HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-27, Page 8MOE EIGHT 0 THE LUCKNOW SENTINNL, talcprow, ONTARIO • - • AV ED NE spAY; • 'RIPLEY. .„. MARKET Mondays Hogs, $2.00 in by 4;00 P4ri• Cutting and. Wrapping, 2c pound CATTLE, CALVES and LAMBS EVERY DAY, EXCEPT SATURDAY . • We Do Curing and Smoking.. . Beef, Pork and Larnb. Sold Whole,Half or .Quarter. For Better Servici,. And Lower. Prices Call Ripley 100,- • HPOislina, Prop. • •• ., . .., uy . .,• poin of view was hel u , when' :ally t agreed that thepiwionian s Electric.. Fan • . education was so closely as - or Hospital Room-thebusiness (period, it was de- sociated with the home. During tided to lbuy • an electric 'fan . for oour hospital -room at Wing - ham. $25.00 was voted 'to the International Scholarship. : Miss • 'Donna, Nicholson will be the new Horne EcOnomist for Bruce County effective July 3rd. She has • been •an active 4-11 member -in the province of Man- itoba. A letter of thanks, was read from ,Miss Ruth ThorniPson, R.N. for ,.the assistance given by some Of the •Kairshea • members at :the 'Oral vaccine :clinic at HOlyrood recently. • . The president returned ,to the, .chair,, following the program: to. Close the.: meeting. Mrs. Ted Ciallyer gave °•the •courtesy, re- rna,rks, after, which she and Mrs. Gib Haniilton served Junch. • A group photo. was taken - at this meeting by Pon Thompson of • the Sentinel staff; Mrs... Gib • ItarniltOn. will. be hostess for the July meeting at* hee•horne. •• • There was a good 'attendance of members and ..visitors When. • Mrs. Jas. Burt was hostess' to the June meeting of , Kairshea • Wqmen's Institute. The District • ,President, Mrs. Cliff Hewitt of • Bervie, was • guest ,speaker. Her. ,toPic .discussed many aspects of .Traffic-: Safety, • The driver's, • Handbook and Perin Impleinents on the Highway are two book 'eta which the motoring public .should study. These may be ob- tained from • the Ontario Depart- ment of Transport.' , •• ; Mrs; •Hewitt was introduced by the: president, Mrs, Parish Mof- fat •and was thanked by •••Mrs. Gib Hamilton, who presided for the program. 'Community singing ,,•Was enjOyed. with Mrs. Harvey •Houston at the piano. The Cur- rent events were •giVenlby Mrs. Harry Lavis. ,A reading by Mrs. Cliff Roulston "Hard earned Wages" Miss Grace MatDOugal gavethe Comments On., the ,4-H h ,very fine way,. on ..s4Quality Counts.' The course' Dressing. up :Home : grOvv-p ve- getables was, lead by Mrs; Har- old 'Campbell and *Mrs. Cliff Rouiston. • • „The ,roll (jail was answered in a most interesting _wayL ."Should we have women on the -school bOard and; why?" ,It Was gener- • 1 . . • , LIFELONG HURON • Twp. FARMER PASSES THURSDAY. • . • . • The, death. occurred , suddenly 'of :John M. ;McKenzie of Huron • TOyirnship on. Thursday, June. lie,„ was 81) years of age, and .while born at Emibro spent .most of his life in Huron Town,- shiP. • - • . He is .survived by ,one brother, 'Kenneth J. McKenzie of Huron:. The funeral service was held -on Saturday- at, the McLennan Funeral Hone' in Ripley,- With.' interment in Ripley Cemetery. •• . . Conyegatiop Honors: .Organist (ItINLOUGH NEWS), ',Miss Erlma Jean Percy .organ- ist of. the Presbyterian Church for the past.fyears was hon- oured on Sunda' following the regular, church service when Mr, Edbert Bushell read an ad- dress of good wishes to the bride elect and Mr. Ben Scott on behalf of the congregation • made the, presentation of a gift of .frioney: Erliria though taken by surprise, made a fitting reply. She •• Will be greatly Missed by this congregation. She, also taught •in the: Sunday. ;School and was • active •in Young people's work. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson, ,Allan: and Lois spent the Week- erid with: Mr.. an Mrs. N. E. Evans and. Linda at Torcinto, Lois reinained for. :a, week. • Mrs. Katherine ' Collins • and pupils of S.S. No. 2, Mrs. Wanita .Hollands•i teacher , at • Purple.. Grove' and ,pupils enjoyed a bus trip to Toronto •on Tuesday. On Monday, Mrs, Mae Armstrong and pupils of the Westford School took a trip' to Niagara. : Mr. Alex Hewitt left on SIM - day for Waterford where he will' spend , the.surnmer months. • • Best wishes are extended to 'Rev. Benson 'Co who will eLe- bna'te his 84th birthday'on Fri- 1VIr.. and Mrs. Georo Heiden-. lby of'. Ottawa and Mrs, Clare Sperling and boys of Walkerton ailed on relatives here on Sat- urday Mr. Walter Nicholson spent' a few days ,at ' the hone of Mr: arid Mrs. Bert .NitholSori. •• • Unsurpassed _in Iteauty MORRIS GRANITE And MARBLE WORKS Representative a '•'••••••• .•• 0. 16. • 10 1111 •4' •Pe, :a • . #.• ,'•r•• ive • .4v • •;„. , o • • - •C' • • Fr, • , ••• , •,,, • !,!* • • •4: .„ L' • 0. I, ••,' • 4" . r • • . Vemeommiv4mtwisr;bo erilikLedweilimoioemekom.040meepswees..04.604imemdkeilmiei.awoomemionowieefr v • . • . BALER TWINE AT LOWER PRICES at Your Co-op Co-�prBaler. .Twine'. Highest' Quality 1.0,000 ft. •Per, bale •'• . Canadian' Made. Special Compact Baler Twine • Canadian Made $0.10 PER SINGLE BALE $5,95 POR 20 OR 'MORE ALL -TY Baler Twine 'YoUr" best btiy f�r your Allis• Chfiliners.:•Rdio Baler * • • • • LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OP aripoemisqLlasoirmogaiiinelliberai.0 . • . • The Anglican service, will e• held. at 11 o'clock rieXt Sunday. Mrs. William 'Cox received word Of the death of. her bro- ther -iii -law, the. late FredH!a- milton who . paised • away. on Thursday evening at. Vaneouver. 'The furieral, was, held;on. Mon. 4a3r,-• Mr: and Mrs. Karl'Boy,le and Carol and Mrs William Lloyd Af London visited on Saturday evening . with Edna and: May Boyle. We are. Pleased to report • that Mr. William • Lloyd, • who underwent surgery recently •• is • making., a favourable recOvery.. • The many friends in this corn,: triunity of •Mr: Orland, Richards o ara.moun • an, ormer y o here are: pleased to know that lie is coming 'along and hopes •to soon return ,hone • from Victoria Hospital, -London • • Mit. Gertrude Walsh and MLS;* ses Edna and :May Boyle were dinner 'guests with Mrs. Wiillarti Cox:and Rev. :Benson Cox. Visitors. on Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs, -Pan McInnes were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dixon of Dur- ham' and Mr: and Mrs. Gerald Ithody and family, Con:: 10• .- • ;Mr. and Mrs,. Faye Dussuld Pincher. • Creek; Alberta, Mrs. Olive Maudshiy, Trail and Mrs. . George . Hodgins •p,f WOodstock visited on Sunday with - Mr,' and Mrs. Jazries.:Hod- gins i •• • • •• 'The western ladies were former Hodgin.s 'girls.' .. - • Mrs.: Gertrude Walsh and' Miss May Boyle visited an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Scott Walsh and Stephen at Carlsruhe. • Mr.: Douglas Eckensyviller and friend of .London, Mr. and Mrs. ,Wallace Hewitt •• of , Waterford, •Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schaeffer) Kin- cardine visited .On Sunday with Mr. and lgrs..becirge Graham. ,,• We are pleased to report that • Mr. !George Grahani who has. beenPatient in •Kincardine Hospital was able •to return home. • Randy Jans•en spent .the 'week- end With •Wayne Percy. Mrs; Alex' PercY, Erhna Jean and Wayne. visited on Sunday with Mr, afid *1VIrs. Hugh Jansen at Kincardine. Randy Jansen re- turned home with thein. • • Mrs. J. W, Coliell• spent a few days with Mr, and' Mrs', At -- dill Mason, liuron, • Mrs. Annetta Bushell, .14uCk- now, . visited On Sunda'r evening with Mrs. J, W. Colwell.' We are pleased to report that Mr, Lane is <steadily im- proving following his, recent •ill- . • , ES°S0 SERVICE • FOR TOP QUALITY ATLAS BATTERIES DUNLOP TIRES (Most Sizes In Stock) AT REASONABLE PRICES! Repairs to All Makes of Cars and Tractors 3 Licensed Mechanics .°044'.#000044.0.0.00~04,000 Wheel Alignment and Balancing , MOTORCADE DEALER 4 • nes : • • The June meeting •of the, Kin- lOugh 'PreAbyterian W.M9S. was, heldat the 'hOrne Of Mrs. George Harkness. • Mrs. Jack Barr pre-. sided • and' the meeting opened - with, the:hyririt `.`The son of God goes forth to War." The 'scripture and meditation on Ezra wa.s ta- ken by Tom McDonald and the prayer was, taken, by :Mrs: Alex Percy. Minutes were read and • approved. • .Correspondence was read including a notice of. a board meeting.at 2. p.m. , at Kincardine On June 25th.: Mrs:. Perry lIodgins • was named :as key woman the, auxiliary:Ito the iCentennial' Committee. A collection :was taken for the ;bale. Tentative plans were made for a wedding dinner in the near fit tuFe. The roll. tall,' a' verie con-. taining the, Word ."mercy" was • • answered by 10 'members and • . • there were: 6 'visitors. A -mission-, ,ary letter, •from Rev. and Mrs.. Milne, who are. now on furlough from Anskut, India, 17+7.a. read by'. Mrs. Frank Mauiden. Mrs: Mor- ley BUshelI was in. charge of.the. program:. Hytrin • "Faith. 'of Our •Fathers",. a 13%1160- COntest and, a reading "My ..Conscience" Was given ,by Mrs. _Don Bushell. }leading Mrs. ,Perry Ilodging, "Golden- Chains" sent sent...by •Mrs. 'Margaret McPherson. .'"There'll Jack Barr, Bible Quiz —Judges 7 and 8 by Mrs. Morley '.11uSlielf.: The ,closing hymn,' "Stand up stand iip:'for Jesus." Courtesy re., marks were given. by: Mrs. Tom McDonaild and prayer closed'the Meeting; Refreshments were. ger- ved by the hostess and •assistants. Sharon 'Mowbray, -Peggy Mac- ; Donald, •Catherine MacLeod, Janet ,Carruthers, Joan MatKeri- ziei Janice Brooks, Donna (Or- rin, Marion Button. . • 'The leaders are Mrs: V,. Mow. • bray and Miss G. MacDonald. preept Gifts Jo OrCid.000$: • A Canadian Girls' In 'Training graduation : service was held at the morning' service on June 17th At Lucknow T)resibyterin Churth. •• draduates, vere: Margaret Ann Mullin,. ElilaJbeth:FinlaysOn and -Janet FinlaySOri, and each was, presented with a Book of Praise, with Susic, byilieEV'enifiux Wary Of the, • Mrs. Virden,IVIovvbray gavethe invocation and Welcomed the congregation.' Miss Gladys Mac..., Donald' read the Scripture and introdittecl the graduates to be presented The • group • leaders were assisted by representatives of adult organizations, Mrs. A. C. Agnew, president of the W.M.S.; Mrs. R. C. MacKenzie,- president of the Evening Auxiliary ana by Jim lienderson, Sunday school Superintendent. 14.ev, Rod MacLeod •gave the Message •to the congregatiOn. A C.)C4.1it choir, assisted with the trinsic. • Members of the 1964.42 C.� - LT group, known as the 'Steri ping Stones" .are: Margaret Ann pres.; • Elizabeth 'Fin- layson,, vice-pres.; Elizabeth ien demon, secretary; Janet Finlay - Son, 'treasurer; Dianne jainieSon; music convener; 113etty Mathers„ • Press reporter; Wendy MacKen- zie, piarnst4, Thawna Aitchison, •Sylvia MacLeod, Mary Finlayson, • NAME. BRUCE COUNTY HOME ECONOMIST Miss, Donna Nicholson of Pipe - stone, Manitoba; has been ap- pointed to. the post of Home Economist for the: County ,of Bruce and will join 'the staff at the Walkerton office of the De- partment . of „ Agriculture in mid-July. aVliss . Nicholson suc- ceeds Miss ,Selrria. Wilms,*hd.. has been • transferred to the Niagara •Peninsula. -and leaves soonto take over her. duties ' at 'Vineland .in Ontario's fruit • AT HOME in a pouch • , THE KANGAROO, the the • largest of the Australian marsuplalt, :roams -the countryside ily.large bands. Although! • kangaroo is nine feet high • and weighs 200 pounds, the baby Is • only an Inch long when it is born. It • ' stays inside its 'mother's pouch until • . • It 'Silva or six months old, at which. • • time it weighs seyeral pounds and ' able to shift for itself. When the Young kangaroo leaves Itt • ,l'horne,” it is ready to takelts rightful •place in the world. To help your children take their rightful place in ,,the world,. there is nothing better than life inset.. • IllrAL Let Me tell you about Sun Life's • • Educational Policy which can so .easili providefund,s for 'their college education: Wm.. Ki • nahatt RM. 2, Lucknovit , •1Ph011e , • • , SUN liFt ASSURAN4 COMPANY OF CANADA