HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 101
Further Honor
Departing ;Family
Mrs, Wesley Robb and Miss
Katherine Robb visited With Mr.
and Mrs, Bert Osborne of Trout
. Creek for a few days last week;
Mrs, Art Courtney, was hostess
far Reids, Corners W,L.: on: Thurs-
;day • even'ing of last week, Twenty
tfour .ladies attended the meeting
Which opened with the ode and
7Vary Stewart Collect., Mrs. - Cecil
Hollands and Mrs. ,Kelvin Hend-
erson presided. The roll call,. "A
'glioma and interesting" was
well responded to. • During . the
business period it was;. decide
to contribute $20. to the Inte
national. Scholarship fund. Dole-.
gates to the W.I. Convention to
be held in. Southampton, Septem-
b'er 5th and 6th• in the .Uni'ted.
Churchwere appointed •as fol-
, lows, , Mrs. Leonard Courtney,,.
Mrs, Kelvin Henderson with Mrt.
-..'J. C. Campbell of Point Clarkas
alternate. The topic "Good man-
.ners in pu'blit. places was given
by Mrs. Wm. 'Courtney. Mrs. John
Reid read interesting current ev:-
exits after • ' which Mrs._ Donald
Courtney , ' conducted . contests
• (which were 'followed. with coma
munity singing. Mrs...Eldon Brad
ley gave• bhe' Courtesy. remark's
and the hostesses : at the lunch'
'hour were Mrs. , James: Farrell
and ,Mrs. George Wiighi#. an.
Dinner guests. With. Mr: and held at the ;home, of `Mrs.` Walter
Mrs. : Reg Godfrey. on • SundayMcLean with twenty-one' ' ladies'
•where Mr and Mrs. Robert Seipel attending' on Saturday : of last
and family: and Mrs. Reta , Martin week. ,Miss . Audrey Thompson of
' of Stratfolid,. Mr... •and • Mrs'. Wm. Toton�to conducted the desmon
•ollins; Cared, Lois; . Louise •
.and stration. Lunch Was . served by
'� Grant : and : M.r.. and , ` Mrs.:: Reg.
Reihl : of • Goderich.. During ' the
afternoon the congregation of•:St.
Lukes::'' Anglican Church, ':Pine
• :River gathered, on: the' lawn at.
the ;Godfrey home and/ present=
ed Mr and Mrs. 'Wm. Collins,
and family • with • gifts before
leaving for their new :home" in event Mrs. ; Swwindt : looks ` for=
'Preston. Mrs: Reta Martin Was ward to. u
singinggrace,lunch was. served
and a icial hour enjoyed.
Mr, acid Mrs, Donald Courtney
and family attended a. family re-
union. at Wasaga each on Sun-
day. •
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Campbell
and .Lynn, David. and Miss Mary.
Ellen Shiells enjoyed a few drays
vacation last. Week through the
State of Michigan to, •Sault Ste.
Marie, Sudburyand points south,.
A number of ladies from the
iAimberley -vicin'ity attended a
trousseau tea on. Monday of last
••week for Miss Bessie • Reavie at
the horne.af her aunt, Mrs. Grant
McDiarrn,id of • Lucknow.
VVir. s, Walter Brown. of Amber-
ley accompanied by • her son -in -
and daixg'lvter; Mr.. and Mrs:
George Porter of Stamford,. spent
a few days last week • in Taber-
morY and
, Mr.• Robert halk Gottc
vicinity.� is • visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Pace.
A number from 'the vicinity
enjoyed Anniversary 'services
which 'were held at Bethel Unit
ed Church on Sunday, July 29th.
Mr, and 'Mrs. Kelvin Render -
ion, 'Patsy and .' Joan and ..1V1r.. &
Mrs. Norval Nesbitt visited ,with
Mr. and: Mrs. Russell •Brid'ge of
Palmerston on • Wednesd'ay, of
last week, Mrs. Bridge who has
been a patient in : Kitchener.
Waterloo hospital was •alb1e• to
return tb ' her home.
.Mrs. Wafter' McLean and "Mrs.
Ivan •.•Cook of Amiberley were
joint hostesses for ` a jewellery,
demonstration . party.. which.' was
the 'hostesses Mrs. Wm. Kempton
held ` a party earlier in ' the week
with several ladies . attending.
Mrs. 'Wni, Sw'indt '(Hattie Hen-,
derson) of : California is visiting
with ' relatives in :the vitinfty.
The 'Henderson '.picnic'': is; ' to. be
held next . Sunday' whichx is an
also presented with -a .gift as a
• remembrance of her = .fait15,ful • .Mr.• J R., Lane •, was' in town,
work and gifts. to the church and on Tuesday; for the • first time
Guild over .the years of her re- 'since he, took i)I about• the first.
sidence in 'the con'imun'i•ty After of Mayi.•
•i•••1 •
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i' •
. no. • The Lucknow lineupis' as fol
•. C �/••w w7 �� A`A'A _ •
i . Ross Farrster •'shortsto ; B win
3 Bevin
• - • Tiffin, second; Doug. Johnston;
third,• Ken , , I �ouston, pitcher;
•� TruSpan, STEEL BUILDING.FRAMES '4COMBINE • , , . , . • Donald ..Fisher; first; ` Garyi John-
Ston, catcher; Rad Finlayson,• right
field; Wallace .Houston, left field;
Jim .MacDonald, centre field. '
WEDNESDAY, AUG. .i:st,. 1068
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July FlaygrOuind ■
is i A
Closed' Last Week
The local. summer Playground
sponsored by the Lucknow Re-
creation Commission during the
month of July,, concluded last
The playground centred in the
Town Assembly Room and the
Town Hall grounds with an
average d'ai'ly attendance of about
50 children from 5, to i2 years.
The instructors were Patricia
Thompson and Bruce Ma•cKenZ'ie.
A concluding feature of the
activities was open House held
on Wednesday ,of last week when'
parents 'attenc ed• irk• the • • after.-'
noon. to`view'. the crafts and
handiwork 'of the• Children. They
also, participated in the' half
dozen penny carnival games op-
erated by: the children, and were
served refreshments before leav-
ung. •
The penny proceeds. paid for
the refreshments arid' also.. pro-
vided a treat for the,children the
next 'day :before the .playground
The playground operated three
mornings a • week, with the in-
structors' accompanying the bus-
es to Teeswater: