HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 7wE NESDA'Y, AUG. 1st,; ..19q • TtIE LUCI NQW SENTINEL,; 4- UCKNOW, ONTARTG PAG -E. SEVEN 1s sIUa�/lr�A/AAfur.i1 • I II .1.1 I110•A�il nin st DON'T GUESS• . p . • Kinloss Council met at Holy- • rood••for the July meeting with • •01. n ▪ . a i e •• present and Reeve Reev.e il al members a: P. A. Murray presiding. • . Ri, The minutes of the last re - O c. si and special meetings were I i read and on motion of Mac�Intyre adva fia("� a of 'Y�ur Take rn . ........Co-op's I'' .7 �' and. Evans adolpted.' . i.. Ackert ' and Mac,Intyre, that : rP ' the Clerk write R. J. Call ghan, e q •Sr..; •Dui•striet Municipal Engineer re FREE Soil Testing. Sety ep " Kinloss Bridge, Con. 1-2� Lots • .. • , ;,1,1 • and 59 and forward copies of II TEST • EARLY AND TAKE TH ES tenders and • contract. Carried. TEST • .. GUESS WORK •p, F ■. . Evans and 'Bushell • :that • we' • ■ OUT OF SPRING " ■ �•,. .: pay Jack , Farrish '$705350` for re- • IN mainder • of • Whitechurch Water •• Contact .....• -Supply 'eontract•-on--o'raer of En - W - n w . - ■ rict Cosi) Four Meetings In JWI, or Busy }Month For Kinloss • Phone 71-W, ' Lucknow ▪ • gineer B, "M. Ross. Carried Maclntyre and Bushell; that we w renew our. Workmen's ' Compen- sation policy with . J. A. Mc- Donagh Mc- Donagh premium of $29..765.. Car, .i iii■ inn■■■nlS■a■■■■n■■■■■■i■.aaaraaaa■nnaaUaUr■ini KinIoss. .FoIk Honor Th�mps�ns :. , (CULROSS 'CORNERS) Miss' Linda Rudiger, George town,'is, visiting with Miss •Vir- ' ginia Benedict. ' . Mrs. ' William McPherson, Jr,. iras_ been holidaying at their farm, 10th; Kinloss. Murray" and Arin :Hackett; Paramount,have returned • horne after, 'spending time with. Mr., and Mrs. . Midford Wall' and Donnie. • Miss 'Mary. •Collison` is employ- . ed : at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs:., Elrner Benedict :and family. have .returned hbrne .,after holidaying. at, • a • 'cottage, 9iear 'Coll,ingwood. ' Mrs. Bob Fischer and ..chi'ldren:;. of Kitchener spent last week THF. HOLE$A - ILY—®. RATES IT TOO A HEAT THAT WILL CHASE AWAY THOSE COLD _DAY 'BLUES W.A. BUD" HAMILTON Airrrt PH,220 W -LUCKNOW HEATING GASO JNO OTHER FAITIA1PRODUCTS With Mrs. Catharine O'Neil. Wednesday ..evening • visitors. with Mr. and Mrs. Midford Wall and Donnie were Mr: and Mrs. Edgar, Guest and Donna,, Urarii- ,urn'City' and Mr.' and 1VIrs.. Lloyd Husk. and.. Eddie, Kinloss.. Mrs. Bertha 'McNall and 'Char- lie,.' .6th . con. Kinloss • and Mrs. Earle Hodgins were Monday ev- ening visitors at Browns; • Lois Wall .' is ; spending some time with Brenda ;Meyer, .Tees - water, • Garry Meyerf Teeswater and Terry England, . /Lu•ck low, ; are spending, .their vacation with Mr. and Mrs.. Morley Will. and fam ily. Mrs. , Aibibie McKague, Tees - water,.; spent .ithe week -end . with Mrs. Elsie :Brown. ' . On Friday' evening members. of • the 'school: section :along ` with Mrs. Joe Wall, .•Teeswater, Mr. and .Mrs..' Elmer Wall, 'eth eon. and Mr. an.4' Mrs ` Morley' .Wall, Met 'atthe home of Mr. and Mrs.. .Frank': Thompson` to ,(bid' them. adieu ;before ".leaving for . their 'new home in Dungannon. The 'evening was spent' playing cards. Mrs. David 'Ross: read the address and .the presentation . of a awivel -•ehiarr : vias made�GoraYard: Trank� made 'a 'fitting' reply, and lunch. 'was served. 'The ISitewartpicnic was head at L°andsdown.Park, Kincardine, on. Sunday. ` Ray . Harris visited; With' Mr and 'Mrs. Bob Harris, Teeswater,, . Mr.- : and; Mrs: Dougal.' Camp - ,bell.: and children, :Mitchell, were Sunday afternoon. visitors with ,Mrs. Frank Brown. . : Mr: . and Mrs. Alex .Whytock' spent ,Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs,, -Carman Whytock, Whitechurch Little Jackie Why= tock returned to his• home after five weeks with his grandparents, Mrs. Carman . Whytock is fine. now. Don't Ympe progress 'if you must kick, kick toward the" goal.. . CIVIC HOLIDAY pRo9IAMAflON Hereby Proclaim. onday, August 6th A CIVIC HOLIDAY . FOR THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW And call upon all persons 'it�o observe :it as stick. •. . V. W. JO r./. •T,Reeve. n: Of Vie d at u - e s y n th- n e Clerk prepare 'Supplementary iby- law No. 7: for •$3,000. for (bridge' and `. 'culvert : construction. and $'7,000 for road 'maintenance. Carried. • . Evans. and Mac;Lntyre, that the `Clerk; .purcliase,a new assessment and collectors rill: ` Carried. Ackert and . Nlac,I•ntyre that' :we notify 'the ' Village .of Lucknow that ..we .agree' to pay .Lucknow.. Fire'; Brigade • $715.00 .' .for first hour. and $50.:00 per hour there= a-fteer as sa-me•-ag-r-eement-is-.signed with ,Ripley. Fire" Brigade. Oar - Ackert, and Evans, that we ac cept with regret the resignation: of rrank F. Thompson as treasur- er -Collector . after 1'3 years o faithful service. Carried. MacIrtyre and Bushell, that w advertise for application maarke 'Treasurer, 'for•.position of 'Treas urer tax' co1'lector. combined. saiary,of $4715.00 plus extras, 'du- ties to. 'commence iinmediatel Applicants to, state experienc and qualnfications: ,Application to be . in hads of ,Clerk by Jul 1,l:th 'at 8-:30 p.m. Carried.:' • iEvans .and'' Ackert; that we a , prove . the, sale. of . lot 30, plan 2993 (Whitechurch:)''to Mrs. Cath- erine e Fal n coney .for � . 0 16..9 plus u cost . 1� s of . registration. Carried.' MacIntyre and Bushell, that'the Clerk purchase "holiida'y ., Pay :starips for Hugh- • `MacMilla� amounting, to .$161.00. Carried.. Ackert: and' ..Evans, that th The following 'accounts., were, ordered, to be paid by the treas urer.• Township•' —. 'Currie ._Colwell, C3 fox, :$112.00; Mrs.. Thomas Mans- field, ; ' caretaking, '41.43; ' Ezra Sitter, • cleaning dump,' 18 ,00;, Webster• and McKinnorn, paint; 72.23; Whitechurch Water. ;`Con=.. tract, Jack Parrish, 7185.1414 Dr. IR. W. :Blackwell; dentist, 47.5.0 Fairhaven Nursing: Home, indi gent. care May and' June, 194:50 'Pinecrest , Manor, indigent care, June, '.163,00;. Halderilby'e Store, •'relief May, 30.00 Ontario Hydro,. Whitechurch street•; lights, 218413; 3. A. McDonagh;, insurance, 29.75; C�•erdan--VWal�l;-atarnps; •-S.Os;;-1'•I�F� ,denby.'s Store, relief June, 1000.; Kincardine . News '3.80; Registrar of '.Deeds, 1.318. Highwway .,. Payroll : Elliott Carruthers, Road ' ' 'Superintend- ent,, 210.50; Richard McQuillin,.. grader operator, 258.90; John :McInnes, 1.16.95; Edward Thoinp-• 'son; 98.515; Reeves' Corist., bridge ' 'construction, 810.00; Harold -Cont gram, back hoe, 133'.15; Era, Sit- ler, drawing:gravel, 459.60; :Jack • township (ounciI • Farrish,. drawing gravel, 64.40; Carman Whytock; 2736 yd. crush- ed gravel @ 7,, 191.152; Don Gil- lespie, drawing fill,, 300.20; Don Gillespie, drawing' fill, 319,00; Ray Stanley, drawing fill 486.36; Tho- mas;lManfield, fuel andrepairs, 115,311; Allied Chemical, chloride flake, .6711:34; J. W:..hHend.erson, 2t4 for road signs 7.715; Cities Servi1e Oil, diesel fuel, 4111.08; Chi'pmah 'Chemical, weed: spray, 190.50; Harold •Bannerman, crush- ing gravel, ,8005.76; W. H Galla- 'her,. cat and. scraper, 706::00; J. A. McDonagh, compensation, 81,50; E. Carruthers, ;mileage 8517 @ 10, 85:70; : Law etre M -ac e; Tr saw, .36.75; E. E. Cathers, load- ing gravel,' 3678 yd., •0.3.44 Hu- ron and Kinloss 'Telephone, 9.05; 1G,, H. Wall, 'unemploymen't ins. stamps, . 3.60;; Struthers transport, 63.70; E. E. Gathers, graved,. 1,506 yd. @ 7, $1005.42; H..MacMillan, vacation .pay, 1611.,00. Bushell and. Ackert, :.that ; we do now, 'adjourn to. 'meet ,Tues: day, August 7t11. 7:30 ;p,an. or..at.. the call ofthe reeve. Car-. ried. Special Meeting. • Kinloss Council met in special session '•at Holyrood,. July 11th, all Members. . present. Reeve P. A. Murray presiding. •. ' 111,[acIntyre and' Ackert,' that we :open ,our special meeting to 're- ceive :applications for position of treasurer, tax „collector and' any other ;business that . may arise.: Carried: • Evans and , Bushell; that . we accept the application of Fraser McKinnon. as treasurer, tax col- lector at the salary of $4715,:00 plus extras; duties to commence immediately,.. Carried. M'acintyre.' and , Evans, that we. have. the Clerk prepare by-law No. 5;: 1962; to establish the 'Kin loss Township •Hall as, a..= Kinloss Township Comniunity. Hall : and forward necessary information, to the . Comnnunty' Hall Board, and that we. appoint : Murray, : Ackert' and Bushell` as , mernbers 'of , the. Hall Board Members to. ,be ap-. pointed annually. .'By laver No: .5 read and passed , in open "Council. Carried.., ' 'Bushell and Ackiert, ' that: .we. do now adjourn our special meet- ing. • Carried. Special Meeting • Kinloss Council met in special sessionat' the Clerk's -home, July • 18th, 1962, Councillpr 1VIacIntyre. absent. Reeve •P. A. Murray pre- siding. : Evans , and Bushell, that we open our, special meeting, to complete .supplementary by-law No. 7 `-for Bridge and culvert • .construction and road ioiainten- axi:ce and any other 'business that may arise, Carried, ' Ackert ' and Bushell, that sup- .ate' plementary By-law No. 7 be read a first,, second and third, time, signed arid sealed, this ,1118t . day ` • of. July, :19612. Carried. Evans • and Ackert,, that ' we ad- journ this ' special meeting •tQ •. 'meet ,again at our regi .ar.. rneet• - ing or at the call of the reeve; Carried. • • Special Meeting Kinloss Council met' in special session at the c'lerk's home, July 26th,• 101612, "Councillor Macintyre absent, Reeve P, A. Murray pre- siding. • '• • Evans .and.Ackert, . that we op- en our special ' meeting :to -review request for approval .for 'Ripley District High Schou' debenture:. .. issue and any business Which may arise.: Carried. • ' Evans and Bushell; that we.. grant approval to the 'Village of Ripley, re expenditure of ,a. Dis- trict High School addition and Clerk to: notify Mr. Walter 'Need- ham, ,Clerk of Ripley. Carried. The new ,treasurer,' Mr. Fraser 'McKinnon' took his oath. of of - Lice at this meeting. . • Ackert ., and Bushell, • that a cheque be prepared in; favour of Sirripson Brothers, Whitechurch, being final and 5th' payment re' Whitechurch water .works,' 'and cheque. be forwarded to' .Donnel- ly, .Donnelly arid Murphy of, Goderic. h: Carried. ' Bushell and ,Evans, that the. .Clerk forward to the •district Engineer, a 'request showing tras 'involved in bridge being .13 .. •cti. yd. of 'concrete ,@ $36.00. per . cu. yd;' ;Total extras cost $4166.00. Carried. ' Ackert and Evans, that. We." ad- journ this .•specia'14' ✓meeting : to Meet again' at our regular Meet-- .ing or at the call of the Reeve. Carried. G. I3; :ALL, Clerk. GETS, KICK' OUT OP, "NUT" WHO WRITES, SUGAR & SPICE Powassan, Ontario June 26th, .1962. 'Dear :Sentinel: ' • I have been receiving the Sen. •tinel as [a gift for the past six months`. I enjoy the items about all my MacCharles relatives as well 'as the many connections and friends ,1 have . met since rriy' first ;visit in' 1936. ` • I get a kick out of that "Nut". who; writes "Sugar and Spice and 'can appreciate:. his w°it and: underlying good, common: sense, You .will find enclosed pay- ment fCrr an, extension of my. s>ibscription. .' Sincerely, Wilhel'rnine MacCharles (Attig) MONUMENTS, For sound counsel and a fair price on '.a monument.. correctly designed from quality material, •rely ; on SKELTON MEMORIALS Walkerton Pat •Q',Hagan, . Prop• s Established' :Over Sixty Years Phone ,.638-w Ontario. our of • And ;when, the .time. comes, make sure you get an efficient, hard working Esso Oil Furnace;; the furnace'. that stays . younger so • _much longer! . • -*OW BUDGET, TERMS • - Up To Five Years To Pay • ROY• .NAVELS'.• k . Plumbing Ana- Heating Phone 41Lucitnow " ESSO OIC. .BURNER' SALES And SERVICE •