HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-07-04, Page 1r
Miss Dorothy Douglas is sche-
duled to arrive at Malton : air-
. port on ,Friday everting. , She ;is
I0 flying "home" ;from,Tannsui; For
mosa, for the summer ' holidays.
1 ° She •will.:return in ;Septemiber,
Mis'sDouglas will bemet :at
0 Malton by Rev. and Mrs. George
I•bouglas of ':Willowdale and by
i Mr and Mrs., T. A, 'Leishman
• (Mary Mingles) of . Mai{kherr ,�
'and a family reunion is planned
0'. .at the Leishman home. .
i • Dorothy, daughter of . ,the late
j Mr; and 1VM.rs. George Douglas of
• far. many years where she tea'ches;
Year 1n. A4vance
;$1.QQ Extra To U.S4k.
Y.. JULY ....
.., 4th,
.Single in Co 10c'.•
._....,, pY
12 Pages.
I3.U0 A
Frank fihompson . 'secretary="Treasurer
# West Vllawanosh firelnsurante Ccs.
Frank Thoi pson , ..Of' Con. 1.0
Kinloss Township has been ap-
pointed secretary -treasurer, of the
West Wawanosh Mutual Fire
Insurance Company, ; with head-
quarters at Dungannon.
,Frank will take over his ,new
duties on August; 1st as suc-
cessor •to. Durnin Phillips, who.
is ;r ,tiring after holding the
'Office for . 15, ,years.
Therewere twelve ' appl'ica
tions for. the position,. with. the
:Beard deciding 'on . Mr. Phillips'
successor at a meeting on. Thurs-
day evening.
Mr. Thompson has : been a•
. director of the 'Company for six
years, a position he has resign-
ed • to accept : the new appoint-
ment. He is a past president of
the Company.
'Frank ' is. a son 'of • 'the • late
Mr, and Mrs. Fred; Thompson.
and Was . • born . and: raised on
the. 10th Concess=ion where he
continued "to operate the family
farm, which is' now being offer
ed for sale.'
Frank. and Cora,, as they, are
,popularly kngwn, and 'chi'ldren
will . take: up' residence in Dun-
gannon.. A farm 'auctio'n' sale
will. be, 'held on Monday, July
16th. .
Frank': hasbeen. Kinloss : Town-
ship . treasurer for over. 1.3 years
since. in February: 1949 and
officially tendered his resignation
to • Kinloss Council at their; July
meeting on Tuesday..
• Mrs, Bert Ward returned', home
• last week: With the exception
of a period Of. two the.
- she
,had been• hospitalized in Wing
' ham for' 5'/2 months:
Mr. and Mrs.: Harvey Treleaven
of London were holiday visitors
• here. •Harvey hasrecovered fa-
vorably following a:• heart 'at-
New ParishPesr� -..t
Rev. L. C'. ' Thomas, who has
.been. pastor • of St. Marys Church,
Lucknow,,,and' St. Augustine, fore
the :past 'two. • years has . been' ap-
pointed •temiporarily to' St. •Mar-.
• tin's, London, to post graduate
Before leaving, Fr. Thomas
was presented with • a °gift of.
money from the congregation, by
.Mr. James O'Donnell: and Spirit-
. ual bouquets ' from`` the Catholic'
' Women's League ' by Mrs. P.
MacDonald ' andfrom the cate-'
chisrn• class by 'Miss Lynda,
Rev.' E. Malaak ' from St.
Michael's,' Learpington, succeeds
Pr. Thomas 'as pastor. "of St.•Au•-
gui'stine' and Lucknow.
• Prof'.. N. R. Richards, form-
erly of this community, •and
for 11 years head of the.
soil 'Science department at
the Ontario Agricultural
College; Guelph, has; • been . •
appointed dean of agricul- . •
ture of the newly -created
Federated Colleges .of " the •
Ontario, .Department *of Ag
ri.culture. •
• He • will succeed 'Dr,: J: D, ,
M•acLachlari, who was ap-
pointed president of the
Federated,. Colleges,.' Succeed-
ing Prof.,. Richards' as, head
of the soil science department
is Dr.': B. C. Matthews:
The following ,piano p.iipils of
Mrs.:Donalda• Scott were 'success-
ful in passing .their Royal' Con-
servatory of . Music exams:
.' Grade' VHI: --r Bruce MacKen-
zie, Lucknow, R.R. 5, honours;
Joan Tiffin, Teeswater, R.R. 2,
honours; Marion Scott, Lucknow,.
R.R. 5, .pass, . .
' .Grade IV Jo. Anne King,,
,.Teeswater, •R:R 2, pass; Janice
Brooks Lucknow;pass;' Mary
Finlayson; Lucknow, pais: „ •
Playground 'Has
Started. .Focally
This is the Iasi issue ' of
The/ Sentinel until July 25th.
The office will be closed
during the weeks of July 9th.
and 16•th for a two 'Week's.'
• vacation „'period.
Have 5
•Five teachers. have, been en-
gaged to fill vacancies '• on the
Lucknow. District ',High School
staff, but the latter part of the
Week a. French teacher was still
required. The Board had placed
iadvertisements .. 'in papers . ° in,
Montreal and Northern Ontario,'
seeking to Obtain a :qual;fiedre-
Teachers engaged are Mr, Bob
Dowsett, shop; 'Mr. Peter Can-
non, mathematics and science;
Miss' Alexandra Gall, mathemat-
ics and science; .Miss. Eleanor
Plumsteel,•;, `history; Mr: Peter
Dzierzek, commercial. ••
The 'Lucknow' Playground, un-
der the 'sponsorship of the` Re=
creational Council, commenced ori
Wednesday morning, under the"
'leadership ,of Bruce MacKenzie
and Patricia Thompson, who 'are,
in charge of the' senior 'and jun-'
for' groups respectively.. '
The age range is. from 5 to 12
with- activities being- held at the
l` : School
Hall anl' the ,Pub ic„ School
playground.. .
'Classes, are from ;9 to, 12 each
Monday;. Wednesday and'Thurs-,
day. • morning during July.. Tues.:
day and 'Fridays are reserved for
Swimming '° classes. .•
The courses . featuregames,
crafts, 'singing and special •evenits.•
This " "vacation school" is for
children.. •of town and country.
There is no charge, and ,those-
who missed the opening ses-
sions this week can still parti.:.
cipate. • •
Arriving. From
Formosa: Friday
: Lucknow, has been ,in .Formosa
i the • Girls' High `.Scholl. '
She was home on furlough 3
• Years ago, and when --her next.
• hence 'she
up two years.
•. l e will return Ito Canada
Council` Airfoils BL1V R.eg�rdig •.;
Eaea� P�biscite On Hiring Policeman
Lucknow Village Council at
their ,regularJuly. meeting .on.
Tuesday evening,• were delayed
in acting on a proposed police
officer plebiscite, as the neces-
sary. legally -drawn, by-law -had
not ' been received. ' It 'is expected
it will be dealt with at a, special
meeting.. within a few .• days.
. ;Cost Of a full time . police' of-
ficer would increaSe the Village
rate by approximately five Mills,
This ,represents a ' tax' levy of
roughly $5.00 per 11,000. of, as-
Councillor W. A. Hamilton
questioned . the necessity of a
vote, e4piressing the • thought
that CouTi'cil might well• •pro=
ceed, to engage a. policeman, • in
view of• complaints, .and noctur-
nal • disturbances.
• The. Board, however, felt that
the 'ratepayers should express _a
"yes" or "no" opinion,' and if
not favoring, this expenditure,,
at least they_ would: ,then have
Ice ' Fund. Report
I' project .is • indicated bythe fact
Is'that:�52 memlbers., personally.' don=
Interesting.aced ' $3;450,. which..represents
At Lions .Club Ladies. • Nigr
held recently, ,Bob. Finlay, trea-
surer of. the • Artificial Ice Fund,
submitted a .detailed up-to-date.
financial. ;.report.' :This: statement
of receipts and expenditures: ap
pears elsewhere in this issue:
It wilt' be noted that Canada
Ice. Cornipany has received. over
•$10,0.00,' roughly Half ''of the 'con
tract. price. Cost of the ; building
to house the, •ice 'Making equip-
ment. is not ` yet included in the
expenditures... ,
The .completion . of the instal
•lation, including .' the laying of
the 'plastic pipe,. has. been defer-
red until • fall; A'.: cement- ;floor
Which, •will '•' eventually, . it , • is
hoped, be laid' over the. pipes.
zwill be undertakenafter . the
sYstein has been hi operation.
for ; •a' �` winter. Otherwise, the
pipe will . have to .be .lifted.
. Cost of the •floor' was • not'
reckoned . in the initial campaign
but it is hoped that the response
from 'individuals and . organiza-.
tions, in the community, and from
former residents,` will continue:•to
permit the 'col pleti'on of•• . the
ambitious 'project.' :•
A study of the .figures in -the
financial statement, showing the
.balance. on 'hand, . will indicate
that substantial . provincial . ,and.
federal grants . are being ' count-
ed ori, to . cover the initial . cost.
Thebreakdown of donations is
also interesting.. How :committed
)the.Lions 'Club. has been. to this
• /about one, -sixth 'of the total:' re-
teipts to date.
Those 52 donations were
within $435 'of .being half asmuch • as the,' remainder local
canvass,`' 'in which $7,335159 was
received:' from .713d• ;Gontributors:
406 letter donations,' from •for-'
mer : residents, have to :date of
this report . amounted to $$3,920.99.
no • grounds for the. comgla nts
and , "beefing", that ` are heard
about rowdyism, vandalisin and
failure to lay charges for en-
fractions of the law.
• Reeve , G, W. Joynit, 'is not •
anxious to have ' this: ; heavy 'taxi: '
,levy 'imposed,' when, the , money
could be spent to much. better
advantage: But, 11e added, "from
the Reeve's standpoint it is nearly
impossible to' efficiently operate
the Villageany longer without
a •full time police; ofificer."
It was suggested that a public
meeting might be held :after the
by-law, which has to be adver-
tised three weeks Alas •been. sub.=
rnitted to the ,ratepayers.
There are other considerations,
also. Toeffectively, control traf-
fic, parking and. •truck unloading'
regulations under the 'recommen-
dation , .. of the Department of.
Transport survey which Council,
plans' -to adopt, a police, officer ,
is essential. •
Leave In Ten Days
On Overseas.Tri
Mr. and Mrs..N'orman Taylor'
and, two sons, Terry and Neill,•
will leave Saturday of next week
July: 44th .from Malton on , a
flight overseas where they ;will
spend the next month. They will'
.concentrate., their . time in Eng.-
land and Scotland where Normae
has relatives
The' trip is a chartered flight,
or anized h • the: Ontario :Men • -
n Two Months:' gy
Teachers' Federation,; 'for teach-:
ers and their- .families:,'. They are
"on. their''; own" overseas. The
plane is scheduled.••to arrive at
London airport ,'on' Sunday:'
Others on the passenger list.
include Mr. and. Mrs 'Charles
Pearce of'.Brantford. Mrs., ,Pearce
the . former Olive. Anderson.:of
Qver�as Tour
Miss Mary ,Anderson: of .,town
and. :Miss,•Betty Tuer. of ' Mitchell
left on : Saturday by air 'from
•Ma•1'ton on the start of a two:
months' overseas tour.
They Were met 'at Shannon
airport by Mary's brother,,. Geo.'
Andersen.. and they plan• to spend,,
a •short time in 'Ireland. George
Will, 'return: to England • having..
LDHS Awards
arrived there a few weeks . ago
from . New Zealand. ‘
The girls will then .travel by,
boat for a';tour of the Scandina-
vian Countries
candina-vian.:countries and plan to con
elude their travels with a :'visit
to Ronie and • "basking" on the
Riviera: •'Mary' ' and Betty. will
return: home theend of August.
in time for, "the' re -opening of
Dr. • and Mrs 'William . Swan
and Mrs. Anderson Motored to
Malton' to 'see. the girls off • oh
their :trip. •
Lloyd .Ashton.•Assumes Gavel
As Lions President
The installation of the 199a-63 J'tiie 23rd.
slate of o
• 'officers of the Lucknow
and District' Lions ' Club /was a
fea Ladies' ,Night,' , which
marked •the final ..meeting of the
:Season on 'Monday , •, evening,
Shown left to right are Instal-'
ling•officer Dial Meir "of Seaforth,
as he presents the gavel to :the
.new president, Lloyd Ashton,•
'While the retiring president,:
Frank Thompson, looks on well
aware ofthe duties and respon-
siubilities that will tall to his'
successor; •
—Sentinel Vhoto
Home Economics
The following girls stood high-'.
est for their year's work in the
Home -Economics classes at Luck-.
now ,District High School. They
received the following awards:
Grade IX Barbara • .Pardon,
a • place setting of cornflower
Crystal,. donated by William
Grade X. = Sandra Cameron,
a' •pair of china : candle -holders,
donated by William Schmid; "
Grade XI --' Mary Andrew,
one sheet .with 'matching pillow-" •
cases donated by Lloyd Ashton.,
•Grade •XU—Wilhel2•niria' Smith, .
a Better Lorries and Garden+. Cook •
Book, donated Eby Elmer Um:bach.
.Throe Regiter
for Swiininin
About 170 young folk'•• from'.
Lucknow and 'District have re-
gistered for the swimming in-
struction at the Teeswater Pool: •
Registration was officially,,
conducted' on, Friday and Satur-
day when about, 140 registered..
Over the week -end some. 'thirty
More were signed for the clas-
ses. They are held twice a week
—on Tuesdays and .Fridays, with
the first tri i
l p' being made on
Three . busses ' were` • packed to
accommodate the opening day •
turnout. Bus drivers were Allan• •
Reed, Bryce Elliott • and Eldon.
Miller. The group is in charge
of Patricia Thompson and Bruce
MacKenzie. ,,
Trans ortation
Transportation is provided by
the Lucknow Branch of. the, Red
Cross. . and the ,Lucknow and
r)istrict Lions 'Club.
. AQ