McIntosh.
of "Lucknow, •
• She • is survived by herhus-
band, : who is a teacher ' in tihe
University of California.
John Wright 'who has. made
his home. .here for several years,
passed aay in Wingham Hos-
pital on Wednesday of last week.
He was a ' native of • Ireland
where he was born78 years
"he remains • -rested at the •
MacKenzie Memorial ;Chapel un-
til Friday noon. Funeral. service
.was held at the McLaughlin and
.Reed Funeral Home in �Listowel:
On. Saturday • afternoon • with.
burial at. Listowel. '
,David, .started across. the lake
(ihe. had : often swam it) leaving.
'Torn had
the beach, ' who was
sunning' him,s.elif and reading:
it •is believed that Tam. later
decided to follow David He got.
into difficulty and his. cries for
,help were 'heard: Vin'shore but
not by rDawid Wayne and .Boli
Bell, sons `of Bert Bell Of Culross;
swam to; him, but 'on reaching
him* found him a. dead weight.
Ernie King ;went: to th:e.•scene
in his boat,.. and helped .take 'tfe
;body ; on .board. On shore ,arti
�t ficial respiration• was, commenced'
d key 'Er`nie: and this was.• continued
for some• time „even after -death.'
• was, evident, Dr. 'Jack :McKim o
�r. Lucknow responded to the' call
which 'wasphoned from. the
nearby home of.:Mrs: Lorne Hod -
gins,Bruce;. County Coroner, •
R.. Helliwve • • d_no�itgites� -..
Suva .1 ` be held leCtionial
1VIrs, Hodgins said .it was about
Liberals Nominating Convention
At a special ;meeting of the'
Lucknow D.H.S. Board met on
Tuesday evening oaf 'last .week,
the 'Burt .Urquhart Construction
Co. Ltd• of Kincardine was
awarded the contract forthe the ad-
dition • to the ,High' .School, 'The
addition includes two classrooms;
775 square feet each;. one :cafe
teria, 'I7) ;square Beet and a kit-
c} en 43i1 square feet.,
Renovation of the" fronten
trance to, the• :School is also in-
cluded;, in 'the ' tender: ;
:The•, contract price ./for• .con-
stri ction of . the addition and re=
novation •� to eth school eritr•a�
ice.. :
was $78,111.6 In' addition furnish=:
:irngs, : arcchitects fees and sundry/
expenseswill increase, the over-
all' cost. to $84,000, which figures.
are .subject to the approv�al of t he
The Contractor has' been • ad
vised -•that:.the .award is,..Fontin
genrt • upon the Board receiving
final approval from the Depart
Ment of Education and the On
tario Municipal Board. ' '
Upon reeeipt%ofsuch. approvals'
it is 'estimated the work will be
completed in: approximately four
•months . trine. ' It ' is anticipated
that:. work will get underway
this. month and if .it' does, it will•.
be. about the,, first, of the year;
at: the earliest, `~before the addi-
tion can: be ready for occupancy.
• There were two tendeis'sub
'ratted for the fob, with. the suc-
cessful bidder's price being con
sideMb1y lower:
Single Copy 10c 12' Pages.
• The ferry service, from
Tobermory to Manitoulin Was
oyertax•ed on' several of its •
week end trips with Luck-
nowites being a contributing
"actor; -
Arnong those :running into
one another • at the "Tub"
were .Harvey • Websters, .,Cy
ril Browns, . Harry Nixons,
and Roy Finlaysons. .Traps
were r 'ing: behind • sche-
dule, an�for, many it was.
"necessary. to• leave their cars
behind for a later trip,.
Nancy. Forster and Sharon
O'Donnell, who work: on the
island`•at, South Bay Mouth,
were •no doubt :glad to visit •
with several.'of the •Lucknow
Have ,TflLI.loflduy
On , Police Question
There was •just a quorum at1
the August meeting, of the Vil.
tlage•Council on Tuesday, evening,
with Councillors Brooks and
'Webster unavoidably aibsen t.
,+Monday, next, August 13+th ,has.
been .set as the deadline for the
return of the questionnaire bal-
lots • .expressing a "yes" • Or "no"
opinion. on ' the ' • engaging of .`,..a„
police officer.' •
Clerk E. H. .Agnew. reported
approximately . a 60% return of
the ballots to date, and ratepay-;
ears wiho have not already .one.
so are urged to make their re
Council referred to'the •traffic
survey that, was ..recently made . .
.a. -sand pointed to the fact that park-
Received Medic.]1E.
De ee At
Donald: MacKay of Ottawa was
among those recently graduated
in medicine by Queen's U•niver-
sity. He will intern at the Ottawa
•Civic .Hospital.
Donald ' r is a • graduate of
Nepean High Sdhool in Ottawa,
and, is the 'son of Mr.. and Mrs.
C. Graham MacNay of ' 26.7 Kir-
choffer Avenue:
Dr.` MacNay is a • nephew •of
Kelso and Alex MacNay of this
corrimunity. His father is in . the
'entomology', research . branch of
the Department of Agriculture in
the 'capital city.
Phone CaLI .From
Paris." Last ;Week
Mr. and . Mrs. ,Orland Ttichard.s
recently .experienced , the.:plea
sure and thrill of • receiving a
when the 'call 'was made..
• It was, Mrs. Hodgin'�s husband
the • late Lorne Hodgins, • who.
estab1isihec' �.tihe cabin resort at
La e, Histh r...before
fa e .
him, ( John Hodgins, had boats`
' for hire, as this has long been
s popular fishing resort,' '
s, Several months ago Ernie.'Kiatg
s of ' C•KNX ' acquired the, : back
s ; part of ..the Hodgins•,', farm with
s . its, cabins and . access to the lake,
off the highway east of `°Black-
' horse" • •
s An official opening" was held
s • over the July 1st week -end to.
• furtherPp
o ularize the resort. •
(Continued : on Page .11) : .
Viii,'.. dents of Kinloss Township
A L.iberra�l nominating conven-
tion in the'Provincial riding; of.
!Huron -Bruce w•i�11 be • held in
Wingh�arn Town Hall on Monday`
evening, August
'...The .}1uron-Bruce. Lirberal'-,As-.
sociation .;Executive: set' the date
at a meeting' "in' Wirrgrh'a n ..on•
Friday 'evening, '
Reports of a tby-election in
Hurori-�Bruce, • probably in • Sep-
tember though : jacking con=
firrmation = have stirred.. polio -
cal . activity in. the riding, with
the ' Libera}'s Making , the • first
public move` to place.a candidate
in ;the field. •
Th:ere•appears to be no: scarcity
Of .prospective . contestants. The
names of four or five gentlemen
have 'been named, as being inter-
ested .and "like!ly,' ,to .contest ..the
nomination. •
The late. John W. Hanna, Pro-
gressive-,Consiei�vative. •.mem}ber,
represented the riding fora almost
twenty 'years,. from '1943 until
his :death •• in March of• this year:
The' constituency has since been
Kieloss Township; Residents. Honoured..,
R�iring Cler• •k•
Itnd; Treasurer T1�ursday
gtat•' red.' at the Holyrood, Hall
• fos";a social evening on Thursday.
• • to, in the words of Reeve P. A•.
s • Murray: w•h.�o was chairman, "
al. pay.
•. tribute to two' ' f irte gentlemen
a who. have .served the municipali-,
0 ty faithfully and 'well. " °
s The twosome wereane
and FrankJ. R. L
., Thompson:a•Mr. Lane
tendered ' his resignation as
clerk' in June ' _ after, 38years .sex
viCe as clerk; He was appointed
to the office ir•May 1929,,•during.
,the' reeveshi df
sue °.. P Jahn Colwell,
ceedin•g George G., Moffat
s, ,
• s:
• At the July meeting the Kin-'
loss Board received the resigns-
. tion 'of Frank' Thompson astreasurer and tax collector.
Succeeded ' • Thomas . Gaunt as
i.' 'treasurer in February 19419',. and
s ., resigned the office this. summer.
�!` 'aft .. .... ..
-after accepting the appoirmtinent
of secretary -treasurer of the West
✓ watitranosh' Mutual
�Co ,Fire Insurance
�, rtrnllany, Frank assumed. lit s
r dlot' ,
e es on August 1st aa. Sue-
SOtse;r , to Duran; Phililips who
has retired.
It required;only some ; of the
Wealth of talent in Kinloss to•.
provide, ,a most interesting pro-
gram ,ori ,Thursday, With 'Miss
Edna Boyle at the piano the pro-,
gram. opened with •O Canada. The
various .numbers which inter-
spersed the well wisihes,•and•'pre-
sentations, were as follows; solo
by Mrs. Harold ftaltdenby, piano
solo by George ••'Conn, violin s
ectionsr by Elliott Carruthers with
'a•ccotnpani:ment by .' Mrs.. Carru- •
tthers, a reading by Mrs. Doh
1VicCosh, a solo by Mrs. Jack He-
witt playing her own aceompani'-
merit, accordlan solos by Mrs,,
Jim.IvlacEwan and Gordon Wall.
Mr. Lane- served' under eight.
reeves: John Colwell, ,David' Car-
ruthers, • Richard Elliott, Alex
:MacKenzie, ' George • Tiffin, David
Carruthers Jr-:, Hamad. Percy • &
P. A. MurraS .
• Dick ' Elliott in his remarks
.said that Mr: 'Lane was. a (born
clerk and had been , a, great help
(Continued on Page' 9)
Father Of Young
FamilGravely 111
Louis Weber, 3'1 -year-old Holy-.
rood district resident and,- the"
father of four: ypung: children is
gravely ill in' Victoria Hospital,'
*London, , •
• Louie as: he. is .known to his •
friends, has been employed ' .for'
about a ,couple of years at the
Lucknow :Sawmf11 'He is '.a bro-
ther-in-law of Allan Manto, Mrs:
Weber being .Allan's sister.
The .being
have .• four small
children.. The :eldest will start to
school in ,September, They' game
herefrom the .Ayton-Mattrit For-
est area, and have since resided
in the Ackert residence east of
Holyrood, '
. 'Louie 'has ' been a patient ':'in
•London:• for ten weeks with, a
serious kidney condition. A ,rug-
ged,- hard working . young . man,
he took 111 with 'little warning,.
After feeling a bit listless for a,
short time, `he visited the doctor
and• Was- immediately rushed to
Wingham hospital, and •after a
(Of hours there was taken. to.
London by ambulance.. '
hone—call—from--their daughter
Jean. Ann in Paris; . :,France -,
The call came a -couple of days
after Orland • returned from,: the
hospital. They spoke with their
daughter from the home of 'Mr.
and Mrs:Alex Andrew and their
'conversation was clear & strong.
Orland. and Clara "tuned in" on
the regular phone and the . ex
tension, so n'ot a word Was mis-
sed by either.. Alex and' Catha-
rine also :got in .their "hello.",'
Jean's husband, . Ray . Murray of
Wingham, is stationed with the.
RCAF at Metz, France; about 615
Hiles froin-the German ,border.
They placed tihe phone call froin
Paris, and •were then leaving on
a holiday trip to England.
• Mr ::and Mrs. Murray will re-
turztcr affada next .Fehr uaiy.
They went overseas. two' years
. � .
age last month.
ing and truck unloading ' cou,d.
not be properly enforced without
a 'Police • officer.
With. ..Lucknow's population
naw in excess of 1000,E it wase
implied that the iinunicipality had.'
a 'responsibility. toprovide their
Own policing,
• The Reeve • a•dded that, if the
pol4icing.was . turned dawn, they
had betternot start "calling; "him
at• •2:00 • a.m. or he'd get an . un- •
listed' phone; . • •
• Reeve •Harvey Culbert of West
Wawanosh discussed the : firepro- •
tection agreement with LLu:ckhow,
so. he '- could present it to his
Council next • week.. • :
.This and other matters Will'
shave to : be' dealt .with •in next
week's:: issue. •
The death of" Charlotte Re-
•becca • .Johnson• •occurred ':on. Sat-
at-urday,. August 4th at, Pinecrest
Manorin g
Nurs g Home in Lucke
now, where she had been a "
patient . 'for 'several years: She
was 80 years: of age.
'The .funeral service was held
at. • the M. cKenz' ,o ori
zChnapel ' on__ Mondiay, __conducted
by Rev: B. 1'. Green of St.
ens with interment •in. Baird
Cemetery near Bruce -field..
'Friends , here wereo'saddened •
to learn of the death of Andrew
G.• Smith, -, beloved husband. of
Jean Irving formerly of Luck -
now, which .occurred in Toronto
on Sunday:. •
The •'. remains rested at the
Johnstone Funeral Home : ,on
Wednesday until 2:30 p.m. and
thence to Kintail cemetery for
graveside ' service and burial.
'Sari ra • oak' daughter' of dal,. •
and Mrs. Bab Boakis visiting
in ' Ottawa.
Council Passes. liquor Vote By-Luw'
Which Wil! �e Held On, October 22nd,
The • b'y-law• paving the way
for a: liquor vote in Lucknow
was passed at the August meet-
ing of ,the Municipal. Council on
Prior to passing the 'bu-law, a
letter was. read from, the. Ses-
sions of the Presbyterian': and
United' Church, protesting. Court-
ci1's action in initiating the vote.
The letter,which, was fyled by
,Council. appeared in last week's
Sentinel. ' r
• .Events to this .point stem from
a Counciil resolution of July
2i0ith, requesting the Liquor `Li-
cence Board to submit a bylaw
,covering a liquor vote.
On July 28rd 'the by-law- was
received 'requiring that it be pas -
$ed prior to August 21st? "if it
is the desire of Council to .hold
the; vote on October 22nd.', '
Procedure was outlined by
Cro `E, Woodrow,, solicitor for the
•whhit'h requires '.a copy
Of the by -la , to be sent to the•
office • of the. Liquor Licence,
Board And a' copy to Roderick
Lewis, Q.C., Chief ..Election Of-
ficer for the Province of Ontario; '
They, can then proceed to have
necessary machinery set• in -mo-
tion for holding of: avote.
,It was tinder the Ontario'•
`Temperance Act. that a' by -maw
was supported in, Lucknow, half
a :century ago "prohiibiting• the
sale 'of retail of spiritous liquors
in the Village. of. Lucknow.'~ •
.The questions now to be voted
on" in October are: ' •
' Are .you in favor of th,e esta.-:
blishir►ent of'.a government store
for: the sale of liquor?'.
'Are you ih favor of the sale
Of •l:fluor under a .dining lounge
licence for consumption With:
meals on licen'sed premises.
• •1
. •