The Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-07-04, Page 4. PAGEFOUR. THE LUCKNOW 'SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEcONESDATI 4144.`Y 4th, 196 !ti I •V r s• ss ri . 4•• t ,,L tit CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATE. First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat. Insertions, 1 %2c per word, minimum. 40c. Notices, Cards of- Thanks and Coming Events, m inim m:, 75c.. In. Memoriams,, . minimum ' $1..00. 25c ...n • extraforreplies to The. Sentinel. Billing' charge of 1 Oc for each ' bill, rendered. FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE seven. xoom house on 3 -:acre jot ..in Lucknow: Apply Jack ,Stuart, phone 3134, Lucknow. .POR :SALE - 311 • pigs. Apply to ',Herb Bucktbn, Lucknow,- R.R. 6, • phone 26,10, Ripley, • ATTENTION IGOTTAGERS For Sale, one 17" ,Admiral TV `lvith stand. Perfect condition,: phone 2111-r-2. PIGS FOR SALE -. 9 little .Pigs. • Stan . Kay, Langside, phone Wing ham 529-w-4: ' USED FURNITURE ' - • several chesterfield suites,dining room suite, chrome'' kitchen suites; table 36" by , 60", MacKenzie Furniture _ Store, phone 181, • Lucknow. FOR ' A• GOOD 'DEAL on .a Timex watch see George Fairish at Farrish's. Billiards. HAY', FOR SALE :-= ,7 acres anixed hay, standing.. Lorne Woods,, ' phone: 2x111. -r-,21 • : -Luck- now: CAR FOR 'SALE .1955 Chev-- • rolet: two -door.. ,Apply ' Urs. Rae Boak,. Lucknow.• MOVE FOR 'E : cook stove,. white, enamel, New Princess Rose,, coal or wood,in good condition: Gordon. ; Wall, Holyrood, ',R 1R.- 3, 'Phone Lucknow 206-r.-311. • FARM FOR JR� SALE 190f -acre farm on , Kinloss modern CGn 10, ,. home, large bank:• barn, drive. shed,' hay in barn;; 25 acres spring crop,, 30' acres valuable timber. Terms:' Apply to Frank Thorinpson, ''Holyrood. WANTED WANiTED - baby's small Mrs., Jphn Hunter,, phone Dun- gannon 61-r-8.: WANTED boxb" stove, Jim Lyons, phone • 84 Lucknow. FOR RENT A'PAR pa AVAILABLE -at once at. Gammie Apartments in Lucknow,,' phone 183.' AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUrCTI'ON SALE of Livestock, Implements_ & House- hold Furniture will . be .held •for • frank F. Thompson, Lot . 20, . Con. 10, ; Kinloss' Township;. 1r/4 • miles north and 2' miles east of Holy- rood on Monday, July 116th at 1:30• p.m: Terms Cash. See shills' for list. Allan 1V1'acIntyre, Auc. BRUCELE4 HAVEN, 'Walkerton; SATURDAY, JULY '14,` 1:30 .pm.. Beds; Chairs, Westinghouse Electric' Stove, Steel Kitchen Sink Unit, Built-in Kitchen Cabinet & Sink with Stainless .Steel Coun- ters, etc.,, from old County Home Buildings.. Wesley Abell, Auc. H°I LRAM' FARMS . ABATTOIR. HOLYROOD The home of choice ;meats, .all, GOVERNMENT INSPECTED, .and APPROVED Schneider's • ' Cured Meats WE ALSO DO 'CUSTOM KILLING and ' hang your meat in :;modern BEST :PRICES in tractor tires.. _Fresh . cement ` in .stock at all" coolers' as long, as .desired: ,Piga times, good discounts on large orders. 'Formosa No. 1 hardw.00do • slabs ' in. truckload lots: Bruce MacMillan; Lucknow. ,'' STILL A • GOOD SELECTION ;of shower and 'wedding gifts avail- able at . savings of 25% ..off :atj Finlay ` Decorators, Lucknow,'. phone 218. FOR SALE ' - 22" reel type A�oco riding lawn ..mower, almost new $90.00;. Large , site . Duo- Therm spape " heater, complete with ' fan,, $80.010; 2 -'Pale Blue, '.g`;ey,wing: Budgies, $3.501 ,eaebt; 'TV Antenna, complete with' ro- • for and controls: Coyne and get it, $315.00. Charles Bristow, Luck-. cattle, every day; No app/ointment necessary..; RAYNARD ACKERT T� F, • 101-r-13, Lucknow SERVICES AUCTION SALE Allan ,Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow Phone 209-r-41 FILTER ' QUEEN .Sales and .Service BOB. PECK, Varna, Ontario,. Phone Hensall 696-r-2 tiow. Water.: Wel Drilling 'Lakelet; Ontariio. R. H. ` GADKE' R.R 1', • 'Clifford' k 4, • All. Wells. , Guaranteed 111111.11111111101M111111111. 11111111111111111111 BRECKOW'S Medical Massage ' STEAM SAUNA • HI,GLT C�OLeCN1ICS) . �4nd '118 Ari lesea St. '( Off Vietoria) ' Goderich, Ontario. • . phones Office, JA.: 44281 Residence,. •JA. 4=7817.. ' • COMING EVENTS CASH,. ,BINGO... A. Cash. Bingo will be held •in the Lucknow Legion Hall on Thursday, July 5th, at 8:45 :p.m'.. 12 regular 'games .for $10., 3, share -the -wealth. $50 Special game must go. RECEPTION FRIDAY . A 'reception will be held ' in. the Whitechurch Memorial` Hall for Mr. and Mrs.' Harley Gaunt on Friday, July 6th, Tifif in's • or- chestra will. supply the music. Lunch. will 'be served. Everybody welcome, VACUUM CLEANERS Sales .and Service Repairs and bags for.'all models of vacuum cleaners and polishers. Reconditioned ' machines of _ all makes..for sale: • BOB PECK, Varna, Ontario, • Phone Hensall. 6964-2 :AUTOMOTIVE Mechanical and body repairs, Wheel • 'alignment , and balance, Window replacement, . • Radiator .repairs. Protect against rust with Undaspray. . • DA.VIDSON'S ,Texaco Service No. 8' Hwy Phone JA 4-7231 Goderich, 'Ontario NcTICE NOTICE No Clinics• During Summer The'• monthly ' clinics ' held .10- calls by the Bruce County .Health Unit for infants and pre- school ' children, will ` be • discon- tinued for the summer.. There': will. not be a. clinic in : July. or. Augu'st. • NOTICE OF WORSHIP ' SERVICE The 'ederation' cif' Agriculture will hold their Annual Worship. Service +on. July '8th at 3 p.m,1 at the 'Salvation: Army . . Camp,':2 miles, north of Bayfield. on the, Blue Water (Highway. 'Guest speaker to be Captain Newman, of the 'Salvation Army; Wingham Salvation Army 'band. will also be in attendance: Ladies, please bring 'sandwiches •or .tarts..Choco- late milk and coffee will::ibe 'sup- plied., up-plied.• Would all directors wives, help with the lunch: We hope 'for • a :good' .attendance` ' as the executive have taken the respon• - sibility of arranging for the Worship ;Service. ' Elmer :Ireland, .President'. TENDERS ,TENDER, - Far painting interior, sanding and refinishing floor in Kinlough 'School. Can be :sep- arate tenders. For appointment to view school, contact the Board Chairman,- Morley Bushell. Tenders, to be. In by July, 14th to. Mr. Morley Bushell,, R.R. 2, Holyrood, Ontario.' • TENDERS for purchase of Old County Horne Building, Walker-. ton, .will be ,received up to July 2i7ith;, 1962. • Purchaser required to .rerr ove• buildings from present site by April. aath, Highest or ' any ' tender :not necessarily accepted. Submit ten- -dors in sealed envelopes marked "`Tenders for Building."' . T H. Alton, Sec.�Treas., Bruce County, Home, ,P.O. Box 70, • ' •'Walkerton,. 'Ontario. Notice To Creditors • IN THE' ESTATE OF. APPLIc:ATI OIS. APPLICATIONS for the -position of .Secretary -Fieldsman for.. the Bruce County:; Federation- of Ag-. • rioulture will be :received ' up'' to CUSTOM . BUTCHERING' Beef ` and pork sold in, any quantity. Custom hutchering in Government' licensed • abattoir. Pigs every Tuesday, Beef 'from Monday through Thursday, BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET'' July 20th, 1962.`Applications to be made in handwriting, stating. age and qualifications; Duties' to commence on August lst; 1962 Applications, ;to, be forwarded ` to Bruce County Fede on of Ag- riculture Office, El ood, ,On- tario, marked "Application." .. AIPPLICATIONiS for Federation of Agriculture Fieldman for The. County of Huron . will •be receiv- ed ' until the •31st of July, 19102: Applicants . state qualifications &• • salary expected : Duties to 'com men•ce .Septemlber . •lst.: Send ' ap- plications to the office of Fed erationri of Agriculture, :Box 3119,• C intoe,•. Ontario, Lowest tender or any,, not 'necessarily.. accepted. 'APPLICATIONS for the pos- ition oftreasurer and tax• col lector. ifor the Township of. 'Kin:, loss, stating, qualifications. and. experience,. ,, will be• received • 'by - the' undersigned up to. July ll'th 1982, at .8:30 p.m. Salary' $475' per annum; ' plus'. extras: 'Applications" to be marked "treasurer." Duties to .commence immediately. • Gordon H.. • Wall, Clerk . R.R. 3,• Holyrood. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED' Septic tanks, Cess pools, etc., pumped •, and' ,cleaned with MO - ern equipment. All work guar..- artteed. Louis Blake; R. 2' .Erns - telt, -phone 442-'v-6 :-.-'•.-mow . _ Dead Mock Removal Service`: We are licensed to remove your ' dead or crippled farm animals for sanitary disposal. Old horses' 4c per pound' CORDON TAYLOR Ph. Collect 44-r-24, Lticknow R.R. 2 Lucknow 24-hour' service Licence No. - 173C62 JAMES BAIRD, .ALL PERSONS 'havin'g claims against the estate : of the above mentioned, , late of . the -Township of Ashfield,. in : the County of Retired. Farmer, who.died June,, A.D.' on • the ` sixth day.. of Ju , 1962, .are required to file ,proof of same ,..with ,the undersigned on or before the :28th dray ' 'of July, A.D., 1902: • After' that' date the executors will proceed to distribute • the estate having regard only Ao' . the ' claims - of which they . shall then have had notice DATED. at. Winghanz, this -25th day of July, A.D., 1962.. / Crawford and Hetherington, Wingham, Ontario, ,Solicitors for Executors. IN A;EMORIA iBR:A.DLEY in memory of Mrs; John• Bradley, the former Mary Hackett, who; passed away on July 15:th, 1959, • Just a thought of sweet :I einem, tbrance' Just a memory sad and true, Just the love and sweet' devo- tion Of` the ones who think of. you,: • ;Ever remembered ' by the ;Fa,..: mly.„ HUNTER In loving ,memory of a dear .husband and father, Jacob Hunter; who passed away. three years ago, Jul 9th 1959. Though hi'ssmile is gone forever, `And • his. hand ; we cannot touch .Still we, have so many memories Of the one we: loved so much: His memory . is our keepsake. With Which 'we'll never part • God has him in• his .keeping We have him in 'Our heart.; 'Ever remembered and 'sally missed. by Wife 'and ,Family, CARD Of THANKS • We' . extend ".' our heartfelt. 'thanks' to all ; our friendsand relatives who helped, in so many Ways :during our ..recent .bereave- ment. • Specialthanks to • those• who: were: so thoughtful • -:and kind during Mrs Park's long illness: 'Mr.' Richard Park,.Sr. :and Family. • Personnel' manager, quizzing the • new stenographer: "What the ,first thing you do when the boss- buzzes?" . Jane answered: "I pick up my notebook and pencil and answer that buzzard promptly." IsuisusUs•lesu■ses.■li■ ■▪ ; • F®fit ASE • ■ • • • ■ :: ■ RUALTOR•. SCO..L�D. ■ Phone ■. ■ ■ ■• I wish to , express my sincere thanks to friends• a•nd neighbours for the many kind acts Ind. ex- pressions of. sympathy extended. to .me: at the time of'' the death of' my husband, John D. :Mc- Kendrick; also to •sincerely -thank those who remembered hirn, when he was • a patient in Westixrin- ster' hospital: A. special thanks to Rev'" Roderick 'MacLeod, pall- bearers and .'Mr. Wm. • Johnston:. ' . Mrs.' J. D. McKendrick. Mrs. Elmira Finnigan wishes to express her sincere thanks. to all who remembered her while a patient in Victoria Hos- pital; London, Their thoughtful- ness is • very much . appreciated. The' 'family of the late=. Mrs, Myrtle .1VIaoCrdstie wish: • to ex- tend sincere thanks and appreci- ation, to friepds• 'and. neighbours for_their acts of kindness' at the time :of the, loss of .our mother. Gordon Smyth and family 'would . like to thank neighbours and the Lucknow 'Fire Depart- ment who assisted at the time of .their, recent '.fire.. . ■ kiAN u v .0 j7® . • ■ ``We Sell Rural Ontario "• • 111 1.. ■ III • 200 ACRES OF LEVEL a, ■ .SPONI7FIi.EE LAND youth- ■ west of Lucknow', 195 acres.' al ■ .workable, extensively Mile' _drained;,good.frame: 'barn... N. with -lose .stabling; drive- ■ • shed' 24'x36,, . 2 s•torey, 8-' ■ roozri. white ; .brick house, ,■ a completely modernized with. -11 alumin•um ' ,storm .windows;.. ▪ .▪ and :doors, all round •new • garage. Full ;price x$20,000:, No 62-562'i ■ s. MODERN. 6 -ROOM:¶ ANGH •1' TYPE•HOME .in Kincardine, 1 •' large lot with youngfruit s ■ trees, several shade trees; ' ■ spacious lawns, .combina•-,■, • tioti, garage and workshop; Taxes' only: $56 00. per. • year. • $5,:5.00 with te.rins • • . , No 2-46l. ■ ■: M ■ ' +Mrs, Bert Ward' wishes :to tic.; press 'her sincere thanks.: to a<ll who rer'nembered here in so many ways while she was in Wingham Hospital and to Dr M. Corrin. and; Staff on the 1st floor. 1 would like to. 'express my sincere thanks to the Pupils and parents . of 'S.S,' No.. 3, Vest Wa u nosh . who presented me with 'a. pair of lovely lawn chairs at the end of the school term." Ross Errington • ▪ . 150, A,iCRES NEAR W.IfITE-' .1 CHUIRCH, approximately .■ • 100 acres wo. rkable, medi- i • um loam natural drainage, S ■ 2 storey house' cornple'Ce'lY Modernized:, ' "T•'.'' shaped r I. bank 'barn In good condi:. •a • tion, drilled Well; and drive.,i ■ shed, school bus service» at :� • • gate, /excellent trout stream, 1 ■ ' all for $101;000. No 2-421• .. ■ . We .have ,all ty,pes'of pro- a ■ pert ' in all price ranges, 1 ■ if you wish• to (buy: Real • 'Estate,, enquire . now, no a • obligation. ° i 1. EVERETT PENNINGTON i Phone 3924664,, Teestivater, :,•Local Agent for'. ■• 'PAUL L S. STARR . & . CO. ■ AU ■ "LTD., U Hanover • • Phoiw 870. ■ .Six offices to serve you • better Orangevfllei ■■i over, Owen Soundw flesh-- er;ton; • Guelph &' RramptorY.• ■d■fir'■r�■�A�■■6'ar'■M�IaMal