HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 8GORDON JOHN !iION HAS PURCHASED STUART ROBERTSON'S „SEED CLEANING PLANT And :Is Now Ready To Clean . and Treat Seed Wheat' and " GRASS ' SEEDS OF. ; ALL KINDS • Residence Phone -303 Lucknow 4: •, r.; I4 • Y. • .cj • ,it • HARNESS RACE' MEET Sponsored by Kincardine Kinsmen , At Kincardine ON CMC HOLIDAY Monday, August 6th SUM. .1•1111Ki...01.1.4141111,0i.411110.41411•114 41111.4 How' ossa44.e.? Post . Time 1'.:30.. Pan, Government Supervised Par-Mutuel • Betting. KINLOUGH CKNOW EN' INEL, LUCKNOW. ,O ARID .Hewitt and:. Mrs,:Wall'%ani Kern- : ; pyn ILunch=Every. mnesiilber:. , E • M',4h :and Mrs ' Harvey , • Beck= ing : of ,. . ',Brantford . were recent Visitors 'with Mr. and Mrs.: Wni. E. Haidenlby, ' Mr: Tom McFarlan has gone on a motor trip to Western, Can. ado. The Pentecostal iS.S. picnic was held at .°reeswater on ,Saturday ,afternoon: • Mr. and 'Mrs.: Ha•rold:li'aldex by have been 'holidaying in "North- ern ,Ontario. • • Mr...and dVIrs, Jim Dillon visited in Kitchener 'during the . week: etty and Jimmy- Schneller-"r-'e itiirhedhome after holidaying- at Petersburg and Winghaim. .' Neighlbours ` gathered at the home of Frank Thompson for . a ifarewell party :before' they ' leave for their new .`home •'at Dungan. Kion•, Mr: arid Mrs. Don Gillespie spent a few days in Muskoka. , Mrs: 'Gertrude Walsh visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs • Ben Seott,Purple' Gro'e: Rev: Benson.'Cox and Mrs: Wm. Cox atended the Cox family 're- union at Goderich on ,Saturday. • Mrs. J. W. Colwell accompanied Mr. and . Mrs: Don .McCosh to Paris ori Saturday, Airs: ,Char2�ie�I-%aclgiie p'12yiug-� sham visited on Sunday with Miss Edna Boyle: 'Rev,,, and "Mrs N. D. Davis 'of Owasso 'Michigan, who ' ,are spending the summer at Kincar- dine called opt friends .here on Sunday. The Anglican service will be held at.` 9:BO next Sunday , Misses Sandra. Percy and Laura iBreckles of Toronto' spent the Week -end at theirhomes here. The • August meeting of the IHolyrood. W.I: will .,be held on Thursday at the Bruce' Lea Hair- en:at Walkerton, 'Roll call -What if do when' I do as I. please: Motto A world without—friends is I tiss "Sharon. ,Stanley, :who .at= tended church' camp at 'iCobourg; returned. home `With Mrand' Mrs. D' T Dan'• • who • spent the week -end With',: • Mr. and , Mrs. Name Federation Fieldman In Bruce' On'1Manday, July. Z3•rd a spe- cial meeting of the Bruce ,County Federation , of Agricul- ture griculture Executive .was held in the (Department of Agriculture off ice at Walkerton, At : this time. three of the six applicants for the position. of Secretary -Field - man with the Bruce County Fed-. eration of Agriculture were in- terviewed, After the interview, Ronald • ,Slade, a Kincardine Township ,dairy, farmer was ap'=. Pointed; to. this . position, Mr. Slade, .45, is married and. has a ;`f arrnily of *-07-,Mr rarade has been farming for the past ithirty years and will r.emain. on the 'home .farm, He has .been an . active memiber of • many rural and: urbane .organizations,. some , of which are: past secre- tary -treasurer and; president of theKincardine Township. Fed- eration. of Agriculture, past pres- ident of the Kincardine Agricul- tural. Society,, has ,been on the executive ' of the ; Grey Bruce/1 Jersey` Cattle 'Club, vice pres ident of the, Kincardine Cham- Iber of Commerce and .an active member within his church His duties • with . the Bruce County Federation,, of •. Agriculture' will commence . •.on. August 1'.st, . 19,62. IIn other :business, it was an-< nounced that _plans had .been finalized to .,hold theannual community w,orship'. service in the Chesley park . on the after, noon of ,Sunday, • August 19th conducted by the Hanoverr. Sal- vation Army: Corps • • W. P' Oswald of Chesley, for mer fieldman, . resigned the 'pos. itionto accept the Liberal nom, ination in 'Grey. Bruce, in Fed-. eral ,election. Mr.4.Oswald did not apply for re -appointment to the Federation.. ,post: Wmpicv DAY', .A.TPG. 1s 1.962 IT'S IN NOW: Hard wary: r Housewares = Swimmiiig Pools. Sys--Ricflic Suppl . —Sporting Goods - All At CREST Bargain Prices:: Ezra Stanley.' ' • Mrs.. :.Harvey `Hodgins spent the past' three weeks with Mr and Mrs.: Jack Thompson; at , North. Day, Kenneth 1Hodgins 'spent the week -end at North'Bayand they returned home on: ;Sunday.' Mrs: Ogle Russell ' of Kingarf and Mrs. Tom . Last of Windsor Vent ,an evening with Mr. and Mrs: Ezra Stanley' and family. -_.Mr tea. d Mrs. Rae Elliott, Mr: and Mrs.. Earl Elhiott .ofDetrort;: visited during the week with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ezra Stanley.. Step- hen Elliott who has. ,been holiday- ing here, returned home ,+ with them. .• Mr; .Floyd StanleY will. com- plete his summer course at • Guelph" this week: • • IS • VICE-PRESIDENT PORT ELGIN COMPANY Wm: G, Campbell has been harried .president And 'general manager of ,Stevens-tHeipner Com-. pang' of Port .Elgin, "succeeding.. _Ba'ph .Pl' gziegnat:; �ttlio.,,�`.`retixes?�. to the po.siti.on'of ,board chairman .and consultant. • • Roy Lightfoot is .vice-president secretary, -treasurer and' • director in charge of. all purchasing, .ad- ,ministrat'ive and: financial con- trol. • Roy is well known in Luckhow, where . he was.. 'at one time '• of the. Bank• of. Commerce staff here, .wtheri 'the bank had a .branch in the .Johnstone. Block. Mrs. Lightfoot , is. the former Margaret Geddes of 'Lucknow: The firm •is widely reputed as the manufacturer of. almost ev ery . imaginable type of brushes and brooms. like a garden without fowers. Topic -A merry heart is good • medicine. Directors', Mrs. Jack Is Your Subscription • Renewed? • MEMORIALS Unsurpassed ' in Bdauty and Value MORRIS •GRANITE And' MARBLE: WORKS Representative Ross Maclennan 'Phone 51 Kincardine D E. .KIItIGSBR,I G ,Rev. Fr. Edwin', Garvey, C:S.B. 'of St:.. Mark's ;College Vancouver, B.C.., 'spent • ' part.:.af his :vacation, here -Other' recent . visitors at the Garvey' home have been Dr. and Mrs:• Peter ,Bailand and children, ;Mrs. Marie Garvey and Mr, and, Mrs.' Harald • Markby and family al17pf,. Toronto Recent visitors • have been Mr.' and 'Mrs. Mike Martin sand `:child ren of. ; Stoney Creek with ;Mr. Andrew 'Martin, Miss' Elizabeth 'Bowler .' of Toronto, With,.. Miss Stella. Dean,,,Miss .Peggy, :,Krae- 'mer' of Hesson with Mr.' and Mrs. Eugene .',Frayrie, :Mr: Brian: "Dal- ton from Camp Ipperwiash, Mr.' Joe Judge, Jackson, with Mr. and Mrs. Con Hagan; Mrs. Mike Laws and daughtter Rita & Mr, Arnold. Verhallen • of London with Mr. •& Mrs 'William Lannon, Mrs -Peter Murray, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mur- ray and .daughter;' Lisa;,. at their earlier days and another being Is home here: Mr. and Mrs. Harold `.. • r�J}� SHOP EARLY . and SAVE ebster YOUR LOCAL'. CREST Phone 50'. icti nn,on HARDWARE Lucknow a • nd' Mrs.. Ray Dalton. .Belated 'congratulations to' Mr, and- Mrs. Stan Doherty. on their recent marriage', and to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry• on the birth : of • a .son, • • Mr. .:and Mrs, Joe Martin ,of Hamilton, Mr. - Jim Martin' . of London spent the week -end. with Mr: and Mrs. J. B. Martin. • Kinloss Native Tells Of Formosa South 'Kinloss' WCM:S • special:. meeting .of South Kinloss . Wa1VLS.. was held in the church • on. Tuesday -evening, July 17th with Mrs. Hugh MacMillan, returned ' missionary from For- mosa, as •guest speaker. Neigh- Ibouring. auxiliaries from Luck-. -now, _„Dungannon and Ashfield. had been intuited an there w a good crowd in attendace. The' a church .in Forrnosa' which she ' attended for 'years. She: spoke of+ the •fait'hfulnWs. of the Formosan christians,' their: love for the Bible 'and the Bible study and :'their. liberality ' in. conditions consid- ered .poverty by ear living, stand - arras. Her account; of the work carried on in the MacKay • Me - mortal Hospital where she. work ed for, years,wins' .most interest- ing and revealed the :need for us all to be missionary • minded and :aware of` our'„ responsibilities: Mrs. 1VMacMillan was thanked 'by Mrs . 'Ira Dickie and , presented with. 'a small giftby, Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall. '.Mrs, Philip Stew- art :contributed. a solo numiber Mrs. Rod MacLeod ' .gave. • the of- fertory prayer. Mrs.: Douglas Graham. closed the meeting; :with sprayer after which refreshnients were' served in the school. room,, Mrs... Morgan.' Henderson from ILucknow 'and 'Miss Sadi4' John- s��ion fi m Ashfield.' expressed th thanks of their .auxiliaries. a. vice-president, :Mrs. Gi{b Ham{i1 ton; :presided and Mrs: Ted Coll- yer •read the ' scripture lesson, After prayer by .Miss` Dean Mac- Leod,• Mrs. Sandy MacLeod .'sang. "How Great ' Thou 'Art'' accom-- panied•,' by . Mrs: Herb Buckton. The speaker was 'introduced by Mrs.. W., F. 'MacDonald and Mrs.. MacMillan prefaced' ,hertalk with 'a rerniniscence of two chur- ches, one being . South ,Kinloss. associated with memories of her There.. was ; the wife. who .corn. plained, to, her. husband: "Leo, at the• old clothes I•` have .r,. wear;. if• anyone carne to giJit they would think I was th cook.,.,. The usband _ replied, "Wel they'd change'.. their• m•inds•:..1 they `'stayed for dinner.", • -Deigh,te -aril--.-sari; �Iarold; Surd bury,.: Mr: Walter: Dalton and Jack of ' Erieau, Mr. and Mrs.. Kurt. Anderson, Detroit:`with Mr and Mrs. Ray Dalton: • 1VIrs: DennisiDalton 'returned home on Saturday 'after being a ;patient inGoderich Hospital, . Mr, an ' Mrs Michael. Krnahan. and: be ' S of London spent the week -end here. Mrs, Gus, Kina; han. is' spending part of her va cation• here. She has just returned front a ' conducted tour •'through the .western provinces as s fa'r as Vancouver; B.C. • 'Mr. William W: 'Hogan is home after• being a patient in .'Victoria Hospital, London,. • Mr: and Mrs. J, D.''Br awn and son, Donald of Toronto, spent the week -end with Mr: Norman. O'Connor. • Mr: and • Mns,: Pat Kelly and: family'af Mass: U.S.A. are .holi- daying with Mr and Mrs, :John Kelly. ,Mr. and Mrs," Mark Dalton at-' tended the.,Kerr-iL.assaline wed- ding in' Gude rc on Saturday: .Week -end visitors with the ,.Dat - Ions were Mr: and Mrs. John Dietrich and family of:.•Clarkson, Mr, and Mrs, Ken ming and fa-. mily, Welland, Mr, and Mrs. John Lalonde and family of Sarnia, Mr.. Gerry Daltbn of Frieau is. Spending his .vacatioi with Mr. Your Subscription Renewed' THE BEAVER is one of the most industrious of animals. lie toils with loving care On the construction of a home for his bay. , Beavers mate for life, and their homes are built with an eye to permanent use: When a man builds or buys a home, he, too, .liked to / fed that it is permanent For it is at home that the family develops roots h•` 'and friendships. Safeguarding the home for the family is but one , of Sun •Life's many services for the security and'protection • of youself and,thoso you love. Let me tell you about these services., • .RA, :2, LttelclvoW' ,SUM L!FE AS':SURA:NCS. COMPANY• OF CANADA. Krnaha Phone 'Wingham 717--w4