HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1962-06-27, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2,7'th,, 11962' x ; Luex vaw SENTINEL, Li.ICKNOW, ONTARIO UGAR and S'pic.E ..rte J By Bill Smiley • -Coming up, • dead ahead, is: step, an unaccustomed •smile In . lust about the biggest week end I their hearts. Their's .is the deept of the year for .Canadians.. It inner warmth. that comes :'from has an exhilaration that no, other the .knowledge that' for the next week ' end on our, calendar pro two months, 'they'll ' get meads` duces. Hearts are light and, gay when., they darwell' feel' like it, t.ecause•: its the real advent of and 'do the. washing ditto , Summer.• For the . • bass •'fisherrxian;. a According toan old supersti- breed as :Peculiar: in • his Way as tion, summer. actually • begins on the deer hunter,. this is the big June 21. But "try to tell that to. week end of the year. It means a_ school teacher, glassy -eyed in • the 'beginning of two beautiful a miasrna of chalk -dust and I months. :in •= wh�•ich he can bake warm running' shoes,: as she la- to a crisp ,in /an open Aboat, lash 'hors through thelast week of various 'bodies of water with; • classes. . with.: children.' whose miscellaneous ' hardware,' and minds and hearts have fled the drink skunky beer, to his heart's. classroom to the • great, greeny, 'content. Sheer joy, throbbing outdoors *' ** :Try to tell It to the tourist For the tension -taut young ex - operator, whose. cabins are as ecutive,: too, ,it's a -special week 'empty as hie cash register, whose erid. Family . settled Inat the boats squat, on the.shore like cottage, he., leaves' Sunday night so many gutted crocodiles, whose with protestations' that: ' "It's dining -room' echoes :only to the . gonna .be • awfully lonely drives lone tread of ',his wife; as she . out you guys:". And as he drives limps in: ' from ' the kitchen. '.to 'see • . if there's any • point in pre - wring dinner' •for nonexistent 'guests. Nope. Summer begins on :the last week end in •: June, and we'. might as';well resign .ourselves ;to • wit. That's • when the hordes ;of /Urchins: :,pour forth in an ex huberant' tidalwave from. their. schools; filled.'wi;th • a' . bursting sensation of fi'eedom, ;which .will :last about: 48 hours: * . *' •, .That's. when, the factory Work- er,•, ;who ' has Spent: 111/2 ' months putting round -' pegs in : square holes, •or something of the sort; • sets off, • quivering with ML 'IE, for, his two -Weeks -with -pay, area= dy. td • half-killhimself golfing, swimming, drinking • beer, clan - down the highway, back . to'' the city:, his, heart is ' as light as angel cake `as he contemplates. those 'long, lovely summer even irigs, with maybe a drink :and .dinner in a .pleasant ,restaurant before going home to that beau tiful, peaceful,, peopleless house ..And, ':of "course,.for everyone, this week end has . a special :sig nificance, because ..,looming up right ' in the niiddle of it is' that. •glorious .celebration of ' Canada's great' national -holiday—the First Qf. „July. --,-or,, as we , used to call .it in ; simpler' days, Dominion .Day What Canadian"° is not thrilled to, the- ;marrow'by the' knowledge .that the • First: of . July ' is 'just around the corner, with its wild bacchanalian revelry, its flag- cipg, or .whatever his 'pleasue,: rant expression of a highly'emo- before' crawling bak, spent but tional -people's deepest feelings? content; to the shrieking anon: Dancingin the :streets, wine, ,otony .of, his job, flowing like maple syrup, kiss: That's • ' when mothers who =.ing undder, the ,rnaples as those have, spent' the • past 1Q, months hot-blooded: Canadians live it up• •'araw.li•ng ;out. qt. bed t'o • find . in celebration . of—'uh=say" :'what clean. socks and 'blouses. to totter ES. Dominion' Dav in aid 'of?.. t e kitchen making toast * ik' * peanut butter . and jam, . 'Let's ,:see,, now was •it the, day a: new spring' in their. Sir . Wiafr.id' Laurer •composed a ou with PURPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs, Claude Dore, Mr. and Mrs,:•.Richard Kidd, Mer - ratan, Mr, Gerald Brindley, Riversdale were Sunday guests. of Mr. and Mrs. !Frank Dore. Sandra' Collins 'spent the week- end . with Mrs, Sadie Stanley, Ripley,. Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Brooks, Linda and ,Susan were Sunday visitors of Mr,-. and Mrs, Victor Cawley. Mr, Arthur` Collins ..and Miss•. Ann Crawford visited; Miss Mar- garet Robertson and Mr. Donald: Robertson, • : ' Miss• Rosalyn Swann is spend- ing a couple of, weeks .holidaying with. her mother, Mrs. Helen Swann. Mrs. Sadie Stanley spent •. a couple of .days with Mr. and Ws:1 Gordon Patterson. • Mrs. Donald McCosh and • Mrs: John • Colwell spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs..'Ardill• Mason.' Mr. and Mrs. Bob Scott, .Aran- o.w, Mr.. and Mrs.. Frank. Colwell Kinloss, 'Miss Mary Anne Mc • Cosh,, • Toronto, ' ',were' • Sunday guests. of 'Mr: and. Mrs: Donald., McCosh.' A numlber 'from ' hereattended the reception for '.Mr. •and Mrs'. Jim Harris in Kincardine on Friday: evening Congratulations to Mr. •and Mrs,' Gordon Needham l vh:o were married.: on Saturday. • Mr. and Mrs. Fred ' Gilchrist, Mr: ;and. Mrs. Thomas Mact onald'; •and ' Alma Mae,'' Nancy ".and Dianne Dore and Gladys Gaw ley 'visited 'Mr, and Mrs. Gordon: MatcDonald, 'Viiss •Annetta Forster, spent the week -end with:.Mr ;- ands Mrs,. Gordon ,Patterson: \\ Mrs. William •Hughes is visit- ing Mr.' and Mrs. • Francis Boyle.. Mr, Bpb : Forster, Mr. Richard MoCosh, Mr. 'Roy Fraser, Mr. Roger Wood visited in Wabash- ene. Mr,, and Mrs, Russel, Stanley and family, Mr, ;and Mrs. Glen Stanley, Dick, David .and Anna Mae,, Mr, and Mrs. Pete Peter- son, Mr, and. Mrs. Johanna Tom RAGE SEVEN kala and ,daughter visited •Mr,. ,'Norval and Mr Milton Stanley. Mr,' Roy 'Fraser is employed at Mr ' Vs/alter F,orster's Miss Gail Marquette Stratford visited Miss. Rosalyn Swan, Mrs.. William 'Arnold and. Mrs. Alvin " • Black'Well. attended folk school in Inverhuron. Mrs, Claude Dore visited with Mr, and Mrs. Jack Emmerson. pow m o.um.N s ■ mi dpi' an um on si it ou uu • o•' . • 1. i 1 1 1 L•. 1Y. s • 1 1 •1 1 1 1 •. 1 1 1 1 i1. . 1.• Ontario Qepartment of Transport announces 1 changes in Demerit Point System 1 effective July lst, 1962. 1 a ` The' Point System' has been changed to encourage better driv- ing` habitsand to correct dangerous drivers by strengthening : 1' the demerit point scale. The changes are designed to save lives f' including yours.' 1. • NEW DEMERIT POINT. SCALE. 'oints ., . �; Oh, Canada? '• No, that: doesn't, seem to ring: a bell Was : it the day Barbara Ann Scott swam :across . Lake Superior? .I don't thank': 0'0 Was ; it the day,' •Mac- kenzie King, .introduced' the'. 13a- by Bonus? .1 don't believeit' was:: Wait a • Minute It's. ; corning • back to me now.' It was the day somebody • drove : the last:.• spike -into Sir. Johill A. MacDon•_, ald: Anyway, happy the First of July,•. and: 'try; to restrain' that wild : Canadian exuberance with-- in ith-in the bounds; of decency: as whole nation goes ;hayriwira With., •joy during.' the celebration. of- this fthis 4- .our glorious national holiday. . Servic Iiighvitoy 4, CLINTON Violation: 7 Failing to remain at scene of accident 6 Careless driving 6 ,Racing' ; . 6 Exceeding speed limit by 30 m.p.h. or mores` 5 Failure of driver of bus to stop at railway crossing. > " Exceeding speed limit by. more than 19 m.p.h.. and, •,lessthan 30 m.p.h. • 4 Failing. to. stop for school bus 4 Followingtoo closely. '3 `Exceeding speed limit by more than 10 m.p.h. and :.lessthan 20 m.p.h... 3 Driving'=under, through or round•a railway. crossing. .barrier: 3' .Failing to obey the directions of`a police constable.' 3 Overcrowding driver's seat.. 3 :Improper passing. Driving wrong way on one-way street r. 11 3 Driving .wronaway ona divided highway • 3 Failing yield right -of -why. Failing to obey stop sign, signal lightbr railway cross- ;1. ing signal. Failing to reportanaccident. 1 " 2 Failing-tolower h'eadlampbeams.• 1 2 ' Making U-turns where prohibited. 1 2. Making turns where pr'bhibited. 2 Towing of persons on toboggans, bicycles, skis etc. - Failing to tc.Failing'to obey signs. 1 2 Pedestrian crossover violations. 1 2 Failing to share road. I 2 I rnOroper right and left turns. 1 2 • Failing togive signals, 2 : Unnecessary slow driving.. • 2 • Improper opening of vehicle.door. .�. • • 6.1ZA$E.• SIMONIZING_ • Night.. .(011 MERGENCY CALLS TOWING TIRE REPAIRS CAR WASH U 2-7661 Clinton 212 VICTORIA STREET, ON HIGHWAY 4 . BY THE .WEEK OR MONTH CABIN. , TRAILER RENTAL . TRAILER' 'HITCH .4 *IRING ;INSURANCE SIRPLIED AT NO, OcTRA COST $55 SATURDAY NOON TO SATURDAY NOON' 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 • 1 Upon conviction, points are recorded 'against tl-•?, drier for the I offences listed in the Point Systertr.Scale. Demerit points re- 1 main on a driver's record fqr a period of two years after the I • At 9 points The, 'driver is. required to attend a personal inter- - .view to discuss his record and give.reasons why O his licence should not be suspended. .` At 15 points Accumulated within a 2 -year oeriod—the driver's , licence is suspended and retained in the Depart- ment for elle month. At the conclusion of a period of suspenSion—the nthriber of points on the driver's record is reduced.to 7. Until the driver'. a 2 -year peribd.wil I result in suspension for six months. . ONTARIO DEPARTIVI ENT oF' TRANSPORT .;41. G. MacNab, Deputy MthIster .41PAND.SAVg:.,IFOR Foy -0.n. .REFER•EN-eg. I00.s.s...04,40••••••4 ..• • •.• • 1 opt eri