HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-08-01, Page 17• ow' re - the ar. ars 7,• in• tal, art Lalk' lay ace• gilt; Che. en, =ter : . ,in iew $‘3;00 A Year In, Advance; T-- 1 Q0 E�ctra V LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDN,&9DAY, AUG, 1st, 1962',.,: Single Copy' •l0c 12 Pag es$10ps. Protest Lw n In. Members of the sessions of the Presbyterian and United. Maur: 'hes met jointly on Monday ev- ening,; and authorized the mini- sters of the two charges to lodge ',a protest in. regard to the pro- posed -liquor. plebiscite _' to_ ._be held, : in Lucknow,, , The action taken is outlined in the text of the following let- ter to Council: Lucknow, ,Ont., July 30111, 1962 To the Municipal ' Council The Village of Lucknow, .Ont. !Dear Sirs: - The ;following is . a copy ofa resolution, . passed unanimously, by a, joint meeting, of the Ses-. slops of the Lucknow. Presby- Initiating. 1 uor COMPLETE HIGH ' SCHOOL STAFF FOR. NEXT . TERM The personnel .of the Lucknow•` ,District" High School: staff; for :the.: ensuing termwas:, finalized.L last week . with the engaging of a French teacher. • Appointed to this • position is Henry S: Lee of Toronto, a Cana- dian, -born Chinese. Mr. 'Lee .:re- ceived Ms B.A. degree in. Mon- treal where he was born and educated 'before moving to:. Tor 'onto. . • 'Mr. and . Mrs. Lee, visited' . the Village recently ' 'preceding ° the .hiring of Mr. Lee.. Nye understand. that' they require. ' housing ',ac terian ..and United Churches. We, commodation. the undersigned, 'were empowered by :.this joint' meeting' to • sign the sameand forward :it to you • ;and also to place a copy of: it S,ee Aid To' Contnue in the• hands of the press; ,,,';This is::bhe ,resolution ..: NloVed. by. Ernest Ackert, se -:Firemen .Aid Cause With 100 Donation. MONDAY NEXT,: AUGUST 6th IS: CIVIC IIOLIDAY 'Next .Monday, August '6th- is. Civic Holiday, which marks the halfway .mark, irk • t'he fleeting. summer holiday period: Slightly past the halfway mark in, fact. for ..just ,four weeks from.; Tues- day it will be ' back to school' again., Monday holidays 'aren't• papu-; lar inthe' newspaper • office, . as. they upset the puiblication rou- tine. It will be appreciated if news copy and advertising could be received where possible, •on Friday. of .this week.:' LIONS CARNIVAL NETS. $900 FOR WELFARE WORK • The Lucknow and District • Lions Clubfirst. of July carnival and garden party was quite successful finan- cially, according to the final tabulation. With, all accounts now •in, to the best knowledge of-. the • ,o Executive, the; net . proceeds f the event are WOO. This amount • will .be used exclus ively. for welfare work • carr red ' on during the year by. the Cluib, • Tom Websters are Leaving The Farm • On. September . 1st, Mr. and .Mrs. Torn. Webster. of West Wa-. wanosh will be vacating. the farm where they have spen t all their' . married life. •. Tom sold: the • 250 -acre .farm sonic time .ago,, to .Arthur Eggle- ton of the. Peterborough •district S 1111 Classes wtfine as the'• Who obtained ssesaion at that transaiincluded rice 1Ph :ug ater :hie a of cin- who cto- s of,e. ►•df be. • to lini- at 'on Mr. and • ison 'day, Ned - ham The Vlor- 2 . in, '1XOn ecial $50, Ac fain- r in Mrs, Ac. tev.). gton. ring... Kin dir nosh PraP ancy tion takes tgryY iy at upoo arnirt a up. mu al conded by Stewart Robinson that 'This meeting of the Sessions of .I:ucknow Presbyterian Church and Lucknow ,United Churchre gret; very. much ,the •. action of the Municipal Council in ' `re= questing ' the Liquor 'Licence :iBoard to prepare a by-law au . .• thorizing the holding of a, plebis- cite. on the questions. of d: Gov- .' 'ernment Store for the sale of Liquor';and. the Sale ,of • :Liquor under a, Dining Lounge Licence. '•for ,consumption with meals on licensed premises'.?' ` We feel that the sale of liquor,, in%any`.form;; within .this. village `would. be detrimental'' to the Social' and Religious 'we:lfare of the• Village. We therefore• respect- fully request the Council to take:. such steps as are necessary.. to see that this presented :to the votersof the Village solely, on .the initiative. of 'the Municipal, , Connell. We ask that you. rescind your action' and .'leave the .matter in ' abey- anee; We remain,') Yours respectfully, R. H. 'MacLeod, • Minister of Lucknow Pres(byteri- an Church and Chairman of Session: Howard W. • Strapp, ` ..•. Minister • of Lucknow 'United Church and Chairman of 'Session. • Lucknow Fire Department, at [swimming transportation again.' their .monthly . meeting; on Mon- The .:Lions agreed 'to. pay half • day ' . night, donated'$100 to the Lucknow nd District ' LionsClulb to'be• ued towards the cost of transportation of Lucknow & district ohildreri, to :Teeswater swimming .•pool ` twice• weeklyLion Tom' Hackett, mete with!Firemen and -'made." the request for aid, and later. in the meetingFireen decided on the,$100 fi-gure :to .`.asit. in :meeting thetranportation costs • which • • are twice• as hgh this season•For: the' .past several: seasons, .t.he Lucknow. Branch , of theCanadian Red• Cross Society : hassponsored a' • water safety the cost, . or 'up• to $200 on thebbasis of previous years expendi-turesHowever; a record• enrolment of 170 for swimming made it necessary to engage a third . bus this•. yearThis, alongwith in -creased cot of `" transportation, has put' the' cost ::of;•:'transporting the "children• to over $8000, double what• .it was lat year Red Cross• officials havng: announced that their. budget couldnot • be" •increased, this left theLions .Club , with the altern�a-tives of putting. up •'the' ,balance, on'• top of their original gram at the Teeswaterpool and :pledge,: ceasing the swimrn.ing paid for•, thebus transportation transportation in',the :middleofrom ;t eliz-fu-ltsd�s�L-ast--yearn-tl'vev;the instruction, or requesting cost• of transportation .amounted help from 'others withhe. proto- about $400.. ject...So that is the. situation.at L.oeal and district response'; to present, .with the' Lions ' seeking theannualRed Cross :'appeal' fore assistance ; from 'other organize-unds 'was: poor 'this year, and tions so that the project may "�be Red Cross° officials announced . carried on to' its fulfillment, that. they '.were unable to under- `which concludes with swim tests,write fhe.• cost..of '.tr.ansportafion: which must, meet Red Cross Far a .few: days it appeared that standardsthe swimming would have to be The$200 entry .fee whichaoii by the swimmers paid, ges entirely :to draped 'but a deciLucknow. and Distr.ict Lions Club the Teeswater Pooi comnittee, to. assist the . Red; 'Cross• • in this to ' help them rneeet their operat- project assured:. the• youngsters `of' ing costs Kinloss Officials To Wonor Retiring Township To •Donor Retiring Kinloss . Township' •Council• is sponsoring a social, evening on l'harsday at Holyrood td `honor ' R Lane and Frank Thompson, two efficient and: faithful muni- cipsl ".officials , Who have recent - TY retired.: • Ger don ' Wall has succeeded Mr Lane • and Fraser McKinnon is taking .over Mr. Thom•pson's' duties, ' The above picture was taken before F'rank's o•resig' &tion was received. • Pictured left to: right, front row, Frank Thom�ps.on, Reeve P, A. Murray, Sohn:. R. Lane, Gordon Wal], clerk. ' Back row,. Councillors, Jack Ackert; 'Allan Maclntyre,. ' Wm. Eevans,, Edibert Bushell and Elliott Carruthers, 'road superintendent. the crop; which Mr. Eggleton is taking ofL Mr. and Mrs. Webtter have the use of the Muse until the end of this Month, .wheri the Eggleton family Will ; move here in firne for sehool opening. They have. a family of' four, and are . .inembers of the . United ' Mrs.. Webster. haa not been en- joying gbiod health and under .Went. major: surgery :this spring. when she was hospitalized. for tiirning home 'a few days ago. 'Mr.. and 'Mrs.. Webster's plans are not definite at:the .rnoment; 'They have .two daughters, Mrs. LoiS, Thornai. of* Toronto:. 'Mrs. Webster is the former Hazel. • a youth, and as a 'Young man• acquired the—farm-he--j-ustsold- from . Campbell, The pro- perty; until...this Year's sale, ,had 'only been: in 1WD nanies since taken up . from' the .Crown Toni. has been butchering for Te4is, since .a lad of 17., HoPe Tom • forgiVes us f#Or .the .give aWay. He, at one time was but- cher at fiVe .beef rings in the. cornmunity St. Helens, Lanes - Ville,. Marnbch,' Dungannon and St. Augustine. All have . now ceased , to operate with the ex- :ception of St. Augustine. . On the. 5 -ring circuit,' Tom drove .by -horse ',and• buggy ot Cutter: He was: active in Muni- cipal and church life;. and,- is. .treasurer of Dungannon United Sent, Out ..Qn: MOnddy Village ratepaYers are being given ,the opportUnity to' express their wishes for or against the hiring of a full time town con- A circular waa distributed en Monday. asking; "Are you. in favor of the Village of Lducknow hiring a. town. constable : at a coSt of five per annum." • This q,uestiori wag followed by the , present assesiment of -:each prolperty and the 'actual* cost : dollars and centi on the basis of a five Mill levy: • A perfdrated. detachable "bal- on the yeS or no line and re- turned in the, postage paid, self •The return ,cif these ,.`texpres- sioni of opinion" are to 'be made within ten 'dayi arid; , will , pro:- . vide council with a cross sectiCia of public oPiniOn M order to aid in reaching a decision in the matter ot village. policing.. • TO., JUDGE AT LEAMINGTON' Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Pritchard • left' 'on Tuesday 'morning for holiday trip. through Southern Qratarici. , They plan. ori visiting • Windsor and ,Dettoit. • .Learnington Fair .Which' runs all (his Week. is judging .all judged at • Clinton Fair in June and has. a purriber of Other. fain through .4kugUst and September; • Close All Sales grns.' For .Hogs . . , an effort' t9 control, the .spread of. hog cholera the FeciL• eral -Department Of Agriculture has ' ordered all auction sales yards closed for the sale oif hogs - The regulation. which went into effect on .Mbriclay applies to. the • LuCknow Sales Barn: Robert Mac - auction .had extensiVe" and thpr- ried out thiS week in Order 'to haye the :weekly Wednesday Cat- - NO ,hogs Will be accepted. until the. regulation is lifted. yrhe average hog sales. over a 12 months period "at•:the Luck.: Last •week, "'with the cholera • epidemic spreading, the offering,' was •light., The f' preceding... twO weeks were exceptionally heavy ' with offerings of Some 600 and Memorial_ .Orgart....And ,Membrial- Gifts:0011004.$0n*-,0t $opth .Kintos's 011 Sunday afternoon, July 29, the regular serVice at South Kin- loss Preslbyterian Church Was the occasion for the dedication of the new Hallman church, organ., Mrs Lloyd MacDougall, ' convener' of the buying c.ominittee, made the 'presentation. as a memorial to those whe.served and died in two world 7vtr.ars. If was received and ,dedicate ReV. Roderick Mac- Leod t the sacred purpose' df assisting in the .praise service of the church. 'Two brass vises were presented iby Mr. Rennie Oraham of Toronto in memory of his father, the late Angus Graham, and two, bak, .flOwer stands , and an organ mirror were presented ,by Miss Mary MacIntyre 'in Memory of Miss 1-lannah MacDonald: These were dedicated and set, apart for ,the service Of beautifying •the.. sanct- 'Rev, MacLeod read „Psalm 92 and 1/50 and took as the theme of hii sermon the iropottance praise, showing No4t. a part it . played in the temple services and in ail, irile 'WorshiP since, He. referred to thote who give., so faithfully of their talents lb the serlice of worship and praise': in• the church choir. many, ' firist for. our - :salvation and. far innumerable' memory of those gone on b,e'fore whose works ,and labours af love z:e sang "Asus is' tenderly cal- ling" ,accoMpanied by Mrs. Herb 'Buckton the clau'rch organist. Friends from other a.hurches were, Present ifor, this cleclic,ation The ortian committee was 'com- convener; Mrs. 1-lerb Buckton,- MrS, Harry Lavis,?Phillip Steer and .Frank IVIaoXenzie. vices at South 'Kinross win d'0111,, •