HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 6PAGE SI THE LUCI iOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WNES,.:X,: AUG: " 1st. 1016 acDonald. µi. ;s Ipy 1• • 4 ESSO. SERVICE FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES „DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Sto'ek ) AT REASONABLE PRICES? Repairs to All. Makes of Cars an rectors 3 Licensed Mechanics r. heel :Alignment. and Balancing MOTORCADE DEALER OUVET' NEWS' •,Lynn Clayton spent the ;past week' at Camp. Miramichi, . near' Pont Elgin, and 'Jeanne MacTav- ish is , spending this week at . the same camp. ' • • Miss' Trudy 'Henning returned to her home in. Brampton having spent her. holidays here with her. grandparents,^• Mr. and .Mrs. Ho- ward Henry. ' . Mr .. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton d&. Wendy visited :on •iSi.mday with Mr:.and Mrs. 'IDunean lVjillion in Goderich, Janet 'and 'Joanne re. turned home 'with/ them: • Misses Pearl . and Jean Mac. - Intyre of Teesw'ater and • Mr. Norman Hill of Clifford '• were Sunday guests of :Mr. and Mrs. W. T. 'R,oulston.'. Miss Sharon Collthg spend a: Pewit .days . with, Mr. and Mrs. Donald • Coiling: ' and`. Murry %a in !Ripley.: ' Donnie Casler , of Mitchellspent a few days holidays; with `Mr. and Mrs. Walter Black, Bill, Jim- mie, David and Joyce: Jimmie visited in *'Mitchell the •previous. wveek Reverend and Mrs. Duncan MacTavish of •Londori called on. .the MacTavish and Coning rola-. fives : ere on Tuesday' -"ended nesday. • . • 'Mrs. Walter Black visited with her ` father,: ' Mr.: • 'William ' Mc- Guire. of Ripley Ori Saturday. Mr. McGuire • underwent ''stuSgery !. On Monday i onday n London and is progres- sing favorably, • •Mrs.. W J,' Roulston of Wing ham was ;a Sunday visitor with her sister, Mrs. E. Osborne. Congratulations ' to ' ' Mr::'. and Mrs: .• Harry Coiling on ''the arri- val' of their .chosen son, a +br'o- ther for Carol and Mary: Miss. Mary Roulston sang a 'beautiful solo,. "When God is Near" in the United Church. on. Sunday.. Biuce;HRecept1on `. Area Under EMO F r • Civil, . Deferice purposes, -Canada pis ..divided into. target .areas, mutual aid areas • and mobile support and ' reception areas. • Target area is any municip-1 •ality or, group of munic>,palities' which, because of. . a . large populationor. ,great ,industrial importance, is considered liable to attack by . an enemy. '. Mutual aid area is the region around •. a target area Organized to 'provide help where it is needed when .disaster 'strikes. Mobile support : and reception 'area is the territory outside the mutual aid area, organized to receive the injuredand home- less and . to :send help , to a target ..area. • Bruce County' is in this category. ' , ., ` • Planning .. for an emergence I must be done • in peace time ';.Canadian Civil Defence` Services Include: Police service, with, volunteer auxiliaries to maintain. ' law and order: • Fire service, with vtilunteer firemen to :meet :'additional fire hazards.:... .:.. Warden service,: to ' provide first aid, • 'information and lead- ersrhip to.. the ;People. • Health .services,''for the treat- ment ' of injuries • and mainten- ance Of community health: Rescue service, for rescuing people• • who may. be trapped in damaged buildings: Information: services,: to :keep the public: informed' as to what is !being done to help thein.. Welfare service, . •to provide .. oad—shelter�a r&--assrs�tance o .people made homeless by dig- aster. is aster; '• s 'Engineering. service,'-. to help restore .public utilities; to normal, :Radiation .• monitoring,- serWice, to Mike sure areaS are safe from radiation hazards.' • test: Muriel is the daughter of NEWS BRIEF$. . FROM ,NEARBY Plans are being made .for . a' new Evangelical United Breth- ren Church . in Elmira at : .an esti- mated cost sti-matedcost of $100,00. It is the intention to demolish -the 'present church and residence annex and add an educational .unit to the new. structure, The minister is Rev. J. W. Siebert who is well known locally .in horticultural circles. * *. * Rev. • i dgar Roulston has.• re-•' tired after 45 years in the active ministry: Actually he retired 2 years .ago, ..but has since then. -Supprlied---at--Clinton.-ancL_Grand„, Bend.` Rev.- and.. Mrs. Roulston are residents of . Exeter. Mr Roulston its a 'native of Oliv . and a brother of William T. an Walter Roulston .Mrs. Roulston • is the former Florence Chapman ,f Ripley. • • • Mrs. Aubrey Toll has 'been en- gaged. as principal . of. ....Walton. Public School, and concluded 4 years at SS No 10 East W'a- wanosh. At the close of school she was•presented with a lovely table lamp .by her pupils.:. The. Vocational Advisory Com mittee of Wingham District High School :has recommended the. purchase of $17,000 worth of equipment for the automrative shop and over $20,000 for . the' Woodworking, shop. 'It is' ..estim- ated . that it will take another $40,000 to equip • the,. electrical' shop, arid in addition .there will, be nevi equipment for the com mercial department. • * * Ronald France of R.R. 4, Pais-) ley, son of Charles France has been -chosen :from Bruce County to attend the :provincial.4-iI lead-•• ership Week being held .that week at the Ontario Agriculture Col- lege. • Durham is experiencing quite an • industrial' growth,' Thio, „latest announcement is a ' ,pp,1000 pro- ject to provide a coin: •operated. laundry service.: A :.new 'build= ing • will have modern : conveni- ences and. 16: automatic washer units, and' .six dryers.; ^. Constru'ct'ion .af a• $10,000 curl-• ing, rink building is underway in !Ripley. Muriel Conn was the . winner Of the over ten group in the LOCHALSH Week . end visitors with Mr.. arid :Mrs. Oliver McCharles were Mr: ,arid Mrs, Donald McCharles and. Scott af'Brantford and Nan - by and David , MacTayiSh of Mrs. Fred, Tushingliam of •To'r- onto spent ThUrsday visiting Mrs. RoY MacKay, ServiceS .next Sunday and ter the. nekt six months at As'hfeld Presbyterian Church will be, eld ponna Hamilton entertained a , number of her little friendS at her birthday Party reee:ntily.: Rod and Bill Finlayson :and ,John McChatIes were in Tees - water on Saturday where they took Part in the 4-4H Clubs judg-' Harvesting iS :in' full swing in this area. Visiting, Mr, •and Mrs. Ewan RIPLEY MEAT MARKET Custom Butchering Cutting*\and 'Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY. tX.CEPT SATURDAY We Do Curing and Smoking . . . Beef,,Pork and Lamb. Sold Whole, Half or Quarter . . For Better Service, And Lower Prices Call Ripley 100, Chas. Hooistna, Prop. Mr. and Mrs. , Wallace 'Conn of A, train carload . Of chicken, produced at the ISwift Canadian plant at Hanover has been ship- ped by lboat to Hong Kong. Tenders closed on 'Friday far , the demolition .of the' old Bruce fCounty• Horine at Walkerton. There was some sentiment ek- I pressed to retain the 160-yor-old castle=like structure. as an in -1 • Walkerton theatre whiCh, has been re -opened again after be- ing closed seVeral months is en- joying 'good patronage and on had to be' turned away. • They bank by mail the You can get full detaili without obligation at your, nearest B of M branch; 'Why not in or write today? Speedy. . BANK- BY MAIL Nothing could be siMpler . The B of M's mail deposit -form — made of "no - carbon -required” paper — eliniinates the need for repetitive wripng or messy carbons. • ' You make out only one deposit -slip. Presto, there's a second cOpy Which comes back from the Bank as your re. • ceipt..; and a third copy which you keep for your records. We supply a pre.addiessed envelope With our forM which you can use for your next deposit. It copies back to you by return mail with your receipted deposit slip. It's easy to,save when you bank by mail ot "A4Ir BANK" Ask for ono of ooraank; ing-by-moll folders, It can save'. you time', trouble and skon-lnother,, ANK. OF etioaddi • ..ST*$.4",. • fOr the Week -end were Mr.. and Mrs. Ed, Williamson of Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Luther' spent, the Week-erid in Ridge-, home. with therri, for a few. holi-• days here. Mr...and Mrs, Allan MacLean arid family of ,Callingwood spent the Week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Dan MacLean, Duncan MacLean .rennained with his' grandparents for. a few- holidays,. Teacher's note on report card: "Your -son excels in initiative, group integratiOri, responsiveness and activity participation,. Now it he'd only learn to read arid ',WORKINe' WITH CANADIANS EVERY WALK OF LIFE SINCE' 1817 Bruce uron F Resolutions 'Whereas. Jonnes 'Disease' is causing -serious loss to cattle owner* and ,there is evidently no known Cure: Whereas' present , tests on live I cattle are unreliable: • And Wherearthere is evidence that the disease is -being spread through the sale .. of livestock: Therefore be' jt resolved that we recommend that, all cattle affected. lby the disease should .113e sold for slaughter' only. ,Commodity Votes (Bruee). Whereas there has been inuch dissatisfaction shown • toward commodity votes, taken .by mail, on marketing plans: • • open to abuse and . misrepre- Therefore be it 'resolved that we ask the Farm Products Mart keting Board to' provide that all future- vote§ on, marketing. plai TheSe ,are two. of. the reg011 tions that were 'up for consider flan by. the Ontario •Federati( Of Agrieulture, Members rneehi ST. HELENS Mrs. Keith Black, who is ho :slaying With her parents, lk,r. ,Mrs.. Gordon. 1VICPliersOn, atter] ed Airforce DaY at Trent Marititne ,Comniand, REX. III the Neptune in" the Anti:-suly . The St Helens 4-H Club IA fie starting the project, "Dri sing up Home -Grown Vegetabl( eanly in. the fall.' Any 'girls - are asked to see their leade M.'S. Gordon 1VIePherson or M Ernest Gaunt. GODERICli 21st. Annual Fall, Term' opens 'September 4th. Senior and Junior Courses approved. by the BUSINESS EDUCATORS' 'ASSOCIATION OF CANADA